Chapter 1

"We should go now!" Puck shouted, fighting off a pink reviser with his wooden sword. The creature jumped, but was met by sharp wood and was cut in half. The fairy smiled in satisfaction before turning to another one, who would soon meet the same fate as his reviser friend before.

"Go where?" Daphne asked, whimpering. "It's the end of the story; so why didn't a door appear?"

"Maybe we just have to wait." Sabrina suggested, jumping back as a reviser sprang forward.

"We don't have much time, Grimm. Waiting won't help." Puck warned. It was true. After ruining and changing the events of another fairy tale, hundreds of revisers had appeared almost immediately. If a door didn't come in a few minutes, the trio would be overwhelmed.

"There!" Daphne shouted, pointing to a door that wasn't there before. She ran, almost tripping over her own shoes. Sabrina and Puck followed, keeping their eyes on the advancing revisers.

Puck opened the door. "Go in, go in." he urged, shoving Daphne through the door. The little girl disappeared, with Sabrina right behind her. Puck also went through the door, a reviser barely missing his shoulder. Soon all three were gone, into another tale.

Sabrina stumbled, gasping and wheezing after the hard run. After she regained her breath, she looked around. Puck was next to her, looking completely fine.

"Wow, Grimm. Looks like the Book decided to be nice to you. You're wearing your regular clothes, and not some random character's!" Puck laughed.

Sabrina looked down. He was right. Instead of the weird outfit she was expecting, Sabrina was wearing jeans, a regular t shirt, and a hoodie. On her feet were clean sneakers, and she still had her wooden sword with her. Where am I? Sabrina asked herself. If it was a fairy tale, she would be dressed as a character, with other characters insisting she and Daphne say the correct lines. This was not the case. Wait a second. Speaking of her little sister…

"Where's Daphne?" Sabrina cried, panicking. Puck looked at her as if she just lost her mind.

"Don't overreact Grimm, the Marshmallow's right over-" He stopped, realizing that Daphne was in fact, gone.

"Daphne!" Sabrina called. When she got no answer, she frowned.

"Daphne, stop hiding! It's not funny!" Sabrina was frustrated, and scared. What if someone took her? What if she was hurt? Was she even in this story? Questions raced through her mind, and all of them were depressing.

"She probably just went ahead." Puck reassured, though he wasn't sure himself. "She's always curious if she finds something interesting." Sabrina just nodded, and together they walked forward, not knowing where they were going or even where they were right now. After a few minutes, they came to the edge of a strawberry field. Or at least, that's what Sabrina saw.

"Let's go through here!" Puck exclaimed, gesturing to empty space.

"Where?" asked Sabrina, both irritated and exasperated. Probably another one of Puck's stupid jokes, she thought.

"Here!" Puck insisted, still pointing. Then Sabrina saw it. An arch or gate, was in front of her, with the words CAMP HALF BLOOD written in big letters. Sabrina wondered why she couldn't see it before. It was probably magic, but when she went through all the fairy tales in her head, she didn't find a reference about a camp in any story.

"I don't think we should go in there." Sabrina said cautiously.

"Too late!" Puck said cheerfully, and he flew to through the entrance.
"Your turn." He gestured for her to walk through. Sabrina sighed in defeat, and slowly walked. But when she tried to go through, she found that she couldn't.

Puck was lazily floating in the air, watching her try to get in.

"It's not that hard, Grimm. Air isn't a solid, ya know."

Sabrina glared and once again attempted to enter, this time using all her power and force. Within seconds, she was standing on the other side, only a few feet away from Puck.

"Come on stinkpot, we don't have all day. If you want to find the Marshmallow, you have got to go faster than that." At the mention of Daphne, Sabrina perked up.

"Let's go." She said determinedly, trying to ignore her instincts that told her to run away. After all, any camp with the word blood in its name didn't sound so friendly.

The two of them walked, looking around as they went. They saw some weird stuff - Sabrina could've sworn she saw a wall opening and closing, occasionally spewing out lava. I hope this isn't a torture chamber or something, Sabrina thought.

They only took a few more steps when Sabrina heard the loud shout.