Rays of light shone in through the gap in the curtains, causing Regina to squint her eyes against the intrusion. She had been having the most delicious dream and she may be tempted to unleash another curse on the world if she wasn't allowed to get back to it. This dream was a particularly sexy encounter – make that several - with a Miss Emma Swan. She could still feel the way Emma's hot mouth had felt on her skin, teasing her way down her body until reaching Regina's inner thighs and then –

Regina stiffened in shock as she felt the most undeniable contact of another leg, nudging into the upper part of her own very bare leg. This realisation led her to become very aware of just how much of her skin was exposed; which would be all of it. Her thoughts still foggy from the earliness of the day, and also the after effects of indulging in very expensive whiskey, were making it very difficult to piece together any sort of event that would lead to another body making its way into her bed. There was no one she could think of that she would willingly want to be there, other than...

'No, it couldn't be' Regina thought, stunned. Gingerly, Regina shifted her body, keeping the sheets still very much wrapped around her and turned around to identify her new bed mate.

A slow, winning grin spread its way across Regina's face as she took in the sight before her. Blonde curls cascading around the pillow, creating an almost halo effect. Pink lips were drawn into a relaxed pout and an arm rested heavily over the sheet that was scrunched in close to the other woman's body, protecting her modesty.

'I guess it wasn't a dream after all' chuckled the brunette quietly, her memory of last night coming back into vivid recollection. 'Who knew the Saviour could be so sensual?' Regina shivered, her own eyes darkening as she drank in the appearance of the younger woman.

"It's rude to stare you know" muttered the blonde lazily, causing the older woman to jump slightly, her face flushing from being caught "and when someone is sleeping, it's just downright creepy".

A slight twitch at the side of her lips signalled that Emma was aware she had managed to startle the other woman, amusing her even in her slumbered state. Emma opened one eye and looked up to meet the gaze of the former Mayor.

"Mmm, so it wasn't a dream" the blonde said silkily - re-iterating Regina's own wonderment - as she turned onto her back and stretched fully, the sheet dipping down slightly, only barely stopping in time before completely exposing her upper half. "Good morning, Your Majesty".

"Good morning indeed, Sherriff" Regina simpered, her eyes roaming over Emma, now remembering exactly what prize lay hidden beneath that wall of fabric.

"Like what you see?" winked Emma.

"I'm sure I would, dear" Regina drawled "If I could actually see anything…"

"Well, there is a very simple way to solve that" Emma hinted as she moved closer to the brunette, still careful not to let the cover fall until their bodies became completely flush together. The older woman groaned deeply and dipped her head to connect Emma's lips with her own. The kiss was deep and searching; mouths and tongues remembering the intense exploration of each other the previous night. Emma's hand reached up to pull the other woman's head even closer to her, if it were possible. As the kiss intensified, Emma moaned into Regina's mouth before taking the brunette's bottom lip in-between her teeth and nibbled a little, while allowing her hand to drop from Regina's head and stroke its way down the woman's body, goose bumps following her every caress.

It was surprising to both women that 'the morning after' wasn't more of an awkward affair. It could certainly have been expected considering their histories, fights and power plays. However, it seemed that last night had only served to bring the two closer together and all they could feel was contentment and comfort.

And desire.

Regina pushed the blonde back down on to the mattress and was just positioning herself to straddle the other woman when there was a knock at her bedroom door.

They froze, eyes widened with fear.

"Mom?" A small voice called out from behind the door.

"Shit" whispered Emma.

"Mom, are you awake yet?" Henry called once more.

"Uh, yes sweetheart, I'm just getting up. Is everything ok?" Regina's words coming out hurriedly, despite her will to remain natural. She prayed that her son didn't pick up on the higher than usual pitch in her voice.

"Yeah, I just wondered if we could talk. Can I come in?" He asked, as he about to turn the handle.

"No!" Exclaimed Regina, " I mean, how about I get dressed and meet you in the kitchen, Henry? You can help me make breakfast. We'll have whatever you like." She tried to recover quickly.

"Ok" agreed the boy, releasing the handle and headed downstairs, his mind racing with potential breakfast possibilities.

Regina closed her eyes in relief while Emma exhaled deeply, not realising she had been holding her breath throughout that entire exchange. Both women met each other with their eyes and immediately began to giggle before escalating into full on hysterical laughter.

"Ssshhh" sounded Regina, her eyes shining with mirth.

"I guess that's my cue to leave." Smiled the blonde before asking, "Um… Sorry Regina but you don't happen to have some clothes I could borrow? I would normally just risk it in my dress but if I bump into Mary Margaret or David…"

"Of course, dear" Regina leaned down to give the Sherriff a chaste kiss before reaching over for her robe at the side of the bed. Once she was covered, she went about finding them both something to wear.

Emma's eyes followed the former Mayor everywhere she went in the room. She couldn't believe how beautiful the woman managed to look, even first thing in the morning. Emma knew she could always pull off the morning, bed head look fairly well but Regina still managed to look ever the regal in her dishevelled state. That was impressive.

"I thought you said it was rude to stare, Miss Swan?" the brunette teased, causing the other woman to laugh freely. She hadn't been facing the younger woman at that moment but she had felt her stare bearing into the back of her. It had caused her face to flush slightly, imagining what she must look like this morning. Henry had been the only one to see Regina in this way for a long time; fresh faced, wavy hair and no imposing mask used to hide her emotions. She could only imagine what Emma must be thinking of her right now. Especially when the blonde managed to look so damn adorable first thing, with her loose curls tumbled around her shoulders, bright eyes and youthful grin. Regina just wanted to curl back into bed and wrap herself around the other woman, never letting her go.

'Woah' thought Regina suddenly, 'let's not get ahead of ourselves now. It's only been one night. That might be all Emma wanted…'

"Penny for them" Emma asked gently, aware of the tension spreading across the brunette's shoulders as she had been raking through the chest of drawers.

"They aren't even worth that much" Regina smiled wryly, as she turned to face the younger woman once more, a selection of garments in her hands.

"Ok." Emma answered, not wanting to push the other woman. 'God, was she regretting it already? Maybe it was a one night thing' Emma considered disappointed. Regina was just about to ask Emma what was on her mind when Henry called out once more, from downstairs;


As you can see, I decided to keep the rating at it was. I'm comfortable with this and the reviews that you guys left help me see that most of you were happy enough for this to be the case aswell. Thank you again for taking the time to review/follow/favourite. I try to respond to you all as it does mean a lot to me. I still can't believe that people actually like what I'm writing but I'll take it!

I hope that this chapter was just as enjoyable as the others. Until next time ;)