Disclaimer: All rights to Mr. Rick Riordan. I only own the OC's.


Percy: HADES NO!

Me: THEN I'LL DO IT THE HARD WAY! *holding a duct tape* You will die Mr. Jackson! *tying Percy*

Percy: MOMMY! *tied up*

Me: Shut up Prissy! *putting duct tape in his mouth*

Percy: Mpppppphhhhhh!

Me: Feel the peace!

Clarisse: *came in* Hey that's what I call him, punk!

Me: Not in my world, La Rue! *deadliest death glare*

Clarisse: I'll just go to that corner and shut up.

Me: Much better, dear. I'll give you ice cream later

Clarisse: Okay! :)

Me: Enjoy reading this fic guys!

Clarisse: NO FLAMES! I'll be a good girl just for the ice cream!

Chapter 1 : Betrayed

Percy's POV:

Today's the day I'm gonna propose to my Wise Girl! (clap your hands everybody! *sarcastic*) I have the ring that Charlie made before the war. I already missed my old friends like Silena, Charlie, etc. All those who died just to save the gods and for everyone. I really missed Luke who helped me kill Kronos. As I walk to Camp Half-Blood Hill, I saw a familiar girl with long blonde hair walking towards the border too. I ran to meet the girl when I reached her, I was surprise to see my favourite half-sister. It was Rochelle. Rochelle was the only daughter of Posiedon who is good on using, handing, and shooting arrows. I said "Wow. You can't even recognize your own brother?", when I said that her eyes widened "Perce!" she yelled in reply, she hugged me and I hugged back "I missed you so much! How are you?" I said "I missed you too. I believe that you're done with your quest? And yes I'm fine. How about you?" "I'm fine sis. And yeah I've just finished the quest that Lady Athena gave me just to prove her that I'm worthy to, marry Annabeth." I said in reply smiling "Oh." she said, she forced a smile. I don't know why but Rochelle and Annabeth never get along.


I just finished teaching new campers how to hold and disarm a sword when I saw Annabeth and Rochelle fighting inside the Posiedon cabin as usual. I only heard "You're not worthy to be with my brother!" "How dare you tell me that?! You're just his little weak sister." "What did you just call me?" "I called you weak. You're also sensitive, useless, and over all mindless!" Annabeth said. When I went inside Annabeth was crying while Rochelle just pushed me off and ran to the forest. When is asked Annabeth what happened she said that Rochelle punched her. Then when Rochelle came back, I told her never do it again "What do you mean 'bout 'dont do it ever again'?" "I mean don't hurt Annabeth or else I'll be the one hurting you." I replied. Chelle (her nickname) cried and said "I didn't hurt your girlfriend. I don't know if you will believe me or not but she's the one who hurt me! She called me weak, useless, mindless, and sensitive. Do you know how painful it is that you are called useless even if you've done many things to that person?" "Chelle I'm so sorry. Please don't cry anymore. I promise I'll make up to you. Just please don't cry." I said and hugged my baby sister she hugged me back and mumbled "I want ice cream that's cookies and cream." then she slept.

*End of flashback*

"Hey! Earth to Percy! Come in Percy!" Chelle said. I looked at her and sighed "I still remember the time that you were a little kid I think you're 9 when you came here? You always cry and I always make up to you and you always tell me I want ice cream. Ha memories..." "Hey! Stop reminding me that I was a cry baby! I will always be a cry baby! Even if I'm already 13 years old!" "Oh! My baby sister is a teenager already like her big brother!" I said teasingly. She punched me playfully while I laugh. We reached the camp border when I said "I have a gift for you because I missed your birthday. So close your eyes.", she smiled and closed her eyes. I looked at my bag and saw a rectangular box, when I saw it I immediately hid it and said "Now open your eyes." I said, she opened her eyes and she saw the rectangular box. Her eyes widened "Am I thinking right? Because you promised me when I turn 13 you will give me a necklace. That has my name on it with ice cream at the side." she said, I just smiled. She got the box, opened it. Her eyes were really wide that has the size of a saucer. "I will always keep my promise just for my one and only baby girl. I know that you will love it. And since you like ice cream I told some sea nymphs to make your favourite ice cream. We will be heading to the ocean today before I go to Annabeth, is it already baby girl?" she was almost crying but fight back "I love being your sister! I love you Percy so much, thank you for everything for the past 4 years. You never failed me! You will be my one and only big brother FOREVER!" she said. I hugged and she hugged back. "Come on! You don't want dad to eat them all, right?" "Hell no! That's my ice cream cake!" she said and ran to the cabin "Last one has a rotten egg inside his pocket!" she yelled while running "No way! You're such a cheater Chelle!" "I know right!" she said. When we reached the cabin door we were panting very hard. When I opened the door, it was the most shocking scene we've ever seen!"

Rochelle's POV:

When Perce opened the door we saw our cabin full of mess! It's been like a twister just passed by and destroyed everything. "Come on, let's clean this so that we can go to Dad's palace." Percy said. We cleaned our cabin but before we leave I asked Perce how many days did he went out to do the quest "1 month, why?" "Nothing. When did you bought my necklace?" "Oh, before I left mom and Paul I requested them to look for necklace that has your name and has an ice cream design. Luckily they found one. That's the history of your necklace." he replied, I laughed when he said that it's the history of my necklace. When we left the cabin, we immediately ran to the beach and swam to Dad's place. When we were in front of his palace door, 2 merman bowed to us and said in unison "My lord and milady your father and his family is waiting for you in the dining pavilion." we nodded and they opened the door. We headed to the dining pavilion where we saw Triton, Dad, aunt Amphitrite, and someone we really don't know. Dad and Triton hugged me and Percy while Aunt Amphitrite just smiled, the guy who we don't know just did a poker face like he didn't saw us. My eyes met that guy and Dad said that he was our new brother, David Foster, we shook our hands. Triton blindfolded me and said "Wait 'till you see your ice cream cake that we've been waiting for", I just chuckled. Triton is trying his best to act like a good brother to me and to Percy, for the past few years of being here with Dad, Triton, and Aunt Amphitrite we got along very happily. When Triton removed he's hands on my eyes in the table was cookies and cream ice cream cake! I love my life! "Happy Belated Birthday Rochelle!" Dad, Aunt Amphitrite, Triton, and Percy said in unison, after they sang the Happy Birthday song we ate the ice cream cake, but David said that he need to go to camp to practice his sword fighting skills. I snorted when he said that, after we eat and play- Hide and seek, Twister, all kid's game- we left because it's almost 5:00 pm and Percy is going to propose to her 'Wise Girl'. But before that Dad, Triton, and Aunt Amphitrite gave me their gifts. I hugged them good bye so as Percy and we swam back to the surface. On the way to the surface Percy told me his plan on how he will propose to Annabeth (N/A: I HATE PERCABERTH BY THE WAY, I'M SORRY PERCABETH FANS... I'll try my best to make a fanric about them) Percy said that he will meet Annabeth at Zeus' Fist , so he ran. I just walked towards the cabin amd wemt to my bed, I placed Dad's and his family's gifts beside the bed and I lie down to get some snooze before dinner.


Percy's POV:

Rochelle's sometimes hard to predict! Oh well... As I walk to Zeus' Fist I heard a familiar giggle. I was a bit curious so I tracked that giggle, when I saw the place where the giggle is I hid myself behind a bush and listen to this mysterious woman/girl when I looked it was Annabeth and David! "Oh David, I love you more than Percy." "Why don't you just ditch him? He's useless." David said, "You know what, you're right. When I saw him I'll break up with him. Just for you, I promise." Annabeth said, I was so hurt so I stood up and said "NO NEED TO TELL ME ANNABETH! BECAUSE I SAW IT ALL ALREADY!" Annabeth was shocked and said "P-percy it's not what you think." "IT'S NOT WHAT I THINK?! I JUST HEARD YOU SAYING THAT YOU WILL DUMPED ME FOR MY BROTHER. I THINK THE QUEST YOUR MOM GAVE ME IS FOR NOTHING. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU." "I thought you left because you don't loveme anymore." "I LEFT BECAUSE I HAVE A QUEST TO DO JUST TO PROVE TO YOUR MOM THAT I'M WORTHY TO MARRY YOU." I yelled, I showed her the engagement ring "You see this? Beckendorf (Is the spelling right? I'm sorry if it's wrong.) did this before he died. We're through Annabeth. Breaking my heart is enough to leave you, you've been hurting me dor so long. I should have listened to Rochelle that you're the one hurting her. Goodbye Annabeth." "P-percy p-please don't leave me." she said, while I was walking back to Cabin 3. I tried tried my best not to cry till I reached the cabin.


Still Percy's POV:

As I reached the cabin, I saw my baby sister sleeping. I smiled and went over her "Baby, wake up. It's almost dinner, you don't want Tyson to get your favourites, right?" I whispered on her ears. Her eyes opened slowly and she smiled at me, "Hi, Percy! How was your proposal?" "Hi baby girl! I saw Annabeth with our half-brother, she's cheating on me. I should've listened to you but I just listened to her. I'm really sorry baby girl. I'll always trust you from now on and I promise that you will meet all my girlfriends just to have your approval." "Ouch... How dare Annabeth do that to you? Apology accepted and why should I be like Dad? You need my approval to see if she's your perfect match." "Hahahaha... Sure Dad." "Stop it! I'm a girl not a boy!" "Sure!" I reply, smiling. When the conch horn blew we went outside and Rochelle saw Annabeth at the Athena Table while David at the Posiedon Table. We headed to Posiedon's Table after we gave our offer to Dad and sat down. Rochelle and I sat at the other side of the table and avoiding David. He was just smirking and giving me the she's-my-next-target look. "Percy Jackson!" someone said, I looked back and saw Nico. He looks mad "How dare you backstab my sister!" "What are you talking about? I've never back stabbed Bianca, I always treat her like my sister!" "Well David saw your 'dairy' and he saw some of them are about my sister. I thought you're a good cousin but I think I was wrong!" he said, and left. Rochelle looked at me and said "What just happened?!" "He thought I was back stabbing Bianca, but no! David has been making up stories!" I said, I looked at David but he's not there anymore. I looked around and saw Clarisse, Travis, Connor, and Thalia coming to our direction. They shouted many things to me and Rochelle, they said that I was the one who stole their prank bag, I broke her spear, and I put a skunks in their cabin! Chelle looked at me with shock, "I don't know what are they talking about. I was with you the whole afternoon!" "That's the point! And look at the other campers." she said with some nervousness. I looked back and saw all the campers giving us how-dare-you-two-do-that-to-them look, Chelle shivered and whispered to me "I hate it when they do that to us even if we didn't do anything." "I know. Let's just leave before they all complain." I said, my sister nodded and we both stood up. I was holding Chelle's hand because she was trembling, as we walk to our cabin Grover came and said "Percy, Chelly! How are ya two?" I was relief and said in reply "Hi G-man! We are so not fine. Everyone's been glaring at us, we didn't even do anything to them like backstabbing Bianca, breaking Clarisse's spear, putting skunks inside Cabin 8, and stealing the Stoll's prank bag. All of them are lies, I was with my sister the whole afternoon and they said I did it the whole afternoon!" Grover was looking at me. Then suddenly Chelle hugged Grover "I hate it!" she said, Grover hugged her back and we heard her cry. "Cry all you want Chelly. Percy, Juniper, and I will be here for you and Percy. And guess what that's what David told me, he told me that Juni was kidnapped by Percy but I know that Perce won't do that because I saw you with Perce going to the sea. So I checked on Juni and saw her tied upside down on a tree, I freed her and she told me that your half-brother did that to her." G-man said, then Juniper came "Hey! No hug for me?" she said pouting. We all laughed and did a group hug! After 5 minutes, Grover and Juniper left to checked out what's going on at the wild, as for me and Chelle we went to our cabin where we saw David messing with Rochelle's things!

Rochelle's POV:

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY THINGS?!" I shouted, I was so furious I ran to him and punched him on the face. That's what happened to culprits and liars like him! David was also angry so he punched me so hard. "OUCH!" I said in my mind. I didn't dare cry because if I cry Percy will hit this guy! My mouth is bleeding badly but I didn't care and I fell. "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO HER!" Percy shouted, he was about to run but I stopped him, he looked at me "Percy stop. Please. One punch is already e-" I said, but I blacked out. "Rochelle? Rochelle! Come on don't play dead!" he said, then darkness took over me.