NOTE: Lovely LOVELY cover art is is done by monchichiprincess and is located here: art/Kyoko-and-Ren-82409943

My first fanfic EVAR. Apologies. I can't do justice to the truly remarkable storytelling of SB! Rating tentative. Go on, read it!


Kyoko shoved open the door, bending over as she gasped for air. She hadn't run that fast in a long time.

"Sorry…I'm…late, President."

Lory Takarada, the president of LME, looked up from his phone, then tapped his desk for his secretary, who sat at a desk in the corner, to take it away. She did, then returned to typing. "Oh, Mogami-san! Hello." Her words connected and he glanced at the clock, puzzled. "Late? Late for what?"

Although Kyoko gave him a half-bewildered, half-annoyed look, all she could do was pant for a few more moments. Finally she straightened. "Surely you haven't forgotten about your assigning a manager to me today, President?"

Lory paused, then continued as if there had been no question of his forgetting, which he most certainly had. "So I've interviewed several managers. You've been getting some bigger offers for roles recently, and the agency feels we should get the best of the best for you. I've found a few that I think might be a good fit and will help keep your head on straight."

"But I thought you'd narrowed it –" Kyoko began, confused, but the president turned away, flinging his hand into the air dramatically, and spoke in a tearful, hurt tone.

"Am I never allowed to talk?!"

Kyoko closed her mouth.

The president spun around in his chair, his eyes now sparkling with excitement. "It was hard, but I have found him! The perfect match for you!"

"Him – ?!"

"Hush! His name is Takaki Eri-san, and he has been the manager of many now successful celebrities. He is skilled with managing schedules, keeping press away, and perhaps most importantly, at the moment –" the president raised a meaningful eyebrow "– keeping secrets."

Kyoko nodded. Setsu. But still…

"I'd really rather have a female manager," she mumbled, picking at the edge of her sweater. She'd already told the president that, clearly.

"Beggars can't be choosers, Mogami-san. In fact, I think you're better off. Do you realize how many young actors and actresses he's helped climb to stardom? When he became their manager, almost all of them were nameless unknowns. He's done all this before the age of thirty."

Nameless unknowns? Kyoko's head snapped up. Climb to stardom? She liked the sound of those words.

"Interested now, are you? I believe he's waiting outside."

The secretary opened the door, ushering in a tall, long-limbed man. Kyoko chewed on her lip and took a deep breath before she raised her eyes to look him over.

He had an easy air about him, seemingly perfectly comfortable even in the suit he wore. His slightly crooked smile wasn't unattractive, and his just barely rumpled light brown hair looked soft.

As Kyoko forced herself to look into his green eyes, she realized he wasn't Japanese. Or at least, wasn't fully.

Takaki-san had been looking past her, to the president. But now he met her gaze directly, sending little shivers down her spine.

His half-smile broadened, and the edges of his eyes crinkled. "You must be Mogami Kyoko-chan!"

Kyoko felt her heart thump a little louder and she had to look away, nodding.

He…he reminded her a little of Sho. The confidence he oozed, the way he drew her to him.

Shotaro, that idiot!

She clenched her teeth together. This would only be another step in beating him. She couldn't mess it up. She glanced up to meet Takaki-san's green eyes again. "Yes, I'm Kyoko. How do you do, Takaki-san?"

"Very well now that I know how pretty my client will be. Thank you for giving me such an opportunity, Takarada-san." He grinned as Kyoko felt her face heat up, wondering how he could be so forward. They'd barely met!

The president clapped his hands together. "You two can get to know each other over the next two weeks. Takaki-san will act as your manager during this time. If you find you want to have a different manager at the end of this, we will try to find one for you. Now go, you're eating lunch together." The president flapped his hands at them impatiently, indicating that they leave the room.

Takaki smiled and nodded, walking out the door as Kyoko bowed and hurried after him.

There were a few minutes of silence in the office before Lory's secretary spoke. "I thought you were trying to make a match of Tsuruga Ren-san and Mogami-san? What's your angle, Takarada-san?"

Lory contemplated his fingers for a moment. Finally he raised his gaze to the doors and said in a low voice, "Jealousy."