
Madeline was having the most wonderful dream about a pancake land with maple syrup rivers and so much more with whip cream toppings. She was happy in this dream when suddenly everything became very bright and she awoke, covering her eyes from the bright sunlight.

"Wake up Madeline!" She looked over to her cousin Francis with a smile gracing on his lips as he moved away from the window. She groaned as she pulled her blanket over her head, "Non." She mumbled.

"This won't do at all." She heard him make a 'tisk, tisk' type of sound.

Then her blanket was pulled from her violently, she growled, "F-Francis!" She yelled, but it was in a normal person volume.

"Non!" Francis put his hands on his hips, "I am here to get you ready for your date tonight! So get up and take a shower." He turned on his heel and dug through his large bag, tossing shampoos and conditioners on Madeline's bed.

She sighed and sat up, grabbing her glasses on the night stand. She put them on and took some of the bottles, looking them over, "Is this r-really necessary, Francis?" She looked up at him.

"Oui, it is and you will use them all." He walked over to her and told her what to use first and what to use last.

When all that was done he told her to get into the shower while he went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast for the two.

Madeline nodded slowly, "Okay Francis." She scooped up all the bottles and walked into the bathroom with them, she huffed as she felt this was a little too much but then she thought of Allistor and her cheeks grew warm instantly, "I guess it is worth it." She mumbled to herself.

Somewhere across town, Allistor was glaring at his sister Alice. She was nagging again. She never gives it a rest. He just sighed and tuned out her voice like he always has.

He stood up suddenly which caught off Alice from her nagging rants, "Fine, I'll just move out if I'm such a problem, but you all have to know I was the one who took you all in when I was old enough to get my own place." He turned and walked to his room upstairs.

He had it with them ungrateful brats. He slammed his door and started to pack his things in his bags.

There was a knock at his door, he sighed in annoyance. He opened the roughly, "What the fuck do you want?" He glared at his sister Bridget, who looked a bit hurt then glared back, "When are you leaving?"

He rolled his eyes and went back to packing, "Tomorrow. Oh and don't fucken worry I paid the rent, after that. It's your problem." He said coldly and glared at his things.

Bridget frowned and fought back tears, "Good." Was all she could choke out before walking away to her bedroom.

Connor and Gavan were listening to what their sisters and Allistor said. They looked at each other worriedly, "I don't want Al to leave." Gavan sighed, now lying on his bed and Connor nodded, "Yeah."

Allistor frowned looking at the picture of him and his family. It was a Christmas picture of their family before their parents died. He picked it up to take a better look at it, he smiled softly at how his mother looked to beautiful and his father looked like he was about to explode.

He felt like he failed his family when he couldn't get Peter under his guardianship. He sighed again as he also packed that up. He needed more boxes. He laughed a little as he realized he was more worried about the boxes then where he was actually going to live.

Alice stood watching Allistor, "Are you really going to leave this time Allistor?" He nodded his head, not wanting to say anything or look at her right now.

Alice sighed, "You don't have to leave Allistor… I was in a bad mood." He looked at her then, "What's bugging you?" He said in his protective and yet caring brother tone. She smiled a little, "Just this obnoxious American guy."

Allistor raised his brow, "Should I teach him a lesson or is it something else?"

Alice looked down at her hands, slightly blushing, "Well, he can be sort of sweet but he is so loud and so." She scowled then, "He is so un gentleman like.. And he always claims to be a hero." She shook her head and sighed.

"But you still like him." Allistor smirked when she looked up at him with that how-did-you-guess look, "Has he asked you out yet?" She blushed brightly, glaring at the floor.

Allistor chuckled, "He must have, well next time he asks, just say ok." She nodded her head quickly before turning and walking away.

He looked at his things he packed up, "I'm still moving out." He whispered quickly to himself as he decided to get ready for his date then.


Madeline was whimpering by the pain from her leg. Francis was waxing her legs, even though her legs were already smooth. Francis said it was a must and she couldn't say no to that.

She screamed as Francis ripped off another paper of wax from her leg, "Ow." She pouted and Francis patted her knee, "It will be all worth it when he falls head over heels for you my dear Madeline." He tried to sooth her. She nodded her head a little.

She whimpered as he put some more of the warm gooy stuff on her leg. She looked away, biting her bottom lip as she readied herself for the pain. Then Francis ripped it off quickly and once more Madeline screamed.

Alfred shook his head, "Ouch." He went back to playing video games.

Francis smiled brightly, "All done Madeline. Just have to put this soothing cream to your legs and the pain should be gone." Madeline nodded, pouting. He started to rub the cream on her leg slowly, moving his hand up.

Madeline squeaked loudly and slap can be heard, followed by a yelp, "F-Francis! W-What the h-hell!" She looked disgusted and horrid at Francis who was rubbing his cheek, "Sorry Madeline, bad habit." He mumbled.

She sighed, "Its f-fine Francis, j-just don't ever d-do a-anything like that ever again." She shivered, "Yuck."

Madeline finished putting the cream on her legs and she felt a lot better. She got up and went into the kitchen to eat some breakfast but it looked like Alfred ate everything so she started to make pancakes.

She humming softly as she mixed everything into the large bowl, she looked over at the time and it was already eleven thirty three. She felt the butterflies in her stomach make a fuss.

She poured the fluffy mixture into the frying pan. She smiled at the sweet smell that floated into the air.

She danced and sang like she was the only one in the house while she cooked the pancakes. She didn't know that Francis and Alfred were watching with devilish grins on their mouths.

She was singing to the song Remix (I Like The) by New Kids On The Block. She moved her hips to the beat of the song that played in her head.

Alfred and Francis looked at each other then started to sing quietly in the background that Madeline didn't notice and continued to sing.

When Madeline was finish cooking she turned around to see Alfred and Francis grinning, her eyes grew and her cheeks flared, "Y-You.. N-Non!"

Alfred laughed, "Yup, we did Maddie."

Francis chuckled, "That was very cute Madeline."

Madeline mumbled as she sat down, she felt so embarrassed so she ignored them as they started to eat the pancakes.

When she was done she put her dishes in the sink, her cell phone started to ring in her bedroom so she ran up to her room quickly. Alfred blinked, "Wow.." He shrugged and went to go play video games. Francis shrugged and got up to do the dishes.

Madeline was sitting on her bed, talking to Allistor on the phone. She let out a shy giggle, "Oui, I'm very e-excited." She chewed on her bottom lip.

"R-Really? Y-Your excited too.." Her blush was a dark red and her heart was pounding in her chest. She let out another shy giggle as she played with a strand of hair, biting her bottom lip a little.

"O-Oui, see you in a f-few hours Allistor." She hung up her cell, chew on her lip a little more out of nervousness, she was so nervous that she didn't notice Francis or hear him until he snapped her out by waving his hand in front of her face, it startled her greatly that she screamed and jumped that also made Francis jump.

He held his hand over his chest dramatically, "You nearly gave me a heart attack moi petit Madeline."

Madeline blushed, "S-Sorry Francis.. I-I was just thinking.." He gave her a look that she didn't see because she was looking at the floor, going back into deep thought but Francis broke her out of it when he spoke, "Non, don't be sorry, let's just finish getting you ready for your first date."

She nodded quickly as she got up from her bed to the chair as Francis worked on her hands.


It was now 6 pm and Francis just did the finishing touches to Madeline's hair, "Oh Madeline! You look gorgeous!" He smiled with pride as Madeline blushed bright.

She didn't wear too much make up, just a few touches here and there to define her beautiful eyes, cheek bones and lips, she had her eye contacts on and she looked at herself in the mirror, "I-I look different." She whispered shocked at how she looked.

She brushed her finger tips lightly along her cheek and jaw to her lips, ''R-Really different.'' She couldn't help but whisper to herself.

Alfred grinned, leaning against her door frame, ''Maybe I'll take you out to dinner Maddie.'' Francis simply rolled his eyes, ''So, Madeline when is he coming to pick you up?'' She blushed at the thought of Allistor.

''6:30..'' She looked at the clock and it was already 6:12pm.

Madeline can now feel the knots in her stomach tightening more as she got more nervous as the time neared for her to go on a date with Allistor but she also started to hear horrible thoughts in her head and it showed on her face.

Alfred and Francis noticed then Francis put his hand on her shoulder, ''Madeline are you okay?'' He looked at her with concern. She looked up at him.

Alfred frowned slightly, ''Yeah, are you alright Maddie? You look like your around to cry..'' Madeline looked to Alfred then and saw he was also concerned, she looked down, ''What if h-he forgets about m-me?.. Wh-What if he d-doesn't show?..'' She whispered quietly but Alfred and Francis heard.

Madeline only said a small portion of the thoughts that stormed and raged in her head. It was like she couldn't really speak, just like before.

Francis wrapped his arms around Madeline, ''Everything will be okay Madeline, he will come.'' She nodded weakly but what he said chased the bad thoughts away for now.

Madeline pulled away and put on a smile then there was a knock on the door, she looked to it with nervous eyes, ''T-That must be him.''

Alfred grinned then walked to the door opening it, he raised his brow when he looked at Allistor who was wearing a navy blue suit with a slightly dark blue tie. He looked like a wealthy business man. His hair was combed back neatly. Alfred stepped back, ''She's waiting for you.'' He stood by Madeline who blushed softly and giggled shyly as she looked at Allistor, ''Hello Allistor.''

Allistor's jaw dropped as he looked at Madeline, he nearly didn't recognize her. He smiled then at her, ''You look beautiful Madeline.'' She blushed more, ''A-And you look handsome.''

He held out his hand to her, ''Shall we?'' She nodded and took his hand.

Meanwhile, Francis was crying and saying his little cousin was all grown up. Alfred tried to calm the Frenchman down by shoving a burger in Francis's mouth, which caused a fight between the two.

Madeline and Allistor didn't notice all this happening in the background and walked out to the car, they drive off to their date.


Author's Note

Okay! Sorry not updating and all. I was just busy with other and more important matters but I'll try my absolute best to update more. And of course. Enjoy the reading. Follow, Favorite and Review.