Title: Dyad
Author: AotA
Rating: K+
Warning: Sentinel!angst
Characters: Sentinel Prime, OC LHP
Setting: Bayverse
Summary: For every Prime, there has been a Lord High Protector. Together they are Dyad, and lead the people of Cybertron. When Lord High Protector Blitzburner dies under mysterious circumstances, Cybertron begins its long, downward spiral.
Notes: I'm making a head canon backstory that applies to a variety of fics, and attempting to rationalized the LHP position with how Megatron could be that and everything still go off the rails the way it did in bayverse. And how there could be two Primes. And what happened to Sentinel's LHP. And, and, and...

Sentinel was numb.

It was better than the rage that seethed and frothed beneath the surface, ready to bubble up and drench everything in the pink of spilled energon.

Blitzburner was dead.

It was incomprehensible.

Blitzburner was strong, was made to be strong.

He was the Protector, and to die the way he did...


It was the only thing that made any sort of sense.

Someone needed to pay for taking from him his Dyad.

The Lord High Protector was dead.

Long live the Lord High Protector.



The whelp knew nothing.

Optimus knew nothing.

The young Prime-to-be was not ready to ascend to Dyad. He had too much to learn before that could happen.

Sentinel felt the darkness, the static of the link that he had held with Blitzburner since Dyad.

Yes. Optimus was too young. Megatron was too young, but the people could not be left without their Protector and no matter how much Sentinel might hate it, he too needed a Protector to balance him.

Sentinel would hold the reins for a while yet.

He would find the one responsible for the death of his other half, and kill them in the most painful way imaginable. He would make them suffer for the death of the Lord High Protector, for the sacrilege of murdering have of the Dyad. He would make them beg for forgiveness.

Only then would he deign to kill them.

Until then, he would lean on Megatron like the inferior crutch he was.

Only once his Dyad was avenged would Sentinel join him in the Well.


Sentinel was numb, because it was better than falling to the screaming of the void that was the other half of his being.