"Kili!" Fili yelled as he tried to grab his younger brother from running towards the danger. Kili quietly slid from shadow to shadow, ignoring Fili's demand. "Kili, I demand you to get back her at once!" Fili yelled a little bit louder, hoping that Kili was not just ignoring him. Soon Kili disappeared into the dark and Fili was forced to follow.

"What's this?" Kili whispered to himself as he moved tree branches out of the way to examine an empty fire-lite area.

"Kili!" Kili heard as his brother ganged up on him. "At least get the others involved before running off into something you can't handle!"

"Can't handle?" Kili questioned his brother as he let the tree branches swing back to their natural position. "Theres nothing I can't handle." Kili continued to protest against Fili's comment.

"What about that time in the goblin cave? Or that time that you tried to save the horse?" Fili through past memories out.

"It's not that I couldn't handle them..." Kili cleared his throat and went back to focusing on his newly found adventure, "I just simply chose NOT to handle them." Fili rolled his eyes and began to watch the target.

"What are we looking at?" Fili asked as he stared blankly through the trees.

"What do you mean what are we looking at?"

"What. are. we looking at?" Fili repeated as if it was a simple enough question. "Theres nothing there. Its empty!"

"Exactly! It's empty... but there's a perfectly well lite fire." Kili pointed out and then began to move closer.

"No, Kili stop it!" Fili said as he grabbed Kili's hood and pulled him back.

"Oh lighten up! Like you said... it's empty." Kili laughed and then managed to pull himself away from his brother's grasp.

"I don't think this is a good idea!" Fili complained.

"You never think anything is a good idea!" Kili tried to lighten the mood as he got closer and closer to the light. He could hear Fili carefully following behind him.

"Perhaps we should go back." Fili whispered as the two brothers entered the lighted area.

"Perhaps you should go back." Kili stated.

"But something doesn't seem-" Fili was cut off by the sound of branches snapping in the shadows surrounding them. Instinctively Kili reached for an arrow and Fili for his swords. Low growls came from several directions. The brothers went back to back and prepared themselves. Suddenly Wargs began to jump one by one out of the shadows. Fili swung his sword recklessly and Kili drew his bow quicker than ever before until the Wargs all seemed to be dead.

"See what'd I tell you." Kili laughed as he began putting his bow back in place when a white Warg jumped out the shadows and knocked the brother's to their feet. "Fili, run!" Kili shouted as the Warg leaped at him. The Wargs paw was almost big enough to completely cover Kili chest. "RUN!" Kili shouted again, this time trying to catch the breath that was forcefully being pushed from his lungs.

Fili picked up his swords, in which he dropped when the white Warg attacked, and charged towards him.

"NO!" Kili yelled, knowing full well that if Fili got to close the Warg would end his own life with a simple step. Fili froze, arms in mid air, his attention now focused on his dying brother instead of the Warg. Within seconds, the Warg had managed to knock Fili off his feet again and drag Kili into the darkness.

"Kili!" Fili yelled as his struggled to get to his feet. "Kili!" Fili began to run into the shadows when a familar voice in the distance stopped him.

"Fili?" The familar voice repeatlively yelled.

"Thorin!" Fili answered, "The White Warg! It's taken Kili!"

"The White Warg?" Thorin questioned as he walked into the light, followed by several of the other dwarves. He walked towards Fili looking into the shadows hoping to see something but there was nothing.

"We have to go! Now! We have to save Kili!" Fili explained to all the others as he raced towards the darkness.

"No!" Thorin said stopping him with his arm.

"No?" Fili protested.

"There is no use in searching for him in the dark. It'll put us all in danger." Thorin said, still searching the darkness with his eyes.

"I cannot wait til morning! He could be dead by then!" Fili argued with Thorin.

"Fili!" Thoring yelled.

"He's my brother!" Fili yelled back.

"And my nephew!" Thoring sternly stated, breaking his attention away from the darkness and coldly into Fili's eyes. After the short moment of mentally arguing with eye movement Fili released his force and walked fiercely into the crowd of dwarves.

"We begin the search at dawn." Thorin ordered. "For now we rest."