Me: Konnichiwa! I'm finally able to work on this again! *cries anime tears of joy* It has been four months and that's just not cool!

Boomer: Don't cry Miku-chan! O_O

Bubbles: We understand college is alot ^_^

Me: Yea, but I want to be on more! :I It's hard to balance a job and college with fanfiction, it just is!

Brick: Use the school computer!

Me: T_T" when I can...anyways I'm not on campus enough because of my job! Anyways everyone wants to see what happens next! :D

Blossom: YEAH!

Butch: I found out last time? I wonder what'll happen to the girls..?

Bunny: NOTHING! Grrr...

Me: O_O Chill to the story! :D

Mitsu/Brick's P.O.V

I paced around my room, freaking out. What the hell was I gonna say when Momoko found me? Better question...IF she found me. She's probably so mad that she doesn't know what to do! I read her diary, yeah...but if she didn't write that shit who did? I shook my head and changed into a red tank top and tan cargo shorts. I groaned and laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. I need to stop being jittery already! Miku's twin brothers are quite helpful but nothing could take away the pain after that diary entry. I always thought I'd be Momoko's first...Plus she think I kissed some girl...she should know me better than that!

Suddenly the door plowed open, making me jump into a half sitting stance. Katsu was breathing deep, like he ran a marathon with wide eyes.

"Mitsu, Mitsu it's not good!" He yelled jumping on the bed. I grabbed his arms steady.

"Dude, what the hell happened to you?" I asked worried. He shook his head and took a good breath.

"Not...not me. The girls." He replied and my eyes widened. The girls...? "They're in trouble!"

"How?!" I demanded immediately. He groaned loudly and wiped his mouth.

"You remember them mentioning their look-a-likes 'the Punks'? I thought Kaoru kissed Ace, then the twins reminded me he died, then I drew parallel's that girl had darker green eyes, she was Brute, not Kaoru!" He explained in almost one breath while I held mine. If that happened with him then Besserk could have wrote that diary entry! "They are plotting against the girls!"

"And that's why we broke up?!" I demanded and he nodded, looking pissed off now. I glared at the window. Dammit, I'm gonna get that Besserk for this! I got off the bed with Katsu and we stared at each other. "We need to find the girls and explain this to them." He nodded. "Where's Hiroshi?"

"Going to make up with blondie." He answered and I rose an eyebrow. I walked out the door with Katsu following me when we went back into the room. "Where did the twins go?" I shrugged.

We heard noise in the kitchen and rushed in there. Hiroshi was with the Twins, Miku, Haru, Usa, and Seiji. We rose an eyebrow together. Hiroshi smiled at us.

"Are you guys feeling better?" He asked innocently. I shook my head.

"Whatever Hiro, did the Twins fill you guys in?" Katsu asked. They looked confused and the Twins shook their heads.

"We didn't get a chance too." They said bored like. I filled everyone in about the Punks and the girls, in the meantime Ken and the Professor came in to get something to eat.

"The Punks have always been a problem for the girls until they mysteriously disappeared 4 years ago." Professor added while eating some salad and looking at a newspaper. Ken looked surprised.

"Miku, I thought you were meeting the girls at the park?" He questioned. We all looked at her as she looked confused.

"I never told them that." She replied while looking at Usa, who was just as confused. The blood left my face as we all seemed to pale at the same time.

"Let's move!" I commanded. We all pressed our watches/belts. "HARD BRICK!"







We all rushed out to the patio and jumped into the air, flying towards the park. Please...please be okay Blossom!

Kaoru/ BC's P.O.V

I walked down the sidewalk pathway in the park, looking at the clear blue sky and watching other people having fun. The fresh air was nice because right now I'm slowly calming down. Katsu accused me of cheating on him, which HE'S the one that's a playboy. But what the hell was he talking about with Ace? Not only did I kill him but Brick torched his ass.

"Kaoru!" Miyako smiled happily as she hugged me all of a sudden. I groaned and grabbed her arms, pushing her off me.

"Yeah, yeah Miyako." I smiled back. She looked at my face and smiled again. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, are you?" She questioned trying to block her worry. I rolled my eyes and nodded. We both suddenly seen Momoko walking around looking confused. She spotted us and smiled, running over. "Momoko-chan!"

"Hey, how are you girls doing?" She asked worried. I laughed.

"We're both fine!" I said and Miyako nodded. Momoko sighed in relief and looked around.

"Now where's Miku-chan and Usa-chan?"

"No idea!" Miyako replied as she stared at the staircase and fountain ahead. That's where she always played as a child and where she met Takaaki. We all looked around and could not spot those two anywhere.

"There she is!" Momoko cried pointing. She ran off and we both blinked, running off after her. There she was! In orange and her long brown hair was covering her back, which was to us. "Miku!" Why hasn't she turned around yet? We got closer to her and she turned, with an evil smirk, and blood red eyes!

"Ah!" We yelled surprised as we halted to a stop. She laughed as another person came out. BRUTE! She was wearing a long dark brown wig. They meant to look like Usa and Miku from behind.

"Besserk! What are you doing here?!" Momoko hissed. Me and Miyako were barely beside her, glaring at Brute and Besserk. Brat wasn't here?

"Just taking over you're life." Besserk laughed as Brute joined her. My glare intensified.

"Just try!" I growled. Brute glared at me after she stopped laughing.

"We already have. We broke you up with the Rowdies." They smiled. We all gasped. They've been back that long?! Is that who Butch thought he seen?! I blinked in surprise when suddenly something hit the back of my head hard and my body collided with the unforgiving concrete. Pain exploded in my head and stars danced in my vision.

"Kaoru!" Momoko and Miyako gasped in horror. My vision was still blurry but I seen the pink and light blue glow, meaning they transformed. I think I heard Bubbles give a battle cry and Blossom was yelling inaudible words to Besserk and Brute. It had to have been Brat to hit me.

I growled and tried to shake my head to clear my vision, but more pain. I clumsily grabbed for my belt but something, like combat boots, stomped on my hand with a sickening crunch in my wrist. I couldn't help the surprising scream of pain that came out of my mouth.

The only thing I remember next is feeling something kick my head and my vision turned black, my body blocking everything.

Blossom's P.O.V

I watched in pure horror as the blood oozed from Kaoru's head, forming a very small puddle on the concrete. That and her wrist was broken, paling and turned purple.

Bubbles was already holding Brat off, but she couldn't stop Brute from hurting Kaoru and I had my hands full with Besserk, who was throwing her own power at me full force.

I used my hand and jumped in the air, growling as I flew straight for her. I aimed my arrows at her head and fired with full force. "Arrow Rain!"

A few arrows nicked her shoulder and forearms. Besserk hissed in pain but surprised me by doing nothing but turning and sending me flying with an impressive roundhouse kick.

While on the ground I briefly saw Bubbles holding her own with Brat, using her two-headed staff with elegance. I saw Besserk coming fast for me and I rolled out of the way and did a back flip.

I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as I tried to dodge a sudden hit from Brute, who attacked while I was distracted. I glared and swept my feet on the concrete, tripping her and then aimed an arrow. Besserk seen this and hurried in hitting my arm and I blocked a hit from her but couldn't take them both on.

"Bubbles!" I cried out when Brute tackled me to the ground. I used my bow to hold her back but there was nothing I could do against Besserk.

I heard Bubbles yell something and then all of a sudden Brute was just gone and Besserk was flipping and hitting the ground. Bubbles was standing protectively in front of me, blood running down her mouth and a cut on her arm.

Brat was on her all of a sudden but since Bubbles is so fast she dodged by simply moving and Brat collided with Brute. I pulled myself up and held my shoulder. I shot Kaoru a glance, she hasn't moved at all and it's worrying me. We need to get her out of here!

"Ah!" Bubbles shouted as she was sent flying into a tree. I swiftly blocked an attack from Brute using my bow. I grabbed a knife from my boot and slashed her with it. Besserk came at me next but I was fast enough to use an arrow to stab her in the thigh.

Brat was faster, though, and body slammed me so she could get to her sisters. I looked in worry at my friends, who were very injured and I suddenly felt power course through me.

I glared at the Punks. I was the leader of the Powerpuff Girls Z. I was supposed to protect my team and always know what to do! A pink aura fused through me and I felt power I haven't felt in awhile. I aimed an arrow absentmindedly. "Deep Sleep!"

The arrow that pierced Brat's side was fast. She glanced up in horror and then just fell slowly, her eyes rolling in the back of her head. My heart was racing as I rushed to Kaoru. "Bubbles, you okay?"

"Yeah," She grunted in pain as she walked up to us. She was holding her arm and looking at Kaoru, worried. "Is she okay?"

"We need to get her to the Professor." I said while hauling her up on my back. Bubbles helped me and we flew off, leaving the injured Punks where they were. We were out numbered and taken by surprise at their ability. They have definitely gotten stronger!

We were flying fast until I saw streaks of Orange and Purple. I thought I saw dark green, blue and red too. MY suspicsions were confirmed when we saw everybody, slowing down with wide eyes. Brick was staring at me in surprise before flying over. "Blossom!"

"Oh my god, Kaoru!" Butch yelled in worry as he rushed over to me as well. The Purples kind of stood back. Rhythm and Blast both gawked.

"Bubbles!" Boomer beamed as he hugged her and checked her face and arm. I sighed in relief when Butch grabbed Kaoru and Brick hugged me hard. I blushed though.

"B-Brick, listen the Punks-" Brick stopped me with his finger.

"We know now. Are they still at the park?" He asked and I watched the boys' auras changing. Me and Bubbles sweat dropped while Bunny just smiled.

"Yeah, they are probably gone now, we did some damage..." I trailed off while feeling exhausted. "But they did a number on Kaoru..."

"Those bitches, I am gonna rip their guts out and-"

"Butch!" Brick scolded while Boomer and Bubbles looked horrified. Bunny and Blake were smirking hard now and I wanted to roll my eyes. "We will get our chance, so cool off."

"Whatever. Let's go already!" Butch yelled and flew off, blowing our hair back. I blinked with surprised eyes. Brick sighed and nodded at the rest.

After grabbing my wrist, Brick flew off too, taking me fast pace with him. But I smiled. He never cheated on me, or at least I don't think so, because Besserk fessed up to it. She was going to pay for putting me and Brick through this hell.

"Professor!" Butch yelled while smashing the door to the vacation home to pieces. The Professor and Ken both jumped, breaking glass that they dropped. Professor glared but then gasped when he saw Kaoru, bloodied and bruised in Butch's arms.

"Lay her on the couch!" He cried while he rushed away to get medical supplies. Ken sighed and began to search for a broom.

"What happened?!" The Tachibana twins cried when they rushed out. They stared in surprise when they saw me and Miyako. We turned back to normal the second we got in the house, well everyone but Butch anyways.

"They were attacked by the Punks." Miku explained while going to help Ken. The Twins blinked in horror.

"Momoko, let's wrap your shoulder." Mitsu grabbed my face so I looked at him. I nodded numbly, lost in my thoughts. He turned to Hiroshi. "I'll get some bandages if you take care of Miyako?" Hiroshi beamed and nodded appreciatively.

"Here." Seiji randomly blurted, handing a blanket to Butch to put over Kaoru. Butch blinked and did just that while I sat on the couch beside her. Mitsu walked away to get the first aide kit. "Looks like her wrist is broken."

Butch glared hard and tenderly picked up her wrist. Kaoru whined in discomfort and shifted. I turned sharply to see if she was waking up, but she wasn't.

"Brute stomped on her hand." I replied looking grim. Butch looked up at me with disbelief in his eyes. I nodded and then he growled staring at Kaoru again.

"Here, I can make the fiberglass...then...okay I can also use anti-biotic cream on the back of her head." The Professor rushed into the room babbling. Butch nodded and gave enough room for the Professor to start working.

"Are you okay Momoko? Does it hurt?" Kazu, I believe that was him, asked me. I couldn't even smile when I nodded so they both looked unsure. "Miyako?"

"Yeah..." She quietly spoke up. I noticed Usa and Miku come in the room looking worriedly at us. Mitsu suddenly came back in, too, with Ken, carrying the first aide.

"Okay, arm out." Mitsu commanded softly and I did just that. He moved my shirt down my arm enough to be able to wrap my shoulder. I watched him closely and quietly as he cleaned the wound, I winced. Then he wrapped it carefully because it wasn't deep enough for stitches, thank god.

I turned and noticed Boomer doing the same for Miyako's arm and putting a big blue band-aide on her left cheek and clavicle. Both were smiling softly at each other despite recent events.

"Momoko, about earlier..." Mitsu whispered, looking upset. I shook my head and he blinked in surprise.

"Its okay Mitsu, I know the truth now. I'm sorry too." I whispered back while resting my forehead on his tiredly. I looked back to Kaoru. "I let them get hurt again..."

"Its not your fault. But...I know how you feel." He sighed lightly and the grabbed both sides of my face. "I really am sorry, I should have trust you more."

"We'ere both stupid then." I smiled as he let go and smiled back. I noticed Miku and Haru smiling at us so I blushed.

"Is she going to be okay?" Butch's anxious voice drew me back to Kaoru. Her head was wrapped, her spiky hair protesting the bandages. He was working on her wrist, making a cast with white cotton and lime green fiberglass. I didn't want to ask why he had that, like he knew she'd break something here. I sweat dropped.

"Yes, she's going to be in a bit of pain from the wrist and head injury. But it's nothing more than a fractured wrist and a bad concussion." Professor explained. I heard Miyako sigh in relief and the rest of the team visibly deflated.

"Isn't it dangerous to sleep when you have a concussion?" Kazuki asked while I noticed he was clenching onto the couch I was on. Professor's lips tightened.

"In forms, yes. But she was knocked out from the impact. When he wakes up, Butch, you have the task of keeping her awake because the pain medication will make her drowsy." Professor explained.

Butch looked too relieved to care, a mile wide grin on his face. I noticed Mitsu looked relieved that Butch was okay now. I sent Usa a smile when she worriedly glanced my way again.

"So," Hiroshi began looking confused. "Let me see, the Punks hate you, want to kill you, broke us up to do just that, and almost succeeded? I got that right?"

"Yes, you did." I said and then he frowned heavily.

"Well we aren't gonna let them ruin anything." Mitsu commented while clenching my hand. I nodded with a look of determination.

"What are we gonna do Mitsu-nii?" Haru asked cocking his head and he looked worried.

"The Punks will seek the girls out again, on their own time. We will wait then." Mitsu replied in an authoritative tone of voice that is just so sexy to me. "Kaoru is in no shape to fight and lord knows she'll want too."

"Hell yea! And me too!" Butch grinned like a mad shark and Seiji nodded like a hundred times. We chuckled in amusement.

"Anything you need, come to me." Professor commented with a fond smile, setting the fiberglass to Kaoru's wrist. She grimaced in her sleep.

"We do this for Kaoru!" Usa shouted, startling me and a few of the others, including the Twins. Then we all laughed as he jumped around the room, her eyes matching Seiji and Butch's eyes full of promising death.

I cant help but think one thing now: The Punks picked the wrong group to mess with!

Oh my god its been awhile! But I have big plans to finish this and the Punks shall pay! Poor Kaoru!


Boomer: Is yelling necessary?

Brick: It's Butch, Boomer...he's almost as retarded as you.

Boomer: O_O HEY!

Bubbles: Hey...^_^

Me: Well please tell me what you think! I could stand around and keep apologizing but life is what it is! Thank you for all your support in the past, present and future! You're all still amazing!