~Chapter 41~

My head was pounding and I heard beeping noises around me. Slowly my eyes opened, and I looked around to see a white room, a hospital room. I looked around and my head was killing me. I remembered a crash and the race, Dom's race.

"Leon?" I asked and my throat hurt everything hurt. "Leon!"

Johnny came into the room and I saw him and he took my hand quickly.

"I'm here. It's okay." he replied.

"What happened?" I asked. He looked down sadly.

"The truck hit your car head on. You didn't suffer any serious injuries just a broken arm when I had pulled you out. Leon didn't make it." he replied. My eyes widened and I closed my eyes feeling tears stream down my face. I tried to save Johnny and Leon paid for it with his life.

"Dom is he okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"He merged Warrick into a street light and won the race. He didn't make it either." he replied. I nodded slowly happy on the inside he won.

"My parents? Do they know I am here?" I asked. He winced.

"They saw one look at me here and left." he replied. More tears streamed down my face a bit.

"I'm not surprised." I replied. He nodded.

"Brian is a cop. He called for the ambulance to come in and get you here. If it weren't for him who knows what could have happened." he explained. That caught me off guard. I closed my eyes and sighed softly.

"Well he saved me. I'll forgive him for being a pig." I said softly and Johnny chuckled.

"Who you calling a pig?" I heard Brian ask with a huge thing of flowers in his hands. Everyone came in and smiled. I lifted the bed up with the remote and smiled as Letty came over to me.

"I've never seen you do something so stupid." she said with tears in her eyes. "But you're alive that's what matters." Dom came over and gave a smile.

"You took on an eighteen wheeler I got to admit that was very brave." he teased. We laughed and I looked in Brian's direction as his arm was around Mia.

"Thank you." I replied and he nodded.

"You're family." he replied.

"We're all family even though you lied to us." Vince said and we all chuckled and laughed. Jesse came over to me. I hooked your car up its in Dom's garage. Think of it as a get well card." he replied. I smiled.

"Thanks, Jess." I replied.

"The doctor said you can walk out of here tomorrow with a cast on your arm." Johnny said. I nodded.

"Perfect." I replied. An hour after everyone left, Johnny remained at my bed. His hand was in mine and he smiled warmly.

"We're free." he replied and I smiled and looked at him.

"Yeah we are." I replied and he leaned over and kissed me passionately.

2 years- Kingston, Jamaica

I rested my naked body over Johnny's as we lied in bed with the blankets over our bodies. My hand slid over his smooth and muscular body. We were rich. After we got revenge for Letty's death we all went our separate ways. But it was never too long before Dom called us in on a job and we answered every time. We were fugitives now ever since we broke Dom out of jail for avenging Letty, but it honestly didn't even matter. I had my own little secret business of importing cars after my parents disowned me. Johnny's fingers rolled along my outer thigh and we looked out the window that was in front of our bed. His other hand was curled in my messy hair. Even though we were now fugitives we were free.

"Perfect." Johnny said lightly. I looked up at him and he looked down at me and we met each other for a warm kiss. When the door of our room suddenly opened we reached our hands under our pillows and pulled out our pistols and pointed them at the door. Our eyes widened when we saw it was Dom.

"Dom." I replied with shock. Johnny used his free hand to cover my body.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be hiding since you are wanted." Johnny said with a smirk. Dom nodded.

"Well I thought maybe you'd be interested in a final job before we separate and be completely free." he said. I scoffed.

"We are free right here." I told. He nodded.

"Yeah, but it will not last forever. I came to you personally and thought maybe you could help us since you're good at importing cars," he said motioning his head at me before looking at Johnny, "And you're a good weapon specialist." Johnny and I looked at each other then back at him.

"Where are we going?" Johnny asked. Dom smirked.


The end…