The Diamond Star


Disclaimer: yu-gi-oh and it's characters are not, and i repeat, NOT mine. but seraphim and ksho are. *if anyone wants ksho you can HAVE him, he's an absolute pain in the arse.* if anyone has used these plots, etc. and i dont know about it (cause i've seen it before. people who have never met come up with the same ideas and use them and stuff) if it was mine first then too bad, if it was yours first then its not mine and good day to you sir. and yeah, that's about all there is to my disclaimer. ^-^

AN: oh, and im using the japanese names but if i get them wrong please dont hurt me, i dunno them all. i just saw the show, thought it was cool, did some research, and started a story. hehe...^_^ there's slight OOC for Seto Kaiba. And...yeah. now, onwards!!!!!

Seto Kaiba walked through the deserted park. His mind was full of problems, his company, his friends, his job, his brother...everything was just so complicated. Things had sure gotten harder as he had goten older, and he was now twenty-three. His brother had gone off to study at some prestigious academy. He would be back that summer. His friends, were scattered. Yuugi (and Yami), Jou, and Anzu were going to college together in Hawaii. Honda had made himself a career as a movie actor, he was off in Brazil filming his debut movie. Marik (and his Yami) was being his "manager." But everyone knew that it was just an act so the two could go "ruin the world" as Joey put it. Ryou (and his Yami) had gone off to study to become an archaologist. And Isis (and her Yami) had disappeared, the gang had all thought the two now worked for the government as secret agents. But as they hardly wrote or called, no one knew for sure. They promised to fill everyone in when they came the following year for a group reunion. But in the meantime...Seto felt so alone. He hadn't slept properly in days, he needed a change in his life. He was so lost in thought, that he didn't hear the men who came up behind him.

"Well, if it isn't Seto Kaiba," one of the men, obviously the leader, scoffed.

"Who are you and what do you want?" asked Seto wearily.

"We want your company, and we're gonna get it by getting rid of you," the man replied. "Then, we're going to use you as bait for HER."

An old glint of life sparked in Seto's eyes. "I don't know who the hell you're talking about, but yeah right," he sneered.

"You don't stand a chance against all of us," the one in charge snickered.

"Fuck you!" Seto swore.

"How shall we handle him boss?" one of the other men asked maliciously.

"Beat him to a bloody pulp," their leader commanded.

'Great,' thought Seto, he was outnumbered, five to one, and he wasn't at full strength. 'What the hell?' his mind screamed as he began to dodge an array of attacks.

Within fifteen minutes, Seto Kaiba was on the ground and in pain. He clutched his injured side and braced himself as one of the men aimed a kick at his face. As the man's foot swung away, it revealed a gash on Seto's forehead and a bloody lip.

An array of such injuries were abundant all over his body. The men just laughed at his obvious pain and discomfort.

The ringleader of the bunch pulled out a revolver. "Goodbye Kaiba," he seethed.

Seto closed his eyes, waiting for his death blow. He never thought it would end like this, he silently apologized to all his friends, to his brother. A resounding click, the safety had been taken off the gun. "I'm sorry Mokuba," Seto whispered softly, wincing in pain.

The man squeezed the trigger, "It's been nice knowing you brat. Then it hasn't." He fired, but the bullet never reached our young CEO.

Then, the muffled sound of five bodies dropping to the ground and a gun clattering to the floor was heard. Seto opened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he saw. A girl, maybe a couple years younger than himself, was standing in a fighter's stance over the fallen bodies. She wore a black cat suit and her long dark hair billowed out behind her. It was probably about waist-length. She had a slim, shapely body, and long toned legs. The mystery girl kneeled over next to Seto.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concern written in her dark chocolate brown eyes. Seto could see now that she had a sun-kissed complexion, and dark brown, almost black hair. Her lips were a rosy dark pink and pulled into a delicate pout. "Who- Oh my god! You're Seto Kaiba!" she exclaimed quietly, surprise etched in her face.

"I-" Seto moved to speak, but collapsed onto the cold concrete instead.

The girl looked at him in shock. This was hardly the young man she had seen on TV earlier that day. The cold, cruel, heartless bastard everyone thought he was. Confident, the very essence of calm and collected, not to mention cute and conceited-looking. No, he was just a lost little boy that had somehow skipped childhood to become a man. A look of kinship spread across the girl's face. She would help him; and then maybe, just maybe, he could help her.

The strange girl unceremoniously hoisted the fallen Kaiba onto her back and set out for her house. This was going to take some explaining. Some explaining indeed...

Who is this mysterious girl? Why are these men after Seto Kaiba?

Okay, i guess i should tell you, this is the first YGO fig ive ever written. but i've written other fics too. i gotta revise/finish em first though. There's two gundam wing ones, a lord of the rings, two card captor sakuras, and a kinda sailor moon thing. So if this isnt updated in a while, you know why. please r&r. or email at [email protected] or [email protected] r im me at marsfiretenshi, nanashi3tenshi, or elffairysilime. You can also contact me on msn at the above two emails. look carefully cause this is the only time im gonna type them here.