Hey there shippers! I've missed you, so I decided to give you a sneak peek at the story I'm working on. It has turned out a lot different than I originally planned. I'm anxious to see if you guys will like it.

Please review and let me know if you like the direction it's going. Any ideas or thoughts? Thank you so much!


"We can never have a normal day in this place, can we?"

Colonel O'Neill stepped into the gateroom, eying the strange object on the ramp in front of him and stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Depends on what you call normal," Daniel replied, squinting at the large box curiously. "Having a big chunk of ice come flying through our stargate isn't really that strange for us."

Jack stepped past the defense team poised at the bottom of the ramp and made his way up to Daniel. The two of them stared at the box for a few moments, and then Daniel reached his hand down and pressed it to the side of the object.

"That's weird. There's a slight vibration."

The Colonel reached out and jerked Daniel's arm back. "Just…don't touch it," he said with a frown.

Sam peeked down at O'Neill and Daniel from the control room, where she stood with General Hammond over the dialing computer. Shaking her head at them, she returned her gaze to the screen in front of her.

"I don't understand it, sir," she said in confusion. "It was definitely SG-1's IDC, but we never received any signal from the other side. If it was Teal'c, he may be in some kind of trouble."

Hammond nodded to Walter. "Dial P3R-119."

The stargate clicked and whirred below them, and Sam waited anxiously for it to dial. Teal'c had only been gone six hours, and his mission to assist SG-2 was not supposed to have been anything more than simple recon. He'd only gone because it was a planet that he had visited before, while in service to Apophis. She couldn't imagine a reason why he would have dialed Earth and sent a foreign item through without sending them some kind of message. Jack and Daniel backed off the ramp as the last chevron locked into place, and the vortex rushed out over the frozen object. Hammond immediately sent out a signal to Teal'c.

"Teal'c, this is General Hammond. Come in."

There was a pause, and then Teal'c's voice boomed around them.

"I am here, General Hammond."

The General crossed his arms as he spoke. "We received…" He looked down at the object in the gateroom. "…something through the stargate. It was sent using SG-1's IDC. Is there a problem?"

There was a pause, and the radio fizzed for a moment.

"All is well," Teal'c finally replied. "However, we have sent no transmission through the stargate. We are some distance away, surveying the planet's mineral formations."

Hammond frowned, sharing a concerned look with Sam.

"Understood. Major Coburn?"

While waiting for the Major to respond, Hammond gave Sam a nod, and she turned and headed down to the gateroom as the General instructed SG-2 to cut their mission short and head home. She stepped between the armed men around the ramp, taking her usual place beside Colonel O'Neill.

"What do you think?" he asked her curiously. "Another message from the future?"

Sam turned to look at him, feeling a slight rush as their eyes met and he smiled down at her.

They had grown so much closer in the last year, and Sam felt that they were really starting to come to terms with everything that had happened. It had been difficult, especially after the things they'd had to admit to each other, but she told herself that they were professionals, and she was content with things the way they were.


There was a brief silent exchange between them, and then she turned back to face the stargate as it whooshed closed.

"This is a little more than a note, sir. But who knows?"

She walked hurriedly up the ramp with Daniel, Jack following behind and looking a bit nervous.

"Just don't touch it," he reminded them anxiously.

"This is technology I've never seen before, Sam," Daniel told Sam as she stepped up next to him. "Looks like some kind of stasis chamber."

She wiped the condensation off of the control panel with her hand, and O'Neill reached out instinctively to grab her wrist.

"I said…" He paused a moment, looking down at her with a warmth in his eyes that Sam knew all too well. He took too long to drop her arm, so she gently pulled it away, trying not to let her embarrassment show.

"…don't touch," he mumbled, finishing his thought and slipping his hands back in his pockets. Hoping Daniel hadn't noticed, Sam tried to hide the blush on her cheeks and returned her focus to the frozen object before them.

"Seems simple enough," she said, eying the controls. "Looks like this switch is to deactivate it."

Daniel raised his eyebrows, looking over the rest of the box. "What, is there a person in here?"

"Whoa, guys," O'Neill objected. "Slow down. We're not thawing out this thing in the gateroom, whatever it is."

Sam frowned, running her eyes over the object. "We can put it in an isolation room, sir. There could be someone inside-"

"Or there could be a bomb inside," O'Neill countered.

"I don't think so, sir," she replied. "I think Daniel's right. It appears to be a stasis pod of some kind."

Hammond entered the room, followed by Dr. Fraiser, who stared curiously at the box. He ordered the defense team to stand down, and Sam filled them in on their theory of what the box contained. The General looked over at O'Neill.

"What do you think, Colonel?"

Sam stared expectantly at him, hoping he wouldn't be too negative. She was excited at the prospect of examining this technology.

Jack shrugged his shoulders. "Well, whoever sent this thing, they somehow had our IDC. I'd like to know how, sir. I think it's worth a look."

Hammond nodded and ordered to have the object moved to an isolation room, and Sam followed eagerly. She would have liked to help Janet open the object, but Colonel O'Neill steered her into the observation room, remarking that Frasier was fully capable of flipping one red switch on her own. Daniel and General Hammond followed behind them, and they all peered curiously at the scene before them.

Janet and her team donned environmental suits, just to be safe, and once the room was secure, she hit the switch on the object and stood back.

There was a loud hiss, and the box began to glow, emitting a bright white light from within. Several seconds passed, and the light faded, the top of the object sliding open with a metallic scraping sound. Sam and the others craned their necks to see inside, and Janet leaned over the opening. After a few seconds, she stepped aside, surprise evident on her face as she gave the others a clearer view.

The opening revealed a young girl, in her late teens, her body wrapped in a plain white cloth. Her face and hair were damp, and her skin pale, but even from where she sat in the observation room, Sam found her looks somewhat familiar.

As the others watched, Janet finished her tests and gave her team the okay, stripping off the environmental suit hanging over her body. She nodded to General Hammond, and he hurried with Sam, Daniel, and O'Neill out of the observation room and into the area below. Janet had the girl lifted out of the stasis chamber and onto the table in the middle of the room, immediately hooking her up to a monitor and checking her vitals.

"She's definitely alive, sir."

They all looked down at the girl lying on the table, and Sam felt an uneasy feeling in her stomach. There was definitely something familiar about the unconscious figure in front of them, and an uncomfortable thought wedged its way into her mind.

She looks like me.

She wasn't the only one who thought so, either. Daniel and Jack were both looking back and forth between the girl and Sam, and Daniel spoke excitedly.

"Sam, what if this is-"

"Daniel, I know what you're thinking," she interrupted, shaking her head. "But no way. It's not possible."

Jack looked confused. "What? What's not possible?"

Ignoring him, Daniel turned to face Sam. "Think about it. It was our IDC, and this is clearly advanced technology…it is possible."

"What's possible?"

They both turned and looked and O'Neill, and he stared blankly back at them. Janet looked back and forth between Daniel and Sam, and finally she spoke.

"I can run some tests, but I don't see how-"

The girl behind her moaned slightly, and Sam jumped. She suddenly felt immensely uncomfortable, and she began to back up towards the door.

"I'll just…wait in the observation room," she mumbled. Jack raised his eyebrows at her, and she gave him a small smile, silently telling him she was fine as she left the room. By the time she made it back behind the glass above them, the girl was beginning to twitch slightly. She raised an arm to reach out for something, and Janet took her hand.

"It's alright. You're safe."

The girl opened her eyes, and Sam saw Janet take a step back. She looked up through the glass at Sam and then back at the young girl lying in front of her as the girl blinked her eyes at the doctor and smiled.


Everyone in the room stared at the girl in astonishment, and Janet looked around at the others before answering softly.

"Yes, that's me. Do I know you?"

The girl blinked a few times and shook her head. "No, but it's good to see you." She nodded in Daniel's direction and gave him a wide smile. "Hey, Daniel."

Looking confused, Janet stepped out of the way to let General Hammond walk up to the bedside.

"I'm General Hammond of Stargate Command. I was hoping you could tell us-"

The General was cut off when the young girl spotted Colonel O'Neill standing off to her right, batting at a piece of equipment that was hanging off the counter. As soon as she saw him, her eyes went wide and she leaped from the bed.


O'Neill backed up in shock as the girl ran up to him, wrapping her arms around his middle. Sam shook her head in bewilderment, backing away from the glass so she wouldn't be seen.

Oh, no, no, no…

Jack was staring at the General, trying to pry the girl off of him. "Look, I don't know-"

"Oh, I'm sorry." The girl backed off and wiped her eyes, sniffling quietly and tugging the blanket up around her. "You have no idea who I am. I'm so sorry, I was just so excited…"

General Hammond frowned and looked around the room in frustration. "Can anyone tell me what's going on?"

The young girl stepped forward, holding out her hand.

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

The General shook her hand, looking a bit dazed, and Sam felt faint when she heard the girl's next words.

"My name is Jade. Jade Carter O'Neill."