Chapter 10, The end?

A/N: Hey, here I am again. First of all, I'm sorry it took so long for me to update, but school has not shown any mercy. And second of all, Thanks for all your reviews, they have been really supportive. And third of all, this is the last chapther, but I am planning an sequel, but I am going on a vacation for a week starting on monday, so I won't update it for while. But please no torches and pitchforks, I will update as soon as I can, cause I'm also working on my other story, 'Adventures around the Milky Way' so please have mercy. So, enough talk, enjoy the very last chapter!

(Raph's P.O.V)

The time seemed to stand still. Hour after hour seemed to go in real slow motion. And still it was to fast. I know that sounds really weird, but it's the way I see it. It had only like one hour since we made our deal with Shredder, but it felt like it was one whole day! Although I kinda wish it had! If the whole day could go just a little bit faster, maybe the whole mess whould end soon. I took a look around the lair to see what everyone was doing. Leo sat in front of the lame "Space Heroes" show, but I guess he did it just get his thoughts somewhere else then on what had happend over the last 48 hours, Mikey sat beside a now sleeping Donnie, patting his head, whispering comforting words in his ear. Master Splinter had been in the dojo meditating ever since we had returned from Shredder. And myself, I just couldn't stop think about how easy Shredder had agreed on our demand. Just changing back out brother, just like that? That wasn't like him at all. Normaly he whould stop at nothing to get us whiped out, especially since his goal in life was to whipe us all out. Nothing else matter to him. Then why whould he be so easily convinced to help our brother? Why indeed? Without noticing it, my eyelocks got heavier and heavier, and a few minutes later i was asleep on the couch. I woke up a few hours later, when someone gently shook my shoulder. I looked aound myself, and since I was still a bit tired my sight was a bit blurry. All I saw was a blur of green and a bit blue. Leo. I should have known. After I woke up I blinked a few times to clear my vision. When I finally saw clearly, I took a look at Leo who still had his hand on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked. It had better be good, waking me up at this hour.

"We are leaving, it's night. It's time to go to The Shredder!" He said. I took a look at the clock. It read 3:54 am. Wow! It was really time go leave! But when I took a look at Donnie, something in me wanted me to stay. Stay with my little brother! Leo looked at me, and seemed to understand what I was thinking.

"We need someone to stay with Master Splinter to look after Donnie, in case he goes out of control. Raph? Think you can do that?" He looked at me while he asked the question. My heart skipped a beat. If I thought I could do it? Of course I could! I whould do anything for my brothers! But I didn't say that. I wouldn't loose the dignity I still had.

"Sure, whatever" I said with a shrug. But Leo seemed, once again, to understand what I was thinking. He really was a great leader. But I would never admit it to him, of course! He patted my shoulder, and turned to leave. But before he did, he leaned forward a bit and whispered.

"It's gonna be okay Raph." I opened my mouth to respond, that I knew that, but I closed it again. It wasn't necessary to try to be brave.

"We're leaving now Sensei! We'll be back as soon as we can!" Leo shouted and turned around to leave the lair. Mikey already stood at the turnstiles waiting for him. Master Splinter came out of the dojo, and walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder but looked at Leo and Mikey.

"Good luck my sons. And be careful." They both nodded and left the lair.

"Yes my brothers, good luck." I thought as I saw them leave.

(Leo's P.O.V)

As we ran through the city, I had this strange feeling in my stomach. Like something was wrong. I had this feeling that Shredder had a plan, something he thought we whouldn't expect. But right now we didn't have choice. If he had something that could turn our brother back to normal, it was worth it. We whould fight it when that fight came. We ran in complete silence. Even Mikey was unusually quiet. He usually whould speak until someone yelled at him to shut up. Now he was so quiet it was almost creepy that he had changed his persona in only a few days. But I was sure that once Donnie was alright, Mikey would go back to normal. All of us would. For a second my thougts went to Raph, Splinter and Donnie, and I wondered how they where doing. It seemed like forever, but we finally made it to The Shredders lair. The big building was almost frightning, the way it only stood there, dark, tall and black. We saw a open window on the floor we had seen Shredder and his henchmen. Mikey put his hand in mine, and I looked at him. He looked scared and sad at the same time.

"Leo, what do we do if this is a trick? I bet he is only fooling us!"

"I know Mikey, but we don't have the choice right now. We have to take that risk. This is not about some machine that needs to be repaired, this is about our brother! And we need him to come back to us. Ok?" I said as I put both my hands on his shoulders. He looked into my eyes, and for a few seconds he didn't do anything to show he had understood, but then he nooded and we both jumped through the window. In the room was Shredder, Stockman, Karai, Dogpound and Fishface. They looked like they had waited for us.

"Welcome turtles. We have waited." Shredder said. His voice was extra dark and sinister, and it made me shrudder, but I pretended didn't notice.

"Save the talk Shreddhead! We have shown up, where is the cure?" Mikey said with so much anger it almost seemed like I had Raph with me insteed of Mikey. Shredder snapped with his fingers and Stockman gave him a tube of a purple glowing fluid.

"Here it is. And I suggest you hurry back to your home, the sun will rise about 5:30 am today." Mikey and I shared a look and then we looked back at Shredder very confused.

"Yeah... So?" I asked. Karai chuckled a little, as if she found this funny.

"Did I forget to tell you. This next dawn, your brother's transformation will be permanent!" Stockman said, but he sounded like he was really amused. Mikeys eyes went wide and I shoot a look at the clock, and my blood went cold.

"But that is in like forty minutes. It took us like a hour to get here!" I yelled, now starting to panic, fearing that we wouldn't make it back in time!

"Then I suggest you hurry up." Dogpound said with a smirk. "Cause once sun has rised..."

"He'll be like he is now, for ever." Fishface finished the sentence. Mikey and looked at each other, and then things went really fast. Mikey raced forward and snatched the tube out of Shredders hand and ran for my cupped hands and as he jumped into them, I pushed him up for the window. When he was through he reached his hand for mine. I jumped up and manged to grab it. He helped me get through the window and then we broke into a run to get home. None of us noticed the sinister smiles on our foes faces.

(Shredders P.O.V)

"Shall we send foot ninjas after them Father?" Karai asked as she kneeled down in front of me. "That way we can find the lair and Hamato Yoshi."

"No, we'll wait until we catch up with them again. Then we can put the real plan to work." I answered and looked after the turtles.

'Soon Splinter, you and your turtles will be all mine.' I thought as the two turtles disappeared into the shadows.

(Raph's P.O.V)

As the minutes flew by I sat beside my brother and stroked his head. I had told Splinter to go and rest, since he hadn't got much rest since this whole accident had happend. This accident I had caused. Every since we had gotten Donnie back to the lair, I hadn't stopped blaming myself mentally. If I hadn't said what I said, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess right now. I glanced down at the monster, at my little brother. He had seemed to have figured out that I was friend, since he was awake but didn't attack me. I smiled at him sadly.

"I promise Donnie, once we get out of this, I'll make it up to you. I'd do anything to help you get back on your feet. To get you back to normal." He looked up to me as I talked to him, and that was when I saw he had his regular brown eyes. He snuggled his head against my chest and let himself lie like that. We sat like that for a while, no of us noticing that Splinter stood only a few feet from us. Not until he laid his hand on my shoulder did I notice he stood right behind me. I looked up at him and he smiled proud at me. I smiled back at him, but then I heard foot steps at the turnstiles and I looked at that direction. Leo and Mikey ran in totally out of breath. They stopped just as they had past the turnstiles, and out their hands on their knees.

"Quick... Raph... The tube!" Mikey said between his breaths and reached out a tube with a purple fluid in it. I raced up and grabbed it. Then I ran up to Donnie, who seemed to be a bit confused by the change of scene. I kneeled down in front of him and showed him the tube with antidote.

"Okay open up Donnie, it'll be okay." I said reassureingly and poured the fluid into Donnies mouth. As he swallowed the antidote he looked at me the whole time, and then my stomach clenched, as my brothers eyes went from nice, comforting brown, to blood red. Leo and Mikey, who seemed to have catched their breath and sat down beside me, had also seen it. Mikeys eyes filled themselfes with tears almost immediatly.

"No... I, I don't understand, it should have worked..." He said as the tears began to fall from his eyes and roll down his cheeks. Leo put his arms around out youngest brother and pulled him into his embrace. Mikey began to sob into his chest. Master Splinter sat down beside Leo and put his hand on Leos shoulder. Both Leo and Splinter had tears in their eyes. I still hadn't comprehended the whole situation. Then it hit me, it was to late! Our brother was lost. Then my tears started fall, and I didn't even try to conceal them. I just let them fall. I was still on my knees in front of Donnie who didn't look like he was about to attack so I didn't move.

"Donnie I'm sorry! I did this to you, to all of us! This is all my fault. If I hadn't been so tough on you..." I lost my tounge and just threw my arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder. "You have always been there when we needed you most, never given up on any of us, even when we didn't understand a word of what you where saying, never stopped trying to help us. And I let you down. I, I don't care if your not smart anymore, I just want you back! Please come back to us. We love you. I love you..." After that I didn't find anymore words, and just kept on sobbing into his shoulder. I just sobbed, and sobbed and couldn't stop. I felt Splinters hand on my shoulder, but I shrug it of. But all of a sudden I felt arms around my shell, and broke away from my hold, and . And the sight was enough to make me laugh in relief. In my arms where my brother, Donatello! In the flesh, no sharp fangs, no claws and no red eyes!

"Donnie, you're back!" I couldn't help but cry, but I also laughed in relief and happiness. Donnie laughed to and raised his hand to my face to whipe away tears from my eyes. Ordinarily I whouldn't let anyone do that, but now I realissed how much I had missed my brothers touch.

"What's the matter tough guy? Can't hold in your tears after fiften years?" He said teasingly. I laughed and locked his head in a headlock and rubbed the top of his head. He laughed as he tried to wriggle out of my grip. I sighed in joy. I hadn't realised how much I had missed his voice to, much less his laughter. When I released him, and he raised so he sat upright, we embraced each other again. I had my arms around his shoulders and as I tried to stop cry I whispered so the others whouldn't hear,

"I'm sorry Donnie, I'm so sorry..." A few new tears made their way down my cheeks down to his shoulders. He tighted his grip around my shell and whispered back.

"I know, I heard your apology." Then we broke contact, but kept our grips around each other.

"Donnie!" This time it was Mikey who spoke and he ran to us embraced us both, pretty hard to. It was one Mikeys backbreaking hugs. And just when I thought I wouldn't be able to live without to breath much more, he loosened his grip around us, but kept both hands on Donnies shoulders.

"Man, it sure is great to see you again bro! We missed you so much. You have no idea what we went through to get you cured." Leo said as he sat down beside us and put an arm around his shoulders. Donnie looked at him and smiled a bit snuffy.

"You went to ask Shredder for the cure, right?" He said, not a bit unsure at all. All of us just looked at him in surprise.

"How did you...?" Mikey asked in total surprise. Donnie stopped him before he could finnish the sentence.

"Just because I was a monster didn't it mean I wasn't still me. I heard, saw and knew what happend all along. It was just a little hard to have control of myself. That's all." He said and for a second looked a little ashamed.

"But what matters most is that you are back to normal, my son." Splinter said as he walked up to us. He grabbed Donnies arm, and immediatly all of us loosened our grips on him, as Splinter pulled him to his feet.

"And now, I think you should rest. You have been through more than enough for a few days." Donnie nodded as he yawned, apperantly exhausted after all the events. The three of us looked at each other and smiled at each other. It was finally over. But as I saw Donnie sit down on the couch, I couldn't help but feel something still wasn't right, but I didn't care, my brother was back, and that was all that mattered to me right now.

A/N: Okay, that was the last chapther. Now what is Shredder up to now. What evil plot does he plan right now. You'll have to wait and see. It has been really fun to write this story! And thank you all for your great reviews! Thanks for everything! You are the best. Please all of you, give more reviews to this last chapther, and keep your eyes open for my next story, the sequel to this. Anyway, until we meet again, see ya'll. Bye bye!:-) ^-^