Students exchanged their shoes as they left their school. End of the year exams were over. First and second years could have fun during their winter break while three years still have entrance exams. Even though there's still some time before his turn, Akashi Seijuuro was one of the few second years studying his break away.

"Akashicchi! Akashicchi! Some of the guys from the team were thinking about going to the onsen over the break. Can we go?" Kise asked his basketball captain.

"Perhaps. It'll be good for some the wounds we accumulated during the year," Akashi replied.

He opened his shoe cubicle. An envelope lay on his outdoor shoes.

"Hohh...Akashicchi! You've got a love letter!" Kise exclaimed, peeking over Akashi's shoulder.

Akashi took the envelope. If it was a love letter, the sender had a lot of thoughts about Akashi because it was a bit bulky. He opened it. In were vouchers to an inn and an onsen.

"Whoa! They're vouchers to an onsen, and they're enough for the entire basketball team!" Kise said, studying the vouchers as Akashi handed them to him.

Akashi opened the letter that was behind the vouchers:

Here are some vouchers that I never got around to use. They've been piling up, so I thought it might be good for your basketball team to use them. I know how much the onsen might be good for some long lasting injuries. Good luck with the basketball tournament.

It was left anonymously, but Seijuuro knew who left them.

"Huh? They didn't leave a name?" Kise asked.

"It's alright. Let's inform the basketball team that we'll be going to an onsen over the break," Seijuuro said, smiling.

Nearby, Kouki looked at the two basketball players and saw that they have onsen vouchers in their hands. He smiled, glad that his letter got to them.

Sorry so short. But I kinda forgot Seijuuro's birthday, and I was scrambling to get this up. It's still his birthday where I am, so Happy Birthday, Akashi Seijuuro!