Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own them.  Damn.

A few character points:

This is based on Movieverse.  Remy hasn't met Ororo before.  Yes, I nicked Carver out of my Thorn fics.

Characters of the Way:

The Three: three telepaths who lead the Way.

Shadow, the head of the Way, a strong telepath who also can also move very quietly and sneak up on people g

Darkling and Brightling: brother and sister, twins who must stay in contact at all times in order to use their powers.  Darkling is better at controlling and changing minds; Brightling's powers are more benevolent.

Sword: Has ability to create energy fields; usually he forms a sword and armor like a medieval knight, hence the name.  Strongly devoted to the Way.

Violet: A healer, and very weakly telepathic.  Married to Sword.

Carver: Truck driver, and part-time recruiter for the Way.  Has ability to 'carve' patterns into objects when he places his hands on them; has difficulty controlling it, and thus wears gloves to stop himself accidentally etching patterns on everything he touches.

Control is part of the way, Strength is part of the way, Power is part of the way.

Love is part of the way, Mercy is part of the way, Honor is part of the way.

And sometimes… Sometimes Vengeance is part of the way.

Part One: Running.

Marie hadn't hugged her parents behind.  Hadn't left a note.  She didn't think they'd mind.  Hell, her mother couldn't even look at her no more.

She went to the truck stop near Main Street, hoping to find a lift.  But the way some of the drivers looked at her gave her the creeps.  She sat down at a table in the corner, thinking about how much money she had left.  She could get a bus… but her aunt worked at the Greyhound station.  She was sure to ask questions.

"Mind if I join you?" said one driver, slipping into the seat opposite.

"Ah don't mind." she said, looking at her hands.  She'd pulled some gloves out of her closet, and made sure she wore long sleeves.  She didn't want to hurt anyone else.

The man nodded.  "Here." he passed one of the boxes he was holding to her.  "Burger and fries.  Hope you like onions."

She was startled by his generosity.  "Thank you."

He shrugged.  "You looked hungry.  And I was curious, about them gloves of yours."

She pulled her hands away, trying to hide them under the table.

"None of that, now."  He pulled one of her hands back out from under the table.

"Don't, please."

"Not to worry, kid.  I'm not going to hurt you.  I just thought you might be wearing gloves for sort of the same reason I do."

She stared at him.  She hadn't noticed, but he did wear gloves, even when he was eating.

He placed one finger to his lips, looking around, and then slipped one off, placing his palm flat on the plastic countertop.

When he removed it, there was the perfect image of a rose, carved into the stained white plastic.

"Name's Carver, for obvious reasons." He slipped the glove back on.  "Yours?"

"Uh.  Ahm Rogue."

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment.

"Look, kid.  If you are what I think you are, I know some people who can help.  Good folks.  Just so happens, I'm going to be passing pretty close by them on my route.  So, if you want a lift."

If it wasn't for her mutation, she would have hugged him.

"Thank you, Carver."

"Just eat up.  We're on the road in ten."

Sabertooth walked into the Brotherhood lair, grinning.

Mystique, currently practicing the form of a blonde-haired mistress of a certain politician they were targeting, rolled her eyes at him.


"I know that look, Victor.  You were supposed to be gathering information, not beating people up."
He shrugged.  "Good way to get information."

"Save the aggressive-aggressive tendencies for later, when we want you to kill something.  Did you find out anything useful?"

"Ran into an old friend."

"Becoming quite the social animal, aren't we?" asked Magneto, entering the room.  "That is not what I pay you for, Sabertooth."

Victor shrugged again.  "He might be useful.  Maybe you've heard of him.  Runt by the name of Wolverine?"

Magneto smiled, for once.  "Indeed.  And where is he now?"

"Oh, he's living the carefree life I used to know." Sabertooth put on what was, for him, a nostalgic face.  "Drinking, fighting, enjoying the company of loose women."

Toad snorted.  "Last time I checked, you still did all those things."

Sabertooth growled at him, advancing with murderous intent.

"Enough!" yelled Magneto.  "Don't kill him, Victor, he might actually turn out to be useful one day."

"Take Raven with you, find Wolverine, and bring him back – mostly unharmed please.  I'd rather recruit him than kill him."

Victor sulked at that, but Raven just laughed.

"I'll keep our feral friend under control, boss.  Don't you worry."