Dan sat next to his raven-haired friend and flatmate, pulling the blanket he had just gone to retrieve around both of them. It was the middle of the summer, and the pair had decided to go outside for once. Dan had to admit, the change in scenery was pleasant as well as calming, but it was one hundred times better with Phil here next to him. A light pink blush covered his tanned cheeks just at the thought of the name. Phil...

The two were lovers, but refused to call themselves that, partially because of the danger of their relationship leaking out, but also because they thought that it almost made them sound like they were part of some cheesy romance novel...

Sometimes Dan wandered about telling the fans. He occasionally played different scenarios in his head, trying to guess what would happen if they found out. The common outcome was a lot of welcome and happiness from the fans, but also a fair amount of hate. But that was life, there was always going to be some negative to it.

Their family knew, as did their friends Chris and PJ, but that was as far as they were willing to go for now.

Sighing quietly and happily, he leaned on Phil as he looked up at the sky, gazing at the stars as he tried to make out shapes and constellations. Memories came flooding back as he remembered the few camping trips he went on with his family, where he would spend hours doing this very thing. The memories, however, were nothing compared to the present. He was more content than he could remember. It was just so perfect.

His thoughts were soon pushed away as he felt something being gently placed into his hands. He looked down, straight into Phil's bright cerulean eyes. He blushed brightly and looked down into his hands, discovering a stick with a white marshmallow skewered on the end.

"I didn't know you brought marshmallows.."

"It was a surprise!" Phil's eyes lit up a little as he spoke, and it was obvious that he was excited. The flames from the fire in front of them flickered and danced as they reflected off of his perfectly black pupils, creating a contrasting trance against the blue irises surrounding them. He was so cute...

Dan smiled, his dimples showing as he did so.

"Well, I'm definitely surprised!"

The two began toasting their marshmallows, hovering them over the fire. After a few minutes of waiting and turning the sticks over so that all the sides are cooked equally, the pull them out, only to discover that Phil's marshmallow had been held too far into the fire. The charred sweet sat on the end of the stick as it burst into flames.

Dan, realizing quickly that the stick would soon ignite too, gently pulled the makeshift skewer from Phil's grasp as he carefully placed it in the flames to burn safely.

The raven-haired boy pouted a little as his marshmallow burned, but was soon smiling as Dan, whose marshmallow was perfectly fine, split his sweet in half, feeding one half of the sticky ball of sugar to Phil, eating the other half himself.

After the both finished the marshmallow in their mouths, Dan reached over to retrieve another two marshmallows ad well as a new skewer for Phil. He was, however, stopped as the pale boy gently took his face in his hands, gently caressing his tanned cheek with his thumb before leaning down to kiss him. Dan didn't expect the action, but pushed back instantly, deepening the kiss as they both smiled.

Pulling away, Phil smiled wider, his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth in the cute way that it always does.

"What is it?" Dan enquired.

Phil's eyes sparkled happily as he spoke, gently leaning closer to Dan until their noses were touching, both of them smelling the sweet marshmallow scent.

"Marshmallows taste better if I get to kiss you after eating them."