I'm back! Didn't you miss me? Wasn't life without my story boring and pointless?
Of course it was.

Anyways, new story! Yay!

A few points.

Update Schedule: Every other day. However, this is not forever and ever guaranteed. Especially since I am sadly behind in this story. But I will do my best.

I know a lot of you have been asking about George and Bess. In the end, there were too many characters and it came down to either George and Bess or Helen and Penny. I chose Helen and Penny (and Ben, Helen's boyfriend) I hope you all don't mind.

Thanks for all the reviews! I know one reviewer requested me to change the ages of Nancy and Frank. I really value your input, but at least for this story, the ages were set in the first of the series. However, if I write another set of stories, they will probably be younger.

Also, I have had requests for Nancy and Frank getting intimate. I'm sorry to disappoint some of you, but kissing, hugging, and implying things is as far as I go as far as sexual content is concerned. Just a personal choice on my part. Also, I'm not sure how old you all think I am, but if you'd like to guess I might give you a hint or two. Here's one. I don't have much (basically any) experience in those types of situations. Anyways, sorry to disappoint in that aspect, but hopefully the story is still interesting to those of you who would have maybe liked more intimate scenes.

Ahem. Anyways. I LOVE REVIEWS! I've had such a great experience on Fanfiction! The Nancy/Hardy Boys fandom is seriously one of the best ones out there.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! First chapter is a little slow, laying some groundwork, but stick in there! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys. If I did, I would give all my reviewers free signed books.

"You're sure?" Frank leaned in the doorway, holding Lizzy in one arm. "You could always join us last minute. It's not too late."

"Yeah man, Vanessa's going to be at seven months. We love camping, but we'll have to pass up on it this time," Joe told him, shifting his son Ivan in his arm, wincing as the three year old tugged at his blond hair. "Hey, easy, buddy. That stuff is attached to my head."

"Got any farther on the name?" Frank asked. Lizzy was sucking her thumb, an arm wrapped securely around his neck. He cast a quick glance in the kitchen where Nancy was talking to a swollen-bellied Vanessa. Nancy turned and caught his gaze, giving him a smile that made his heart pound.

"We haven't had much time, to be honest. I'm pulling a lot of hours so I can take some time off when the baby comes."

"Having fun giving people tickets?" Frank grinned. Joe made a face.

"Loads. I mean, I love being a cop, but there are so many mundane parts."

"I get you, bro," Frank agreed. "I can't even describe the piles of paper work I've filled out for trails and reports. Especially when the case is just tracking down a drunk driver."

"I'm thirsty. Can I have juice?" Lizzy chirped, looking charmingly at Frank with her wide blue eyes.

"One second sweetie," Frank told her. "Anyways, we'll miss you on the camping trip. But we'll be back with plenty of time for the wedding."

"Juice!" Lizzy pleaded, bouncing in Frank's arms. Frank flashed his brother a rueful smile and headed towards the kitchen. He walked past Nancy and Vanessa, who were discussing girl names.

"Are you excited for our camping trip?" Frank asked as he opened the fridge.

"Yeah!" Lizzy reached out to take the juice box, fussing as Frank paused to poke the small straw into it. "Juice, Daddy."

Frank froze.

Lizzy had just called him Daddy.

He felt a sudden jolt of joy, which was suddenly crowded out by worry. Was the little girl associating him with her first Daddy? He felt a slightly sick at the thought, his memory suddenly flitting back to the first time he had met the sweet girl. She had been scared of him.

"Hey Frank!" Nick scampered into the kitchen, jolting Frank out of his thinking. "Are you coming to our house for dinner?"

"I've got to do some work before our camping trip. But I might be by later."

"I'm so excited for camping! It's just going to be our family! Unless Vanessa and Joe come," Nick said excitedly.

Our family. Frank felt a smile appear on his face at those words. Only a couple months, and it would be permanent reality.

"Yup, it'll be just us! Vanessa and Joe are going to stay here." Frank paused to put Lizzy down. "So it will be just us."

"North Lewis Park here we come!" Nick hugged Lizzy in his excitement and the small girl flailed her arms in protest. "Did you know that cougars live there?" Nick asked Frank.

"Aaaaaa!" Lizzy let out an unhappy shriek.

"I'm sorry Lizzy, I didn't mean to make you upset," Nick released his tiny sister. Lizzy seemed to accept his apology and let him hug her again.

"Well, I don't think the cougars will bother us," Frank said firmly.

"I'm not worried about that," Nick told him, brushing his light strawberry blond hair out of his eyes. "There might be North American Cougars at the park. Those are endangered! Critically endangered!" Nick's blue eyes were wide.

"How do you know this?" Frank asked curiously.

"Oh, I looked it up. My teacher helped me. I want to make my science project on North American Cougars," Nick informed him.

"Kids, time to go!" Nancy called from the kitchen.

"Aww." A brief pout flitted across Nick's face. Nancy walked into the room, holding five-year-old Zoe. "Do we have to go?" Nick asked Nancy.

"Yup. We need to go home and pack for our trip!"

"We're going tomorrow, right?" Zoe asked.

"Bright and early tomorrow," Nancy confirmed. "Let's head to the car. C'mon, Vanessa is feeling tired." Obediently the three children headed towards the door, stopping to thank Joe and Vanessa and hug them goodbye.

"I should go back to my apartment to finish up some last minute work," Frank murmured as Nancy kissed him.

"We'll see you tomorrow morning then?"

"Sounds good. Did I tell you I'm a horrible camper?"

"Not sure," Nancy grinned. "You'll be fine. This is going to be low key. I think there will even be running water."

"Are the kids happy I'm coming?"

Nancy gazed into his dark eyes and caught a glimpse of…of worry? Insecurity? She took his hand.

"Frank, they are so excited that you're coming."

"Nancy, Lizzy called me Daddy." There was faint horror in the handsome man's eyes. "Does she…"

"No," Nancy said quickly and firmly. "I've been trying to get her used to the idea that we'll be marrying, and I've been telling her you'll be her new daddy. She's not mistaking you for Tom. I'm not really sure if she even really thinks about him anymore."

"But if she starts calling me Daddy, what will Nick and Zoe think? Especially Nick. He remembers all of that clearly," Frank worried. Nancy sighed inwardly. Part of her wondered if Frank almost blamed himself for what happened to her and her children. Even if they had been out of contact while most of it had happened, she wouldn't put it past him to somehow transfer some blame to himself.

"Give it a new meaning, Frank. Show them what a Daddy really is," Nancy said softly, knowing the kids were waiting for her and a more in-depth conversation would have to wait.

But in the end, Nancy knew it was only her children that could prove to Frank that they accepted him.

"Helen, there's a letter for you!" Penny ran into the kitchen, clutching a letter. "See! H..He…Hele…Helen," she sounded out before giving the letter to Helen.

"Good job!" Helen hugged her foster daughter before taking the letter. "See! You'll catch up in no time!"

"I don't know. Nick can read books already. And add and even multiply," Penny sighed, blinking her dark eyes worriedly. She was the same age as Nancy's oldest child, but far far behind in school. Although she was seven years old and the age of a second grader, the girl hadn't even known her alphabet a couple months ago.

"Don't compare yourself to him," Helen told her for the millionth time. "You're working hard and that's what matters. And now it's summer so you can get some catching up done!"

"I love you, Helen," Penny hugged her tightly. "You always can make me feel happy again!"

"I love you too sweetie." Helen hugged her back then opened the letter. She pulled some official looking papers out.

"What is it?"Penny stood on her tiptoes trying to glimpse the papers that she wasn't even able to read.

"They're… they're my divorce papers," Helen said slowly, looking them over.

"What's that?"

"It means I'm not married to Charly anymore," Helen explained, gripping the papers tightly.

The sound of the door opening interrupted their conversation, and Penny immediately stiffened, her breathing increasing.

"Penny and I are in the kitchen!" Helen called out, quickly kneeling beside the girl.

"This is Fenton," Fenton called back quietly. The protocol was well known, as Penny did not do well with impromptu confrontations, to put it lightly.

"Penny, it's just Fenton. Nobody is going to hurt you. You're fine," Helen told the girl, rubbing her back gently. Slowly Penny relaxed and Fenton carefully walked into the room.

"Let's go upstairs," Penny said, clutching Helen's hand. Her dark eyes didn't waver from Fenton's tall form. Although the seven year old seemed to accept that Fenton wasn't going to hurt her, she wasn't comfortable around men, period.

Helen exchanged a quick look with Fenton. They had brainstormed for hours, trying to figure out how to get Penny to trust the kind elder man. Mostly they were trying to show Penny that he wasn't someone who she had to be afraid of.

"Hold on, I want to talk to Fenton for a little bit. Fenton, my divorce papers came," Helen told him. His face stretched into a wide smile.

"That's great Helen!" He reached out and hugged her. "How do you feel?"

"Good. Great actually."

"Helen…" Penny was tugging at her hand.

"Alright, let me take this rascal up to our rooms," Helen laughed, picking up the girl. They headed up the stairs to their living quarters. Although still too small and light, Penny was beginning to approach a healthy weight. "We should probably check up with Doctor Williams again," she mused, putting Penny down.

Penny made a face. "I don't like going to the doctor."

"I know." Helen sighed, her gaze flitting over Penny's right arm. After an x-ray to gain evidence for Penny's father's trial, the doctor had informed her that Penny's right arm had been broken some time ago and it had healed wrong. In fact, Helen could tell it was slightly crooked, and Penny sometimes complained that it hurt. There were other signs of other old fractured bones and breaks but the arm alone had healed crookedly, which was a miracle in itself.

The doctor had suggested re-breaking it and setting it. They had agreed to put off the procedure until Penny was a little more stable emotionally. Helen hadn't told Penny yet and was quite frankly dreading it. Although she knew it was necessary, she couldn't help but feel that she was intentionally bringing pain to her daughter.

The ringing of a cell phone distracted Helen from her thoughts and she grabbed her phone from her bag.

"Hey, Ben!" she said happily. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Penny frown, her dark eyes widening with fear and unhappiness.

That was the other problem.

Penny wouldn't even talk to Helen's boyfriend.

Please Review! Encouragement/Thoughts/Input would be very appreciated!