"I don't know." She tried to push down her fear. "But I've got her number, I can call her for you." She tried to remember everything she'd learned in school, she'd had a crisis negotiations class.. 10 years ago..

"Do that."

Veronica nodded and grabbed her phone, dialling Greg's number. "Hi Jennifer."

"Veronica, it's Greg."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry to interrupt you while you're working, but I need you to come over here."

"What's going on?"

"Yes, Jenn, there's a man looking for you."

"Are you in trouble?"

"Definitely." She smiled at the man. "So, think you can come over here?"

"We're on our way, can you tell me what's going on?" He pulled the phone away from his mouth. "Winnie, hot call team one."

"I don't know, the man just wants to talk to you." She was quiet for a second. And then turned to the man."Is there anything you want to give her? Maybe a package?"

The man pushed the gun forward again. "Just get her here!"

"A package, Veronica does he have a bomb?"


"Veronica, does he have a gun?"

"Yeah, that's right. We're waiting here for you."

"We're on our way, is he calm?" She could hear Ed on the background, asking him what was going on. "I'll fill you in, later."

"No, not really.. I know we're still closed, but me and Maria were in early."

"Hang up and tell her we'll call her back!"

"Sorry Jen, but I have to go. Hope you'll be here soon."

"Just you, Maria and the subject?"

"Yeah, that's right." The man pointed the gun at her again. "Have to go, bye."

She hung up and put the phone back in her pocket.

"She's coming?"

Veronica nodded. "She's coming." She glanced over at Maria. "Maria, you okay?"

"Yeah.. fine.."

The man turned towards Maria. "Lock the door." She nodded and did as he told her.

"Sir, can you please lower the gun a little? It's freaking both of us out."

He nodded and did as she asked. "Not big on guns?"

"Not when they're pointed at me, no."

"But you would be okay with them in the house?"

"Yes, my boyfriend has one." She smiled at Maria."I'm going to get a glass of water, either of you want something?"

They both shook their heads. "Stay where I can see you."

"Just need to go behind the bar." She went behind the bar to get some water, typing a quick text to Greg. 'He's calmed down a little.' She put the phone on silent and back into her pocket. "So, you're looking for Jen?"

"We're on our way, is he calm?"

"Greg, what's going on?"

Greg shook his head and turned to Ed as they were getting their gear. "I'll fill you in later."

"No, not really.. I know we're still closed, but me and Maria were in early."

"Just you, Maria and the subject?"

"Yeah, that's right." She was silent for a second. "Have to go, bye."

He put the phone in his pocket and sighed, he had to tell Ed. He turned the transmit function on. "A man is holding two women hostage at Bella Gusti."

Ed glanced at Greg. "Greg, who are the two women?"

"Veronica and Maria."

"Sarge," Spike started. "Should we be the team handling this?"

"Yes." Ed said immediately.

Greg shook his head. "No, but we're the only available team." He then took a breath. "The man is looking for Jennifer. Let's put a 100 foot perimeter on the restaurant, make sure no one gets in. Winnie?"

"Yes, sarge?"

"See if you can find Jennifer, see if we can find out who this guy is."


"Plan?" Ed asked Greg.

"Same as always."

Ed glared at him. "Veronica's in there.."

"Which is exactly why you'll be in the truck." The look in his eyes told Ed it wasn't up for discussion. "Jules, you're my second. Sam, sierra 1." He thought for a second. "Nathan, Spike and Lew try to figure out an tactical plan. Jules, sierra 2."

There came several replies. "Copy."

"Are we going to lay low?" Jules asked. "Or are you going to call into the restaurant?"

"Lay low."

"Greg.. if he finds out she called you instead of Jennifer, he might kill her."

"I know."

"Greg, her mom'll kill me if she gets hurt."

Greg raised his eyebrows at him. "You think I'll get off with just a scratch?"

"Okay, cam and microphone are in." Spike said from the truck. "We've got sound, Sarge."

It wasn't long before Greg walked inside. "Good. Nathan, how are you doing with the earpiece?"

"It's in the kitchen, moving out again."

"You're going to let her negotiate?" Ed asked surprised.

"She can do it Ed, they already have a relationship. She's got a masters in.."

"But she's never been in the field."

"Ed, if you don't want me to send you back to HQ you should act less as her boyfriend." Greg hated saying it, but it was true. Ed was letting his emotions speak.


"Constable Lane.." Greg warned.

Ed sighed defeated. "Fine."

"I'm going to give her a call, tell her where Nathan put the earpiece."

She glanced at caller ID when her phone started vibrating, ´Greg´."Hey, Jen." She smiled at the man as she answered the phone. "So, are you almost here yet?"

"There's an earpiece in the kitchen, it's next to the freezer door."

"Stuck in traffic?"

"How's everything going?"

"It's fine," She pretended to smell something. "I'll have to call you back, I think I left something burning in the kitchen."

"Okay, just put the piece in, so you can hear us. We've got a cam and sound in."

"Okay, see you in 15." She hung up the phone. "I smell something, I'll just go make sure I'm not setting everything on fire." She smiled at him.

He pointed his gun. "Stay where I can see you."

"I need to go into the kitchen, but I'll leave my phone here." She put it on the bar. "See, I can't call anyone."

"You've got one minute."

Veronica hurried off and grabbed the earpiece, she put it in and covered her ear with some hair.

"It was nothing." She announced as she came back. "I really thought I smelled something.."

"So is she coming?"


"Veronica, look to the left and up if you can hear me."

She did as he asked.

"Good, good. I need you to talk this man down."

Veronica wanted to respond but stopped herself just in time.

"I know you've never done it but you are doing a good job. You can do this."

Veronica turned towards the man. "You know what I hate? I hate when people baby talk me." It was meant for Greg. "People ever do that to you?"


"They do to me, it's because I'm young. They sugar coat things, or make complicated matters seem simple." She looked around for a second before looking back at the man. "So, Jennifer is on her way.. but she was stuck in traffic. In the mean time, we're all stuck here. Mind telling me your name?" He didn't react. "I'm Veronica, and this is Maria." She looked over at Maria who still looked like she was about to faint.


"Chris, did you know that's Greek of origin? Mean's Bearer of Christ."

"It does?"


"Way to get him off his target."

'Not really what I was trying to accomplish, but okay..' Veronica thought to herself.

"So how do you know Jennifer?"

"Veronica, don't ask him about Jennifer." But she kept asking about her. "Spike, she's not hearing me anymore."

"I don't know.."

"I'm going to call her."

"So, when Jen get's here.. what are you gonna do?"

He didn't get to answer as her phone started ringing.

Chris grabbed her phone before she had a chance to.

"Who's 'Greg'?"

"My boyfriend." She said quickly.

He nodded and answered her phone. "She's a little busy.."

Greg quickly handed Nathan the phone. They still had audio, and Nathan was a little more believable as her boyfriend. "I was meant to meet her at the restaurant she works at. I'm just around the corner, can you tell her to unlock the door for me? Thanks." He then hung up not waiting for an answer.

"Your boyfriend is coming over?"

"Oh wow, is it that late already?" She grabbed the keys. "Better unlock the door for him, you don't mind.. do you?"

"No.." He put the gun away in the back of his jeans. "Don't tell him what's going on."

"Of course not." She walked to the door to see Nathan approaching in jeans and a black shirt. Her brow furrowed but she opened the door for him. "Hey honey." She took his hand and gently pulled him inside. "You know Maria," She said pointing to her. "And this is Chris, a friend of Jen's."

"It's nice to meet you," Nathan smiled at him before turning to Veronica. "So, I like to see you for more than five minutes a day.." He stroked through her hair, subtly taking out the earpiece.

"I know, I'm just really busy." She looked into his eyes and smiled flirtatiously at him. He stroked through her hair again, this time putting in a new earpiece. "And it's a big day, going to be late.."

"So you won't stop by later today?"

"No, can't."

"Nathan's only job was to bring you your new earpiece. He has to go."

"You should go home, I know Ed will be waiting for you."

He looked into the camera in the ceiling. "Hmm, yeah." He took her hand. "See you tomorrow."

Veronica rose up and kissed his cheek. "Tell Ed it's going to be ok." She whispered in his ear.

He smiled and nodded before turning around.

"Hold it." Chris said. Nathan froze. "You call that a goodbye kiss?"

He smiled at Chris. "We're not big on public displays of affection."

"You should be if you want to keep her. That's where me and Jen messed up. I didn't claim her as mine. If you don't want her to break up with you, you should kiss her good."

Veronica and Nathan exchanged a look. She then smiled at him, he walked back and kissed her gently, Ed in the back of his mind. She gently touched his cheek before pulling back.

"That better?" He smiled at Chris, who just nodded. "Good, now I have to go. Ed'll have my head."

"Probably." Veronica laughed. "Just tell him it's my fault."

Nathan smiled before walking to the exit. "Oh, I will.."

Nathan walked around the corner to see Ed waiting there, arms crossed over his chest. "Did you like it?"

"Ed.." Nathan held his hands up. "What were we supposed to do?"

Ed glared at him. "Maybe not enjoy it so much?"

"She's attractive.."

"Don't say another word." Ed hissed at him.

"It's her fault.." He shrugged. "Need to change again." He walked off, leaving Ed steaming.

"Jen's not coming, is she?" Veronica didn't answer and he pulled the gun again. "Is she?!"

"I don't know." She held up her hands. "I really don't.."

"Answer me!"

"I don't.."

"I said answer me bitch!"

"Immediate entry, Veronica be ready."

It was a couple of seconds before Ed and Spike walked from the kitchen.

"Police?!" He cocked his gun. "You called the cops?!"

Ed walked towards Veronica and Chris, to stand in front of Veronica. "Let's put the gun down sir."

Spike signed for Maria to leave through the kitchen, she didn't think twice and ran.

Chris didn't put the gun down, he fired it once before Spike shot him. The rest of them barged in. Ed was keeping pressure on the bullet hole in his arm. He turned around to check on Veronica.

"Veronica, shit.." He kneeled down next to her. She was trying to get up. "No, stay down." Spike handed him a napkin and he put it on her shoulder.

"You were blocking me.. how can I?"

"Looks like the bullet went through me and ended up in you."

"We shared a bullet?" Veronica joked.

Ed smiled and nodded. "I want to share everything with you, you know that."

"I'm sorry, for having to kiss Nathan."

"Was he that bad?"

She glanced at Nathan and smiled. "Yeah, terrible."

"I know you didn't have a choice."

They could hear sirens approaching.

"You take the gurney, I'll sit next to you."

"Ed.." Greg started, wanting to tell him to wait for the next ambulance. Ed turned around to glare at him. "Okay, fine.."

A couple of minutes after Ed was placed in his hospital bed Jessie appeared in the doorway.

"Hey." She smiled at him and took a seat. "How are you?"

"I'm good."

"Thank you, you saved my daughters life."

"I just stood in front of her, didn't do that much."

"That's not true and you know it. Greg told me everything. Thank you, Ed."

"I was happy to do it, I wouldn't be able to stand losing her."

Jessie nodded and smiled. "That makes two of us." She sighed. "I want grandkids, Ed. Not now.. but in a couple of years.."

He smiled at her. "We've just moved in together."

"I know, just letting you know what's expected of you."

"So, are you giving me your blessing to date your daughter?"

"I am."

Ed nodded and smiled. "Thank you Jessie, that means a lot. Do you know how Veronica's doing?"

"Yeah, she didn't need surgery. They're putting in stitches and then they'll place her here with you. You can both leave tomorrow."

"Great, thanks."

"Hey," Veronica smiled as they wheeled her in. "you okay?"

Ed smiled and nodded. "Fine."

He waited until she was settled before talking again. "So, I hope you want kids."

Her brows furrowed. "Why's that?"

"Because your mom wants grandkids." She shook her head, still not understanding. "She told me it's okay that we're dating, but she wants grandkids."

Veronica smiled. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, so you better want some kids. Think she'll have my head if I don't get you pregnant."

"She doesn't want them tomorrow, right?"

He laughed. "No, couple of years."

"So, you want them?"

He looked a little suspiciously at her. "Well, yeah.. in a little while, probably.."

"Good." She got up and walked towards Ed. "I love you, Ed."

"I love you too, V."

A/N So this was it. THE END. Hope you liked it. Same goes for this story as for the Spike/OC one. I'll do the other stuff I'm working on (Greg/Zoe and some other OC's if I ever finish those.) and then I will maybe put in a sequel to Spike/OC or this one. Put in some suggestions and maybe inspiration will hit me.

Thank you to anyone who reviewed me! I really appreciate it! Last chance to review me, take it :P