
Ch. 1: hold down your head now.

The beginning of Shinichi's harassment. He receives a beige envelope with the simple instructions of heading to Office 231 to meet with the teacher. It seem as though Shinichi knows why he's going, at least it seemed that way.

Shinichi arrives, prepared with a tape to record the confessions of a criminal. Confessions for what? Shinichi goes on to explain the selective testing that Yamada has had going on and how he used such selective testing to choose his victims (to "tutor" personally in his office.) Yamada replies that he has a good reputation which in fact is true- he helps the majority while targeting an individual. That is how his sexual assaults are carried out.

Yamada is impressed, but he's been anticipating Shinichi's movements because he's been watching him. (Shinichi never noticed the spy cameras in his house because he was too distracted/ or tired from cases and working with the police.)

Because of Shinichi's carelessness, Yamada knows that Kaito, Shinichi's housemate and boyfriend, is Kaitou Kid.

Yamada blackmails Shinichi.

Chapter 2: you can't breathe underwater.

The beginning of Shinichi's distractions and his torture.

Shinichi pretends and tries to think about other things, anything to keep himself together. His desperation to distance himself from the harassment will prove to be devastating in the later chapters.

He is desperate to cling onto the shred of sanity and calm that he has left, he begins a mantra that will be reintroduced over and over again later.

Fears are fears because they aren't acknowledged. Shinichi doesn't admit he was scared.

Chapter three: it's all just a very long dream.

Shinichi's dying, in more ways than one.

The trauma from the rape leaves him in pieces, and Shinichi copes. (Asking for help never crosses his mind because he's bent on protecting Kaito's secret that he doesn't think of himself. Maybe he's too proud to even acknowledge that he needs help.)

Shinichi is tormented with a lack of sleep and energy, counting on a multitude of things to distract him. (He recites his beloved novels, he counts down to the weekend, he goes to the police department.) When none of his coping methods work, he turns to imagine Kaito and it helps him, if only a little.

Kaito becomes his lifeline in the torment with Shinichi enduring the rape and the trauma by counting down " three days, eight hours, and forty-four minutes." until Kaito comes back.

The end of the chapter, Shinichi completely withdraws into himself as a means of protection. His choice for isolation ends up shutting even Kaito outside.

Chapter four: just like that, repeat and repeat.

Kaito comes back and Shinichi forces himself to be normal. This is his problem, this is his fight. Kaito notices but Shinichi hides it away and pretends nothing is wrong with him. (Part of him doesn't want Kaito to know, which goes against his desire to have Kaito "save" him.)

When night comes, Shinichi reaches a horrifying realization that despite having Kaito there with him, his dreams still haunt him.

Shinichi continues on the pretense that he's fine. Kaito is too hesitant to ask, but suspects something.

Begin a sequence of short sections that replay the exact same scenarios Shinichi has used to distract himself with in Chapter 2, except things are much different because Shinichi has been traumatized.

Shinichi has an internal struggle between calling out for Kaito to help and keeping the problem to himself.

In the end, he keeps it to himself.

Chapter five: shattered into a million pieces of glass.

Curious as to why Shinichi is acting strange, Kaito texts Ran and asks why. He gets no answer.

Their relationship becomes strained.

Shinichi is harassed again, with a horrible promise hovering over the next day. His isolation-protection is shattered and he is back into pieces.

Kaito is extremely worried but Shinichi snaps at him, Kaito doesn't pursue the topic.

Shinichi dreams that he's behind the little door, as a means to protect himself from his nightmares and fears. There's a voice outside that tries to persuade him to come outside. The voice promises that it will be safe because Yamada is gone. When Shinichi opens the door, he sees that Kaito has been arrested. (A foreshadow to what will happen.)

Chapter six: wrapped in a haze.

Shinichi wakes up from the nightmare, remembering the conditions of the blackmail. If Yamada is ever arrested, he will pull Kaito down with him. There is nothing Shinichi can do.

In Kaito's POV, he asks Hakuba if there's been a murder case that happened. Hakuba says that there wasn't any. (Introduction of a character for future use.)

Shinichi falls asleep during school and has a nightmare about what will happen that day. The lack of sleep and lack of food is taking a toll on his body. As he counts to the time that he knows he will be raped, he faints in class from the stress and the fever that he had for a few days.

Shinichi wakes up at home and insists to go back to school. Kaito heavily opposes it but Shinichi insists and storms out.

He is raped.

Chapter seven: split in half and bleeding all over.

Shinichi returns home with the resolve to never let Kaito know. (Kaito is briefly shown playing with something small and round, later to be revealed the spy cameras that he found.) Kaito interrogates him, he's frustrated that Shinichi has been brushing him off and he demands to know why Shinichi would return to school in his condition.

During their verbal fight, Kaito grabs Shinichi's bruised arm and discovers the bruises and the bloody wrists (from being tied). Shinichi runs to shower and locks himself in the room.

Kaito tries to persuade him to come out (re-enactment of Shinichi's dream of discovering Kid is handcuffed in Ch.5) but Shinichi refuses.

Shinichi has a dream about Yamada putting a gun in his hand and pressuring him to suicide. Shinichi wakes up, deluded by a fever. Kaito is there, but since he is still living in his nightmare, he sees Yamada and not Kaito. Determined to end the torment, Shinichi scrambles for the gun he keeps in his desk drawer.

He admits that he was scared and had never tried to fight. Once he admits it, he pulls the trigger.

Chapter eight: the clouded glass clears

Backtrack to the time when Shinichi slams Kaito out of his room.

Curious, Kaito decides to investigate. He has knowledge that whatever kept Shinichi out late wasn't at the police station, so: something must be happening at school.

Texting Ran, he gets info of the classmates and teachers that are in contact with Shinichi on a daily basis. He breaks into Teitan and heads to the teacher's lounge.

He reviews over Shinichi's grades for the past week and sees that his performance has declined right when Kaito was away on a trip. With no leads, Kaito decides to check out the office of the teacher who didn't share a desk in the teacher's lounge.

When he arrives, he finds out that something is wrong. As a thief, he is aware of all the cameras in the room. (And recognizes that these cameras were the same model that he's found in their house.) After taking down the cameras, he opens a drawer and finds a stack of discs, with names and dates written on them.

The names sound familiar and Kaito remembers a time when he and Shinichi were talking about the three peculiar suicides.

It's an eerie coincidence that the names of the three victims are on the cd cases, what's more strange is that there is a stack of unnamed discs but the dates fit perfectly with the date that Shinichi's grades began to fall.

He opens another drawer.

A flashback that gives a more detail account of each suicide which has been foreshadowed in the first chapter with Yamada saying: " pre-university stress, relationship problems, trivial, little things."

(note: Shinichi makes an ironic comment in the flashback, "Bruises and marks don't just disappear with scalding water no matter how much you try to convince yourself..." because that's exactly what he did after being rapes.)

Kaito opens the drawer and discovers the sex toys and empty lube bottles. He finds a video camera that has footage inside.

As he watches, he realizes that the tape is of Shinichi, and realizes why he's been keeping quiet the entire time.

The door opens.

Chapter nine: in the mirror, he shatters

The chapter begins with Kaito having hit Yamada in the head and bound him to a chair. Kaito goes on to reproduce Shinichi's deduction (in the first chapter.) and reveals that he has noticed the cameras ever since he came back from America.

As Kaito boasts about his ability to spot cameras, he comes to realize that Yamada had installed cameras beforehand, before Kaito had moved in a month ago. (Because how else did Yamada figure out about his identity as Kid? Kaito would have noticed it if he had lived there rather than visited.)

After talking, a nerve is touched and Kaito pulls a taser on Yamada. Yamada goes on to reveal his blackmail material, that he has footage of Kid as Kaito. Kaito is disgusted by Yamada's speech and ends up tasering him.

Kaito then asks for a confession of what Yamada did to Shinichi. He asks about the small video camera, and disgusted by the contents of it, he deletes the last few minutes. (the part where Yamada clarifies that Kid is Kaito.)

Kaito claims that they're in a dilemma. They both have dirt on each other. If Yamada goes to jail, Kaito would too. Yamada goads Kaito into considering the option that Kaito steals the tapes from him. (Later explained in chapter ten, why he doesn't.)

Kaito refuses. He turns Yamada into the police late at night and brings the stacks of cds as evidence against Yamada. Kaito turns in a stack of Shinichi's tapes and requests that this not be made in public news.

Kaito returns home and comes to terms that he will serve time in jail for the crimes he's committed. He finds Shinichi feverish on the floor and attempts to bring him to bed. Deluded by his fever, Shinichi panics and fights him. He grabs for the gun and aims at Kaito.

The gun goes off.

Chapter ten: a moment to surface

Kaito narrowly misses the bullet and has the gun spin out of reach. He puts Shinichi to sleep.

Next morning, Shinichi doesn't remember what happened. Kaito tells him that he shouldn't go to school because Yamada isn't there. Shinichi finally breaks.

Shinichi worries about what Kaito knows and how he feels about him. After Kaito assures him that he's all right with it, Shinichi thinks about what will happen next.

Kaito receives text messages from Hakuba (re-introduction of character), giving him the detail of what will happen the next morning. Hakuba will be leading the investigation on Kid, so it seems.

Ran comes over and helps make food. She helps feed Shinichi food- the congee is too watery though and reminds Shinichi of other things. Kaito distracts her enough so that she doesn't notice Shinichi choking.

While Ran and Shinichi are watching a soap drama about a girl torn between two guys, Kaito is trying to think of a solution. He is stuck in a lose-lose situation.

When Ran leaves, Shinichi accuses Kaito of having her there to distract him. It's partially true because Kaito doesn't want Shinichi to think too much about the arrest. Later that night, when Shinichi is asleep, Kaito is putting together his bag of computer, cords, and his equipment.

Shinichi wakes up, asks what he's doing. Kaito says he'll go to Yamada's house for the tapes. Kaito gives him a riddle, saying that there are two magicians and a detective. (Reference to the soap drama that they watched earlier in the day.)

The next morning, Kaito is arrested.

Chapter eleven: static photos and film

Kaito sits, arrested on suspicions that he is Kaitou Kid. As he is held, Hakuba investigates Yamada's house. He finds the discs that Yamada told him would have evidence that Kaito is Kid. The weird thing is, the stacks are disorganized and will have to be sorted out, which will take a lot of time.

(Kaito is playing the police, wasting their time really.)

As the police at the station reorganize the discs, Hakuba goes to offer Kaito a late breakfast. The two talk as acquaintances, not as suspect and detective. Hakuba justifies his reason why he is able to be the head of the team. (But it should be known that Hakuba is on Kaito's side; because capturing Kid while not in the act is not what he wants)

Hakuba's team finds the disc they were looking for, but because it was password locked (more time wasted trying to unlock it ), Hakuba decides to begin the interrogation. During the interrogation, Kaito makes up a story about being away on August 20th (the sighting of Kid coming to the house). He claims that he returned home at 11:30, he denies he is Kid.

Hakuba finally gets the footage and watches it. (He knows that Kaito is Kid and figures that what he sees is a video manipulation. But he has no proof, nor the desire to challenge it.)

Hakuba brings in a stack of papers with the key frames of the footage printed on it. It is shown that because Kaito was wearing black at the time, he wasn't seen by Yamada. Likewise, Yamada didn't see Kid leave because he disregarded details.

Hakuba pulls up a frame that shows Kid kissing Shinichi, and claims that this particular frame is the material for blackmail. Kaito is taken completely out of the equation as the material for blackmail turns from "Kaito is Kid" to "famous detective is in a romantic relationship with a criminal."

Hakuba releases Kaito and gives him a list of therapists that Shinichi can see for his trauma. He ends on the note that he will catch Kid one day, but not using dirty tactics such as spyware.

Chapter twelve: reprieve

The healing chapter, or as much healing as it can be.

Shinichi experiences an unexplainable itch for needing to be touched. He wants, but he's afraid.

It strains them both, so Kaito invites Shinichi's friends over and the attention and support slowly gets him back on his feet. By suggestion, Shinichi's parents are brought into the equation (to heal old wounds). Kaito is a support through all of this.

Shinichi heads back to school after recovering for two months.

There's a light teasing of smut, but it cuts short when Kaito refuses to go through with it because Shinichi is still traumatized.

It is realistic that Shinichi hasn't recovered entirely (because the memories are still so vivid) but the story ends on a light note with the promise that they're slowly working together to get better.



That's the end of the summary!

I'll apologize to those who wanted detailed graphic sex between the two. However tempting the idea, I wanted to avoid the "magical healing cock" trope ( realistically it wouldn't make sense.)

Only time, friends, and family could heal those wounds.

Thank you for reading this, I hope you look forward to more of our works! :)

-Yoyoboyo Inc.