"What. The. Hell?" Jensen said sitting up in bed, in an unfamiliar room. His eyes gazed across the scenery. He could be wrong, he could be having a totally vivid nightmare, but it looked to him like the set of Supernatural, but without the crew, cameras, and was enclosed. He looked at the bed next to him. There sleeping was Jared. Jensen slid out of bed and went to Jared's side.

"Jared, wake up." He said shaking Jared slightly. Jared grunted and rolled onto his side, away from Jensen. Remembering how heavy of a sleeper Jared is, and hearing stories of how he would refuse to wake up for as long as he could manage, Jensen yanked the covers off of him and pulled the pillow out from under his head. Still not budging, Jensen used the pillow to hit Jared on the head, getting a loud moan come from Jared.

"Stop it. Gimme five more minutes." Jensen huffed and rolled his eyes. He knew that if he gave Jared five more minutes, they'd go through the same thing in five minutes. Jensen crossed his arms and searched the room for something that could wake the heavies sleeper he had ever met up. He did a double take when his eyes found the kitchen. Hurrying over to the sink, he dumped a nearly empty cup of whiskey in the sink and filled it with cold water. Going back over to Jared, he dumped the cup's content onto Jared's sleeping face, causing him to shoot up with a sharp intake of breath.

"Jensen! What the hell was that for?!" Jared asked in a loud angry voice. Jensen ignored the question and asked his own.

"Where are we?" Jared suddenly noticed his surroundings. He slid his legs off of the bed and stood next to Jensen. He whipped the dripping water off of his chin, followed by his forehead. His mouth opened.

"I-I..." Jared started. With a frown, he said with an unbelieving voice, "It looks like one of those motel sets from Supernatural." Jensen nodded, having thought the same thing. Jensen rushed to the door and opened it. Seeing an actual outside, he shut it and rested his back against the smooth wood.

"Jared, I have a feeling we're not in Canada anymore."