Hello everyone! I was watching TV and this idea came out of nowhere. Hope you guys enjoy it.

As the sun fell below the trees and darkness filled the sky, Hiccup and his dragon where resting in a circular grotto. This grotto had a medium-sized entrance and was surrounded by a wall of rock 40 feet (12 meters) high, 360 degrees around. It also had a pond in the middle which was home to some fish. The entrance was big enough for an adult human to fit through. The birds that were chirping earlier that day were now sleeping in the trees that occupied the grotto. The only noise that was heard were the crickets and other insects that came out at night, to either find food or look for a mate.

Millions of bright dots filled the night sky, lighting it up. As the young man laid on the grass, watching the sky he couldn't help but think of the one person who meant the most to him. Sure this person brought joy to his life, helps him when he falls because he slipped on ice due to his prosthetic leg. He even saved his life on more than one occasion, but none of those reasons matter. The thing that made the teen smile the most was knowing that he was in love. But unlike most people, he was in love with a dragon, which was both positive and negative. It was positive because it showed people that love is universal, that one particular species can be in love with a species that is not its own. It was also negative because some people found it disturbing and try to shun from it.

The teen let out a sigh, which caused the dragon next to him to turn his head in curiosity. The dragon tilted his head and let out a moan of concern. The orb shaped eyes of the dragon starting into the human's own.

"Beautiful night, isn't it Toothless?" the boy smiled. "I've always loved these kind of nights, the sky filled with stars, not a cloud for miles." He reached over and scratched under the dragon's chin, making the dragon give a deep purr. His black scaly skin was smooth and blended in with the darkness that surrounded them.

The scratching continued for some time before Hiccup's hand grew tiered. Just then a shooting star flew across the sky. "Look bud, a shooting star." Hiccup said, following it with his finger. Toothless followed his friend's finger and watched until the burning rock was out of sight.

"I would make a wish but there is nothing I need." The Viking said, making the dragon give another curious grunt. "I already have what I wished for and that's for us to be together." He turned his whole body over and gave Toothless a hug.

They stayed in that position for several seconds. Toothless was lying on his back, with his wings folded holding his human. Warmth radiated off the dragon as he embraced Hiccup's whole body. It wasn't long before he began to sweat.

"Toothless I'm beginning to sweat. Can you let me go so I can remove my clothes?" Hiccup asked. The dragon gave a nod and loosened his grip on the human. The boy got up, removed his clothes and went back to hugging his dragon. His bare skin touching the dragon's sent a chill up his spine but the warmth quickly came back. The touch of the dragon's skin pressing against Hiccup's member was both relaxing and erotic. Within a few moments his penis began to erect. Hiccup let out a moan of pleasure as his growing penis rubbed against his lover.

Toothless gave a small laugh followed by a toothless smile. "Oh shut up." The boy said feeling slightly embarrassed. "It feels good and I couldn't help myself," he said. The Night Fury moved his head closer to Hiccup, until their mouths were almost touching and he slipped his tongue into the teen's mouth.

Only a small part of Toothless' tongue was able to go inside Hiccup's mouth. If he tried putting his whole tongue in it would end up down the boy's throat, cutting off his ability to breath. The small amount of his tongue that could fit was quickly put to work. It moved around in all directions, rubbing against Hiccup's tongue, pressing against the insides of his cheek, even licking the roof of his mouth.

But the intense kiss didn't last long. After 30 seconds Hiccup had to break away for air. When he moved away from his lover's tongue a bridge of saliva formed, Toothless quickly broke it with a lick.

"Toothless, I love you," Hiccup said

Toothless gave a purr and a smile, this time with his teeth showing. He turned his body around so that Hiccup was now laying on his back then turned his attention to the semi-hard member that was between the human's legs. He brought he head down to Hiccup's balls and licked them. Hiccup gave a moan of pleasure. "Do it again." He told his dragon and he did without question. Toothless gave another lick, this time in a slow left to right motion. After doing that a few times he gave a gentle toothless bite, making sure not to bite down with a lot of force, but did just enough that it would get the teen's attention and at the same time felt good. But Toothless put too much force.

"Ah! Toothless! What was that for?" Hiccup asked shocked from the unexpected action. Toothless looked at him with a sorrowful look. He didn't mean to hurt him. He knew that area of the body was extremely sensitive. He should know he also has a pair, though quite larger than compared to a human. To make up for his action he smothered Hiccup with licks to the face. He usually stopped when Hiccup was about to die from laughter or begged the him to stop. This time he had to stop due to the boy hysterically laughing.

Once the laughing ceased, Toothless went back to pleasuring Hiccup. He licked his balls again but made sure this time not to bite them. He continued with the left to right motion until the penis was fully erected. Starting at the base he slowly worked his way up to the head. When he reached the head using his long tongue he wrapped the young man's penis around his tongue and moved up and down. Hiccup started to moan and squirm about from the ticklish feeling he was feeling. "Keep going . . . don't stop." Hiccup said in between moans.

Toothless picked up the speed and started going faster. Pre-cum started to emerge, Toothless took this as an opportunity to make Hiccup's pleasure senses sky-rocket. He stopped his up down motion and licked the head. He did this in a circular motion then in an up down motion. When Hiccup first felt it he let out a loud scream of pleasure. "Oh gods," He yelled "Toothless this . . . is amazing. Keep doing this and I. . . might cum in . . . a few minutes." He said. But Toothless wasn't going to let the fun end this soon. He had a bunch of things in mind he can do to his precious human before he came. Then without warning he stopped. He licked his lips clean of the small amount of pre-cum and sat down.

"Why did you stop? I was about to cum." Hiccup asked. Toothless only looked at him then shook his head. "No? What are you saying no to?" without moving his head Toothless eyes moved down to the boy's penis then back at him. "You stopped because I said I was going to cum?" the dragon nodded. "That's not fair! Why would you do that?" asked Hiccup, upset that his lover stopped just because he said he was going to cum. Toothless merely gave him a smile and a laugh. "What could he be up to?" Hiccup thought as he stared at Toothless with a confusing look.



I know I'm evil. Hope you liked it. Please leave a review. Also if you guys could, can you try to give me some constructive criticism? If there was something you didn't like (besides the cliffhanger) let me know. I'm always trying to improve. ^_^
