A Love Gem

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own SpongeBob SquarePants or the other characters. They are owned by Stephen Hillenburg and Nickelodeon.

In the dusky night of Bikini Bottom a yellow sponge was walking towards his house.

SpongeBob: "Ah a great day at the Krusty Krab!"

Suddenly a shine of light blinked into his eyes as he saw something behind his house. It was a powerful, secret gem.

SpongeBob: "Whoa! A gem! Where did this get here?" The sponge carefully picked up the gem and looked at it.

SpongeBob: "I got to show Sandy this!" SpongeBob ran down the street towards the treedome. When he got there he saw Sandy working on an experiment when she saw him outside holding the crystal.

Sandy: "What the devil is that he got?" The squirrel got on her air suit and helmet then went outside to meet SpongeBob.

SpongeBob: "I see you noticed this crystal I've got Sandy. What do you think possess inside this gem?" Sandy carefully examined the crystal and also seeing some red light on the inside.

Sandy: "I think this gem is a love gem." The gem can zap two people to make them fall in love in less than 5 seconds. Suddenly the gem started to glow all bright then with a flash a beam zapped SpongeBob and Sandy right in their heads. The two were knocked out for at least a minute.

SpongeBob: (groaning) "W-what happened?" Suddenly he saw Sandy lying on the other side. SpongeBob quickly ran to her side and turned her over.

SpongeBob: "Sandy! Are you ok?" The squirrel's eyes slowly flickered open to meet face to face with SpongeBob.

Sandy: "S-SpongeBob? Is that you?" The sponge blushed a little as that he was by her side. The squirrel slowly got up and looked at the now drained gem. Then she realised that both SpongeBob and her were zapped by it.

SpongeBob: "Did we just get zapped by this love gem?"

Sandy: "We sure did SpongeBob. Do you want to go on a…uh…"

SpongeBob could tell Sandy was nervous so he waited.

SpongeBob: "A date?" Sandy knew that word but got herself together.

Sandy: "Yeah a date." SpongeBob just stared for a moment but he quickly got himself cheerful again.

SpongeBob: "Sure I'll go on one! How about tomorrow at 7:00pm?"

Sandy: (in flirty tone) "OK seven it is. OK see you tomorrow…spongy."

SpongeBob just blushed as he saw Sandy walk back into her dome while he walked back to his house. He was excited to go on his date with Sandy tomorrow.

SpongeBob: "See you tommorow...Sandy."

The End

My first story I hope you like it. Review if you want to or not.