This takes place after "Black Sand experiment." It covers the first 50 years without Jack, starting about 15 years after his disappearance.

North was in his workshop. He was trying to focus on his newest creation, a miniature Titanic. But this heat... it was really getting to him. In fact, the other guardians were coming over soon to discuss some new problems that had cropped up.

Meanwhile, Bunny was painting his eggs. The only problem was, it was so hard to find the light oils for his paints. Or any oil, really. It was a problem he would have to talk about with the other guardians at the meeting later.

Sandy was giving his good dreams to children all over the world. More children than ever needed good dreams. He had been working around the clock for the last year. There was a lot of bad, bad, things going on.

Tooth was dropping off good memories to the children in need. In the years after Jack disappeared, a lot more children needed good memories. Everything was wrong.


At the North Pole

"I will report first." North stepped forward. The others nodded. North had been keeping tabs on global warming.

"It's not looking good. The people are still busy polluting the air, and in many places, people need to wear masks before they go out. Northern species, like Polar bears and seals and walrus's, are dying out faster than ever before. The scientists think that the number of species alive will be cut in half every decade, or less. They look for a solution, but have no more luck than we did. In short, they've already set this in motion." North concluded, nodding at Bunny, asking him to go next. Bunny was watching the increasing tension over the oil shortages.

"The people have used up almost all the easily accessible oil they can, and battles are starting. They want to go to war to get more oil, but for that, they need oil. The smaller countries are being basically bullied into giving the larger ones oil. I think it's only a matter of time before we have world war 3 on our hands." Bunny said grimly. It was Sandy's turn next. He made images of children sleeping restlessly, Pitch's black sand, the same children being mean and bullying the other children, and people just breaking down completely. The guardians got it. Pitch's nightmare sand was not helping anything. Then, Tooth made her report.

"It's terrible. Over the last few years, I've needed to give more good memory's to the children than before, but over the last couple weeks, that amount has nearly doubled." She simply stated. The guardians looked at each other. This was very bad.

"If Jack was here, do you think he would know what to do?" Tooth asked.

"Mim will bring him back to us soon, and until then, we must do what we do best- bring joy to the children!" North boomed. Throughout the reports, he had been getting glummer and glummer. It was time to be happy, he decided.

"Still, I wonder."


A few years later

"If mim says not to go after Pitch, we don't go after Pitch!" North was yelling.

"I'm sick and tired of just observing! It's time to do something!" Bunny yelled back.

"We can't! I never thought I'd say this, but Pitch is the least of our problems!"

"Fine, you can stay here and work on your toys while I go and wallop Pitch!"

"Bunny, my friend, don't you remember the last time one of us went up against Pitch alone?" North yelled. His point hit home.

"Oh, don't even go there! That was completely different!"

"You're just annoyed that you don't know how to fix this, so your automatic reaction is to fight! I get it! But it's not the right thing to do!" North and Bunny were still yelling when Sandy floated in, looking exhausted. He made some sand images; guns shooting, tanks rolling in, and a giant battle. His point got across to the two fighting friends.

"No… Not that." North said.

"Not… World war 3?" Bunny asked, deflating. Sandy nodded the affirmative.

"Oh. That's not good."


5 years after the start of the war

The guardians were evacuating the children. After the war had started, The guardians had built a stronghold on an obscure little island. North would touch down on his sleigh in the heart of the warzone, and take as many children as possible away. The only problem was he could only take believers. The others would just go right through him. The guardians felt so helpless. What else could they do?


After the end of the war

The war had lasted for 17 years, 17 of the worst, hardest year's mankind had ever known. Nearly half the world's population had been killed. The survivors had banded together and created a new sort of society. Every morsel of food was important and wasting time punishable by imprisonment. It was an improvement to the war, but it was still bad. But some good could always be found, despite all the bad going on.


The war had been horrible, Jamie mused, but he was one of the lucky ones. Soon after the war had started, the guardians had brought him and his sister, along with as many believers as they could find to a sort of fort. Jamie was 15, but he still believed. Now, Jamie was 27, and happy as could be. He adjusted his tie in the mirror, and walked outside. A carpet was laid out, a wedding cake beside it. Yes, life was good.

I apologize if it seems like I'm rushing the story, since the guardians couldn't do much about the war, I didn't want to bore your socks off. In the next chapter, Jamie, Rosie and Pitch all come back into the picture, but no Jack. I'm planning to update either on Saturday or once I get 5 reviews. Oh, and I'm going to hold off on the one-shot collection until I'm done this series, or until the summer break.