Disclaimer:  Nope, I'm not even allowed the delusion of grandeur g.  Marvel and the movie people own the X-Men.

Raven emerged from the shower, shifting without thought into the form of the young tourist that she'd been using around the city.  Wolverine frowned.

"Ya don't need ta do that, Darlin'.  Curtain's closed."

"Oh."  She shifted back into her natural form.

"Now that's a much nicer view."

She rolled her eyes and examined the blue-fuzz outlined dent in the second bed that had been Kurt.  "Where'd he go?"

"Vending machines.  Kid's already had 'bout eight bucks worth of chocolate, but apparently he wanted some more."

"You let him go by himself?"

A shrug.  "Why not?  He'll be fine, Rav.  He's not going ta die of a broken heart."

"I'm still standing." she replied, quietly.  "Doesn't mean I'm 'fine'."

"And what do ya want from me?  An apology?  D'ya want me ta say sorry, Rav?"

"Might be a start." she snapped back, perhaps with a little more venom then she intended.

"Why?  'Sorry' is a waste of breath, Mystique.  It's a hollow, ugly, word."

"Not if you mean it."

"No-one ever means it, darlin'.  You're more naïve than yer boy, sometimes."

"And you're just bitter, Logan."

"You ever kill anyone, Raven?"

"What sort of question is that?"

He lit up a cigar; sent a puff of smoke in the direction of the 'please do not smoke' sign.  "One that requires a yes or no answer."

"Yes, but you knew that already."

"Up close?"

"What sort of perverse…"

"Yes or no, Raven.  You always use that gun you're so fond of, or have you ever used yer hands, a knife?"

"No," she answered, faltering.  "Never up close."

Another puff of smoke joined the cloud – he must have disconnected the smoke alarm. 

"The smell of blood clings to the skin.  Ya can try as hard as you like to get rid of it, but it'll stay there until it's good and ready to leave.  I always know a man that's killed, because of the smell.  Old blood smells like rotting meat, Rav, like the grave."

He exhaled, examining the cigar he held.  "That's the first smell I can remember, because that's the smell that was on me when I woke up."

If she was surprised by that admission, she didn't show it.

He shrugged.  "I suppose I could hope that whoever it was, they deserved it.  Musta done something ta piss me off, right?  Some hikers, they found me.  Dragged me outta the snow, up ta some cabin of theirs.  Roads were closed, snowed in.  Probably thought I was gonna die.  Bet I surprised them. The woman – I can't remember her name – she smelt like roses."

For a second he paused, as if searching for a distant memory.

"I killed her."

Raven could keep silent no longer.  "Why?...  They were…"

"Trying to help me?  I don't remember why, Rav.  She probably forgot the basic rule: ya don't corner an injured animal.  I ran through the snow fer a couple days, and by the time I got to a road I remembered what cars were for.  Never looked back."

There was a long silence.

"Was that supposed to be an apology?"

"No, darlin'.  Just a truth.  More honest than an apology."

She sighed, as if despairing of him.  "Shouldn't Kurt be back by now?"

As they rounded the corner Logan suddenly took off at speed towards the vending machines, swearing loudly.  In front of the chocolate machine was a small patch of blood and blue fur; the wall was damaged as well, cracks radiating outwards from a large hole.

"Arclight and Scalphunter." he hissed.  "Plus one other.  It's Sinister."

"What is that?" asked Sinister, as they entered the lab, the unconscious blue mutant slung over Scalphunter's shoulder.

"Ask her." snarled Wanda in return, disappearing out of the room.

Arclight shrugged.  "Bait, boss.  Seems the girl's proving a little harder to catch then planned."   Scalphunter tossed their captive carelessly into a cell behind her.  "So we got a little friend of hers, to give her a motive to come out of hiding."

Kurt felt cold concrete underneath him and a throbbing pain at the back of his head.  Either he'd had a fight with the vending machine, or…

"Perhaps next time you capture someone for me, Arclight, you could try not nearly killing them?  A gentle tap on the head would have sufficed."

"Whatever, boss."

"What is his power, by the way?"

"He teleports."

Oh yeah.  Kurt tried to open his eyes.   Wasn't a good idea to teleport 'blind' at the best of times, and especially not when he was injured, so if he could just figure out where the door was…

"Wonderful.  So putting him in a cell is pretty much useless, is it not?"

" 's unconscious, boss."

"Eventually, Scalphunter, he will either wake up, or he will die.  That is the way of the world.  Here."

There was the noise of a drawer sliding open; the 'Boss' voice muttered something to himself.  There was something holding one of his eyelids shut; something sticky that had dried across his eye.  Was it blood?  Was it his?

"That's all the way from Genosha.  Try not to break it, will you?"

Something slid around Kurt's neck with a 'snap'; suddenly he felt cut off from the world, as if one of his senses was missing.  Finally, his eyes opened; he saw feet, and across from them was a door.  But he couldn't teleport; that part of him was there, but it was hidden from him.  He felt dizzy, unbalanced.  The feet moved away, the sound of a door swinging shut accompanied them.

The conversation continued.

"There is one flaw in your plan, Arclight.  If you can't find this girl, how do you propose to inform her that we even have her friend?"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, boss."

"Oh really?"

"Yep.  We've got a dear, dear, friend whose going to do it for us."


~Raven, could you not shout?  We've been trying to get in touch with Rogue all day – we make contact, she slams up shields.  It's giving me a headache.~

~Sorry.  But you can get in touch with her?~

~Briefly; I'm not sure where she learnt to shield like that, but she's damn good.  Raven… is everything alright?~

~It's Kurt; Kurt, he… *image*~

~Calm down, Raven.  We'll try and find him – and contact Rogue.  Have you got in touch with the X-Men?~

~We're going to; Shadow, if anything happens to him…~

~It wont, Raven.  We wont let it.~

Raven opened her eyes, to find that Logan had disappeared.  Frowning, both from his sudden disappearance, and from the headache she always got when using telepathy, she peered around the corner. 

Suddenly he tapped her shoulder.  She jumped a little.  "Don't do that.  Where's a payphone; we ought to call the X-Men"

He shook his head.  "No time.  Shadow and that lot contacting Rogue?"


"Good.  Gotta trail.  Come on."


The figure swept through the sky, the telepathic call going unacknowledged.  Well above the flight path of any airplane, so high that the tears froze almost immediately, she still wept.  Carol ranted behind her shields, snarling, calling her pathetic, demanding that they do something, anything!

~Rogue, listen!~

She shook her head, rising, rising until the air almost froze in her lungs.  Carol's acidic voice told her that wouldn't work, wouldn't kill her, but still she rose.

~Kurt is in trouble.~

Four words, accompanied by a flurry of images, snuck past her shields by Carol, the saboteur within her mind.

The figure wheeled mid-air, changing course, heading downwards; the tears dried by the wind rushing past her face.  She moved with a new purpose.

~Finally.~  said a voice within her mind, but whose it was she couldn't tell.  It didn't matter.

She had work to do.

A/N:  Finally indeed g  Sorry about not updating this very frequently; RL stuff happening.  Review!   (Or the pixies will get you!)