Together the family all ate dinner with Remy complimenting how good a cook Isabella was who just smiled and said 'Oh you're too kind', to Remy it was the best meal she had eaten in some time, not that she had much to compare it to.

After they had finished dinner the family all went into the living room and started to play a round of games, they started with the famous Twister where Gabriella was the winner then Allison, Isabella, Jess, Remy, Jake, Daniel and then Tom. After a few games, Gabriella had won them all, they decided to play scrabble with teams, the teams were; Allison and Jake, Isabella and Daniel, Gabby and Jess and Tom and Remy. Surprisingly Tom and Remy won the first game, which shocked everyone in the room. Isabella and Daniel won the second game and then Remy and Tom won the third game.

After claming defeat to Remy and Tom they decided to play monopoly, everyone groaned as Gabby and Tom fought over the hat until Gabby won and the game was on. They played for a few hours until Tom started to get sleepy and fell asleep on Remy's lap, soon everyone else started to get tired and they called it a night. Gabby, Jess and Jake went upstairs to bed after saying goodnight and Daniel came over to where Tom was asleep on Remy and was about to pick up his son when Remy said

"Daniel, it's fine, I'll take him up to bed"

"Are you sure?" Daniel asked curiously and Remy nodded, she gently got up from where she was sitting and lifted Tom into her arms and started up the stairs. Remy reached the 2nd level and opened the door to Tom's room, she gently laid him on his bed and kissed his forehead, he mumbled something and Remy smiled before exiting the room.

As Remy closed the door to Tom's room she noticed Allison standing there staring at her, Remy's eyes grew wide and she asked

"How long were you standing there?" Allison nodded and said

"Long enough" Allison turned her back and walked up the stair and entered her room, Remy sighed as she watched her 'Is she mad at me?' Remy thought to herself and quickly followed Allison to her room. She knocked and after hearing a quiet 'come in' she opened the door and saw Allison sitting on her bed. Remy quietly closed the door and walked over so she was standing in front of Allison and asked

"Al, are you mad at me?" Remy lent down so she could look in Allison's eyes and she saw tears there, Remy sat down on the bed next to her and said

"Hey, what's wrong" Allison looked over at her and smiled

"You are so good with him" Remy looked confused for a moment and then thought of Tom, she smiled and said

"Nah, he is just a cute kid" Allison laughed and wiped the tears at her eyes

"He really likes you, it's nice to see him with a friend even if she was mine first" Allison said and Remy grinned

"He must have heaps of friends, cute kid like that, girls should be all over him" Allison shook her head and looked down

"He doesn't have any friends" she sighed and looked at Remy "At school he always sits by himself at lunch and in class Gabby said that he sits by himself at the front of the class and never talks to anyone unless it's the school teacher. Gabby also said that he gets picked on every day and people take his lunch money" Remy looked shocked for a second and then looked down at the ground

"He resembles me" Allison looked at her confused for a moment until Remy continued

"I moved schools to get away from everyone, they found out I was gay and they all hated me for it, I had no friends, I was the loner of the school who everyone picked on, my friends left me and I had to get away from it all, especially after my mom" Allison looked at her even more confused

"Ok one, I don't know how anyone could hate you and two, what happened with your mom?" Allison looked concerned at that time and Remy looked up into her eyes

"She died" Allison eyes grew wide, she sat shocked for a moment and Remy continued "She had a disease called Huntington's and died a couple of months ago" Allison's eyes held tears and she said

"I am so sorry Remy" Remy looked down at the ground "What about your dad, how is he coping with it?" Remy laughed bitterly and said

"He isn't, he comes home drunk every night, either that or on drugs. Sometimes he doesn't come home at all or brings a girl home" Allison sighed and reached out to Remy

"Remy you are always welcome here, if you ever get sick of it then just come here, nobody would mind" Allison said "Well except for Jess, but nobody cares about her" Remy laughed slightly and Remy said

"We aren't paying rent so we are going to be kicked out very soon and I don't know how long I have left at this school, we might have to pack up and leave. It feels like he doesn't love me anymore" Allison shook her head and said

"Oh Remy, of course he loves you, he is just going through a rough time" Remy nodded and looked down, Allison reached out and cupped Remy's face in her palm so she was looking in her eyes "If you haven't got long here then let's stop mucking around" Remy looked at her confused for a moment and Allison started to lean forward, it all clicked in Remy's mind and she let Allison press her lips against hers. Remy was tense at first but then relaxed into the kiss and started to kiss back, it started off soft and hesitant as they tasted each other but then it grew hot and passionate as Remy licked Allison's lower lip to gain access.

Allison moaned as she felt Remy's tongue enter her mouth and placed her hands in the brown hair of her best friend. Remy smiled into the kiss and rested her hands on the older girl's waist. Allison pulled away from the kiss and slowly opened her eyes to see Remy's bright blue eyes looking at her; Allison blushed under her gaze and tore her hands away from Remy's hair.

"Um…" Allison said but trailed off as Remy reached forward and tugged the older girl towards her, Remy looked into the shocked, green orbs once more before crashing her lips onto Allison's and closing her eyes. Remy felt Allison moan and darted her tongue into the older girl's mouth. Remy pushed Allison back slightly so that she was lying on top of the girl on the bed as they continued to kiss. Allison's arms soon went around Remy's neck and Remy's went to the older girl's hips, she pushed herself up slightly to get better access to Allison's mouth and pulled away when she heard a huge moan come from Allison. Remy smiled down at Allison's flushed face and soon felt Allison tug her down again so their lips were connected, Remy soon decided to take it a step further and kiss along Allison's jaw, which soon led to her kissing down Allison's neck, softly biting and licking as she went along and was greeted by a moan every time. Without Allison noticing Remy left a huge red mark on Allison's neck which she should discover in the morning before pulling away and looking down at Allison's face

"Wow" she said and Allison slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at Remy "So I take it that this means that you like me?" Remy asked with a grin and Allison blushed and turned her head away, Remy reached over and turned Allison's face towards her and said

"I like you too, a lot" Allison smiled up at Remy and leaned forward to kiss her gently on the lips, Remy started to get into the kiss when Allison pulled away and gently lifted herself up taking Remy with her. Remy groaned and lent forward to kiss the older girl but Allison turned her head and got under her bead sheets

"Hey!" Remy exclaimed as Allison grinned and snuggled into her warm blankets "Tease" Remy muttered but soon slid in next to her

"Goodnight Remy" Remy rolled her eyes as Allison gave her a quick peck before turning over so that her back was facing the younger girl

"Goodnight Cameron" Remy said and Allison smiled at the nickname as Remy closed her eyes when she soon remembered something

"Oh Allison, can I ask you something?" Allison turned around and looked at Remy expectantly


"Will you be my girlfriend?" Allison grinned and kissed Remy passionately but pulled away soon after

"I would love too" Allison replied and turned back around, Remy grinned to herself and put her arm around Allison's waist and pulled her so that she was spooning her

"Night Cameron" Remy said before drifting off to sleep.