I own nothing but the plot line.

Percy's POV:

Once the horn was blown, the game began. Nina took out her pen and uncapped it, turning it into a sword. Eddie, Nina, and I charged for the red flag while Alfie and Jerome were guarding the blue flag. Eddie and Nina were doing pretty good for first timers.

Nina: How is this happening?!

Eddie: I seriously don't know!

Me: Same thing happened to me last year!

Nina: Eddie, zap!

Eddie: I'll try!

Then I saw electricity shoot out of Eddie's sword.

Eddie: Cool!

Me: Follow me!

We fought of some of the red campers. We came to the territory of the red flag.

Nina: We made it.

?,?, and ?: You didn't think it was that easy, did you?

We turned around to Fabian, Patricia, and Annabeth.

Nina: Great, I have to fight my boyfriend.

Eddie: And I have to fight Patricia.

Percy: And I have to fight Annabeth, again.

Fabian: You're not going winning this time.

Nina pressed the belly of a hair clip and turned into a dagger, then it slid out of her hair.

Nina: Neither will you. Percy, tentacle time.

Fabian: What?!

I formed the tentacle and made it attack Fabian. Then it wrapped around him, lifted him up in the air and threw him far away from here.

Eddie: Go!

Eddie and I took care of the girls and Nina ran towards the flag.

Annabeth: Patricia! Dot let her get it!

Patricia: I know what to do!

Then Patricia slashes Eddie's hand, arm, and face.

Nina: Eddie!

Me: Nina! Focus! I know you care about him but we you have to get the flag!

Nina just stared at Eddie.

Eddie: Nina, go!

Nina nodded and ran towards the flag. Patricia ran after her. But Eddie zapped her. She fell unconscious, and so did he. I was fighting Annabeth and I had the same cuts as Eddie. But that didn't stop me.

Nina: I got!

We Annabeth stopped then looked at Nina. I created another tentacle and it wrapped around her.

Annabeth: Well played, Seaweed Brain

Nina: We won!

Then the horn was blown. The rest of the campers crowed around Nina. Then Chiron came.

Chiron: The winners are...the blue team!

Blue team cheered for Nina. Then Nina dropped everything and ran to Eddie.

Nina: Eddie!

Then Jerome and Alfie came and ran to ran to Eddie. So did I.

Jerome: Oh no.

Me: Nina, hold out your hand.

Nina did what I instructed her to do and I dipped my hand in the lake. I made my finger touch Nina's and the water started to go up my arm. My cuts we healed then it was passed on to Nina's hand. It went up her arm and healed her bruises. Nina then made her fingers touch Eddie's it healed his cuts and bruises and awakened him.

Nina: Eddie!

Nina hugged Eddie hugged back.

Nina: I thought I lost you.

Eddie: *Says all croaked up* Me too.

Chiron: Get him to the infirmary!

Nina got up. Jerome, Alfie, Nina, and I carried Eddie.

Nina: You're gonna be okay.

Eddie nodded and fell unconscious again. Nina started to tear up. We reached the infirmary and laid him on a bed. Grover came over and put some nectar in his mouth.

Nina: I'm going to get changed.

Then Nina left. I followed her to our cabin. I quickly changed and I put up a towel so I could see my probably half sister changing.

Nina: Thanks.

Me: No problem.

She finished and I put away the towel. She changed into the same clothes she had on when she came here.

Me: I got these before we left.

I took out the seahorse hair clip and her blue pen. She smiled and took them. She placed the seahorse in her hair, put the pen in her pocket, and put on some blue sandals. We ran to the infirmary to see Eddie talking to Jerome and Alfie.

Nina: Feeling any better?

Eddie: Yeah. Nina, I have to tell you something...in private.

I nodded and I left, followed by Jerome and Alfie.

Me: Do you know what he's going to tell her?

Alfie: He's gonna tell her he- Ow!

Jerome nudged Alfie in the side. The Jerome whispered the rest in my ear.

Me: Now, Eddie...I approve.

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