Disclaimer : I do not own Skip Beat!

Faith and Resurrected Past

Taishou and Okami were surprised to find Ren approaching their restaurant. Earlier, Okami had got a phone call from Kyouko, informing them that she would not be back for the night. They thought it was obvious that she would be staying at Ren's but now they weren't sure about that.

Ren noticed Okami's frown. Taishou was staring at him with his usual nonchalant expression and then went back to serving sake to his customers.

Ren walked over to where Okami had just put the tray down and asked, "Is Kyouko in?"

Okami looked hesitant. Ren was anxious upon seeing such expression on Okami's face. Great, I'm doomed. Kyouko probably won't see me at all, Ren thought. He was waiting for a response since he didn't want to look pushy.

"Actually…Kyouko-chan isn't home but…" Okami began, still looking hesitant.

"Not home? But she should be home at this time. She finished at eight," Ren immediately picked up on the cue. "I really want to see and talk to her, because…" he stopped, not wanting to divulge too much.

"Tsuruga-san, Kyouko-chan is really not at home. Since she's not with you, then she's probably at…" Okami immediately stopped and motioned Ren to follow her to the back of Daruma-ya.

Ren followed Okami and asked, "So, where is she?"

"She called and told me she won't be home tonight, so she's probably at Kotonami-san's, but…"

"But?" Ren pressed.

"There's this guy who claimed to be a close friend of Kyouko-chan and he's currently in the inner room. I don't know whether to believe him or not, but he's very convincing. He also ordered foods so technically he's a guest. I couldn't just tell him off. It wouldn't be right."

Ren's jaw ticked. He had a hunch who the guy would be, and he wasn't happy about it. Fuwa? He has a death wish. "And his name is?"

"A Fuwa Shou-san," Okami answered.

Ren's face darkened.

"Did you happen to know this person?" Okami looked worried.

"Yes, and I'd appreciate it if you can play along with me, Okami-san."

Okami's eyes widened. "Anything I can help with?"

Ren sighed. "I don't want to go into details but I'd like you to bring me to him. I'll talk to him. I'll tell him that Kyouko lives with me so he wouldn't come here to bother her anymore. Can you please cooperate with me, Okami-san?"

Okami looked thoughtful. "That might be a good idea since this person might be a stalker. Kyouko-chan is now very famous and it wasn't a first time someone claimed to be her friend, so who knows… Alright then, please follow me, Tsuruga-san."

Fuwa Shoutarou was eating his late dinner. He felt annoyed when he thought of Ren and Kyouko relationship, their words towards him, and the ultimate humiliation Kyouko's army – an unknown girl who'd slammed him down on his nose, Koga Hiromune and the ex delinquent Murasame Taira— bestowed on him. He also still refused to accept Kyouko's so called parting words earlier that day. He just had to try again. There was no way he would let her off the hook that easily. She had to understand that she was his and she couldn't just cast him away to play happy couple with his archenemy.

He snorted and thought proudly. He knew where she lived and worked. He had her phone number though it seemed that recently she was smart enough to not say anything when she happened to pick up his call. He would get her for that too.

He was too angry that he couldn't really enjoy the food. The food was delicious though the flavour was a bit too strong to his liking, and he hated sweet tamagoyaki. Jeez, salt…I need salt. Or maybe shoyu. His temper kicked in when he didn't find any salt or shoyu in sight.

He was about to call for the Okami when the sliding door to the room opened. His eyes widened upon seeing Tsuruga Ren at the door, staring at him with his cold and calculated gaze. He glanced at Okami and scowled at her.

He then noticed the bouquet of roses in Ren's hand and he smirked. So, the Okami lied after all. Kyouko was probably upstairs and refused to see anyone. He could wait and surely they would give in, in the end.

"Fancy seeing you here, Fuwa-san," Ren calmly said.

"Hmph…yeah, Tsuruga. So…were you lying to me, Okami-san? Kyouko's in after all?" Shou directed his glare towards Okami.

"Actually, Tsuruga-san wants to talk to you since you didn't believe me that Kyouko-chan doesn't live here. She used to live here, but… not anymore. Tsuruga-san is just dropping by to pick up his and Kyouko-chan's dinner," Okami slowly said. "Please excuse me, Fuwa-san, Tsuruga-san. Please enjoy your talk."

Okami bowed and left the two of them together.

Shou looked stunned and he couldn't believe what the Okami had just said.

"What?" He stood up and stared at Ren with distrust.

"You heard her. Kyouko's living with me and I'm really just dropping by to pick up our dinner when she mentioned you," Ren said nonchalantly. "Did you understand the meaning of 'leave us alone' at all, Fuwa-san? I meant what I said earlier."

Shou sneered. "And what are you so proud of? I lived with her too before."

"When you treated her like a maid?" Ren glared at him.

Shou made a tsk sound. "I wasn't treating her bad. She was very eager whenever I got home early or when I came home at all. She would do anything to keep me there. I've got to admit that I couldn't resist to cave into that temptation." Shou had on a very devilish grin when he said it. The pudding was too hard to pass up. I missed eating that pudding. Kyouko really knew what I liked, though Tsuruga Ren doesn't have to know.

Ren caught it and he rolled his eyes mentally. "Fuwa, if you are suggesting that she was eager to please you in 'that' way, you are wasting your breath. I know a-bullshit when I hear one. You don't make a convincing act, you know? Be thankful that you aren't an actor or whatever drama or movie you're in would be a big failure."

What!? How dare he insult me? Shou's knuckles whitened and he wanted to pummel Tsuruga Ren into pulp. "Well, I had her first, that's reality," Shou claimed.

Ren laughed even though he was very angry inside. He wondered why Fuwa even bothered making that statement at all, with all the insults he threw at Kyouko all this time; who was he trying to convince? "When she exaggerated over that siphoning kiss you forced on her –she claimed that you stole her first kiss—, Is that what you meant by 'first'? A forced kiss could hardly count, you know?" Ren shrugged, making Shou even more ticked off. "I knew that it wasn't possible for you guys to…you know, do more than that." Ren shook his head and shot Shou a knowing come-on-you-think-I'm-stupid-heck-no-I-know-better smile. "Besides, she was a vir…" Ren abruptly stopped, when the thought of how Kyouko valued her privacy suddenly struck. He thought it wasn't right even though he wanted to rub it in Shou's face to show him what he was missing. He admitted that he could be childish sometimes and he really wanted to win over Fuwa Shou when it came to Kyouko.

Shou's jaw dropped. What the hell he was just saying? Is he trying to brag about his conquest or something? Kyouko can't really be that stupid, right? No Way! Bah, Tsuruga Ren is so insecure that he'd try this method on me? Ha ha ha, try again, Tsuruga Ren! He raised his brows and let out a snicker.

He doesn't believe me? Fine! Then he'll just have to listen. Like hell I'm going to give him a chance to fight back. Ren really wanted to finish Fuwa Shoutarou off once and for all, he continued, "Well, in short, I knew that your claim about being her first beside that disastrous kiss was a big fat lie. Didn't you say, let me quote, 'she's not that appealing'? Of course, since she doesn't appeal to your eyes, you wouldn't look at her 'that' way. You mentioned it yourself, and you were very harsh when you wanted to crush her self confidence. So I came to a conclusion that what you really wanted was to crush me through Kyouko. I don't know why you hate me. I never did anything bad to you. And you hate me even more when you knew I like Kyouko. You used her to get to me, and in the process you made yourself believe that Kyouko was yours to do as you please. Hell, I'm not impressed, Fuwa-san. I think you're being delusional here. I'm not Kyouko, I'm not going to fall for your manipulating emotional trick. Frankly, I hate you for what you did to her and to us."

Shou's knuckled fists crackled. He felt that he had reached his limit after hearing Ren's long and nonstop babble. He was especially pissed off since Ren said it with such calm demeanour and his choice of words was so polite that it grated on his nerves. He could feel that the angrier Tsuruga Ren was, the more polite his words were, something that he wasn't accustomed to. He wanted Tsuruga Ren to be angry and lost control so he could manipulate him like he did to Kyouko.

"But then I guess I have to thank you for being…you. Because without you acting like the jerk you are, pardon my language, Kyouko and I wouldn't be together and be happy. So, thank you, Fuwa-san."

Shou had enough. He lunged forward and Ren caught his fist.

"There, little boy, your fist means nothing. So weak!" Ren grinned wickedly, completely taken over by his real self –Kuon. "These precious fingers of yours were probably only useful for playing guitar."

Shou launched another jab and Ren caught it again.

Ren whistled and cockily said, "Weak! If you treasure your music careers, you'll stop right now."

"You think you win already?" Shou pushed towards Ren and Ren didn't even budge.

Kuon's cocky smile appeared. "You think?"

Shou didn't want to admit to losing. "I… I don't…" Damn! Say something! Tell him that you won't give Kyouko up! His mind told him so but his heart told him otherwise, but Kyouko chose him and she said goodbye to you. You have to admit that you have lost her. There is nothing you can do. Free her, Shoutarou! He was brought to his knees with his head leaning against Ren's thighs.

Kuon completely took over Ren when his childish side appeared. He let go of Shou's hands and took several steps back, causing Shou to lose his leaning post and fell on the floor face first. He even cheerfully added, "Nah, don't sleep on the floor, Fuwa-san. You'll get cold. Sorry but I have to go." He turned, picked up the rose bouquet he dropped when he caught Shou's fist earlier, and before he walked out of the door, he said again, "Don't forget to pay and don't overstay your welcome! Hopefully we won't meet again. Bye!"

Shou punched the floor in frustration. He had completely lost and he realised that with Tsuruga Ren around, he could never get to Kyouko so easily again, and maybe not anymore. He could think of no other way to reach her. Kyouko's sayonara rang in his mind like endless chants. He punched the floor again and let out a loud growl cursing his fate.

Ren heaved a deep breath when he left Fuwa Shou. He felt emotionally spent. He might have talked with such confidence but without making up with Kyouko, he wasn't sure where he and Kyouko stood now. He might have made the other guy back off for now, but it wouldn't do any good if Kyouko couldn't let go and still allowed Fuwa Shou to manipulate her emotion. He realised he really needed to be sure of his position in Kyouko's heart. He was scared of losing her.

"Tsuruga-san…" Okami called him.

Ren jolted in surprise. "Ah, Okami-san?"

"I'm really sorry that I couldn't be of any help but.. I can only tell you that Kyouko-chan is probably in Kotonami-san's place and I'm really sorry that I don't know how to reach Kotonami-san. You might want to ask Lin-san."

"Oh, it's fine. Yes, I can ask Lin-san."

"And I don't want to pry into your and Kyouko-chan's matter, but I have the feeling that you two are…at odds because of that person inside there? But…please believe in her. She's a good girl."

Ren looked stunned.

"I have to apologise that I heard part of your conversations so I just put two and two together. I'd guess that she probably is hiding right now, not wanting to talk to you. She will come around. She always does when she…fell into such state. You just need to give her a little time. Well I don't know what exactly happened, but whatever it is, I hope you and Kyouko-chan can make up."

"I…" Ren smiled. "Yes, thank you, Okami-san. I'm sorry, I have to leave now."

"Oh and please bring this with you," Okami shoved a wrapped bundle to Ren. "Dinner, Tsuruga-san. You can bring some to Kyouko-chan."

"Ah, alright then, I'm sorry for imposing on you. Thank you, Okami-san."

"No problem. Let me show you out."

"Lin speaking. Who's this?" came Lin's irritated voice on the line.

Ren was so amused upon hearing Lin's harsh tone, he was speechless.

"Great! You must be Fuwa Shou again." Lin said sarcastically. "Listen, boy! I'm at my limit. Please do not disturb me anymore! Do you know what time it is? Heck yes, it's already 10 o'clock, and I actually want to sleep right now. Thanks to you and your disturbing calls at three in the morning, you completely ruined my mood. This is not Kyouko's phone number, so you might want to delete this number or I'd file a report to the police for harassment. Are we clear?"

Ren was completely dumbfounded upon hearing Lin's reprimand and threat. He was somehow tickled by sudden curiosity as to why Lin thought he was Fuwa Shoutarou.

"Did you hear me, Fuwa? Gee, not even going to answer me, are you? Then, I'll…"

"Lin-san, it's me, Tsuruga Ren," Ren finally said, still found Lin's outrage hard to believe.

"Uh, Tsuruga-kun?" Lin sounded surprised.


"What are you doing calling me at this time?"

"I'm sorry if I bother you but I thought it was still okay to call at 10. I'm really sorry but I need to talk to you about something important."

"What the heck, Tsuruga-kun!" Lin sounded frustrated. "So, you and Kyouko-chan are still fighting? What? You want me to go and pick her up and send her home? Is that what is important?"

"Wait, Lin-san! What are you talking about? I don't understand at all," Ren sounded confused. "I'm calling you to ask about Kotonami-san's contact number. Kyouko is not at Daruma-ya tonight and when I asked, Okami-san mentioned that she's probably at Kotonami-san's place."

Lin frowned. "Huh? Are you shitting me?"

"Lin-san? Is that really you?" Ren hesitantly asked. He couldn't believe that Kyouko's calm manager had just used the rude form of language. Lin was always polite when he talked.

"Of course it's me. Are you telling me you're still out there somewhere right now?"

"Well, I haven't gone home, if that's what you're asking. I'm in my car, near Daruma-ya. I think…"

"Go home! Now!" Lin barked.

"Sorry? I don't think I hear you right. Please Lin-san, I need to…"

"Yes, go home! Now! Before Kyouko-chan freezes to death," Lin cut in.


"What are you waiting for? Tsuruga-kun? Still there?" Lin asked incredulously when he heard silence from the other side. "I dropped her off at your place around 8.30. Gee, I should have forced her to give you a call first. See, this is what happens! You youngsters are really a pain in my arse right now. Go home!"

"I see, okay. Thank you, Lin-san." Ren immediately turned off his phone. Kyouko's at my place? He was incredulous but Lin didn't sound like he was joking so that must be true.

He put in the gear and drove home.

Kyouko felt really cold and hungry. She found it amusing that she could still feel hunger despite all the tensions she felt. She was starting to worry that Ren would not be coming home tonight. It was late, she thought.

Unpleasant thought went through her mind rapidly. She imagined Ren saw her at his doorstep and greeted her like she was a stranger. "Good evening, Mogami-san, isn't it a bit late for a visit? What do you need from me?" the imaginary Ren asked her with his fake smile on. Her imaginary self was trying to answer but imaginary Ren interjected, "Ah, I forgot. Shouldn't you return to Kyoto now? Don't you have a new job as the naka'i in Fuwa Ryokan?"

No! she shouted inwardly. Her face was glum. Ren wouldn't say that to me, right?

Imaginary Ren stared at her with open anger. "After all, you're only using me. You don't love me at all. I despise you, Mogami-san."

No! Kyouko covered her ears and shook her head profusely. No! It's not true! Please…please listen to me, Ren! I…

"You what? Well, I don't want to hear any excuse you might have. Please leave!" Imaginary Ren shot her such hateful expression that made her feel sad.

No, no, no, please…! I don't want this… she rolled down on the floor, trying to shake the thought off.

Ren slammed his car door impatiently and ran for the lift. When he almost reached the lift, he swore loudly upon remembering the things he left out in his car. Pressing the car remote, he ran back to his car.

"Dang! I'm so useless when I'm trying to hurry," he muttered under his breath when he failed to open his car door. He forgot that he already unlocked it when he pressed the car remote, accidentally locking his car again.

He stopped and took a deep breath to calm himself. He tried again and got the flowers and the wrapped bundle from Okami.

He ran towards the lift, stopped and pressed the up button several times, willing the lift to arrive on the floor he was heading fast. Come on! Come on!

When he reached his floor, he stepped out of the lift and halted abruptly. His insecurity came back to haunt his mind. What if…she's not here anymore? What if she gives up on me because of my temper? God, please let her still be here!

He strode forward hesitantly but then he found himself running towards his unit. He halted abruptly when he saw someone on the floor. His heartbeat sped up. Sh*t! Kyouko? Is she… Am I late? He sped up and when he reached where the body was lying face down, his heart seemed to stop. It's really Kyouko. He dropped the bouquet and the bundle in his hands. The bundle fell with a loud thud but it didn't seem to awaken her at all. He was really scared now.

He then knelt down and before he could poke Kyouko to make sure she was still alive, Kyouko rolled herself away and shouted out loud, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, REN… DON'T LEAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! DON'T GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Her voice was so powerful that it echoed in the hallway.

Ren was so surprised that he fell on his arse. He was befuddled by Kyouko's sudden loud scream. He didn't even stop to think that her voice might have disturbed other tenants.

Kyouko cried painfully without knowing Ren was watching her with shock plastered on his face.

"Kyou…ko, Darling?" When Ren found his voice again, he was struggling to try to get Kyouko's attention since the girl was crying like Ren was dead.

"Kyouko…Kyouko…?" Ren tried again and this time he accompanied it with taps on the floor.

Kyouko stopped when she seemed to hear Ren's voice. She hiccupped and turned her head to her right. Her eyes widened when she noticed Ren's blurry form. She hurriedly sat up and rubbed her eyes, trying to get a clearer vision.

"I'm home, Darling. I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't know you were coming here," Ren immediately said when he saw Kyouko staring at him like he was a wonder.

"Ren?" Kyouko asked cautiously.

"Yes," Ren answered with a smile. "Come!" He opened his arms to her.

Kyouko stood up, ran and threw herself at Ren. She had her arms around his torso and hugged him tight. "You're home. You're home. Please…please…listen…I…"

Ren hugged her back and then pulled away. "Ssh…I will listen, I promise but first…" he stopped and wiped her tears with his thumb. He felt his heart clenched painfully when he saw her tear stained face. He leant forward and kissed her on her mouth softly.

Her mouth opened and he deepened their kiss. They kissed, and kissed, and kissed with such pent up emotion and longing that told each other how desperate they were for each other's forgiveness. When they finally pulled away, it was because Kyouko's stomach was growling loudly.

Kyouko blushed. "Um…"

Ren chuckled. "What a way to ruin the mood. I'm disappointed, Darling. How could you?" He shot her a boyish grin. "But that's a good timing or we'd end up making love in the hallway," he teased. "No worries, no one lives on this floor but me, so it was…"

Kyouko slapped his shoulder to stop him from teasing her further. "There are also CCTVs around in case you forgot, Bully!"

Ren had on a horrified expression, "Uh oh. You're right. By the way, Okami-san sent a dinner home with me. How about a late supper?"

"I know you're worried about getting fat from eating a late dinner, but I'm starving and I want to eat."

He leant down and kissed her hard. "As you wish!"

Kyouko felt alive again after a hot bath and a cup of hot cocoa Ren left for her in their room. She saw his note and headed towards the kitchen. She almost couldn't contain her smile when she saw Ren tinkering around the kitchen. He just finished heating the food up and arranging it on the plate. His hair was still wet from the quick shower he took. A towel was still seen around his shoulder. He looked domesticated yet comfortable with himself, and it made Kyouko smile.

She walked towards him slowly and said, "Anything I can help you with…" Before she could finish her words, Ren turned around and seeing him without his contacts on, Kyouko continued, "…Corn?"

"It's done, Kyouko, though I had a little problem prettying it up. I felt bad that Okami-san —or maybe Taishou-san— took all the trouble to arrange it and I just dropped it and made it looked like nekomanma."

Kyouko laughed a little and shook her head. "It's okay. Nekomanma or not, it'd still be delicious and more importantly edible, that's all that matters."

Ren smiled. "Can you help me put these on the table? I'm making a hot tea to go with it."

Kyouko nodded. "Sure and then we can talk?" she added with small voice, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

Ren's hands halted. "And then we can talk and I will listen," he solemnly said.


They had their dinner in silence in his living room. They sat side by side on the sofa. Unbeknownst to each other, anxiety enveloped both their minds. Both were scared to start the conversation.

Even though Ren had calmed down, especially after beating Fuwa Shou in his own game where it gave him the sense of complete victory, he was still unsure and terrified of what Kyouko wanted to say. He was still preparing himself for the worst. He hoped it wasn't that bad. He was quite sure that Fuwa Shou had made the bet sounded worse than it actually was. But…Fuwa's certain statement disturbed him greatly, when Fuwa told him in the car park that Kyouko would never fall for him. He undoubtedly would have murdered Fuwa for his words if Yashiro wasn't there at that time. He applauded himself that he managed to control his temper and just told the other guy to get lost.

Kyouko's hands trembled when she tried desperately to calm herself. She couldn't even calm herself to sip her tea properly. The silence had started to bother her. She knew that she had to say something soon.

"I'm sorry," they said in almost unison.

They both looked surprised, their gaze fell on each other, but the preamble seemed to melt the tension though they hadn't talked again, clearly didn't know how to start the conversation at all. It was as awkward as it could be. They only stared at each other, trying their best to stay calm.

"I…" they again began together.

"You can go first, Kyouko," Ren immediately said.

"Eh?" Kyouko shrank down a little but seeing Ren's gentle expression, she nodded. "I'm…sorry for today, Corn."

He smiled when he heard her call him 'Corn'. It always made him feel warm inside.

"Not that I was apologising on that stupid's behalf. I apologised for me, but maybe it sounded like that," Kyouko continued and when she saw Ren nodded, she felt braver. "Um…I don't know how to explain this at all, but…I guess I should tell you about the 'bet'."

Ren tensed and Kyouko noticed it immediately.

"It's fine. Go on!" he put his hand on top of hers, encouraging her to continue.

"Do you remember the day I…rode the same car with him, when you accidentally spotted us together?"

Ren nodded. His face was grim. He couldn't possibly forget about it.

"It was just a coincidence," she hesitantly said.

"Coincidence? How so?" Ren lifted his brows.

"Truth is…I don't know why but that day, he just appeared in my school's front gate. I noticed him immediately, of course, he wasn't being subtle at all. So, I took a detour and climbed out of the back gate. I didn't know that he waited, or should I say…his underling waited for me there. As soon as I landed on the ground, my foot were cuffed by this underling of his."

Ren's eyes widened. "He actually has an underling who'd do his dirty job? Is he mafia disguised as rock singer?"

Kyouko cringed. "Well, this underling of his is…my classmate actually. They're from the same agency and she…"

"A 'she'?" Ren tilted his head.

Kyouko coughed. "Um…he promised her a kiss if she could catch me."

Ren was stunned. "Bastard! He used the girl who liked him to do his dirty job?"

Kyouko sighed and nodded. "To make long story short, afterwards, he forced me to board in the same car with him. He said he wanted to talk and he was holding the chain that was attached to the cuff, so I couldn't get away from him. Since I didn't want to be the centre of the attention, considering people had started to gather around us, and I didn't see any other choice left for me, I agreed to it. We talked, or more precisely, he nagged me about my appearance in the Dark Moon party, how I shouldn't let a guy buy me a dress since the guy just wanted to get in my pants." Kyouko blushed but she continued, "And he called me stupid. He thought I was too flattered by such treatment from the guy to notice the guy's real intention. He was infuriating. I couldn't believe he'd think that I would be so stupid."

"I had to…agree with him about how you shouldn't let Kijima dressed you up, Kyouko. Not that I thought you were stupid. I just wanted you to be careful of him. He's a playboy."

Kyouko nodded. "Yes, but the way he said it made me angry, Corn. Then, I was running late to my next job and he was heading to the same studio, I ended up tagging along. After all, he was responsible for my being late; so I told him to drop me off at TBM."

"So that time…" Ren finally got part of the picture.

"Yes, I didn't willingly ride in the same car with him."

"But why did you push his head down? Anyone who saw it would think that you didn't want people to know you're together. Ever think of that?"

Kyouko's mouth dropped open. She did it, she realised. She didn't think that it was what people would think. She just didn't want Ren to misunderstand her.

"No, that was just reflex when I saw you there, at that time I just didn't want you to misunderstand the situation. I noticed that you…dislike him, Corn. You always seem to get angry whenever he was mentioned."

Kyouko gazed at Ren to see his reaction. He still looked calm enough and she figured she could continue when he said nothing at all. She assumed that he wanted her to finish her explanation.

"I was…in denial at that time."

Ren frowned but still said nothing.

"I was in deep turmoil about my feeling towards you. I didn't want to admit that I've fallen in love with you. At that time, I was certain that you wouldn't return my feeling. Shou, he wouldn't let me go to my job in peace, he cornered me and tormented me about how stupid it would be if I fall for you. He reminded me of the time when I fancied myself in love with him and acted stupidly. Of course, since I didn't want to admit to making the same stupid mistake again, you can say that it was my pride that made me say that I wasn't going to fall for you, that I only thought of you as a mentor and I would try my best to steal your skill so I could be the best actress. I was just trying to convince myself that I was not going to fall for you and got him off my back but…" she started crying. "I really didn't mean it to sound that cold and harsh."

Ren got the whole picture now. Though he wasn't happy that she indeed said those harsh words but knowing the reason behind that, he felt relieved. Fuwa had manipulated her into it; the jerk used her confused emotion at that time and forced her to make such declaration. He remembered how he was trying to deny his feeling towards her and failed miserably. He understood that feeling all too well. "Even so, you shouldn't have made that one-sided bet."

Kyouko sobbed. "I know…but it was in the heat of the moment, he wouldn't let me go until I told him what I would do if I failed to fulfil my own promise, so I didn't think twice and just said it. I regretted it ever since."

Ren sighed. "He completely manipulated you into saying that. I'm glad I was right and I'm…sorry too."

Kyouko shook her head. "I should be the one who's sorry. You were right to get angry."

"It's still not an excuse to…break character when that fateful call from him came. I admitted that I was curious about where you two stood. I ended up accusing you of something you didn't do. I should have listened but…the thought that you were still keeping in touch with him didn't sit well in my mind. Did you or did you not give him your number? Were you still in touch with him at that time?"

It was Kyouko's turn to frown. "To answer your question, I never gave him my phone number. Why would I keep in touch with him when I didn't even want to have anything to do with him? Honestly, he just popped in and out of my life as he liked. I didn't try to find him or keep him in loop of what happened in my life. As far as I know, he was as good as dead, until he appeared just to piss me off that I'd remember my revenge and got all worked up again, just to be foolishly fall into his emotional trap." Kyouko wiped her tears. "I really felt stupid sometimes. I shouldn't have bothered with him."

Ren's eyes softened. "It's not your fault. You just didn't know how to…deal with that. So, how did he get your number then?"

"I don't know how he got it. I changed number several times –you know that too—, and he still got to me. Except recently, he thought Lin-san's number was my number and had been bothering Lin-san with his calls." Kyouko laughed a little. "I felt bad for Lin-san. It's possible that he got my number from one of my contacts in my phone, the last time I changed my number, Lin-san accidentally deleted my contact list, so I was only able to inform a few close friends of my new number, Lin-san gave his number to all possible business connections. I never got the call from Shou again, but Lin-san was bothered by him."

"So that's why Lin-san was so angry when I called him earlier. He thought I was Fuwa and he actually rambled at me nonstop before I finally told him I wasn't Fuwa."

"Is it?"

"Yep." Ren shot her a warm smile. He took her hand and pulled her towards him.

Kyouko shifted and came to Ren. Ren sat her on his lap. They stared at each other, completely felt at peace after sorting out their misunderstanding.

They smiled and leant close to each other. Their foreheads touched. It wasn't clear who started first but they found themselves kissing each other open mouthed, passionately. Each kiss burnt their passions more. Their hands roamed each other's bodies without restriction. Touching, caressing, squeezing. Sensuously.

Moans echoed in the room and their ragged breathing mimicked each other as they pleasured each other with their caresses and mouth.

"Kyouko…?" Ren protested when Kyouko pulled away. He was breathing hard. He was so hard that he ached with want. He wanted to be inside her.

However, Kyouko only smiled whilst putting her finger on his lips.

"Kyouko, I want to…be inside you."

Kyouko didn't answer and only leant forward to kiss him full on his mouth. He groaned and ground himself against her core, causing her to let out a soft whimper. She again stopped him by putting her palms on his chest. Ren growled out his protest.

Kyouko was still kissing him whilst her hands were going down his body and stripping him off his pyjama shirt.

When she touched his naked skin, he let out a guttural groan. Next, she went to his neck and kissed his throat. Her mouth trailed down and she kissed his chest, earning approving groan from him when she nibbled his nipple softly. She then got off his lap and went on her knees.

"Kyouko? What are you…" Ren felt himself got even harder. He felt he would explode in any second. When he realised what she was about to do, he hurriedly said, "Kyouko, um…you don't have to…do this."

"But I want to…I've always wanted to pleasure you the same way you pleasured me. I don't really know what to do, but…" She gave him a coy smile. "I can learn…"

Ren smiled back and his heart drummed loudly. He didn't expect that from her and it somehow pleased him. Where did she learn all this from? He asked himself but he didn't actually care.

He felt her hands went to the elastic on his trousers and she slowly pulled it down, revealing his hardened member. It stood proud and he could see Kyouko stare at it like she was trying to memorise its shape. The sight was so erotic, making his manhood twitched with anticipation.

When she was finished peeling his pyjama trousers off, she commented, "No underwear."

Ren gave out a choked laughter. "I planned to get lucky, Darling."

She stroked his hard length tentatively, still wasn't sure whether she would get it right but she went with her instinct.

When she finally took him in her mouth, licking him tentatively at first, he had to suppress himself from groaning out loud. He felt so good that he felt like climaxing anytime soon. "Uh…Kyouko…I…it's so good. So good…" He closed his eyes, savouring the feel of her warm mouth and hands against his shaft and balls. Even though her movements felt jerky due to her inexperience, she tried her best to pleasure him.

His fingers dug into her hair. He had to refrain himself from thrusting into her mouth roughly, no matter how much he wanted too. He tried to distract himself and let himself wander down her body.

"Ah…" He heard her let out a muffled moan when his hands fondled her breasts. He was pleased to find her nipples pebbled into tight buds just with his caresses.

She took him deeper into her mouth and sucked him hard. He groaned out loud.

"Kyouko, I'm about to come…you have to…uh…no…Kyouko?" Ren tried to push her away but she didn't budge.

He came in her mouth not long after with a loud shout. He slumped down in his seat and was panting hard. He felt completely spent and his knees felt weak.

When he got his breath back, his gaze landed on Kyouko. She was smiling at him and he actually blushed.

He held out his hands and pulled her up. He leant down to kiss her. He could taste himself on her mouth but he didn't care. "Thanks, Darling," he said against her lips, pulled away and shot her a seductive look.

Kyouko felt her body was set on fire just by looking into his green orbs. He always knew how to arouse her and work her up. Her body trembled with anticipation.

"Don't you think it's unfair that I'm butt naked and you're still fully clothed?" he asked.

As he had expected, Kyouko went red. He always enjoyed making her blush. Whilst waiting himself to recover from his last orgasm, he worked on discarding her clothes. It took him only a minute to strip her naked.

He slid a finger down her body, sending electricity down her spine. When he slid a finger into her tight channel, she convulsed around his finger. "Darling, you're wet and ready for me," he whispered the words and made her whimper with only sliding his finger in and out of her body, coaxing sweet moans after moans.

He was aroused again and he wasn't feeling very patient at the moment. He lifted her along with him and pushed her down on the sofa. He was staring at her with open hunger and made her shiver. He spread her legs wide open for him to see. He then entered her with a slow long stroke, making them both moan upon their joining bodies.

He took her hard and fast. There was no gentleness when he continuously filled her. His thrusts punishing but she only felt pleasure. She felt so good and she cried out in extreme pleasure when he hit all her delicious spots with his thrusts. It was over pretty quick for her when she reached her peak for the first time that night.

He stared down at her with a satisfied grin. He pulled her up and she clung on to him. Their bodies still joined and he had his hands on her rear, picking her up and brought her to his bedroom. He slowly dropped her down onto the bed without disentangling himself from her.

He then leant down and kissed her eyes, nose and finally her mouth. His hands went to her breasts. Using his thumbs, he flicked her nipples. Her melodious moan filled his ears and further encouraged him to slowly seduce her into another orgasm.

When he moved against her again, he took his time. He moved in and out of her body with slow long strokes, drawing out pleasures from her.

"Mm…mm…" Kyouko tried hard to not moan loudly. Ren's slow rhythm felt like a torture to her.

"Are you feeling good?" Ren asked with husky voice.


"What do you want? Kyouko? Tell me?" Ren asked.


"Like this?" He thrust into her harder.

"And faster…please…"

He complied and was rewarded with a small moan. He chuckled. He pulled out, flipped her so her back was to him, and mounted her from behind. One hand was fondling her breast whilst the other was teasing her sensitive nub. He could hear her approval moans.

"Don't hold yourself, Kyouko. You can even scream as loud as you want. The wall is thick and no one lives on this floor but me, remember? You always did so…" his voice sounded huskier in her ears, "why not now?"

"Ah…" she screamed. "Mmm…yes, there…Corn, I want to…I want to see your face when I come."

Obliging her, he pulled out again and flipped her over so she faced him. She clung onto him when he plunged into her wet heat. They groaned at the sensation.

Her fingers dug deeper into his back and her moans got louder. Ren let out a loud growl when he felt her tightening around him, squeezing him so hard that he ground his teeth.

"Corn, I'm...oh…" her eyes widened and she screamed in pleasure when she reached her peak. Her body tightened some more and starting to drive Ren into his own climax as well. He thrust faster and felt himself swell. His mind felt blank and he finally emptied himself into her.

They both panted hard after their strenuous activity. Their body went lax. Ren slumped on top of Kyouko's body. He grudgingly pulled himself up and cupped her face with his big hands. He then grinned at her. "I love you, Kyouko."

She blushed redder. "Um…I love you too."

"Wait here, I'll be back in a minute." With that, he leant down and kissed her hard, then got off the bed and went into the bathroom to dispose the protection.

He was back to her side not long after. He pulled her to him and held her. "Are you sleepy?"

"A little," Kyouko yawned.

"Anyway…" Ren said whilst giving her a chaste kiss on her naked shoulder.


"I still think it's best that you move in with me."

Kyouko rolled over and faced him. She stared at him, looking thoughtful. "I'll think about it, Corn. I promise but please give me a little bit more time."

"It's not that I'm pushing you but…" Ren exhaled. "Earlier when I went to Daruma-ya, he was there."



"…eh? But surely he was just…eating there, right? It's not like he knows where I live."

"He knew you lived there. Okami-san said he insisted on meeting you. She told him you didn't live there but he just wouldn't leave."

"But…I never told him where I lived. I mean, yeah he knew that I worked there before, I guess, but…there's no way he could know I live there."

"I believed you, but he somehow knew…anyway I told him off. I told him you lived here so he wouldn't bother you anymore."

Kyouko sighed. "I clearly told him off myself when I was going home earlier. He was waiting for me. I mean…yeah, he was my childhood friend but…I just don't want to be manipulated by him anymore. I had to severe this tie with him. For me, you're my present and my future, and I really don't want you to keep misunderstanding my relationship with Shou, just in case something like this happens again. I don't want to keep looking back at the past and get upset every time he appears. I just want this over with."

"But he clearly didn't get the hint or he wouldn't have appeared in Daruma-ya. So, I think it's best if you move in here. I'm worried about what he would do to you. Please?"

Kyouko stared at Ren with exasperated expression. She was still scared to take this step with him but when she saw worries marring his face she thought it probably was for the best. She loved him and she wanted to always be with him. She told herself.

There was a lot of 'what ifs' crossing her mind but when she looked into his sincere eyes, she made up her mind. "Can we at least wait till I turn eighteen?"

"It's a deal then." Ren looked more relieved and one could tell he was really happy even though he had to wait several more weeks.

Kyouko smiled heavenly and went to hug him. "Love you," she said softly against his naked flesh.

He reciprocated by dropping a tender kiss on the top of her head.

Ren was having a beautiful dream. He was a kid again in his dream. He was sitting on a big rock near the stream. The weather was sunny and the air was fresh. He heard someone approaching. He knew that Kyouko would be there soon.

When he saw her face, his face lit up with joy. It felt like an eon since he felt such happiness enveloping his body.

He felt silly actually. When Kyouko accepted him fully, he was happy. When she gave herself to him for the first time, he felt even happier. He thought that he couldn't feel any happier, but he did. Every time he saw her, he only felt happiness, especially when they cleared their misunderstanding about Fuwa Shoutarou.

Don't think about that jerk, he told himself.

He held out a hand towards little Kyouko, but before she could take his hand, he heard, "How nice! You get to be happy while I'm…dead, Kuon."

Ren's blood froze. "Rick?"

Little Kyouko disappeared from his sight. The sky turned dark and thunderous. When he saw his hands, it got bigger and was stained with fresh blood.

"Where are you?" Ren asked carefully.

"Down here…" Rick's voice said.

Rick's bloody body lied in front of him. His dark eyes bloodshot and his face also stained with blood. Rick then sat up and stared up at Ren. "Hey, buddy. How could you think you could be happy when you let me die? You're the reason I'm dead. My future with Tina was shot to toilet while you and Kyouko get to be happy. It's so unfair, don't you think? Do you think you deserve happiness?"

Ren's hands tightened in fists. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…"

"Then you shouldn't have started the fight!" Rick reprimanded him. "You might think you're happy now but you're a…"

"MURDERER!" a woman shouted out. The woman was holding Rick's dead body. She kept shouting out 'MURDERER!' at him.

It echoed in his mind. His hands felt clammy and he shouted out, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…"

He woke up suddenly. His body was sweaty. He murmured to himself, "Kyouko…I need Kyouko…" He turned and he panicked when he noticed Kyouko wasn't sleeping by his side. He held himself and let out silent cries. He thought that maybe it was karma. He lost Kyouko.

Kyouko almost dropped the plate she was holding when she heard a loud shout from the bedroom. She was cooking. She had been up early since she wanted to cook breakfast for both of them.

She quickly put down the plate, turned off the stove and dashed towards the bedroom.

When she reached Ren's bedroom, she saw him hugging himself so tight and he was crying. She quickly went to him and hugged him tight.

She could feel his body stiffened and he let out a choked sob.

"I'm here, Corn. I'm here…" she whispered.

"You're not leaving. You're still here with me," he stated with a hoarse voice.

"I'm not going to leave you, Corn. Not ever." Kyouko rubbed his arm softly.

He lifted his face and stared her with his tear stained face. "Don't leave me, Kyouko! I can't live without you."

Kyouko's tears fell down. She felt her heart broke to thousand pieces upon hearing him said so. She didn't know what happened to him. They had one hell of a night, finally made up and now it was shot to hell again. She would do her best to comfort him. "Corn, you know I won't. I love you too much. I don't know what happened but…sooner or later you'd have to share whatever demon you have with me, if you want. I won't push. I'll wait till you're ready and I'll be by your side. Always!"

Ren nodded, opened his arms and hugged her tight. He felt better when he saw her and had her in his arms. He hoped that he'd have that courage soon to face his own demon. "Please wait for me!"

Kyouko smiled when she heard his desperate tone. "Take your time, Corn. I will wait."

A/N : I hope you enjoy this new update. Thank you for subscribing, favouring, reading, leaving comments.

Thanks to Shiroyuki76 for proofreading this chapter.

Note on terms:

Nekomanma : literally means cat rice. It's a rice dish with various toppings.

Shoyu : soya sauce