Chapter 13: Safe Harbor

Elysium, Axios Rehabilitation Center.

May 15th, 2178 CE

08:21 GST

Smoothing things over with Karin Chakwas was not easy, especially when Ra's disappeared the very next night after Kai Leng's attack. The hospital directors were easy to mollify, especially after a hefty donation found its way into their credit accounts to pay for the damages, among other things. Karin however couldn't be bought, not with money at any rate. Threatening to go to whoever would listen unless someone explained to her why Kevin and Talia had been slain and the murderer subsequently butchered in short order, the only moral choice David and Anna saw available was to tell Chakwas everything. Richard and the rest of the team had held their breath as the good doctor did her best to process what she had been told, but to everyone's immense surprise, she accepted the extraordinary tale at face value.

That was even before M'gann showed her the rest when the doctor asked to 'see' it for herself. Afterward, Karin had only nodded, promising to keep their secrets, so long as they didn't drag innocent bystanders into the crossfire again. Not long after, she had left Elysium for the Citadel, and from there was anyone's guess. Dick knew he could have followed Karin's electronic trail, but he saw no reason to, and let the woman believe she had quickly gotten beyond their reach.

Kaldur and Garrus had had to leave as well, three days after the doctor had gone her own separate way. They were needed back at the Citadel to report back to their superiors, and share with them the exact circumstances why Kevin had been buried by his grieving family. Considering what they had seen for themselves, it went without saying that they planned to leave out some of the more...outrageous details of their time with the others. No one would believe that a centuries old leader of an organization of deadly assassins had been within easy reach, even with tangible proof. It'd also be hard to swallow the fact that there was an actual martian in this reality. But, the fact that Cerberus agents had again tried to kill Shepard and her allies would not be omitted. That went without saying.

Kaidan and Ashley had been ordered to return to Earth, but not before M'gann was able to give Kaidan something that would no doubt keep him going for a long time to come. Upon visiting Rahna's room one last time the very next day after Kaldur and Garrus had left, he was shocked to find the young woman awake. Even if their relationship was over after the incident back at BAaT, their reunion was more than enough to give the biotic hope. With promises to check on the team whenever he could, through extranet messages if he didn't see them again in person later, Kaidan Alenko left Elysium with his head held high.

Two weeks later, Annabell had 'woken up', M'gann having finally repaired the damage done to her at last. The fight in which Alenko had aided them had been the last, and besides a few appearances, just to remind them he was still hiding in the shadows of Anna's mind, Psimon was never able to seriously hinder their progress again. When M'gann found the last remnant of the psychotic psychic, a pale shade of his former horrible glory, all she had to do was reach out and snuff the lingering traces that were left like snuffing out a maniacal weak flame. When it was done, Psimon disappeared with a whimper. It had been rather anticlimactic, all things considered, but everyone had been happy the madman was gone for good.

The very next morning, Anna's mind finished healing on it's own as she had spontaneously sat up in bed, albeit slowly, her muscles having atrophied in the time she had been in a coma. The fact she was awake at all was enough to make her easily forget her abundant aches and pains, surrounded by her family and friends. Who, in their own right, had taken a considerable beating to their morale with Talia and Kevin's untimely demise, Artemis's punctured lung, and Aya's complete disappearance. Good news had been sorely needed, and thanks to M'gann's efforts, they finally had it.

Having been in critical condition for nearly three weeks, Artemis finally awoke shortly after Anna had. It wasn't long after that that she and the rest of the team were crowded around her bedside. "How you doing Arty?" Anna smirked and gently rested her hand on Artemis's shoulder when the blonde immediately tried to get up. "Hey, stick around for a while, that's an order. Look on the bright side, at least you didn't take a arrow to the knee."

Artemis managed a coughing parody of a laugh at the lame joke. It was something Oliver might have said, and while it made her feel a pang of homesickness, she hid it from her gray eyes easily enough. "Don't make me laugh...right now. Hurts just to breathe. Good to see….you're up, Shep." The wheelchair underneath Anna's butt didn't suit her at all, but it was a far sight better than how Arty remembered seeing the woman before Kai Leng had injured the archer. "You look...better."

"You're trying to be nice, I can tell. Doesn't fit you Arty, I know I still look like shit. But if it makes you feel any better, you look even shittier than I do." Shepard held up a small mirror that she had had to originally threaten Richard to get. Her gaunt, sickly pale features hadn't been as bad as she had expected actually, from his initial hesitancy at her request. In her estimation, Arty looked pretty damn good in comparison right now.

"You are not funny Anna." Crossing her arms over her stomach, Artemis rolled her grey eyes at the image that stared back at her. Her eyes softened though as the blonde archer looked to everyone around her. "How bad was it?"

"You died." Anna placed a calming hand on Artemis' bruised arm, not particularly caring if she wanted the physical contact or not. "Only for a little bit. Five seconds. Tops." Great, now everyone is glaring at me. She wants the truth. Not some sugar coated story. I bet it didn't help anyone's mood when the doctors asked why she had old scars on most of her body. I should have said something when I first spotted them originally. Maybe I can play the 'beat to hell victim' and get the truth out of her eventually. Not like I would have to pretend much. If anyone noticed the subtle shiver that passed over Shepard's form, they didn't say anything about it.

Artemis instinctively rubbed at her chest where Malcolm Merlyn had shot her with his bow. If not for Oliver and Diggle's efforts, despite their own wounds from that fight, she was sure she would have bled out on that rooftop. Not too surprisingly, every single person in the crowded room saw past Artemis' nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. "It wouldn't be my first time."

Dick knew the story, only because Bruce didn't know the definition of privacy when it came to potential teammates and allies. Whether it was for the Justice League or Dick's own team, it didn't matter. To Bruce Wayne, no one was above a ruthlessly thorough background check. Richard also knew that Artemis would share what happened when she was ready, so he had never said a word about it to her. Even now, he remained silent.

"Well, I'm just happy to see that my three favorite girls in the 'verse are all awake, and sarcastic as hell. Well, not so much you Megan." David said with a wry smile, noticing the mildly offended expression on M'gann's face. "I, for one, think both you ladies have gotten more than enough sleep lately. So, starting tomorrow, both of you will start physical therapy."

"Yes dad." Artemis and Anna said at the same time, with near equal sarcasm, much to everyone's amusement.

"I'm still hearing that sarcasm. Maybe I'll try to get the therapists to add pull ups to your recovery regimen. Hmm...better add a few dozen push ups a day while we're at it. No point in screwing around." David said as he stood from his chair, the expression on his face equal parts serious and paternal.

Axios Rehabilitation Center, Therapy Room C.

May 28th, 2178 CE

13:27 GST

Letting out a desperate, frustrated sigh, David leaned against a nearby wall, while trying not to show the slightest bit of weakness in front of his daughter as his heart repeatedly broke, watching her wave off her kind hearted asari PT yet again. I wish I had half the patience Felecia has. I'm half tempted to drag her out of that damn chair right now.

Artemis meanwhile was forcing herself back into fighting shape, and she was far less kind about Anna's unwillingness to do anything. "Come on Anna! You're letting a kid kick your butt, this recovery crap sucks badly enough without knowing I don't have someone to compete against."

"Looks like you're doin' just fine on your own Arty. Keep it up!" Anna encouraged the teen, watching with a grin as the teen continued to jog at a brisk pace on the treadmill. Despite the fact she was completely healed, Artemis had insisted on working out the kinks. "See, I told you, you aren't that rusty kid. Only ten miles to go."

"Shut up Annabell." Artemis replied with a grin, which promptly disappeared the moment she looked away from Shepard. David was the only one to see how truly upset she was with the rate of her recovery, or lack there of.

"Alright Anna, we'll work on strengthening your legs tomorrow. Nice work Arty! Just so you know, you happen to have the proudest PT in this hospital. You should be honored. That old krogan isn't easy to impress."

Felecia chuckled when said 'old krogan' shot her a glare from Artemis's right as he tapped at a control on his omni-tool and the incline and speed of Arty's treadmill increased. "You're holding back whelp. Do that again, and you'll be starting your new recovery regime from being thrown out a nearby window."

"Thanks Felecia." Artemis grumbled at the asari that had gotten the archer into trouble with the krogan. "Maybe take it down a notch Kelig? Is this rehab or boot camp?"

The massive old krogan chuckled darkly, his red eyes filled with satisfied mirth. "Both. And since you clearly have the excess lung capacity to complain..." Artemis just lowered her head and grunted as the tread ramped up to near an all out run.

Turning away with an amused shake of her head, the asari turned to her own recalcitrant patient. Felecia apparently knew when to change her tactics as she cheerfully nodded to Anna before walking away. There was no way in the Goddess's name she'd be giving up on her for the rest of Anna's relatively short life span. She just needed a new plan of attack, a plan that was already in motion as she approached Shepard's father. "Mr. Anderson, David, I might be of assistance in helping accelerate Lt. Shepard's path to a full recovery. A young drell child, Sarressa Ja'von, was recently admitted who I believe could benefit from spending time around Anna."

"I'm sure Anna would be more than happy to talk with her, coach her, whatever you need. I don't see how that's going to restore the fight in her soul that she seems to have unfortunately been lost however." David quickly raised a placating hand as he noticed the disapproving frown on the asari's face. "Can't say I blame Anna though, toughest kid I ever met. I doubt anyone could have gone through everything she did and come out of it any better."

Felecia's tone brooked no argument as she quietly replied to Anderson. "I never want to hear you speak like that again around Anna. Am I clear Commander?" David found himself rapidly nodding as if he was suddenly back in front of his first drill sergeant in Basic. The asari put a hand on David's arm as her tone softened a moment later. "Your daughter merely needs something to drive her, someone to fight for besides herself. A powerful enough reason to restore her mind, body and heart. I believe Saressa can help. Give them both a reason to hope again, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Anna and Saressa return to as normal a life as possible. If you know anything about drell however, it's that they have near perfect memories, and Saressa has seen and experienced terrible things no child should have to."

"You know what, I think you're right on the money Felecia. It's been almost two weeks and she still isn't even trying. Do I need to go in there and kick her in the butt?" Dick asked, pacing back and forth and was subsequently driving most of the team crazy that were watching him.

Having finally completed her fifteen mile run, Artemis had subsequently dashed out of the room after receiving a nod of grudging approval from Kelig. "Hey, Boy Blunder, if you went through what she did, you'd be killing yourself everyday for the rest of your life. Now sit down before I break both your legs." While the threat was an empty one, it still made Richard abruptly sit down before Artemis reconsidered doing something less extreme, but just as painful, as her threat.

Sitting in a nearby chair, Jeff promptly cupped his face in his hands and leaned forward eagerly. "Aww...your first lover's spat. Wait, I need some popcorn to really enjoy this. Can you two hold onto that simmering sexaul tension for like five minutes?" Both 'lovers' glared at the pilot, so irritated with him that they didn't even notice he was grinning for the first time in more than a week.

"Shut up Joker." Artemis and Dick growled at the same time before looking away from each other moments later in embarrassment. "I'm going in." Dick finally said, but he didn't get far before Jeff opened his mouth yet again.

"Now I need a camera too." A small, sharp object found itself embedded in the cushion between Joker's legs. "Okay, I'll stop now. I'm mildly terrified, yet impressed, Arty. Let me guess, more practice routines from Conan the Barbarian, physical therapist edition? Xena, Warrior Princess? Red Sonja? Oh, I know, Artemis, goddess of the hun- right, already taken. So, bet you're a little sore huh? Eh, you'll live, suck it up Arty."

In the confusion of Dick and M'gann desperately pulling an irate Artemis away from a secretly delighted Jeff, David disappeared into Anna's currently vacant room. He had had enough of her feeling sorry for herself and he was going to get her moving again, one way or the other. If that meant he had to burn her bed to the ground, then that was what he'd do. But after Artemis was subdued for the moment, M'gann stopped him before he could do anything he'd regret. "Rushing in will only cause her to close up more David. She needs time, and the proper incentive, just as Felecia said. We will get her back."

"I hope so Megan…." David whispered before looking away.

Later that night.

It had taken some leg work on the Axios computer network, but Dick had arranged to have a new guest situated in Anna's now two patient room. It might have helped that Felecia had given him the access codes to the system, but he wasn't about to admit that to the others. Much to Anna's annoyance, she woke up to find that she had a new roommate. It was only after she saw who and what it was, that her melancholy gave way to curiosity. What is a young drell girl doing in the adult therapy wing? Sitting up to watch the proceedings as several nurses handled the young drell with care, as if they expected her to go off like a bomb, Anna wondered what her story was before laying back down. It's not my problem. I have enough of my own to deal with.

Keep telling yourself that Shepard. While M'gann had assured Anna that Psimon was gone, it didn't stop her subconscious mind from conjuring him up anyway. If that martian girl hadn't destroyed me for good, I might have been tempted to keep that drell child as a pet. You'd do something about it then, wouldn't you? Deep down, Anna had to admit the damnable man had a point. She had a hard time getting any more sleep that night. Great, now my own subconscious is fucking with me.

After dozing off for what felt like a few moments at most, Shepard woke to soft whimpers from the bed next to her. Great. Just great. Please tell me this isn't going to be a regular routine. Anna flinched at how harsh that thought sounded as she rolled over and saw that, sure enough, the drell child was crying into her pillow. "Hey, kid. Whatever reason they brought you here, I promise it'll get better eventually." Who am I kidding? Myself or the kid? Still, she was able to take a small amount of solace in the fact that the girl's crying quieted at least. Wow...still got it.

Curiosity seemed to be contagious right now as she noticed that the young drell had looked up and let her pale blue eyes wander to Shepard's side of the room. "Who...who are you?"

"Uh... Lt. Annabell Shepard. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ok, that could have come out better. It was ingrained habit to introduce herself with a rank as well as her full name, and the way the kid had almost jerked back made Anna wonder if she had sounded mean or something. She hadn't meant to, but it wouldn't surprise her in the least if a small child found her intimidating. "But you can call me Anna. What's your name kid?" Nice save, Lt. Jackass.

It took the girl a moment to muster the courage to speak. " name's Saressa."

Unaware that Richard was monitoring the whole conversation, Anna smiled and nodded. "That's a very pretty name, Saressa. Don't worry, they let family members and friends visit all the time. Believe me, I have too many coming and going. " Her attempt at humor fell flat on its face as Saressa started to tear up once again. Oh shit...I know that look. How could I be so utterly stupid?! Why Saressa was there became painfully obvious to Anna as she tried to fix the fresh emotional damage she had wrought. "But I'll be happy to keep you company in the meantime." Because you were too busy feeling sorry for yourself maybe?

Saressa didn't say another word for the rest of the night as she turned over and cried herself to sleep. Anna groaned in irritation at herself as she turned away, feeling like a total ass. It was little wonder the nurses had handled her so delicately coming in. Shepard would bet every credit she had that Saressa had been recently orphaned, something she understood all too well. I might be a total loss, but maybe I can do some good for her.

I wish you luck. Oh, who am I kidding Anna, I hope you crash and burn along with your little new friend.

Shut up Psimon. 'Psimon' didn't shut up right away, instead listing the various ways she might damage the child more than she already was. Thanks for the tip asshole.

You're welcome, I'm here for you and always will be. Anna only rolled her eyes at the sarcastic response, but found herself wondering just how true that taunt might really be as she turned to look at the sleeping girl next to her.

Axios Rehabilitation Center, Therapy Room C.

May 29th, 2178 CE

07:45 GST.

"I just need to check your weight and vitals. It won't hurt Saressa, I need you to calm down." Felecia had the well earned reputation of being one of the most patient PTs on this wing, but even her good will seemed to be running out as the young drell violently lashed out at her whenever she got too close.

"Hey Fel, just leave her be. You're going to get yourself, or Sareesa, hurt before you get her to calm down. I guarantee it." Anna stoically replied, without looking towards the wild drell child not ten feet away. When she heard a series of salarian curses shortly after a rather heavy book was thrown at the asari, Shepard only sighed and shook her head as she shut down the article she had been reading off of her omni-tool and watched Felecia run off with her tail between her legs. It wasn't until they were alone that Saressa finally started to calm down, curling up into a tight ball on one of the floor mats. "I tried to warn her."

"How'd you know?" Saressa asked, her voice muffled as she spoke into her pillow, which she had refused to let go of since arriving, rather than towards Anna herself.

"I used to be a kid once upon a time. Surprised?" Anna laughed at the small nod she got in return. "I will say that you got some spirit in ya Saressa. I honestly didn't think Felecia would give up so soon. That is one determined asari." The quiet if embarrassed giggle she got from Saressa made the smile on Shepard's face a little bigger. Son of a bitch...Felecia never gives up on anybody. Wow...I didn't realize I was such an easy mark. Oh well, too late now I guess.

Slowly pulling herself up from the exercise mat, much to the surprise of Felecia who was watching with a grin from just outside the room, Saressa looked over her pillow at Shepard who was still sitting in her chair just like the day before, where she had been patiently waiting for the young girl to wear herself out as Fel did the heavy lifting. "Why are...why are you here? Did you lose your mommy and daddy too?"

The look in Saressa's pale blue eyes reminded Shepard of her own traumatic past, and she found herself talking before she could stop herself. "It's not why I'm here, but a long time ago...yeah I did. But I met someone that day who saved me and got me to a better place. You ever hear of Mindoir?" Saressa nodded slowly, and it didn't come as any surprise that the child had heard about the raid, even if it had happened not long after she was born. It still made the news from time to time, years after the initial attack, as ex slaves made their way home or were found. Shepard still couldn't honestly say if the living or the dead ones were the luckier of the two.


In another section of the center, Richard was smirking at the computer monitor in front of him. "It seems Felecia's plan is working even better than she hoped."

"You do know that she's going to kick our asses for this? Right?" Artemis was quick to add in, but seeing the two interacting gave her hope for her, for their friend.

"Totally worth it." Richard shrugged and everyone knew he meant what he said. It helped that everyone was in total agreement with him.

"Just checking." Artemis peered closer at one of the monitors. "Felecia's back for round two. She's stubborn, but I guess that comes with being a commando."

"She is stubborn, I'll give her that. I wonder if I could get some hot blue pity action from her..." Joker, predictably as ever, had to ruin the moment.

"Joker! There is something seriously wrong with you..." Artemis seemed to ponder for a moment. "I doubt it."

"Joker! Don't you think of anyone else, besides your own selfish needs?" M'gann was appalled by the idea, but neither did she stop the banter as she sighed and looked at the floor behind them. David was the first to notice that the martian had not been acting normally since repairing the last of the damage to his daughter's mind.

Leaning forward in his seat that was across from her, the old marine only had to look at her for a moment before M'gann met his gaze. You've been unusually quiet M'gann. What's wrong? The fact that no one else was linked with them didn't escape David's notice as no one reacted to what the martian said next.

I knew the risks, or thought I did, when I started this. Even if I knew the real price I'd have to pay...I still would have helped Anna anyway. M'gann's gaze fell to the floor, avoiding David's completely, as the weight of what she was about to divulge hit her like a ton of bricks. You can't touch a mind that's been so thoroughly abused, damaged, without feeling some of what that person went through. Psimon was in contact with Anna's mind for only a few days, but, to her, time had been so dilated that it had felt closer to a few years. The first time I reached out to her, I knew, but I said nothing. The nightmares...those came later.

How long M'gann? How long have you been having them? David had a feeling that there was more to it than that, but he wasn't about to rush her, especially after his last foolhardy decision to try and rush Annabell not so long ago.

Ever since the first time...Psimon trapped us. There's something else...but you can never tell Anna. Promise me, please. I-I shouldn't even tell you. Anna would never forgive herself if something happened to one of their close friends, and David didn't have to think about his reply.

Whatever it is...I promise. I won't tell Annabell if you don't want me to. Please M'gann, tell me what's wrong. Maybe I, or someone else, can help you? David was truly worried now. M'gann had never been one to try and hide anything from her friends, in a very long time. Besides the incident with Queen Bee, and the fact she was a white martian, there were almost no secrets concerning the girl.

M'gann looked relieved even as she looked back to the floor again. My uncle J'onn would have warned me against doing what I did. He wouldn't have even tried alone, even with his years of experience behind him. If not for my powers, the highly trained abilities I had available to me, it probably would have been even worse. It was no secret to the team or Anna and David that M'gann was far more powerful than most martians back home, and they had seen her handiwork enough to know that for themselves.

David suddenly knew that this was going to be bad, very bad. The young martian girl only ranted when she was trying to delay the inevitable. Please, calm down M'gann and tell me what you can.

I-I just need someone to talk to, you know? Okay, here goes...I'm most likely not going be around as long as I would have been. There. I said it. As David's face fell in concern, and more than a little guilt, M'gann quickly tried to reassure him. Hello Megan! Sorry. Don't worry David, I'll still be around for a very long time. I probably only lost five or six decades, at most. does bother me.

Anderson hoped he hadn't heard the young girl right. Until he had met the martian, asari and krogan were the only other races he knew of that lived for centuries, and to know that he had, however indirectly, potentially shortened M'gann's life in a bid to save his daughter's did not sit well with the old marine at all. Decades? I'm so sorry M'gann. How did this happen?

I-I couldn't take the strain, the constant stress on my nervous system was too much to handle. It was too much at once, too much at once. Even my advanced telepathic powers weren't enough to handle the constant mental freeback I was getting from Annabell everytime we linked during a session. My mental defenses crumbled under the stress...every single time. She had tried to keep the pain and the abuse separate from her own consciousness, but M'gann hadn't had enough experience to handle it properly, and it had cost her dearly. Even though I knew they weren't my memories, weren't my experiences, I still couldn't handle what I was being hit with. Psimon was...thorough.

That was an understatement of epic proportions. David now focused less on his own guilt at the horrible sacrifice M'gann had made for his daughter, but rather on the fact M'gann was shivering with fear. If anyone else in the room wondered why David suddenly sat next to to the young martian girl and hugged her against him, they were smart enough not to bring it up. I'm sorry...I'm sorry I ever asked you to get involved M'gann.

I told you already David, I would have done it anyway. She's worth it. Out of anyone they could have wound up stuck with in this reality, M'gann wouldn't have traded a second of her time with David and Anna for anything. Even the bad times had been good in their company, and this was just another moment that would soon be behind her. It had just taken her a little longer to get past it was all.

If M'gann and David thought they were being discreet, they were fooling themselves. Richard and Artemis had suspected that M'gann hadn't been acting herself for some time, but they knew her too well by now than to press her for answers. All they could do was wait for her to clue them in, but Richard still managed a small smile as he caught most of their silent interaction in the reflection on the screen in front of him.

"Looks like Felecia's plan is working." The annoyed tone in Artemis's voice belaid the huge smile on her face as one of the monitors showed Anna gently rocking the young girl in her arms. She was most likely sobbing, but at least she had been able to make physical contact with another person. How many times did Oliver do that for me? Her mind quickly supplied the answer to her own question. A lot, and he never complained once. The first time she had ever let her defenses down around another person had been right after she had tried to pound Oliver's face in. It was also the first time that Artemis realized she was seriously outclassed by the man that had impacted her life in such a positive way. "Shoulda known better than to doubt Shepard." I won't be doing that again. Ever.

"I could have told you that Artemis." M'gann replied, hiding behind one of her cheery smiles as she looked over to her friends. Artemis only turned her head and rolled her eyes at the martian, but the grin on the archer's face never faltered.

"Being an...intuitive person is an unfair advantage Megan." Artemis was quick to reply, mildly ashamed at having the slightest doubt in Anna's abilities in the first place.

"It's Shepard. You don't have to be gifted to know she's going to pull off the impossible." Dick said in turn, grinning even as he spun around in his chair to face David and M'gann.

"So. New idea. Betting pool. How long before she figures out we set her up? Just so you know, I'm not taking any bets passed a week. And it started twenty minutes ago." Joker was leaning towards twelve hours himself, but he wasn't about to let anyone know that. He valued his life more than some people he could name.

"I won't be taking any part in this game." David grumbled, but secretly he was smiling as he watched the young charges under his care argue amongst themselves. Since the debacle at the hospital, any excuse to smile was better than none.

"No bet from old man Anderson, got it." Dick replied even as he ducked when an half empty water bottle was chugged at his head by David. "Sheesh, remind me not to give you anything sharp." He grumbled even though the smirk on his face never faltered as he turned back to the monitors in front of him.

Back in Therapy Room C...

Okay Anna, you have to ask yourself if you are above crawling back into that chair to get this girl in bed. Anna had gotten out of her chair and rocked Saressa to sleep on a nearby mat, which left her wondering how she was going to get the poor kid back to bed without waking her when Felecia soon joined her side again. "I had a feeling you weren't defeated yet. That was you watching this whole time from the doorway, wasn't it?"

"Observant, as I was told, well, more like repeatedly warned to expect. As for the very idea of giving up on her...there's a saying in the commandos. 'Failure is not an option.'" When Felecia sat in front of Anna on the mat, Shepard suddenly wanted to look anywhere but at the asari's kind face. "It was one of your race's famous sayings actually, we just borrowed it." The asari looked down at the peacefully sleeping child in Shepard's arms. "You survived Mindoir, and were given a second chance. Just like you're helping me give her now."

As much as Shepard wanted to argue with Felecia, she found that maybe the asari was right after all. "It's not just her that I'm it? She's helping me too... This feels weird, like I've been completely flanked, but I don't mind." Remind me to never piss you off Felecia. Under that passionate need to help your patients still beats the heart of a warrior, through and through.

Observant and clever, a dangerous combination in some, but not her. Felecia merely nodded before she continued, filing away her own observations for later consideration. "It's the same principle that a pet can ease some of the burden to those that have survived horrible loss. While Saressa is no pet, helping others helps you in turn. I've yet to meet a person that I couldn't help, and until I'm proven wrong, I will never believe someone is too broken to repair."

"You remind me of someone that's...very close to me." Considering that M'gann had seen into the deepest and darkest corners of her mind, it was no surprise to Anna that she saw a little bit of the martian in Felecia's stubborn compassion and kindness.

"Should I be green with envy?" As Shepard failed to keep the shocked look off her face, Felecia grinned and shook her head at the woman. "Don't be alarmed, from what I've seen of your friend, she's a good person to have by your side. And no one will ever hear about her uniquely beautiful skin tone from me." Felecia just grinned as Anna continued to gently rock the sleeping young girl in her arms. "Besides, who would believe me?"

Anna paused for a moment in rather pleasant surprise before finally responding. "I see that commando training dies hard. Once you've been a soldier, you're always a soldier, no matter what your race happens to be." Once a marine, always a marine, who would have guessed it applied to more than humanity? The thought made her smile since despite their obvious physical differences, they were more alike than she would have originally thought until now. It was an eye opener, in a sense, and one that was greatly needed. "I've been a complete idiot lately, haven't I?"

"Well, the administrators don't really like us calling our patients idiots...but yes. I'm glad to see you've stopped acting like some...what's the human military term? FNG?" That got a much needed, albeit soft, laugh from Anna, because it was a pretty accurate summarization for how unforgivable her self pitying behavior had been since she had woken up. "From what your friends and family told me, it's amazing you're here at all."

"I really hope you don't ever end up on the receiving end of a mad psychic. Having all of your secrets, deepest fears, and worse laid bare and played back before your eyes over and over again is not a fun way to spend your time." Looking at the mat between them, Anna's sea green eyes misted over as she let some of the emotional baggage go. "Thanks for not trying to pull that 'I understand' crap with me, because you really have no idea what that can do to someone. I do, and it was worse than any Hell I could have imagined."

"You don't have to tell me, Annabell, but talking about it with someone will help. On that note...perhaps having Megan talk to someone would help her as well. I don't need to be...perceptive to know she has probably not come out of this unaffected as well." From the couple weeks she had been around David Anderson and his unofficial family, save for Annabell herself anyway, Felecia had gotten the feeling that the empathetic young girl was trying not to show she was having trouble with what was going on. She had no idea just how right she was.

Axios Rehabilitation Center, Gym.

June 30th, 2178 CE

09:47 GST

Now, Anna was wondering if remaining in a coma would have been preferable to what Dick and the rest of the team had been putting her through since she had gotten herself out of her funk a little over a month ago. Saressa was nearby with the former asari commando, and much to Felecia's secret joy, the little drell girl could be heard giggling any time Shepard got hit by her current sparring partner.

"Keep laughing Saressa." The drell girl merely snickered even as Anna playfully glared at her. "And I thought rehab was supposed to be calm and relaxing." Sparring with a pair of simple metal rods of equal length, the sound of metal striking metal could be heard across the gym as the two combatants went at each other fiercely. Artemis had taken things a step further though and had been throwing the occasional kick into the mix as well. The rapidly recovering marine dodged another kick that would have most likely knocked her out as she slid back on the padded gym floor.

At least that was what Artemis intended her to think. Getting better Shep, but I see you're still hesitant to actually try and end this fight. In that case, allow me then. The high kick was quickly followed by a lightning fast leg sweep, and before Shepard knew what had happened, she was sprawled out on her back with Artemis on top of her, the blonde's baton pressed against her neck for good measure. "You wanted to get back into shape. Going easy on you would just be detrimental."

"Very funny Arty." Shepard grumbled as Artemis let her up before turning her attention to M'gann, Richard, and David who were either leaning casually against the wall or using the exercise equipment that was open for use. Loud booing could be heard from across the room as Saressa and Felecia gave their vocal opinion of Artemis's less than sporting fighting style.

"Nice job Anna, you're getting better. You lasted ten more seconds against our resident archer." Dick smirked as he made a show of checking the stopwatch feature on his omni-tool. When the biotically assisted sweaty gym towel came flying at his face, Richard merely stepped to the side and ducked. "Gotta be quicker than that Shep."

Even if he has a less than gentle way of putting it, Dick means well as always. Megan replied, working up a sweat of her own on a nearby treadmill.

He's definitely the first one who gets to spar with me once I'm in top shape again. Maybe he'll only get a few bruises and a broken nose when I'm done with him. Anna paused for a moment as her gaze turned to her distracted father, who was busy beating on a punching bag. code 'Ignorance is Bliss' in effect?

Ready to go when you are Shep. Dick replied, looking to the older man and wondering, briefly, if sending him off was the right thing to do. He had been there for all of them, in some form or another, but everyone had noticed that he was driving himself crazy with nothing to occupy his time now that Anna was out of the woods.

I don't think he can take much more of this guys, even if he's still saying otherwise. Anyone have any ideas on how to get him back in action? Without being able to pin it on us of course, that's the hard part. Anderson hadn't made the rank of commander for nothing. He was cunningly smart and unwilling to break under pressure. Trying to pull the wool over his eyes would be next to impossible. When nothing but silence filled the mental link, Anna just sighed in frustration. Plan B it is then.

Awww man. And I had hoped to avoid blunt honesty at all costs. Dick grumbled, but the smirk on his face told another story as he nodded his approval, followed by Artemis and Megan from their respective places in the gym. Break a leg Shep. We'll be right behind you...way behind you.

Right. Thanks for the support, Bird Boy. If Anderson thought it was odd that Anna suddenly knocked Richard over for no apparent reason as he continued punching the weighted bag, he didn't let on. Knowing M'gann as well as he did, David rightfully assumed they were having a private discussion amongst themselves.

He also knew how his adopted daughter thought, and didn't have to look up from the bag to know she was behind him. "I know when I'm being flanked Anna. I promised to stay with you as long as you needed me by your side. I take it you'd rather have me report back to Hackett?"

"Damn...remind me never to be on the opposite side in a combat sim with you dad. Here I thought I was actually being subtle and clever. You've known all along haven't you?" Anna rubbed the back of her neck and managed to keep the scowl off of her face when she caught Dick giving her a thumbs up out of the corner of her eye.

"I've been around our friends just as much as you have Anna. More actually, now that I think about it. Subtlety isn't exactly their forte." The humor on Anderson's face was matched only by Megan's blush as she tried to look elsewhere. "Besides, I wouldn't be a very good father if I couldn't read my daughter like an open book." As glad as he was to have his Annabell back, he didn't need M'gann to tell him that she wasn't the same as she had been before Psimon had gotten his hands on her. The 'months' of torture at the maniacal psychic's hands had left its mark behind. Smiling didn't come nearly as easily as it used to for her, and some of the light behind her sea green eyes had gone dark, but she was made of stronger stuff than David could have ever imagined.

"Hey, if it isn't the resident practice dummy. How are the repeated ass kickings going Shepard? If you need a nice massage, just ask. I could work wonders on those tired, sore muscles of yours." One could easily see the grin on Joker's face from space as the pilot carefully limped over to the small group.

"I still have you know who on speed dial." Anna was quick to reply before Joker could get too far ahead of himself. The mere mention of Ra's Al Ghul was normally enough to silence the pilot, or at the least get him to change his line of thought in a hurry.

It didn't work quite as well as Anna was hoping this time. "Oh, is that the same you know who that owes me big time? So... Still interested in that massage?" Joker waggled his eyebrows at the increasingly amused biotic.

"Did you not get the hint the first time Jerk?" Artemis said as she soon stood before the arrogant piece of work, still holding the sparring batons from the match. "If she wanted a massage, I think she'd go to someone less perverted first."

"Joker, I'm glad I caught you." Jeff tried not to jump as David gently slapped a hand on his shoulder. "Looks like I could use a good pilot. Interested?"

"Hell yes!" The excitement in Jeff's green eyes died a quick death as he noticed the slightest frown on Anna's lips. "Um...I mean if Shepard doesn't-"

The frown quickly turned into a small smirk as she held up a hand to stop Joker mid rant. "You're off the hook fly boy." As much as she liked Jeff, he was itching to get back into the air, just as her dad was itching to get back into the field.

"So when are we leaving, like twenty, thirty minutes?" As if to prove Anna's point, Joker looked ready to start bouncing on the balls of his feet if it didn't mean hs shin bones would immediately snap.

"Give me an hour or so to pack my gear Joker. Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time on the shuttle for me to educate you on how to properly speak to my daughter." Jeff could only rub the back of his head in embarrassment, unsure if he wanted to be stuck in a shuttle with David all of a sudden.

His attention was turned elsewhere when he felt Megan almost crush him to death in an overly affectionate hug. "Guh! Choking...not breathing!" And I could care less. She's my favorite 'little sister' from another reality. How lucky can a guy get?

"Oh, sorry!" She immediately let him go, her cheeks turning red once more until Joker returned the favor with an one armed hug.

"I'll miss ya kid. You three, don't stop beating up on Anna, it's for her own good." With a slight wave as he took in all of Shepard's young 'trainers' one last time, Joker started for the exit. He didn't get far.

"Not so fast Jeff. You know what...I think our brave pilot here needs a group hug...don't you Joker?" The evil smirk on Anna's face was enough to make Joker nervous as he tried to hobble backward as fast as he dared.

"I think you're right Anna." Anderson said as he crossed his arms, and gave the pilot a grin. Joker knew he was screwed the second the towering man blocked his path to the exit. Artemis, Megan, and Dick were soon all but running towards him from three different directions.

"Oh crap." It was all Joker could get out before he was knocked off of his feet. Oddly enough, he now had a nice biotic glow as he hovered a few inches off the gym floor. "Um...isn't this cruel and unusual punishment or something?"

"Shut up Joker. Good luck, and thank you for everything." Artemis whispered, as she gave him a light hug. "I can still kick your ass at chess over the extranet."

"It's been fun." Dick said as he pulled away, having to rub at his eye in an attempt to hide the tear that threatened to fall. "What Artemis didn't say was that we'll miss ya Joker."

Jeff cocked an eyebrow at M'gann, who was simply standing near him. "Well? What, you need an engraved invitation?"

"But I already hugged you Jeffrey, I wouldn't want to take the risk of-" M'gann blushed as Joker rolled his eyes and sighed at the compassionate martian.

"Get your ass over here and hug me dammit. Quick. Before I change my mind." A cracked rib would have been worth it in Jeff's opinion as M'gann almost crushed him again as soon as the words were out of his mouth. He chuckled painfully as she let him go, and sure enough, he could swear he heard a few of his ribs creaking. "Oh well, can't have love without a bit of pain right?"

"My turn." Joker couldn't help gulping in worry at the mischievous look in Anna's eyes. She surprised him by carefully wrapping her arms over his shoulders. "Take care of yourself, you hear? I'd hate to have to find a replacement pilot that's as good as you."

"I will, and you concentrate on getting better. Can't have you slacking on the job when the shit hits the fan again." The smirk on Jeff's face had disappeared, replaced by an honest smile free of his usual snark, as they pulled away.

David could only shake his head. "Come on Joker, I'll take you over to medical before I requisition our ride."

Anderson actually took a step back as Jeff opened his arms towards the man. "What? No hug? I'm hurt." Jeff flinched as Anderson spread his massive arms and started to envelope the defenseless pilot. "Just kidding! No, my chest is really killing me."

Anderson backed off with a muttered growl. "Don't push your luck." Turning to his daughter however, David's scowl softened as the two embraced tightly. "I'll send messages whenever I can Anna."

"I know dad. Wipe that worried look off your face, we'll be perfectly safe without you guarding us like a hawk. Now go kick some ass for me." Anna smirked as she heard a distinctive cough behind her. "Artemis too."

"Aren't you forgetting about us Commander?" To everyone's surprise, Garrus and Kaldur were standing at the gym's exit "Total surprise...achieved. Spirits, I love a good stealth operation. We were in the neighborhood, thought we'd drop by and check in on you Lt." Garrus was the picture of a smug turian if Anna eve saw one as he casually sauntered over to them with a now thoroughly embarrassed Kaldur by his side.

"What Garrus means is that we were allowed to check in on both of you. It is good to see that you and Artemis are well." Kaldur replied, his smile small but evident as he nodded his head at the two.

"It's good to see you guys too. I get out of this dump in a day or two, maybe we can hit the town while you're here." Anna told their new arrivals with a mischievous gleam in her sea green eyes.

"What she said." Artemis' smirk quickly vanished when she met Kaldur's somber gray eyed gaze. "How are...Kevin's folks doing?"

Kaldur lowered his gaze for a moment before meeting Artemis' once again. "As well as you would expect Artemis. They will recover, but it will take time. And Aya is….still missing." Garrus put a taloned hand on his shoulder, and the Atlantean only nodded in return.

"Weren't you two heading for a shuttle?" Garrus waved towards the exit as he walked over and gave Joker and Anderson a gentle shove. "Let's not keep you waiting. You have my word Commander Anderson, pain in the ass Flight Cadet Moreau, your friends couldn't be in better talons. Also Kaldur's here. You know, if that makes you feel any better. I only have the best junior partners after all."

Kaldur managed to glance at Garrus with an odd mixture of highly confused respect as the turian grinned at him. "Thank you for your praise….I think."

Before Anderson turned to the door, he surprised the young Atlantean by putting a hand on the young man's shoulder. "What happened with Kevin and Aya was out of your control Kaldur'ahm. I know you were friends, but Aya made her choice, just as you made yours. Don't give up on her, son, but don't let guilt consume you either. Losing friends is something I understand all too well."

"Thank you Comman-David. I'll try my best to take your words to heart." Kaldur solemnly replied, earning a small nod from the seasoned officer.

"What are we waiting for, I say we get these kids some fake IDs and do some shots!" Jeff loudly exclaimed, only to notice that Garrus and Kaldur suddenly looked like they were going to bust out the omni-cuffs at any moment. "Or not... That was a joke. You guys know that right?" When both off duty cops didn't so much as blink at the pilot, Jeff groaned and looked away. Shit, I'm screwed.

End Notes; Archer83: I gotta say, considering how dark parts of this story have been, it was honestly nice to write a more lighthearted, dare I say it, almost fluffy chapter for once. Well, fluffy for this story at least. It's not like a massive invasion is coming at the worst possible time or anything. Oh. Right. THAT massive invasion...I think they called it the Blitz...

Vergil1989; Funny how that works. We go all nice and cuddly for a while and then we pull the rug out from under everyone. 'Cue evil laughter of your choice.' Ahem, anyway, we do apologize for the delay. Between RL issues and muse problems, (and a lot of other ideas taking up our time lol,) we kind of got pulled away from this one for far too long. Even so, we're back and we'll do our best to finish this. As always, feedback is welcome. Reviews, PMs, faves, follows, hell, we even started accepting fan art lol.

Archer83: Thank you again to everyone who has taken an interest in Lost Youth, and as Vergil said, we are most definitely planning on finishing this story. Until next time!