A/N: I found some random time and I thought I'd start this. It's just going to be a bunch of fluffy short stories of couples and stuff. Whether its breakups, get togethers or jealously or whatever, it's all very fluffed up! Don't own Monster High, Enjoy!

Chapter 1
(Abbey and Heath)

She watched him silently from across the room and sighed. Heath Burns had yet again set the Home Ick classroom on fire while trying to heat up the soufflé they were all preparing.

'What an idiot…' she thought and then giggled. 'But he is cute idiot…'

"Bonjour, Abbey." Rochelle greeted Abbey, beginning to walk with her as the bell rang.

Abbey sighed. "Hello, Rochelle."

"What is the matter, Mon Amie?"

Abbey smiled to her stone cold friend. "Nothing. Am fine."

Rochelle gave her a look that was obviously accusing her of lying. "Oh, really?"

"Yes…" Abbey awkwardly looked away from her friend, not wanting her to squeeze the problem out of her.

"Bad Grade? Bad teacher?" Rochelle guessed. "Is it…the time of the month, Mon Amie?"

Abbey grimaced a bit, realizing that would start in less than a week. "No…"

Rochelle smirked a bit, as she noticed Abbey's cheeks turning pink.

"Oh…it is a boy, yes?"

Abbey just looked away, and quickly lied again. "…No…"

"Come now, you can tell me who it is. I can keep secrets!"


Rochelle smiled sincerely at her closest friend. "Of course, Abbey! I would never tell anyone!"

Abbey smirked and leaned in close to her as they walked into Dead Languages. "Well, you know Heath Burns, yes?"

Rochelle nodded eagerly.

"Well…I think he is very funny and cute…" Abbey smiled.

Both of the girls giggled happily.

"Really? Heath?"

Abbey's face turned darker red. "Yes. Dumb, right?"

Rochelle shook her head. "No, of course not Mon Amie! It is so very sweet, Abbey!"

"Hey Ghouls. Whatcha talkin' about?" Howleen asked, sitting down with her two closest friends.

"Just talking about…um…" she turned to Abbey, who nodded signaling she could spill the beans.

The gargoyle smirked. "Abbey's crush…"

Howleen gasped. "Who is it?"

"Heath…" Abbey smiled.

Howleen made a face. "Ew…"

Abbey made a face back. "What?"

"Why Heath?"

"Why not?"

"Because he's rude, annoying, conceited…need I go on?"

Abbey sighed. "Maybe he is those things, but he also funny and sometimes sweet and…handsome…"

"Mon Amie, I cannot recall a time where Heath was ever sweet."

"What about the time when…um…."

Howleen and Rochelle giggled at their icy friend.

"Well, maybe cannot think of time now…but…" her violet eyes suddenly widened. "What about time we had normie and monster dance and he saved me from yeti?"

Howleen scoffed. "Ghoul, please. One, that was a yeti out of ice; Two, you made it; and three, you asked that ghoul to knock it over so you could let Heath save you and stop attempting to save you."

Abbey frowned. "Shut up…"

The other two laughed. "Well, Abbey. Here comes your fiery crush now!" Rochelle giggled.

"Go make your move, ghoul!" Howleen laughed pushing her just a little too far, right into Heath.

"Whoa! Hey, Abbey…" Heath awkwardly smirked to the ghoul backing away from him.

Abbey groaned, trying to not let her cheeks turn pink. "Hello, Heath."

"How's it going?"

Abbey couldn't help but blush when he spoke in his suave voice and smiled at the yeti.

"Um…nothing. I-I mean, fine. I…mean…uh…" she tried walking away but Heath grabbed her shoulder.

"Hey, do you think we could hang out later? Maybe afterschool? I need to talk to you about something." He asked, as Abbey almost wanted to sqeaul.

But instead she nodded. "Yes. I will meet you by fountain, yes?"

Heath smiled again. "Sure. That sounds good. See ya then."

He walked away and left Abbey standing there as her two best ghoulfriends walked to her.

"So? What did he say, Mon Amie?" Rochelle asked.

"Yeah! Does he want to smooch you later?" Howleen teased.

"No. He want to meet me by fountain and talk to me…" Abbey almost whispered.

The gargoyle and werewolf practically squealed.

"Oh my ghoul, Abbey! We have to get you all made up and freaky fabulous!" Howleen giggled.

"Do I not look pretty enough?" the yeti looked down at her outfit.

"No, no. You look good!" Rochelle said. "But, if you and him are going to talk together privately, you must be very fabulous. And we'll have to put on some extra concealer, so you do not look 'blushy' or sweaty!"

Abbey just nodded, as the final bell rang. The trio walked to the bathroom with their makeup bags in their hands…or paws.

They let Abbey sit on the counter as they gave her dark red lipstick, rubbed sparkly dark purple eye shadow on her eyelids, touched up her glittery concealer and then put her hair up into a high ponytail, replacing her normal, fluffy white headband with a sparkly lilac one. They gave her dark monscara as well, painted her nails…claws and last but not least gave her flashy, silver earrings.

As Abbey looked into the mirror, her eyes widened.

"So?" Howleen asked.

"You look your freaky fab look, Mon Amie?" Rochelle inquired.

"Um…yes…" the yeti half lied. She didn't look half bad but the lipstick and eye shadow was… 'Clownish'.

"Well, Abbey. Your boo awaits at the fountain!" Rochelle giggled.

Abbey blushed a bit as she grabbed her things and walked outside, towards the fountain.

Heath waved her over. "Hey Abbey!"

She walked over to him and sat on the edge of the fountain with him.

When she turned to him, his expression changed. That expression was in the middle of good and bad.

"Oh…um…you changed your…look?" he half asked.

Abbey's face grew a bit sad as she stood to leave, but he grabbed her hand.

"Wait, Abbey!"

She turned to him, crystals forming in her eyes.

"I didn't say I didn't think you pretty."

Abbey looked at him for a second. "What?"

"I said, I think you look pretty."

He then pulled her down next to her and gave her a quick kiss.

The two smiled as he pulled away a bit.

"You like me?" Abbey asked.

Heath chuckled and blushed wanting to be sarcastic, but then realizing the ghoul he was with. "Heh, yeah…"

Abbey grabbed his warm hand. "Good. I like you too."

A/N: AHHH! Hey guys! Haven't written in forever, sorry! Anywho~I am running out of ideas for Books and Tunes :P I shall get back on that soon~! My laptop is still a bit brokenish, but it's useable (thank God). Anywho~hope you liked! Review, and I'll hopefully write again soon! Ciao!