Bleached Soul Chapter 7: Black Star's Assult

X-Aeon just stood there and exhaled. Black Star came rushing at X-Aeon, yelling, "YOU BASTARD!" X-Aeon just laughs and says, "You are gonna fight me next. HAH!" Black Star then somehow ends up behind X-Aeon and slashes. X just looks over his shoulder and gasps in shock, "How on Earth did you do that?" Star then explains, "Well, it's all stealth. You don't know what stealth is do you?" X flashsteps behind Star and says, "I don't know, you tell me." Star jumps out of the way quickly and throws Tsubaki at X. X catches the blade but Tsubaki's blade came from the other direction cutting X across the leg. Star then tries to jump slash X, but X was one step ahead and caught the blade from behind his head and flung Star straight into the wall. X then fires a cero into the wall, but Star had a different plan. Star had appeared behind X again and he had Tsubaki held a certain way, he had both of his arms crossed in front of him with the blades sticking out. He then called out with Tsubaki, "Soul Resonance..." Their souls matching each other for this combination attack. Star then slashed both blades across each other making them change form to one huge sickle weapon and he slashed as they called, "Star Crush!" A humongous wave of soul energy went soaring towards X catching him off-guard in the back. The smoke cleared to reveal X standing there with a large spot on his back where the attack had left a mark. X turned towards Star and said, "How did you do that attack just now?" Star then says, "Like I'm gonna tell you. You creepy looking freak." X then laughs and says, "Hah! How old are you? That is just childish." Star came from above quickly slashing X across the face. X gasping as the blade struck his mask, "Why you little bastard!" His mask chipped a little from the attack, "I am going to slaughter you and your whole squad of rebels!" He then yells and flashsteps behind Star and he swiped Star, knocking him into the ground with a large thud. X then quickly charges up a cero and shoots it directly at Star, but Star was already behind X again. X noticed this and did a 360 quickly, catching the blades with his hands. Star was shocked at how he had caught the blades and realized, "Oh shoot! You caught me! What are you going to do now?" X then realized he was holding two rocks and they crumbled when he tightened his grip. Star was behind X once again and hollered, "Star Crush!" And the large soul energy wave went towards X cutting his left arm, wounding it past quick repair. X was astonished at how mentally equipped this kid was for his age, "Listen here you brat. When are you gonna stop hiding in the shadows and fight me face to face?" Just then Star appeared in a good distance in front of X but Star's two blades were already flying towards X catching him in his shoulders. Star then slung the chain down making a ripple effect where the blades in X's shoulders were drug down as well, slamming X into the ground roughly. X got up from the attack pretty quickly and said, "Ok, that was really smart of you to have done that. But how's this?" Just then he made 6 hollow copies of himself that stood there. Star couldn't tell which one was the correct one. Tsubaki then said through her weapon form to Star, "Hey Star. Look, you can sense his soul, you can tell which one of the copies is the real one!" Star then tries to sense his soul and finds the real copy and jumps behind him slashing his back. X is now furious, "What the hell kid! What are you!?" Star then lands a powerful punch sending X far into the desert. X flashsteps behind Star again and kicks Star into the wall again. X then flashsteps to Star and picks him up by his collar and says, "Listen kid. You don't stand a chance against me ok?" Star just laughed with blood slowly coming from his mouth, "Yeah, you're calling me childish. Then why are you holding a toy?" X then realizes he is actually holding a stuffed toy in his hand. X then slowly turns to where Star is standing, "What the hell..." Star then says, "Hey, I'd get rid of that. You see there is a reason I don't play with toys!" X asks uneasily, "Yeah? Why is that?" Star then replied, "Because, they only last for a few times, then they expire much like a ticking time bomb." X still holding the toy finally hears a faint ticking sound. It then hits X, "Oh shit!" He tries to throw the toy but it ends up exploding in his hand. Star standing tall with his arms crossed, "Yeah. You may be more powerful. But I'm smarter." He then notices X getting up from the bomb, "Yeah, your right kid. But there is a way I deal with smarter fighters." Star uncrosses his arms and says, "Yeah, how is that?" X answers, "You'll see." He was right too, a giant energy wave came above and smashed Star into the building, on which he was standing. The building then collapsed from the power, X flashstepped above the ruined building, "So, Star. You now see how I deal with smarter fighters? How do you plan on reversing that?" Star gets up and says, "I don't know yet. But I'm sure I'll find a way." X then yells in anger, "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL STANDING!" Star then says, "I told you. It's stealth. You don't know stealth, I do, which leaves you at a disadvantage, in more ways than one really." X then grits his teeth in anger and he says, "Damn! What's it gonna take to kill you?" Star, then says, "I don't know. If and when you can find a way, you tell me." He then smirks and X flashsteps to Star and punches him into the building behind him. Seriously pissed X then says, "Alright, you smartass! Time for me to find a way to kill you now!" X then appears in front of Star who is slowly getting up from the punch, "Take this you blue haired bastard!" He then lands another punch sending Star through another building, nearly toppling that one too. Star then appeared next to X ready to strike but X caught the blades again, but this time when Star tried to trick him he clutched the blades tightly and said, "Alright, enough games. Seriously, fight me without your little parlor tricks." Star was angered by this and he said, "Parlor tricks?" He then growls in anger and yells, "They are not parlor tricks! They are an advanced series of flashy attacks that ninjas use to disable their opponents!" X then said, "Well, I guess I am not made to be a ninja's opponent then am I? Because your so called disabling techniques haven't done what they're supposed to." Star then laughed and said, "Oh, those were just to fuck with you. Here are the disabling ones." His blades then flash blinding X, then Star appears behind X and clashes his blades together making them give off an errie shrieking noise in which noone's ears can withstand deafening X. Star then says, "Now, just to finish them off here!" Star then places a paper bomb in X's face, where his hands were binding his hands to his face. X realized what had just happened and said muffled by the paper bomb, "Oh shit." Then the paper bomb exploded blowing X, and four buidlings around him to pieces. X wasn't dead though, no he was standing there and he said, "Alright! That's it! No more fucking around!" He then brought his two swords forward and he calls out, "Ressureccion, destroy Omnikiller!" His two swords then became one long sword, and his form changed one last time. This time his mask had changed to show a huge x mark. His arms and legs now had armor on them now, and he had a tail wit which had a sharp sword-like end to it. Star then stepped back in fear to what this form had is store for him and the others. X then said, "I call this form X ressurection. It's my most powerful form! Try your little tricks this time you little prick!" Star then tried to sneak up behind X when turned his head around like an owl and said maniacally, "Nice try kid. But in this form I can sense anyone's spiritual pressure and try to intercept them before they try to attack. Can you stand to be watched everywhere you go? I once defeated an enemy because I drove him mad by following too much and he couldn't get away. Plus the form alone secreets fear. The only question is, why aren't you effected by this move?" Star then says mocking his form, "Maybe because I'm not some mutated looking freak, with a weird mask on." X then laughed and said, "Oh, make all the wisecracks you want bud. In this form I am not subject to your smart remarks. My emotions are completely out of the equation now." He then grew a perverted smile ear to ear. Star realizing how bad the situation has become then braces himself and says, "Well Tsubaki. We may lose this battle. This is one thing I can't finish with a good end result. Let's try this. What do ya say!?" Tsubaki said through her weapon form, "Yeah!" Star then dashed at X trying to damage him but he flashstepped away and came from Star's left and punches Star sending him through another building. Star then appearing behind X tried to slash him but X had already turned around and caught Star's weapon. With Star's weapon in hand X says, "See, you can't defeat me in this form. Unless you can change forms as well." Star then says, "Oh man! I can't change form so I might have bit off more than I can chew." X then pulled Star in close to himself and powered up a cero at Star's face. Star was shaking in fear now because he knew that even on his best day he still doesn't stand a chance. The cero exploded in an awesome red and blue mixture blasting Star into a tall tower of the soul society. Star then appeared near X and yelled whilst swinging the large blade, "Star Crush!" The wave of energy just hit X with no effect, the blast just dispersed and X turned his head, "What? Did you think that was actually gonna do something other than fail?" Star then gasped as X's fist sent him flying into the wall where Ichigo and the others were standing. Star staggered as he got up and he said, "Oh man! When did he strike me!? I couldn't detect his movement when he hit me." X then flashstepped and landed another punch sending Star through the wall to where Ichigo was standing near Byakuya and Orihime healing him. Star got up one last time before X appeared in front of him and clenched his fists together and slammed Star downwards creating a small crater in which Star laid unconscious. Ichigo then gasped when he saw his comrade laying there unable to move in the crater. He went to check on Star to see if he was alright, "Black Star! Are you ok!? BLACK STAR!" He was then shaking Star trying to get him to wake. Ichigo then looked over towards X and said, "Ok, that does it! Now I will murder you!" Rukia then stepped forwards saying, "Wait, can I try real quick to see if I can at least weaken him a little?" Ichigo gasped in shock, "If you want to, oh what am I saying!? You can't defeat him Rukia!" Rukia then yelled, "Look, I know this! But I can at least try to slow him down!" Ichigo then backed off and let Rukia try to slow X down. X then laughed and said, "With my emotion out of the equation, I can defeat you with no remorse. Only because I'm not supposed to hit girls." Rukia then said, "Try me!" Before Rukia could speak her zanpakuto's name X was already in front on Rukia and powered up a cero before she could move. Rukia was then blasted through the wall with the cero and she was unconscious as well. Maka then tried to do the same but as soon as she got to X she swung but X had flashstepped before the scythe could hit it's mark and appeared behin Maka and he slammed her into the ground as he did with Star. Maka got back up though and she swung her scythe yelling, "WITCH HUNTER!" The giant wave of energy clashed with X's sword as he blocked it and he said after the smoke had cleared, "So, you have the ability to shoot energy waves as well. Ok, wanna see mine?" Maka was suprised when X appeared behind her and shot another cero at her. This time she was blasted through four different walls. Ichigo then stood up from where Star was lying and he said, "Ok, that's it. NOW ITS MY TURN!" He then called forth, "BANKAI!" With that his form changed and he was ready to battle. X then stood there awaiting Ichigo's attack when out of nowhere an energy blast shot X in the side of the face catching him offguard. X turned to where the shot was fired and said, "What the hell!? Not another one." The shooter was none other than Death the Kid! Kid then said, "Hey guys, whats up?" Ichigo then asked, "Hey! Who are you young man?" Kid just said, "I am Lord Death's son! Death the Kid!" Ichigo then said, "You mean your the son of death that Maka and Soul spoke of?" Kid then thumbed his nose and said, "The very same." Ichigo's face then went blank as he said, "Ok, I didn't know death was real, let alone him being able to have a son!" Kid then said, "Don't worry. I will handle this guy if he's giving you a problem." Ichigo then said, "Nah. I got him." Kid then said, "I insist." Ichigo then replied angrily, "Ok, you know what I've got him ok!?" Kid then said, "Alright, alright. Sheesh trying to help someone in this dimension is like trying to figure out why Stein is so creepy." Ichigo then walked up to X and he said with confidence, "Ok. You have hurt my friends for the last time! Prepare to deal with me; Ichigo Kurosaki, substitute soul reaper of the 13 court guard squad! You will now perish by the use of my blade!" The battle was about to take place, but can Ichigo really defeat X-Aeon? We will find out next in the next chapter.