Sorry for the late, not-even-decent-sized chapter but I do have something important to say.

I'm not sure if its noticeable, but I'm losing motivation with this story and really want to REWRITE it. I'm actually stuck right now, and I can't see myself finishing this fic.

Reasons why; 1. The plot is sloppy and there is a lack of proper antagonist.
2. I want to have more romance but feel like I've trapped myself after all the shortcuts I've made (i.e the jump to marriage).
3. Rewriting will raise my enthusiasm and will absolutely promise to update at least once every two weeks (and not go AWOL).
4. I honestly just want to try again (and I know this will be the second time for some of you).

If I don't make a rewrite, I fear that I will either end this story abruptly, or put it up for adoption (I mean, if anyone here wants to give continuing this a shot, be my guest).

Simply, I want to write this better...and I might end up making a lot of you irritated/disappointed.

If there's anything I can do for you guys to make the transition more accommodating please tell me (I will take requests into consideration, and was in the process of writing a little omake).

Everything being said, I also need one more thing, and I think I'll ask you guys before everyone else on this site, but for the rewrite (should it happen) I will probably pick up a Beta Reader.


She commanded the room. Whether she knew it or not, in her presence others stood straighter, either voluntarily or subconsciously. He for one took great care in his actions, never doing anything that could harm her reputation, if anything striving to become her pride. His teammates, despite how recently their team was formed, fell under his lead and followed her with ease. Such was their natures.

"First of all, concerning the second test, congratulations on passing!" Anko's voice was loud, her voice carrying over to everyone gathered, less than a quarter of what they had begun with. The rest of her opening went by him ignored, his attention focused elsewhere. Their Hokage was speaking now, but he was focused on the figure behind the impressive man. Blue eyes caught his own and immediately he turned his attention back on the speech, chiding himself for already letting any potentially important details pass by unheeded.

"…This is a replacement for war," He heard their leader explain, "While it is nice to advertise friendship among countries, the Chuunin Exams is merely a way for the allied nations to scout one another. Those watching the Third Exam will be your leaders, officials, and other individuals of influence. It is where you shinobi will risk your lives, for the prestige of your village. Through you, they will determine the strength of your nation. It is a fact that the strength of a country is the strength of its village, and the strength of its village is the strength of its ninja. And that can only be determined when you fight with your lives on the line." Minato smiled, his serious expression dropping in place of a friendlier one. "That being said, you still have a choice in deciding your future, and may drop out whenever you wish." He liked the looks he saw in the participants eyes, most of them determined and undeterred by his speech. With a wave of his hand the village leader stepped back, in his place the next rounds referee stepped forward, ready to explain the next set of rules.

"Hello everyone," the pale jounin started with a slight cough, "I am Gekko Hayate." Unusually, one of Konoha's renowned tokubetsu jounin, seemed nothing more than a rather sickly man. "I'm sorry to say, but before the actual test there is something I must ask all of you to do," He paused, clearing his throat loudly, "It's a preliminary test to decide who will get to participate in the third round."

"Preliminary? What do you mean!" There were small shouts of outrage from the students who had been through too much to be denied the opportunity.

"Sensei…I'm a bit confused about this preliminary," Sakura voice rose out of the mumble as she voice her concerns, "Why aren't we all allowed to participate in the next test?"

"Uh…It seems that the first and second test may have been a bit too easy, and thus we have too many people remaining," Indeed they should have prepared something tougher for the extraordinary genins they had been testing, "According to the chuunin exam rules, we must have a preliminary round to reduce the amount of participants for the third test. As the Hokage said earlier, there will be many important guest and the fights may go for quite long. We are pressed for time." He let out a shaky breath, his tired eyes raking over the potential candidates, "So anyway…those who aren't feeling well…those who feel like quitting after the explanations, come forward now. We will be starting the preliminaries immediately."

It wasn't Akado Yoroi that faced Sasuke, due to his untimely demise, but instead Abumi Zaku. And this time whilst his arms weren't blown up by Shino's bugs, they had been broken brutally by an enraged Sasuke. Whatever the oto-nin had said in that arena had riled the Uchiha up to the point where Orochimaru's taint had begun to leak from her seal. It was barely noticeable, but still enough for her to pull him aside after the match.

"Sasuke," He stood proud after his victory, walking back steadily without another look at the loser, "You're going to have to miss the rest of the fights."

"What?" the Uchiha blinked at his sister wide-eyed, his tiredness forgotten in place of astonishment. Miyu leaned down, speaking in a hushed tone.

"I'm going to take the seal off you, and I'm afraid you'll probably be unconscious for the rest of the matches?"

"Can't this wait till after? Haku's up next, see." He gave her a pleading look but caved instantly after catching her gaze. No matter how strong he was, how resolved he was, he could tell this matter was unnegotiable.

"I'm confident he will win, with or without me watching," She replied, ushering him upstairs to a room where her fox lay waiting. "You can ask Sakura or Kakashi about the rest of the matches."

"What about Naruto?" Sasuke asked curiously as the animal jumped off the bed to make space for him.

"Well he'll be joining you soon enough." She looked at the mark on his neck unhappily. There was little she could do to make the experience better, merely soundproofing for security. If it was possible she would have put him to sleep, but maybe it would be a good experience? "I suggest you clench you teeth," Miyu warned, black fire lighting her finger tips as she manifested her hypnotic Sharingan.

Shino forfeited, the smart genin knowing his limits much better than his reckless friends. He knew when he was at a disadvantage, when he was outclassed, and when he had more to lose than gain. "Aw, Shino," Kiba slung a friendly arm over his teammate, his toothy grin offering some comfort, "I was hoping to see a more exciting fight!"

"Kiba-kun." Hinata reprimanded him quietly, sneaking glances at the victor and his teammates. There were a lot of people here that she would rather not fight.

"It's fine," The bug-user sighed, he had hoped to at least make it into the next round, "The situation was unfavourable for me as my bugs do not like the cold." It was hard to utilize his clan's specialty when they were rendered useless.

"They're sensitive to heat, huh," Kiba frowned, if only his teammate could've gotten a hand from the forest's giant leeches, "They shouldn't even be competing." He turned his head to stare at the overpowered team. He was confident, and sure of his own abilities, but that didn't mean he would want to fight them, especially when they were clearly already a rank or so high up. His mother taught him to have back bone, but also to not pick fights that he would lose.

"Kimimaro-san is next." Hinata stated as a new pair of names appeared on the screen. She watched the swordsman end his conversation, walking down to the arena with graceful steps. It was about then that his sensei returned, alone, giving Haku a proud look as he announced his win.

"I'm happy you didn't harm his bugs," Miyu told him quietly as she watched Kankuro enter the ring from above, "Though short-lived, he cares for them."

"I can tell," The ice-user replied, feeling respect for his opponent, "He forfeited once he realised they would freeze, since without them his chances were slim." It was an unfair matchup, but hopefully would serve as a source of growth for the other genins.

There was no talk between the competitors, nor jeers, jabs or cutting remarks, both merely focused on their unusual opponents. Kimimaro had unsheathed his sword as he entered the ring, and on the call of 'go', he dashed forward swing his sword out in a swift motion.

"Careful with t-that," the Suna nin replied as he landed from his jump back. He had a peculiar way of speaking and the swordsman attributed it to the fact that it wasn't flesh that showed through the tear in his clothes. From the slash of his blade, clothes and skin alike peeled away showing an odd wooden interior. "I was right not to underestimate you." The voice was muffled, coming from the large bandaged object on his back. It was unravelled and soon enough he was facing two opponents, one clearly more human than the other.

"A doll?" Kimimaro had only heard of one puppet user, and it hadn't been a story he liked seeing as his master had come close to dying. Other than rumours and assumptions he had no idea what such shinobi were capable of but was confident his blade would cut through anything.

"I want to ask about that sensei of yours," Kankuro spoke lowly, only for his opponent to hear, "But this hardly seems like an appropriate time…" Kimimaro leapt forward again, surprised as the doll came to meet him halfway, its strength surprising considering its wooden appearance.

"Focus on the match." In a swift motion he pulled out a second, small sword, throwing it passed the doll and at its master. He did not like the way the teen had been eyeing his master.

"Whoa," His sidestep was delayed enough for the blade to tear his sleeve, but fast enough he remained unharmed, "See what I mean? Karasu-" On his call the three-eyed head jerked closer, a poison tipped kunai flying out of his mouth.

"Che." The Kaguya deflected it, raising the handle of his sword to protect his face, and then disengage. It would be dangerous to continue close combat against a foe with too many hidden weapons.

A/N For one sorry, and I hope you can take the time to read the author's note at the beginning.

Edit: 7/7/2016, link to new version s/12033225/1/Tender-Sea-The-Final-Revise