AN: Hey guys! Thank you for all your reviews :) Here's the next chapter...sorry it took so long and I hope you enjoy it!

Oh, also...Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon a Time...the show or phrase.

Thinking and wondering if Mary Margaret knew anything; the only thing that kept him from running to her apartment were nerves. So he showered, ate breakfast, and read a few more chapters of his book (he had become sufficiently curious about what was next.)

He was finally ready to ask the hard questions and brought himself to leave his room at Granny's inn. He was determined though. He needed to know what happened and Mary Margaret was his only idea of who might have a clue in the entire town. It wasn't too long of a walk to the elementary school and the air had done him good. He looked around outside for her and when she didn't seem to be there he walked the familiar path to her classroom, the same as the day before.

He stepped in quietly, but she heard. She dropped her head to the side to glance out of the corner of her eye to see it was him. She looked solemnly back to the board.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and stood staring at the board with soft tears blurring her eyes.

"I've remembered something else." He admitted, hoping it would make her turn around and look him in the eyes…it didn't.

"And you just had to come all the way down here and tell me this, why…?"

"I remember being in a relationship with you." This made her turn around with a laugh.

"Well, I can tell you right now that we were never together." He took a defeated breath; his only hope at understanding what had happened was gone. He shook his head and walked down the row of desks to get closer to her.

"Not that you remember. I remember. We had a baby, a little girl." He smiled fondly just thinking about the little child he could still feel the sensation of holding her protectively in his arm.

"You aren't thinking straight. If we had a daughter together then where is she." His eyes flickered black and his heart sank.

"I don't know. She's somewhere safe, though." He tried to convince her. He knew he was right about this and he wouldn't back down.

"David, please, just stop." She begged and walked past him. He looked to the floor and followed her feet with his head.

"The doctors can do exams, right?" Mary Margaret's face immediately transformed to disbelief. Was David seriously asking what she thought he was? "Can't they tell if you've been pregnant or something? They were able to see that I had broken an arm as a child…so won't they be able to see if you have ever given birth?"

"David, you're sounding like a crazy person. Did you get any sleep last night?" He nodded.

"I slept fine. Just please, Mary Margaret. I'm just as confused as you are. I mean, I have these memories of us together and you having a baby girl. If you go to the doctor's maybe it will tell me if it was just my imagination." He pleaded softly with her, nearing tears. He could feel the memories were real, believed it down to his bones, but he didn't understand how Mary Margaret, Katherine, and he got to where they were now.

"And what happens when I find out there never was an "us" or "baby." Where do we go after that?" He looked innocently with a hint of hope and sighed.

"Last night I couldn't bring myself to go home. My feelings for Katherine are nothing like what I feel for you."

"So you're saying you want to be with me?"

She said her question more like an observation but David still exhaled a, "Yes." This caused confusion for Mary Margaret.

"So why do I need to get tested? Why can't we just be together?" Mary Margaret thought. She didn't want to get this test to have it come back negative and have David suddenly not want to be with her; but, she knew if she didn't get the test he would always want her for the wrong reasons.

"I'll get the test, but just to relieve the idea that I ever had a baby. But you have to go, class is about to start." He grinned deeply until his eyes sparkled.

"Thank you. I'll see you later." There was no mistaking the joy in every word off his tongue. He left and Mary Margaret turned around with a deep breath. Their relationship would always be doomed. It started off badly and it was going to end the same way. Mary Margaret felt that something big was about to happen with them and it wasn't something she looked forward to.

# # # # # #

Katherine Nolan watched her husband exit the bed and breakfast. He was wearing one of the plaid shirts she had bought him under a tan coat as he walked, quick with determination, down the street.

She wasn't sure what her husband was up to, but she knew that whatever it was, it was keeping them apart. That was something Katherine Nolan could not stand for. She knew the price if they were to separate for good, and she wasn't willing to pay.

Hey all! I hope you liked this chapter and still want more ;) I promise I'll upload faster than it took me this time!