Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Hey guys. I really fancied writing a Hotch/Reid story after reading Guardian Angel by Fates Apprentice. This story is completely unplanned and written straight onto the document page. I normally plan and write everything by hand but this idea was asking to be written. I will NOT harm the characters, any of them. I strongly object to character bashing. Especially rape and abuse. Not going to happen. Not sure where this is going but I'd like some direction if you have it.

The title was working progress but I like it and happened to be listening to the song at the time of writing this.

**This story has now been rewritten. I feel I rush sections so I have gone back and added more detail. Hopefully you guys can stick with me while I make this even better! All changed content for those who have read this before is UNDERLINED. **


CS Lewis said "Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives."

Aaron Hotchner and Spencer Reid had been through some pretty traumatic scenarios in the past but this last "scenario" was definitely the worst. The team had been working a case of abductions on young men in the DC area when Hotch and Reid had gone to an abandoned town house, only to discover that Reid was definitely a viable victim for their unsub and the Unit Chief was just an unfortunate bystander.

"FBI." Aaron shouted, his boot pushing against the door with force, watching as it fell from its hinges with a crash. Spencer had his weapon aloft, following his boss loyally as they worked through the dimly lit rooms methodically, calling out as they went along.
"Cl-" The young Doctor began but was unable to finish the sentence when a strong hand clamped over his mouth and then all he could smell was the sting of something that smelled like... Oh no. Chloroform. His legs grew weak as he tried to fight the effects, knowing all too well how quickly he would be rendered unconscious and how there would be no way he could counter the chemical.

"Reid?! Reid?" The older agent shouted, looking through each room again, checking faster than he had done before. 'Hotch' got more worried as he cleared each room, coming to an unintended stop as he felt his legs being swept out from underneath him. The last thing he saw was his youngest agent laying crumpled in the corner before the chemical claimed his consciousness too. It was a lot like falling into a deep sleep.

What Aaron could only guess were a few hours had passed and he awoke beside Reid, locked in a small cage made out of fortified steel. The older man went straight into leader-mode and prioritized the necessary tasks given their situation. The first priority was Spencer, from what he could see the young Doctor was still unconscious and had acquired a few scrapes on one of his cheeks which he assumed were when he had fallen down. Given the fact that he was rendered unconscious by Chloroform he had assumed Spencer had too but that should mean with his smaller frame he should have woken up first. Maybe the Unsub had used the same amount for them both which would mean Spencer may not wake up for a lot longer; if at all.

"Reid. Wake up, can you hear me?" The Unit Chief asked, trying to keep the fear out of his voice. After a few unsuccessful attempts at waking him, Aaron set about checking his agent over for signs of injections or any other kind of physical trauma. Noticing a small cut to the back of Reid's head he immediately tore off his shirt sleeve and wrapped it around the young man's head to try and at least stem the bleeding.

The ceiling grate to the surface told Aaron that it had been roughly 3 hours later that Spencer had come back into the world of the conscious and he had nearly scared him to death. He had decided to sit against the back wall of the dimly lit cage, Spencer laying with his head in his lap, where he could see both the only way of entrance/exit but also the visible natural light which served as a semi-efficient clock. He was startled when the young Doctor suddenly started kicking and screaming once he had remembered the situation prior to his unconsciousness.
"Get off me. I'm trained in Self-Defense, I can break your n-"
"Reid. It's me. You're okay. Stop panicking. I won't let anything hurt you. As your boss." He added the last part quickly to the end of his statement and was relieved when Reid relaxed and sat up slowly, noticing the sharp pain in his forehead and his sudden dizziness.
"I think you hit it when you fell unconsciousness. It's not too deep and I've stopped the bleeding with my sleeve. I'm glad you're awake. I need your brain to get us out of here."


What felt like days to Spencer (1 day and 4 hours to be precise) passed with little contact from their captor. They were both provided with 2 meals a day, simple ready cooked meals but they would have to do. Spencer, however, wasn't holding up like he had been trained. Hankel had clearly done a lot more damage than they'd first thought. The young man was sat shaking, clutching his knees as he rocked slightly. He kept his eyes on his superior, trying desperately to believe they were somewhere else. He also hadn't slept. He himself had managed to get a few hours rest, laid against the wall when exhaustion had taken over. Reid took another shuddering breath and he couldn't take it anymore. The kid would drive himself crazy. Hotch had to help him somehow.

Doctor Reid tried to calm himself down. He knew that Hankel was dead and that Hotch wouldn't let anything happen to him, so he'd said. He'd secretly been paying more attention to their Unit Chief. There had been a moment. Hotch's hand had gently brushed his own while passing out a case file and something in him changed. The brief feeling of skin on skin contact with his boss had triggered the release of dopamine in his brain and from that day he struggled to diagnose the reason behind it. Aaron opened his arms to the younger man, watching carefully as the other man laid against his chest hesitantly, taking a deep calming breath. 'There it was again; the dopamine'. Reid thought to himself while breathing in his boss' scent. Even after a day in a damp cellar Hotch still smelled like his cologne and something less distinguishable. Something uniquely... Hotch.

Aaron wrapped his arms around the other man, trying to provide comfort that wasn't crossing a "line". Since Haley had died he'd been more withdrawn than usual but Reid was the only one who had bothered to check up on him regularly. He'd always admired the youngest member of his team. He was the youngest member to join the FBI yet he knew more about the world than most of the people in his department. He'd always felt a little bit vulnerable when he was with Reid, like he saw through his hard-guy exterior and knew the real man behind the career. Aaron ran his fingers through the Reid's hair, separating the tangles that had formed gently, hoping to relax the individual. Eventually he heard the deep breathing of the man he was protecting and he was satisfied that he was finally sleeping.

A muffled clatter of metal hitting a wall rang out through the small room where the cage had them trapped. "FBI, drop the gun or we will shoot." What sounded like Rossi shouted from down the corridor where they were being held. He knew all too well that after long periods of being held hostage the person in question started to hear things. No. That was definitely gun fire.

"Reid, wake up. The cavalry has arrived." He whispered quietly, trying to wake him without startling the sleeping man. That plan was shattered, however, by the sound of a heavy door being kicked open forcibly. Agent Rossi appeared, looking slightly panic-stricken as he hurried to open their cage. Reid's eyes opened abruptly as he heard Rossi undoing the lock with force and what sounded like JJ sobbing in the background.
"Reid, what happened to your head?" The blonde lady asked, concern evident in her voice. "Channelling Rambo, kid?" Rossi asked, trying to make the situation slightly less horrific.
"He hit his head when he got knocked out but he'll be fine." Reid was thankful that Hotch had answered because all he could do was nod before scrambling to his feet, away from the compromising position he and Hotch had been in and to the exit.

"Kid." Morgan shouted after he had had the Unsub taken away by the local police. Reid really did look rough. Maybe more so than after the Hankel incident; maybe because of it. Morgan knew that Reid wasn't a physical person and took the small smile as a sign that he would be okay. Both Agents were slightly dehydrated and malnourished but the Ambulance crew that had arrived were trying to force Spencer into going to the hospital to get his head seen to and the scratches on his face cleaned.
"Get away from me. I'm not going in there." The normally composed young man shouted at the top of his lungs when a young man, not much older than Reid tried to coerce him into the Ambulance.

Aaron whipped his head around from where he was making a statement to one of the other FBI agents that had taken over the case following their kidnap when he had heard Spencer's distress. After what they had just been through he could only assume that the confined space and the fact he would be alone with strangers were what was bothering him. He excused himself politely and walked over to where the injured man was stood, shaking again, and insisting he would punch the next person to touch him.
"Do I count?" Aaron asked quietly once he had approached his distressed employee.
"No. Just not them."
"How about if I come with you?"
"Fine." Spencer finally agreed after a small amount of thought. Aaron got in the ambulance first and took the seat nearest to the gurney and smiled victoriously when Spencer laid down and began to allow the medical professionals to check him over. In a short time they reached the hospital and Reid was much calmer but still wouldn't let Aaron out of his sight. The older man stayed with his friend until they discharged him a few hours later and drove him home. Once he was convinced Reid would be okay by himself he got a taxi to his own house and collapsed in his bed.


Next up: How do the Agents recover, if at all? What do the team say about the newestbond between Agents?