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Olympus Throne Room


There I was standing in the middle of the Olympus Throne Room wondering what the Council was going to do about my request.

If you are currently wondering what that request if, I asked to become a god.

Now I know what your thinking, dude you have denied godhood like three times already.

Let me let you in on a little secret about the reason I am asking for godhood is because of a certain gray eyed daughter of Athena.


There I was about to celebrate our two month anniversary when I walked into the Athena cabin only to stumble onto the biggest secret of Annabeth's life.

I walked in carrying a bundle of flowers only to find Annabeth in a total make out session with a new Apollo camper Tanner Scott.

At the sight of me she got wide eyed and threw him of her.

"Its not what it looks like I swear," Annabeth said tearfully.

At this Tanner exploded saying something like this, "We have been doing this for about a month now, if you wont admit then its over," he said storming out.

I threw my flowers at her saying this, "these were for our two month anniversary, but now I guess there a parting gift cause its over."

And at that I left with her behind me sobbing.

It only took me two minutes to get to the throne room of Olympus, one to get to the lobby the other intimidating the doorman to let me up to the 600th floor.

Of course being the kelp head that I am I completely forget that it was the Winter Solstice, so that meant that when I threw open the doors 12 pairs of eyes immediately looked straight at me.

"Dear nephew what is so important that you had to interrupt our meeting," Zeus asked with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

" I come with a request Uncle,I wish to become a god," I said.

"End flashback"

I was interrupted from my thinking when I heard a voice.

"Nephew we have decided a accept your request of godhood now get ready because this is going to hurt a lot," Zeus said.

And with that the Council got up and proceeded to blast me with all of there divine powers.

All I can remember after that was me saying, " That's gonna hurt in the mor...," before blacking out.