MusicMaker87: Hello again! This is also the same CroMa that was posted back in Episode 15! So, if you wanted Crona to be a boy, here you go!

This is a CroMa! Suggested by: MinaBlahBlahBlahAnimeFan

Special Note: Again, Crona's gender is not confirmed. This is the version where Crona will be a boy. :3

~~~Disclaimer: When I own Soul Eater, Crona's gender will be confirmed and I will have a strange craving for tea.

Epi. 19: Let it out

Normal POV_

Crona was sitting on his bed in his room. He wore his usual black night gown and some black slippers. He aimlessly stared at his ceiling as he hugged his pillow, having yet another flashback of memories for the third time that night.

Crona remembered Maka grasping his hand tightly as she pulled him up to the highest balcony in the DWMA. Crona smiled at the thought, but when he got up there, he felt nervous. It was so beautiful. Crona didn't know how to deal with it. It wasn't the fact that he was afraid of heights, which he was, but he was more worried about what he did to Stein.

He had poisoned Miss Marie with one of Lady Medusa's snakes, and Stein was getting affected by it. It was all in that stupid pen! Crona could feel the guilt building up in his body. He had lied to his friends at the DWMA. He lied to Stein and Miss Marie, but even worse, he had lied to Maka. Maka was Crona's first friend. How could he do that to her?

Of course, after the truth got out, Crona didn't feel as relieved as he had hoped. Even though he lost some of his guilt, the rest still remained inside his heart. What was Maka thinking of him at that moment? What would Miss Marie do? Well, he found out. Soon enough, Crona was already in the desert with Miss Marie and on his way to kill his own mother.

It only got worse.

How could Crona deal with killing his own mother? It took him such a long time to conquer the little one. Would it even be possible?

Crona decided to shake off these old thoughts. It was already done. Everyone had forgiven him, and in the end, he was still Maka's friend. He smiled at that thought as he closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep.

~~~ .O~~~

It was the next morning, and for once, Crona felt just a little eager to get to school. He still didn't know how to deal with Sid, but he knew he could survive as long as he was with Maka. Crona blushed and got dressed.

"CRONA!" Tiny Ragnarok sprung out of his back and shouted, "Stop blushing you idiot! What the heck is wrong with you?!"

Crona didn't reply, he just continued his way to the door. When Crona finally got to school, he found Maka talking to Soul.

Maka turned and saw him, but Crona looked away, too afraid that Maka would look directly at his eyes and know the truth. Maka waved him over.

"Hey Crona! Over here!" Maka shouted.

Crona walked over awkwardly slow, holding his arm and looking at the ground.

When he finally got there, Maka asked, "Crona, are you ok?"

Crona looked up and smiled, "I'm f- fine... thanks."

"Well, we're about to head in, you coming?" Maka asked.

"Y- yeah," Crona nodded.

~~~during class~~~

Crona tried to pay attention to Stein's lesson, but... he just couldn't deal with dissection yet, nor did he want to. So, he thought he'd pay a little more attention to something, or someone, he could deal with... Maka. Maka was only a few rows away from him. Crona stared at Maka's hair. It looked so soft. He just wanted to reach out and touch it.

And those eyes. Crona loved them. The dark, forest green eyes that Maka had were the only forest Crona would be happy to get lost in. Suddenly, the bell rang. Crona was brought back to reality as Maka stood up and made her way down the steps.

It was lunch time. The only time he had to talk to Maka, except for when Maka would visit him.

Crona still lived in the Academy cell, but they allowed him to make it more of a home. It wasn't locked up, and the walls were now painted green. Crona was also allowed to bring in anything he liked to make himself feel more comfortable. Crona smiled at the memories he had with Maka as she and Soul came to help him re-decorate. Maka had to chop Soul to get him moving. Crona laughed silently.

Because he wasn't paying attention, Crona had accidentally bumped into a large academy student.

"Watch where you're going!" The boy said as he pushed Crona to the ground.

Maka turned and saw what happened.

"That wasn't very nice," Crona said quietly.

The boy turned around and laughed, "What are you anyway? I've never seen anything like you! You don't even look human!"

"Hey!" Maka shouted.

"Maka this is a bad idea," Soul said, pulling at her arm.

"It's ok Soul, I know what I'm doing," she said to him.

"What do YOU want, tiny-tits?" The boy asked.

"I want you to leave my friend alone!" Maka shouted as she swung at him and hit him in the face. He rubbed his cheek as he turned back around.

Suddenly, Black*Star ran down the hallway.

"Dude is there a fight?!" Black*Star asked Soul. Soul pointed to Maka.

"Oi Maka! I can handle this guy!" Black*Star shouted.

"No it's fine, I got this," Maka said.

The boy growled as he threw his first punch at Maka. It was slow enough that Maka was able to dodge it and trip him. Soon enough, a crowd had gathered. Maka kicked him in the stomach.

"You need to grow up! Stop bullying other people to make yourself feel better!" Maka shouted.

The boy slowly stood up and walked away, saying, "Whatever."

Maka looked down at Crona. Everyone cheered. She held out her hand to him. Crona smiled and took it.

"Thanks, Maka... but y- you didn't have to..." Crona said.

"It's fine Crona. It's what friends are for," Maka smiled, "C'mon, let's go eat."

Crona sat down across from Maka. Maka smiled as Ragnarok came out from Crona's back.

"Here, I brought some extra candy today," Maka said as she handed some to Crona and Ragnarok.

"Thanks, Maka," Crona said.

"Yeah, thanks cow!" Ragnarok said.

"Could you quit it with the names already?" Maka pouted.

Ragnarok just stuck out his tongue at her.

"S- sorry Maka," Crona apologized.

"No need to apologize Crona," Maka smiled.

Crona blushed.

After school was over, Crona trudged down an empty hallway towards his room. He had yet again failed to tell Maka the truth... that he loved her.

Suddenly, Crona almost jumped out of his own skin when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned around to see Maka.

"M- Maka, you scared me," Crona said.

"Oh, sorry," Maka laughed, "I came to say goodnight."

"O- oh," Crona looked down.

"Crona, is something wrong?" Maka asked.

"N- no," Crona said, still looking at the ground.

"Well... alright then," Maka said, "Goodnight."

Crona sighed, "Wait... Maka..."

Maka turned around, "Hm?"

"Th- there's something... I need to tell you," Crona said.

"What is it?" Maka asked.

"I- I really like you Maka... You were my first friend... and if anything ever happened to you... I'd..." tears formed in Crona's eyes.

"Crona," Maka said softly as she hugged him. Crona blushed.

"I like you too, Crona," Maka said.

"But... not the way I like you..." Crona replied.

Maka pulled away and looked at her.

"M- Maka?" Crona asked, "Are.. you ok?"

"Crona... there's been something I've been meaning to tell you," Maka said as she rubbed her arm nervously.

"Huh?" Crona asked.

"I... I'm really sorry. About your past. Everything... I just..." Maka sighed, "I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what."

Crona smiled and hugged herself.

"And..." Maka said.

"A- and?" Crona stuttered.

"And I.. I really do like you... just as much as you like me," Maka said.

"M- Maka," Crona said.

"I love you Crona," Maka said as she pulled Crona into a tight hug.

"I love you too," Crona hugged back. Maka pulled away. Crona wasn't sure what Maka was doing until she did it. Maka kissed Crona. As they kissed Maka wrapped her arms around Crona's tiny waist. The kiss lasted a good ten seconds.

"Goodnight, Crona," Maka smiled as she pulled away.

"Goodnight, Maka," Crona replied.

They both slept well that night, knowing that they both had gotten something fairly large off their chests.

MusicMaker87: TADA! Ok so it's not exactly the same, I'm sure you've probably noticed the differences. I just wanted to fix it up a little bit. I hope you liked it though! Thanks for reading!

Thanks again to MinaBlahBlahBlahAnimeFan for this suggestion! :)

~ MusicMaker87 :3