Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot

I have HOA-syndrome and I proud! DON'T JUDGE ME!~ Me

Nina's POV:

I have been keeping a secret from my friends and boyfriend, Fabian Rutter. I'm bionic. Yeah, that's right. I'm a lab rat. My real name is Nina Davenport. I have 3 brothers and one sister. So that's Adam, Chase, Leo, and Bree. I miss Big D and Eddy ( the home system ), even though Eddy is so annoying. Since there are no more mysteries, we have all the time we need to live a normal life, well, Sibuna of course. My life isn't normal. I have all of my brothers' and sister's bionics. I have this app called the Commando App and when I get really angry, well, you know, I flip out like an evil ninja who has bionics. Also, when I'm in Commando App, my eyes glow red like when Adam uses his heat vision, but brighter and darker. There is just one thing that my siblings don't have, I can read minds. It's pretty cool, but really annoying when you have a glitch. I am trained to get used to really loud noises (it's actually just regular volume for non-bionics ). I try not to run as much or else I will be exposed. I learned how to jog but I can't run. I'm in my room, looking up the Chosen One and the Osirian.

Amber: ( Walks in ) Hey, Neens.

Me: ( Look up ) Hey, Ambs.

Victor: Everyone come to the common room now!

Amber: Ugh! What did we do this time? It's been a year since the mask thing happened and I want to start the new term fresh-

Victor: Martin and Millington! Get down here this instant!

Amber: Without Victor constantly screaming at us.

Me: Hehe. Lets just see what he wants. (Get up and walk towards the door)

Amber: Ugh, alright. ( Gets up and walks out with me )

We got to the common room and saw everyone sitting in the couches.

Victor: Sit.

We sat and looked at him. Well, Victor's getting better at handling his anger, he didn't yell Sit! He just said it.

Victor: We are having 4 new students this term and I want you on your best behavior when they start to settle in. ( Looks at Alfie and Jerome )

Alfie: Why are you looking at us? We barely did anything wrong last year.

Jerome: Yeah.

Someone rang the door bell and I heard whispering through the door ( remember I have super hearing ). Victor went to open the door and came back with the 4 new students. Oh. My. Anubis. Great, I'm turning into Amber.