So this is my first tvd fic so please be nice

Arianna pov (back when the originals where just turned into vampires sometime in the 1000s)

I just woke up from being stabbed in the chest by the only person left that I trusted, as soon as I woke up the witch Ayana said this, "Arianna I have just turned you into a vampire it was the only way to keep you safe after Esther killed Tatia and then your family I assumed they will come for you so I did what I could, I promised your mother to keep you and Tatia safe but I'm sorry I could only help one of you." After that she told me all about vampires and I completed the transition.

Present Day

I spent my whole existence trying to find the originals, there was one original that I knew I had to find and I spent my whole life looking for them. I am guessing they all thought that I was dead along with my family. And it is hard to let them know that you exist without any other vampire finding out. I could not take the risk to be miss taken as a doppelganger, once Katherine turned it was even more important as everyone knew that Klaus wanted her dead. I soon found out about Elena but she was human, and from what I hear she was turned by my best friend Rebekah, if Elena pissed Bekah off it was her own mistake.

There were rumours of the originals staying in Mystic Falls, since I was born there I thought that it was only fitting that we meet again there.

When I reached mystic falls I decided that I would find their house, but knowing them it was probably a mansion. I knew that if anyone saw me they would think I was Elena so I had to disguise myself. I wore a black wig with wavy hair and put in some blue contacts, I knew that it wasn't much and you would still see the resemblance but it was all I had.

The day before

I had found a Lamborghini dealership. I went in and pretended to browse, when finally a sales man came up to me I compelled him to give me a Lamborghini urus in blood red for free.

When everything was ready I hopped in and drove with one destination Mystic falls I probably could have bought it as over the years you can collect a lot of money, granted not all of it is honestly earned but it just is more fun this way.

Present day again…

I went to find the mayors house because they probably knew where the originals where. Over the years I watched this town very closely because I knew that Klaus would eventually come here for his doppelganger and even if the doppelganger left they would come back to break his hybrid curse. I also knew about the secret counsel, I knew which people where on vervain, who knew about vampires, werewolves, hybrids, witches or anything else. I always hated Tatia for going after Elijah and Klaus it was what got her killed and eventually lead to the petrova doppelgangers and there where the reason I had to disguise myself.

I knew I had to get myself invited into most of the houses in this town, I thought the mayors would be a perfect start considering they were Lockwoods aka werewolves.

I found my way to the Lockwood estate and knocked on the door, I was welcomed by the Mayor and she asked if she could help me

I answered by saying "I'm sorry for coming here but I am new to town and I am looking for a house and I was told that you may know where it was."

"Um ok why don't you come in and I will help you as much as I can." The Mayor replied.

For someone who knows about vampires she should really be careful about who she lets in. "ok thanks."

"So which family lives where you want to go?"

"They are the Mikaelsons."

She tensed up when I said their name, I knew she knew they were vampires she probably thought that I didn't know about vampires and I was walking into my death. "I have known them for a long time, but I haven't see them in ages." I was trying to subtlety let on that I knew what they were.

"Um, sure I will tell you where they live but before you go would you like something to drink like tea or coffee?" She asked

"Sure, coffee would be nice." I replied

She then left for the kitchen, I looked around the room I was in, then I heard someone coming down the stairs when I saw who it was I realised it was the wolf turned hybrid I think his name was Tyler.

Soon Mrs Lockwood re-entered the room with two coffees in her hand, she gave one to me. Just as I was about to take a sip I smirked and Mrs Lockwood saw this and her heartbeat started to rise. I smelled the vervain in the coffee so I guess she understood what I was saying when I told her I knew the Mikaelsons.

"You know that if you want to see if someone's a vampire don't put vervain in their drink we can smell it instantly, but I want you to know I am no threat to this town I am just here for some unfinished business." I told her that as I really did hate killing humans.

After that she told me where the house was and she seemed to relax a bit.

When I reached the house I vampire sped off to the side of the house to see who was inside, I heard all of the originals in there but there were also three more and I think it was the Salvatores and Little Miss Gilbert. I started to take off my disguise so that they would recognise me.

I got into the house and started speeding around the room they were in snapping the necks of Damon, Stephen and Elena. As I was snapping Elena's neck I let them see me. Klaus then started to speed off to me and put his hand around my neck while whispering "Katherina" but I heard it, but I grabbed his hand and started twisting it off of my neck saying, "My dear Niklaus it is wrong to attack a lady, and I am not Katharine." I said the last bit with anger in my voice. All of the originals stared at me in shock, probably because I was stronger than Klaus rather than I said I wasn't Kathrine

"Tatia?" Elijah stated with a questioning tone.

"Guess again" Is all I said, I would have thought that at least one of them who recognise me.

"Arianna is that you?" it was Kol who spoke this time.

"Ding, Ding, Ding 100 points to Kol for getting the answer right!" I replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Arianna how are you alive I thought Mikael killed you along with your family?" Kol asked again, he was always my favourite brother, I think I had a thing for him but I would never admit it.

"Well you see I fled before he could get to me while the witch Ayana took me in but within a week I left and went into hiding from Mikael, then because I have been tracking you guys down my entire existence and because I was always keeping tabs on Mystic Falls I found out Mikael was dead and you guys were living here so I decided to make myself known to you all." I answered back.

"Who turned you?" It was Elijah who spoke up.

"I must have left that part out, when Ayana took me in she told me that she made a deal with my mother to keep me safe and she said that because Mikael would try to kill me so she went to your mother before Klaus killed her and went and found out how she created you and then turned me, I am an original." I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell them this.

"This is amazing I have my best friend back." I heard Rebekah's voice for the first time that I had been here.

I went over to Rebekah and hugged her and said, "it is good to have you back too after 1000 years of searching."

"Wait you only came for Rebekah!" It was Kol who said this and I was sure there was a hint of Jealousy in his voice.

"No silly I came back for all of you." Emphasising and the you part, although I was glad to see them all again I really had missed Kol because we always played together with Rebekah I would help them prank their older brothers while they would help me prank Tatia.

"So Arianna where are you staying?" Klaus asked me.

"Oh I only got into town today and first on my agenda was to find you guys and beat you in a fight!" I said the last part in a mocking tone knowing he was meant to be the most feared creature on earth and for a girl to beat him was just funny.

Klaus laughed sarcastically at my comment and said, "Well before you said that I was willing to let you stay here but know I won't."

I smiled back at him and said, "Oh its fine I can easily find somewhere to stay, and I am surprised you haven't got rid of all the vervain in this town, leaving like no one to feed on." I was joking of course as I haven't drank from the vain in ages I only use blood bags, I would go on the bunny diet but I need all my strength and I can control my thirst.

"If you are going to stay in this town you can't feed on humans it has to be blood bags." Elijah spoke up; I wasn't surprised he said that considering all his morals.

"Oh I was only joking I only feed from blood bags." I replied

"Um, Arianna you can still stay here if you want just ignore Nik we all do anyway." It was Kol who said this and I was glad because I really wasn't sure where else I would go.

"Yeah Arianna you can me and Kol would be fine if you stayed here." It was Rebekah who said this like the true friend she is.

"Um that would great you two are great friends, um from what I hear you mother Ester is back from the dead and well I would love to see her and bury the hatchet because I know she never liked my sister very much I mean it got her killed in the end." When I said the word friends I saw Kol flinch, maybe he had thought that we were more than friends I had too when we were all human.

"Yeah she is busy at the moment but you can see her in the morning" it was Finn the replied I was kind of startled by his voice considering it was the first thing he said this entire time.

"Ok but I need to be out of here before those three wake up because I don't want them to know that I exist just yet."

"Why don't I show to you room and find you some clothes, while they deal with them." Rebekah told me, she really was my best friend.

"Well I have a suitcase in my trunk because I was going to get someone to give me their house but considering virtually everyone has vervain in their system that is going to be a little harder than I thought."

"Why don't I come get with you" She answered back, with that we left the house.

We reached my car soon considering it was all the way down the long drive way Rebekah said that I should drive it up to the garage.

While we were in the car Rebekah said "well you certainly have an eye for the better cars." We just laughed at this.

She took me to the room that I would be staying in and we had a long catch up chat, eventually she left and I just fell asleep happy with how the day had turned out.

So that was my first chapter, this is my first ff story so please be nice

please review and the more reviews there the faster the next upload.