So, I recently started watching merlin and I have been playing skyrim since it came out and oblivion before that. And while watching it, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between Merlin's dragon lord powers and the dovakiin's own powers. Then I got the dragon born DLC and the connection was even more apparent!

So this story will follow Merlin as he tries to find a new life and who he really is in the land of Skyrim. And figure out why his destiny is so great.

And I know that I am creating a new category of stories here, and no one really ever looks at the categories with one fic. So I am aware that I might just be talking to myself for a while.

Disclaimer: just to let you guys know now, I'm probobly going to be terrible at remembering to put this in every chapter, so this will just be a big blanket disclaimer for the whole fic. I don't own Merlin


Lightning flashed across the sky, swiftly followed by a thunderclap that shook the foundations of the cottage.

He had waited over a thousand years, but the Once and Future king still didn't rise again. He himself had lived, but the other half on his proverbial coin never was seen again on the earth. Their lives had faded from memories, to stories, then legend and onto myth. All of his work seemed for naught, and he was done with waiting.

He thought many times over the years that he would see his old friend again, but it was useless he realized. The crusades, and religious upheavals and even a couple world wars were not deemed worthy enough to the ancient powers of the old religion to see Arthur rise again.

Nearly 15 centuries of waiting for a hope that never came or will come was grating on Merlin. As he was sitting there in an old cottage, with a great storm whipping around the place, trying so hard to knock the small structure over, he lost hope.

"That's it," he said to himself. "I'm done. He's never coming."

He got up out of the ragged and stained armchair. He snuffed out the candle that he had going in his lantern next to the chair. He could have got wiring in the house, but it was an inconvenience, and electricity didn't react well with large amounts of magic. And Merlin was still living in the past.

He grabbed his candle holder and stuck a new candle in it. He stuck up the wick and waved a hand delicately over it, whispering "Forbearnan". A little flame sparked into life on the wick and Merlin carried it over to the other side of the small room and set in on his nightstand. He got into bed and lay there thinking for a while.

He had stayed near the lake, hoping that if Arthur did rise again that it would be here, where he laid him to rest all those years ago. But now it was as if someone had ripped a cloth that was hanging over Merlin's eyes that last millennia, off. He could see now that there was no hope to be held and that there was nothing more he could do. Tomorrow he would pack up his things and head to another part of the world do that traveling he had always wanted to do. Just aimlessly drift until time ended for him. He fell asleep with these thoughts tumbling in his mind.

He did not know that his new adventures with Arthur were just beginning.


The image of Merlin sleeping faded from the middle of the council room of the Nine Divines. they had called n emergency meeting to decide the fate of Merlin or as he is better known by the divines, Emrys.

The Divines had chosen Emrys as their champion all those years ago on earth, but his other half refused to rise and Emrys was losing hope, and starting to fade. He would not last much longer on Earth, so they had to decide what to do with him and whether or not he would stay on the earth any longer. His immortality was tied to his purpose and destiny, but it seems that destiny had already moved on. Earth did not need Emrys or the King anymore.

So they needed to find a new world for their champions.

The divines send Emrys and The Once and Future King wherever they are needed, so they can build a world that can carry on after them. They of course never knew of their past lives, but as the Divines spent more and more time on them, their power had been leaking into the lost souls. They have been hesitant to send them anywhere else in the last millennia because Emrys has become powerful.

But it has become necessary. Another place now needs them. Tamriel.

Tamriel is a little country in another alternate universe of Earth. They have sent Emrys and His King there in the past, the most recent as Martin Septim and The Hero of Kvatch, but it seems that the tumult country needs them again.

War had broken out among the people of Skyrim years ago, and a treaty was signed banning the worship of Talos throughout the land to end the Great War. But, the native Nords of Skyrim have been the most devoted worshipers of Talos, and would not give up that easily. The Jarl of Windhelm, Ulfric Stormcloak, creates the Stormcloak faction and threatens war on the empire unless they do something about the treaty. Finally, Ulfric takes it a step and kills The High King Torygg, in a duel, using the gift of the voice to shout him apart.

The Empire declares war on the Stormcloaks, and the Civil War in Skyrim is started.

Now, it seems, Skyrim needs to find a way to end the war and save Skyrim.

Akatosh sits on his throne, rubbing his chin. As the chief deity, it falls to him to make the final decision. The fate of a world rests in the balance.

"I shall welcome council. This not a decision to make lightly," he says.
He glances to the god seated directly to his right. Arkay would be the one to listen to this time. The god sees Akatosh looking at him and sighs.

"It would seem that Tamriel needs help again. It may be risky, but I am afraid I see no other choice in the matter."

All of the gods nod to themselves, as to have some internal agreement with his statement. All that is but Talos.

Akatosh knew that the war in Skyrim had had an effect on all of them, but Talos the most. He was always one of the most regal and mighty of the gods, but this war has taken a large toll on him. Akatosh fears that he may never recover from the state that he is currently in.

"Talos," he says. "I need to know what you think about sending The King and Emrys. It is basically your domain."

Talos looked up from the piece of floor that he was staring at and met eyes with Akatosh. He seemed worn and tired. Exhausted. He opened his mouth and closed it several times before settling on something to say.

"I agree with sending them. Skyrim needs the help, but there are other factors to take into consideration." He looked to continue, but paused, and looked to Akatosh for confirmation.

Akatosh nodded his head, "Please brother, tell us what is plaguing your mind."

"As you all know, the war has taken a toll on me and my health. I am afraid; I don't think I can continue."

There was a collective gasp from the other seven gods, and even Akatosh himself was a little surprised.

"How can you say such a thing?" Mara whispered in horror.

"Well, we all knew when I was first granted Godhood that my mortal soul was never meant to house such power. It will destroy me eventually, and painfully. I would rather go out this way, physically painless, then having to endure all of the torment. So, my one condition of this, is that Emrys joins the Empire, and turns the tide of the civil war to them."

All of the gods still had looks of surprise on their faces, but seemed to accept the fate of their friend.

Akatosh was about to say the words, when another spoke up.

"Akatosh," said Julianos. "You know of what is going to happen in skyrim at this time, right?"

Akatosh was not remembering what was going to come to pass, as were the other gods.

"Please divulge this information, brother."

"This is the year that Alduin was sent to by the three warriors of old with the elder scroll."

Murmurings broke out, which soon escalated to frantic conversations. Akatosh slammed his staff on the ground, calling for silence. The room fell quiet as Akatosh gathered his thoughts.

"This should not be a problem. In fact it may help more then it could hinder our young champions."

"How can that be so?" asked Stenndar.

"Emrys was granted the honor of becoming a Dragonlord. Now, in Skyrim, this would translate to being Dragonborn, or Dovahkiin."

"He will be even more powerful than before. There will nothing that can stop him," commented Dibella.

"That way he can save Skyrim from Alduin. And truly turn the tide of war, and help the King back on the throne," said Talos. "And that is just what the people need. Someone to rely on."

"So it is decided then. Emrys and his King will be sent to Skyrim, and stay there, helping to heal the land, and save it."

"And as usual, they will not remember anything of what has happened to their souls in the past, right?" inquired Zenithar.

Akatosh looked to Arkay for the answer. As the god of life's cycle, he is the main force in the rebirth of the champions.

Arkay thought for a while, and came up with an answer. "The young Emrys has been growing in power, as has the king. It is possible they could start remembering, or recognizing others, but I think if we send them anywhere else, it could become too dangerous for us and them. So, I ask that this will be the last place for Emrys and the King."

All of the gods agreed and it was said. "Skyrim will be the final resting place for Emrys and the King. Arkay, if you will do the honors," said Akatosh.

The god nodded and got up off of his throne, and walked to the center of the semi-circle of thrones. He kneeled and raised his arms, closing his eyes as he did so. He sat like that for some time before his eyes flew open and his head whipped back, shouting the words to the sky.

"Wæter, eorthe, lyft, bryne! hiersumie me! Ic àgiefe rices ræran sáwla áhelpan æfolc. Bebeode pe arisan yeldo!"

A great light erupted from the gods body and flew towards the floor of the room. Arkay stood and brushed his robe off, saying, "It is done."

Good luck Emrys and the King, thought Akatosh.


I'm sorry if the grammar was a little off for the old English. Not really an expert. I just took the most of it from spells that were used in the show. Then the rest was looked up on a online dictionary, so it might not totally reliable, but, oh well.

So what did you think? Was it good? Okay? If you did read, please say something! It will be much appreciated
