Title: Family Found

Author: Jennifer

Couple: Mi/L

Disclaimer: I don't own them. Someone else is responsible for the show going off the air.

Rating: PG-13

Spoilers: Up to EOTW

Summary: Liz slept with Future Max in EOTW. Later she discovers she's pregnant. Unable to handle Max and Tess together, she decides to leave. Her parents know and support her decision. Before she leaves, she needs to say good-bye to someone first.

Liz had almost finished packing. She looked around to see if she missed anything important. She would be back some day, but not anytime soon. No one besides her parents knew she was leaving. She couldn't stand the thought of saying good-bye or telling everyone the truth. It took a week to convince her parents to allow her to transfer and move into a small apartment by herself. At first, they objected adamantly. But after hearing about Max's recent development with Tess and Mr. Parker's growing dislike of Max, they reluctantly agreed.

She had one more thing to do before she left. There were still a few things only she knew that she needed to tell one of the aliens. Max was definitely out. Isabelle would run to Max and Tess, well, nothing would bring her to confide in Tess. That left Michael. Liz wasn't looking forward to it. Leaving her bags by the door, she set out for Michael's.

Michael was shocked to find Liz at his door. He hadn't spoken to her much lately. Ever since she and Max had broken up, she had kept her distance. Rumor had it that she cheated on Max and slept with someone else. Michael never believed the story, but his loyalties needed to lie with Max.

"Hi Liz. What's up?"

"Michael, I need to talk with you. It's really important."

Michael moved aside and allowed her to enter his apartment. He watched her take a seat on the couch. Whatever she had to say seemed serious and had her acting nervous. "What is it?"

Liz couldn't look Michael in the eye. Instead she focused on her hands and anything around the room to avoid looking at him. "I'm leaving. Before you say anything, I need to tell you what's been happening lately. But, you need to promise me not to tell Max that I'm leaving or why."

"I promise, but why are you leaving?"

This was the moment Liz dreaded the most, but she needed Michael to know the truth. "I'm pregnant. A few months ago a visitor showed up on my balcony. He was from the future. He explained that in the future, Tess left because on my relationship with Max. The skins showed up and without the complete Royal Four together, you were unable to defeat them. You and Isabel were ready dead."

Michael was flabbergasted by Liz's story. It seemed so farfetched. "Okay, say I believe this. Who was it? How do you know they were telling the truth?"

Liz hesitated again with her answer. She knew there was no other choice, but to tell Michael the truth. "It was Max. Max came back from a time in the future. He had just held you in his arms as you died. He explained that he needed my help in getting Max and Tess together. I tried everything I could think of. I told Max I wasn't in love with him and I wanted nothing to do with any aliens, but he wouldn't leave me alone. Future Max knew that Max would show up that night with tickets to the Gomez concert. We set it up to look like I was in bed with someone else. Future Max had been telling me about how we had married and had children. After we watched Max leave, I was upset. Future Max just meant to console me. It hit me that I would never get that. I would never get the wedding in Vegas or our wedding day or first child. Next thing I know, I'm waking up and he was gone. Two months later, I knew I was pregnant."

Michael couldn't believe it. She was pregnant with Max's child. She had given up everything for them. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind. Liz had proven she was trustworthy and had continually helped them through problem after problem. All they had ever given her was heartache. "Does he know?"

Liz looked at him in shock. "Of course he doesn't know. Michael, he can't ever find out. If he does, the world could still be destroyed. I talked with my parents. They know I'm pregnant. They've agreed to let me leave. I'm probably never coming back. I just wanted to let you know. I thought someone should know. The four of you need to stick together. You can't let Tess leave. Well, I need to get going. I hope everything works out for you Michael and you find your way home one day." Liz got up to leave. She had said everything she wanted to. It was no longer her responsibility to ensure that the royal four remained together. Now she had her own life and the life of her unborn baby to take care of.

"Liz, wait. You're going to go through with this. You're going to have this baby?"

A look of absolute horror showed on her face. How could Michael even hint that she should abort her pregnancy? "Michael, I know you might be concerned that this could be traced back to the four of you, but it won't. I'm having this baby far away from Roswell. No one will ever associate you with my child."

Michael had never been good at expressing his emotions. Now, was no different. He wasn't worried about exposing their identities, he was worried about her safety. "That's not what I mean. What if something goes wrong? Liz, we don't know what will happen to you. This could be dangerous. If you take off, we won't be able to find you or help you if something goes wrong. Besides, you can't exactly have this baby in the hospital. How are you going to take care of yourself and this baby?"

Liz knew they were all valid questions. Some were the same as her parents' questions, but she wouldn't change her mind. "Michael, you don't understand. This baby is all I have left. If it kills me, fine. If not, I will do everything and anything to give it the best life I can. Look, I have to go. I'm leaving town tonight. Good-bye Michael."

He saw the tears in her eyes and heard the strain in her voice. He knew she wouldn't survive if anything happened to the baby. He cursed Maxwell for putting this burden onto Liz. She didn't deserve this. She deserved to be fully loved by everyone around her. She deserved the chance to go to college, to get married and live a nice normal life, not hide in fear for herself and her child. He quickly made a decision. As soon as the thought entered his mind, he knew he was doing the right thing. "I'm coming with you."

Liz stopped dead in her tracks. "What are you taking about? You can't come with me. You need to stay here with the others. Michael, that's the whole reason this started. The Royal Four must stay together."

Michael stepped in front of her and sealed the door shut. "No way Liz. You can't do this on your own. If something happens, you'll need me there. Besides, how are you going to finish school and raise a baby alone? What will you do if this baby has powers? You're going to need me there to teach him or her how to control them. Let me just pack a bag." Seeing her determination and objection, he moved quickly to pack. "Forget it Liz. Save the objections. The only way you are leaving is if I go with you. I'll kept in touch with Isabelle. She'll be able to tell me if I'm needed back in Roswell. Besides, that is the future heir to the throne you are carrying. If anyone was to find out, you would need my protection." He watched as his arguments sank in. Finally he watched her eyes shut and heard her sigh. Liz Parker was a stubborn woman, but she was smart and knew Michael had valid points. As long as he kept in touch with Isabelle, the Royal Four wouldn't be broken.

"Okay, but Michael, if you ever regret this, you can come back. I won't hold you to anything. This is my problem, not yours." Liz could feel the fear leaving her. It was such a comfort to know that Michael would be there for her. She just hoped everything would be okay. Who knew Michael could be so selfless and wonderful. "Now, let's get you packed." She couldn't help but smile. Michael would be there for her and her child.

"Hey Liz, I'm back." Michael walked into the two-bedroom apartment he shared with Liz in Connecticut. He put down the groceries in the kitchen and looked for her in the living room. The apartment was a little small, but comfortable. Each of them had their own room. There was a fairly good size dinning room/living room, a large bathroom and a small kitchen. With his part-time job and the help of the Parkers, they were able to pay all the bills and still remain in school. Michael never got over the Parkers reaction to his leaving with Liz. Mr. and Mrs. Parker actually seemed relieved that someone would be there to help Liz and watch out for her. They understood that Liz and Michael were just friends, yet Michael would be there to help Liz and the baby once it was born. Michael got nervous that it was only a few more weeks now until the baby would be born.

After they settled into their new apartment, the first thing they did was enroll in school. Not only did Liz insist, but also her parents agreed that Michael's first priority should be school. They would help out with the bills as much as they could as long as both Michael and Liz stayed in school. Liz's parents had every intentions of seeing their daughter graduate and go to college. Michael tried to refuse, saying he had no use for school and would be better off working full time, but Liz fought him tooth and nail. She even threatened to call Isabelle and tell her he was dropping out. He had kept in touch with Izzy after they left. He never told her the entire story, just enough for her to understand that Max could never know. They often spoke over the phone or in their dreams. Isabelle would keep him up on the happenings around Roswell. For the most part, she didn't ask too many questions. She understood that it was extremely necessary for him to leave with Liz and that Max could never know. So far she had kept her word and their secret. However, if she heard he dropped out, she may have just flown out and beaten some sense into him. Michael reluctantly followed Liz to school.

Michael's next priority had been to contact Riverdog. Liz was going to need some medical attention and help when it came time for the baby to be born. Michael hoped the Riverdog might have known someone trustworthy. Fortunately, he was right. Riverdog's nephew Eddie flew out immediately and introduced them to a doctor at a reservation nearby. The doctor seemed trustworthy and asked only a few questions. As a distant member of Riverdog's family, he swore to keep any information on Liz's pregnancy a secret. No records were kept and when the time came, the doctor and a midwife would help deliver the baby at the apartment and provide a birth certificate and medical records for the baby. Usually Michael hated trusting outsiders, but his intuition said this man would keep his word. It had been a good thing too, especially when only a few weeks later, Liz was extremely sick. Michael was beside himself with worry. The doctor had driven to the apartment and gave Liz something to help her sleep. It had only been a severe episode of morning sickness, but Michael was never so relieved to have someone to turn to.

Eventually things had settled down. Liz went to school as much as possible. Arrangements had already been made for her to finish the school year at home when she closer to her due date. Michael had gotten a beeper and two cell phones so Liz could always get in touch with him. Between school and working at a local restaurant, he found himself out of the apartment often. He wanted to guarantee that Liz could reach him in an emergency. So far, they hadn't been needed for an emergency, except for some unexpected cravings that Liz often had. Overall, Michael was enjoying his new life. He didn't mind doing things for Liz and the baby. He even enjoyed the shopping trips for baby clothes and a crib. For once he felt like he had a family. Now as school came to a close for the summer and with Liz due date coming closer, he found himself doing most of the household stuff, including the shopping. He had just returned from grocery shopping for the week.

Not hearing Liz respond, he walked out of the kitchen, glanced briefly into the living room, before heading to her room. He knocked on the door before entering. "Liz, are you in here?"


As Michael walked in, he noticed her heavy breathing and sweat forming on her forehead. "Oh god Liz, what's wrong? What is it?"

Liz laughed at sheer panic on Michael's face. "I think this baby wants to meet you. I called the doctor. He's on his way." As another contraction hit, Liz took a sharp breath and closed her eyes trying to focus on anything but pushing. This baby was coming quickly. Unlike most human births, she found herself in little pain, but the labor was progressing too quickly. She wondered if the doctor and midwife would make it in time.

"Oh god, what can I do? They're on their way. That's good. Oh god, you've having the baby." Michael rambled on in shock. The doorbell caused him to focus again. Letting the doctor and midwife inside, Michael found himself exiled to the living room to wait. It was torture to wait outside, not knowing what was happening, but he wanted to give Liz some privacy. As he heard Liz cry out, he forgot about privacy and entered the room. Concerned that something was wrong, he stayed clear of the doctor and sat next to Liz on the bed. He held her hand and tried to comfort her. "Is there anything I can do? Liz, can I help?"

He concern touched her. Over the months, she found many different sides to Michael that stonewall Guerin had previously hid from everyone. He had become her best friend and confidant. They talked about everything. When she had nightmare, he would lay with her, just holding her and comforting her. He never forced her to talk, but was always willing to listen. Liz knew she would have never survived these months without Michael's help and support. "I'm okay. Just stay with me and hold my hand. I'm scared."

Michael immediately squeezed her hand, adding his strength to hers. He knew she had fears and doubts about the pregnancy although she never voiced them. No matter what, she insisted on being strong and independent, and extremely stubborn at times, but Michael loved her anyway. Michael froze for a second and wondered where that thought came from. Did he really love Liz Parker?

A small cry caused him to forget his question. He watched in awe as the doctor placed the small baby boy into Liz's arms. The baby immediately quieted as he felt his mother's touch. The small baby was adorable and looked perfectly human. Michael released a breath. He knew it was silly, but a part of him was worried that the baby would look like something out of a science fiction movie. The bundle looked exactly like a mini version of Liz. Thankfully, the kid had not inherited his father's large ears. Michael was feeling so many emotions at once. However, one threw him for a loop. Looking down at Liz and the amazing baby who just entered this world, he couldn't help but wish it were his and not Max's child that she just had.


Feedback please!! Let me know what you think.