AN: I wanted to make this clear, Harry is NOT the 'real' Boy-Who-Lived, it really is Adam in this fic. They just look out for each other and Harry is going to have to decide who to help more, his brother or his wife.

Brothers look out for each other

Chapter 2


Gulping nervously it took every ounce of his self-control to not turn into his dragon form and fly as far away as possible from the irate Frenchman pacing back and forth in front of him…he probably would have tried if it weren't for the fact that Fleur had a tight grip on his hand and her mother, Madame Delacour, had used a sticking charm on his chair the moment he sat down.

"Um…"he said hesitantly as Mr. Delacour head snapped towards him "I know that you probably want to tear me limb from limb at the moment.".

"He doesn't dear." Madame Delacour assured him with a smile at the same time her husband stated "You're damn right I do." Causing the Delacour matriarch to glare at the pacing man.

"Papa behave," Fleur chided, causing the man to gape at her "'Arry has agreed to let me choose between taking him as a mate and the 'slave' bond and sworn that if I do select the second option that he will give me free reign to live my life as I wish as long as I don't break any laws.".

"So…" Mr. Delacour looked between them embarrassed "I've spent the past ten minutes planning the most painful ways to punish this boy thinking he was trying to make you a slave…when he actually was doing everything he could to keep you free?".

When Fleur nodded the man seemed to slump causing Madame Delacour to giggle "Thank you Harry," the woman said smiling at him, her English noticeably better than her daughter's "I truly appreciate all you've done for Fleur.".

"Will the…the 'slave' bond force her to stay near you?" Mr. Delacour asked, clearly sickened by the very idea of a slave bond, a sentiment he shared wholeheartedly.

"Actually Papa," Fleur said hesitantly causing them to look at the nervous girl "I…I was thinking of choosing the option of taking him as my mate.".

There was dead silence for a moment before Mr. Delacour looked to his wife and said "Wake me up after this is settled." Before fainting dead away.

The woman sighed in exasperation before levitating her husband and turning back towards them "Then you have my blessing Fleur…just behave yourselves and wait a few years before you make me a grandmother." Before she walked off with her unconscious husband.

"What just happened?" he asked, somewhat confused.

"We just became married," Fleur said nonchalantly "would you rather have the honeymoon now or after the tournament?".

Gaping at his new 'wife' he said "Wake me up later." Before copying his new father-in-law and blacking out.

As he returned to the world of the living he groaned softly "What happened?" he muttered, trying to remember what had caused him to black out.

"You fainted when your wife asked when the honeymoon would be." He heard his mother say to his right, amusement leaking from her voice.

"WHAT?!" he yelled, shooting up, all his tiredness gone before his memory of the event rushed back into him causing him to groan.

"So am I going to be your best man bro?" Adam asked sitting next to their mother, clearly struggling not to laugh.

"Keep it up and I'll spike your pumpkin juice with a love potion keyed to Dumbledore's gargoyle," he threatened causing his brother to gulp slightly but still chuckle "or maybe Ginny Weasley.".

At that threat his brother looked sickened "Okay, threat received.".

"He can be taught!" he exclaimed to the heavens.

"Now all I have to do is train you dear 'usband." A voice to his left said making him freeze before turning to see a highly amused Fleur causing him to let out a small 'eep'.

"We'll leave you and your wife alone for now dear," his mother said laughing as she got up before she and Adam left, only pausing long enough to add in "remember to behave yourselves.".

"Father is quite upset at mother right now," Fleur said calmly as he turned back to her "apparently when he told Mamma to wake him when the situation was settled he expected her to talk me out of doing this…not for her to give her blessing.".

"He's going to try and cause me severe bodily harm….isn't he?" he asked dejected. No matter how powerful he was he was not thrilled at the idea of going up against a father who had the power of righteous anger on his side.

"Do not worry dear 'usband," Fleur said smiling at him "no matter how scared you are of papa he is even more scared of Mamma.".

"Good to know," he said nodding before getting out of the hospital bed he found himself in "now care to join me in the Great Hall? I'm rather famished.".

"I would be delighted dear 'usband." Fleur said cheerfully, linking her arm with his as she kissed his cheek, making him blush a deep dark red as she did so.

They chatted as they walked down to the hall, Fleur explaining as they went that she had chosen to be his mate as she felt him pull towards her magic, something a veela could only feel to someone who was not only powerful enough but if that person had a good enough soul to be a proper veela mate. "But I must warn you," she joked lightly "I might have to fight my sister over you.".

"I'll just point her at my brother," he laughed causing his new wife to giggle "it would certainly provide some entertainment.".

As the pushed open the doors of the hall to join the school for Lunch he noticed his brother waving him over desperately, his poor twin surrounded by their year mate Ron Weasley who kept trying to become his brother's 'best mate' and controlling whatever his brother did. Along with Ron there was the boy's younger sister Ginny Weasley who kept trying to get Adam to date her, much to his brother's horror, and added to the mix he saw his brother's self-appointed rival Draco Malfoy swaggering over.

"Hey bro," he said smiling as he and Fleur walked over, "have I been able to introduce you to my wife yet?".

"No you haven't," Adam said quickly, his brother's expression showing gratitude for the save "it's a pleasure to truly get to meet you Fleur. I must warn you though, my brother can be quite the handful." Adam finished with a playful smirk.

"Do I need to zap you?" he asked challengingly causing his brother to chuckle and hold up his hands in surrender. "Hey," he said as a thought struck him "have you been tested for any elemental powers yet?".

"No," Adam said surprised "what do you think I would get I if I did?".

"I'd say water and ice," he said thoughtfully "you're a lot calmer and more easy going than I am. I'm more fiery and spontaneous which fits with my elements.".

"So then what skill do I get instead of your triple animagus forms?" Adam asked with a grin.

"You two do realize that instead of wasting time debating this you could just have the Healer woman from before check Adam…right?" Fleur asked, laughing softly when he blushed alongside his brother.

Surprised that he hadn't heard any comments from either of the Weasleys yet he turned and saw that Ron was slack-jawed and drooling at his wife while Ginny was trying to slap her brother back into focus. "Quick," he whispered "let's escape before they notice!".

Nodding Adam bolted over to Madame Pomphrey at the head table with him leading his wife at a more sedate pace, getting up there just in time to hear Madame Pomphrey said "Well like your brother you're a mid-level elementalist with the ability over ice and water, you have a blocked eidetic memory, and you're a metamorphomagus.".

"Can you remove the block?" Adam asked, seeming more concerned for the block than shocked by it.

"And did mine get removed when I was out?" he added as he joined his brother.

"Yours is still there Harry," Madame Pomphrey said with a shake of her head, the Matron having gotten into the habit of using their first names to avoid the confusion being twins with how often they ended up in her care due to Adam's adventures "and it will take a careful procedure to remove the block to make sure your core or mind isn't flooded due to the new gift and I'd like you both to spend a night under observation afterwards.".

"Our usual beds open?" he asked with a sigh causing Fleur to look at him confused.

"Usual beds?" his wife asked, puzzlement obvious in her voice.

"These two find themselves in my care so often I've had a pair of beds inscribed with their names," Madame Pomphrey said with an amused snort "they've given me more grey hair then their father and his friends ever did.".

"It is a son's duty to surpass their father," Adam said proudly as he picked up the sentence "we just got started a little early.".

"And ending early as well." Fleur said sternly "I will not have my 'usband constantly placing himself in danger!".

"Husband?!" his head of house professor McGonagall asked in shock.

"She's part veela professor," he explained "and when I saved her it caused a magical debt that, due to her veela blood, could only be repaid by saving me from true danger, forming a slave bond with me, or becoming my mate within twenty four hours of me saving her.".

"And she chose to be your mate," the Charms teacher and their honorary uncle Professor Flitwick said, nodding in understanding "well I wish you both the best of fortunes.".

"Thanks Uncle Wick." He said in unison with Adam, the diminutive Charms teacher smiling at them amused.

"Come now 'usband," Fleur said in a dangerously sweet voice "I believe you should tell me some of these…events that landed you in the hospital so many times.".

"Adam!" he called desperately as his wife dragged him off "Help!".

"Oh do not worry 'arry," Fleur said with a vicious grin when Adam began laughing "your brother is, how do they say, in ze dog house as well for not stopping you from getting hurt.". His last sight as he was dragged from the hall was his brother rapidly paling.