To Awesome as Annabeth- I don't know when the sequel will be out, so keep an eye out for it! :P And I'm not a maggot! They stink. Someone on Facebook ruined it for me as well, but the feels still got me! :'( I eated it :D I know I'm mean, no need to rub it in ;) Dodo birds work too though :P And how dare they! It's not 'just some book', smite them down! More evil is fun, but I'm lovely so that's so not me :3 I get that a lot- the hate, but it's an occupational hazard… last chapter, yes :') You may be a daughter of Hades, but I am ArtemisApollo97 and that gives me the power to kill EVERYONE *insert evil laugh*

"Oh, so you had to wipe our memories to move in with each other? Gee, original."

"It wasn't to move in with each other," Crystal shot back, placing her hands on her hips and defiantly meeting Percy's gaze, "we were fugitives. Well, he was at least; I was just the amazing companion." Percy scoffed and turned a dismissive back on her. Crystal tried not to throttle him- he seemed very against her all of a sudden, like it was her fault Alvie had gone AWOL.

His cloak- Annabeth had taken that away. For a few moments, Crystal had believed it was one of Melanie's tricks, but Annabeth had reluctantly informed them that it was the genuine cloak Apollo had gifted Alvie with- she had checked with the god, who had agreed to help find his protégée.

Leaving Percy to his brooding, Crystal stomped out to find her mother. Joy had only briefly let Crystal out of her sight, but was point-blank refusing for her daughter to leave the small house.

"Crystal!" Joy called from the kitchen. She seemed impressed with the house Alvie had found for them and how the pair and their neighbours had gradually fixed it up. Crystal only just realised- with all the Jacksons, Valdezs and di Angelos- how small the house really was. "Look at this!" Joy had found a layer of dust on the counter.

"Mom, we haven't been here for, like, a month."


"Haven't we got worse things to worry about than dust?" Joy looked at her then and Crystal regretted snapping at her mother. "I'm sorry." She said in a softer tone. "I… I just…"

"Sweetie." Joy caught her in her arms. "I know you're worried about Alvie. I am too. We just deal with things differently."



"Your favourite future-brother-in-law!" Tobias appeared in the doorway, catching the jamb to stop himself from colliding with them. Both Crystal and Joy were staring at him, bemused. "What? Oh, it doesn't matter." He grabbed Crystal's arm and dragged her off, up the stairs and to the spare bedroom/make-shift library. "Look." He pointed at the desk, usually cluttered with books and Alvie's notes, but a space had been cleared.

Crystal glanced at Tobias questioningly, but he wasn't looking at her, his eyes- so similar to Alvie's, but so different- were fixed on the two boxes in the tidied space. Both were of velvet royal blue material, soft to the touch. She recognised the long, rectangular one as the one Poseidon had given Alvie a little while ago.

A silver necklace with a turquoise pendant was nestled in the white, silken lining. The jewel was hexagonal and weighed about as much as a small stone. The sunlight filtering through the net curtains fractured through the trinket, casting green-blue shadows over her palm and wrist. Tobias's eyes widened at the sight of it. "He got one."

"Come again?" Tobias started. "What?" Crystal demanded.

"It's… it's a protection charm. Alvie talked about getting you one in case he wasn't around to, you know, help, and he said something about having Granddad P forming one from the bottom of the ocean. They're flipping difficult to make, I'll tell you that. Lots of energy, often very risky."

"A protection charm?" Tobias nodded. "Why is it so risky?"

"Because it's contained in an object. Look," He pointed at the jewel and she saw the shadows and light swirling about inside. "I don't know how long these last or whatever, but they're powerful. The casing would have to be almost like diamond to keep the spell in." Crystal tucked it around her neck, wishing Alvie was there to clasp it behind her neck.

The second box was smaller, square. Tobias pulled on the hem of his shirt, not meeting her gaze.

"What is it?"

"Nothing." He replied hastily.

"Tell me, Tobias." She ordered. He sighed.

"Alvie must have predicted something." He started haltingly. "He must have predicted something real big if he made you that." He gestured at the protective pendant.

"How big?"

"I don't think I want to know." His eyes flicked to the second box and her suspicions hit the roof.

She snatched up the box, eyeing him warily as she opened it. A small note fluttered free and she caught it, recognising Alvie's handwriting.

It was a ring.

I'm sorry

Mwhahaha, what a way to end the fic! Sorry the chapter's short, but can't put all my ideas down in one go!

You probably all hate me now, but that's something I can get used. I just want to thank you lot for sticking with me through this and many of my other fics. It probably sounds cheesy, but I seriously mean it- if it weren't for you guys, I'd never continued writing. And I'd have never figured out what and how to write in a way that makes people laugh or cry or want to kill me. THANK YOU! :D