Well, this is it. The end- and there won't be a sequel announcement- this is truly the end.

Feel free to skip the long author's note!

*takes deep breath and wipes away tears to prepare for sentimental speech*

I guess I would have to say this entire series began as an experiment. I randomly had a random idea which turned into the premise for Moving Forward. Nancy Drew in an abusive relationship? What? I don't even remember why I started that story. But somehow it got going with a lot more response than I had anticipated. By the end, I was stuck. Writing Nancy with three children and an abusive past was somewhat limiting- it's incredibly hard to work children into a Nancy/Frank style adventure and it was definitely a challenge to balance all the complex emotions of being a parent and formerly in an abusive relationship while attempting to preserve the character of Nancy. But I had fallen in love with the characters and premise and (not going to lie) was swayed by the huge amount of begging there was for a sequel. Thus followed Situations to Solve and then Convergence of Chaos. I loved writing about all my characters- especially developing the story of Helen, Ben, and Penny. I can't express how touched I was at the amount of enthusiasm towards their story. Usually it is Nancy or Frank and Joe that readers really want to hear about- but there was truly interest in their story, which I thought was awesome. And even now, I am having a hard time closing the door to this story- I love Nick, Lizzy, and Zoe as Nancy's children. I love Penny and Helen and Ben and Skittles. But I think it is time for me to put this storyline down and give the characters some well deserved peace. I'm excited to experiment with some other things myself, try some different things. Wow I feel so crazy, talking about my characters as if they were real. So much emotion :o Anyways, A huge gigantic thanks to all my reviewers! Even when I felt stuck, my reviewers and readers are what kept me going.

I will be back, probably with a college age Nancy/Frank story. I might try dabbling in some other Fandoms as well, but we'll see. It might be a little while before I resurface again (my summer is about to get insanely busy) but I should show up at some point. And I'll be around, reading other people's stories, so just inbox me for any reason.

I'm not going to leave an author's note at the bottom so I'll ask you all here: If you could leave one last review, even if you haven't reviewed the entire series, I would love some final thoughts! So please leave a review! (Pretty please with a cherry on top) It would mean a lot!

Disclaimer: I do not own Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys.

"You look gorgeous."

Nancy looked into the mirror. Her strawberry blonde hair had been swept up into an intricate braided and looped half bun. The rest of her hair tumbled around her bare shoulders. The simple white dress clung to her frame well, and Nancy felt herself admiring the subtle work of the makeup stylist who Bess had insisted she see.

"How much do you want to bet that Frank's going to straight out gape?" George laughed.

"Are you sure this isn't too fancy?" Nancy asked, touching her hair lightly.

"I'm sure. It's perfect. You look amazing," Helen said softly.

"How do I look?" Penny chirped, swirling in her flower girl dress. Nancy laughed and gave the small girl a hug.
"You look beautiful," she told her.

"Are you sure you'll be okay without anybody going down with you?" Helen asked, absentmindedly fixing Penny's blonde hair, which had small white roses braided into it. Penny nodded.

"I'll have Zoe and Lizzy. And I need to help them because they're littler," Penny reminded Helen. "Nancy, today Pebbles opened her eyes!"

"That's so exciting!" Nancy smiled. "I can't wait to see her!"

Skittles, to everybody's surprise, had been discovered to be pregnant. Her litter had been small- only three tiny kittens. One black, one a mottled grey colored, and another black and white. Penny had found it perfect, one for her to keep, one for Nancy, and another for Joe and Vanessa. Ben had them at his house, where they could peacefully grow up away from the chaos that was the Hardy clan.

"Everybody ready?" Vanessa walked into the room, carrying Zoe. She wore a simple light blue summer dress, which all the bridesmaids were wearing. Zoe's strawberry blond hair had a couple tiny rosebuds braided in, just like Penny, and they wore matching silky light blue dresses. Lizzy was decked in similar fashion. Bess took Zoe and followed George and Helen, pausing to squeeze Nancy's hand.

"Ready?" Vanessa asked.

"I don't know." Nancy turned away from the mirror.

"Don't be nervous," Vanessa laughed lightly, taking her hand. "Is this the same Nancy Drew that was kidnapped and wasn't even scared?"

"It's this dress," Nancy groaned. "I hate dresses. You can't run away…"

Vanessa started laughing, and Nancy smiled despite the fluttery feeling in her stomach.

"Come on. Frank is waiting. And I doubt you'll want to run away from him."

"I wish my dad was here." Nancy's voice was nearly a whisper. Vanessa turned to face her. Nancy's crystal blue eyes were wistful.

Vanessa wordlessly gave her friend a hug. Nancy sniffed slightly then pulled away after a moment. She turned to look away from Vanessa, her blue eyes staring at something Vanessa couldn't see. "Do you think it's okay that I still miss Ned sometimes? I mean, I love Frank. So much. But I still miss Ned sometimes…"

"Joe still misses Iola sometimes," Vanessa said softly. Nancy's vulnerability was surprising- she had always been the strong one. But Vanessa knew that the young woman had deep scars that couldn't be completely hidden all the time.

"Do you mind that?"

"No. I know he loved her, but I also know that he loves me. Frank understands that too, with you. You know he does," Vanessa said firmly.

"I know." Nancy began to smile, her eyes brightening. "Thanks Vanessa."

"You're welcome. Now let's go find Fenton for you, and I better go join the bridesmaids! Frank is going to think you were kidnapped again!"

Frank's tie was choking him.

He fought the urge to tug at it, reminding himself that he was in front of a crowd. The benches settled in the beautiful green backyard of the church were full of family, friends, coworkers, and even Penny's social worker.

Maybe he and Nancy should have just eloped.

How long was he supposed to stand here?

What if Nancy got kidnapped?

Frank had a brief moment of panic at that thought before he reminded himself that he was being ridiculous.

Suddenly the music began, and the groomsmen and bridesmaids began walking down the aisle. Frank met Joe's gaze as his brother came and stood by him. His eyes flickered over the crowd and caught the smile of his mother, holding Rose, who was not so tiny anymore.

"Hang in there, bro," Joe whispered, briefly touching Frank's shoulder, who gave his brother a grateful look.

Frank watched as Nick, dressed in the cutest tux Frank had ever seen, walked solemnly down the aisle, carrying the simple pillow with the two rings. And then came Penny, Zoe, and Lizzy, spreading white rose petals, wearing matching light blue dresses.

Nancy stepped into view and Frank's breath left him.

She looked amazing. Her red blond hair was tumbling around her bare shoulders, some of it braided back. The white dress clung to her slender frame perfectly as she glided towards him. But what really took his breath away were her blue eyes, so full of love, fixed on him. All he could do was smile and stare at her. Finally she was beside him. She kissed Fenton on the cheek, then her hand slipped into Frank's. No words were needed as her eyes met Frank's.

They had gone through so much together. So much pain and joy, fear and excitement. More, they knew, was to come. Maybe another child, maybe not. They would work together as parents, and maybe, detectives. The future was uncertain, yet one thing remained clear. They would have each other.

That was all that mattered.