This is the first in a series of short one-shot drabbles I've thought of on people left behind during the Twilight Saga x Feel free to send in ideas in reviews - I hope you like it x :)

Her daughter has always been the strong one, the one that she can rely on, regardless of the fact that it's supposed to be the other way round. Renée knew that her daughter looked after her, far more so than for other parents, but it was just in Bella's nature to take care of everyone else before she took care of herself.

Not this time.

This time her daughter is hurting and, from what Charlie tells her and what Bella doesn't say, it's bad.

Renée just doesn't get how someone so devoted can just up and leave. She's seen her daughter and her boyfriend in the same room before, back when Bella had been in the hospital in Phoenix, and Edward had barely left her side for a moment, not even for sleep or food. His sister Alice had seemed equally worried and she wondered at the ease that the dark haired girl had left as well.

According to what Charlie had heard, they had found somewhere sunnier and more posh to live and had abandoned her daughter in the process.

Well then, that was good for them.

But not when her daughter was bleeding from the inside out like this.

Renée could honestly say she'd never heard her ex-husband so worried about anything, not even when she told him she was in labour, and the deadness in Bella's voice when Charlie finally got her to pick up the phone spoke volumes.

She needs her daughter with her through this, because every girl going through a break-up needs her mother.

It just feels like there's something else that she's lost as well, underneath the surface.

She's probably over-reacting. She already knows she's read too many romance novels lately.