Pairing: R27, Adult!Reborn, kinda Boss!Tsuna

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR nor Harry Potter, just the idea

A/N: Like the title said, during Prisoner of Azkaban. After Rainbow arc. Tsuna and Reborn are lovers.

Chapter 01

It was a sunny Saturday morning in the town Namimori Japan and one of the few free days for one 16-year-old Sawada Tsunayoshi. No school and more importantly no training with the number one hitman and ex-arcobaleno Reborn. That being the case, Tsuna was still lying comfortably in bed and snuggling into the body next to him. Said body belonged to a physically 23-year-old Reborn who held the teen possessively by the waist. Mind you, the two of them were already wide awake and just enjoying the peaceful moment which was a rare occurrence, considering the fact that they were living with a bratty and loud 7-year-old Lambo under one roof. But as it was, the cow child, as well as Fuuta, I-pin and Bianchi were on a two-day hot-spring-trip with Maman and were gone a few hours already. Unfortunately for the pair the peaceful quiet was ruined when they heard something knock against the window many times. The both of them snapped their eyes open and sat up. When they looked up, the both of them certainly didn't expect to see a light brown owl perched on the windowsill. While Reborn's face was a mask of indifference, Tsuna could just openly stare at the sight when his hyper intuition suddenly went off. Tsuna was able to dodge the bullet aimed at him barely in time and turned to Reborn with a pout. "Reebooorn! Did you have to shoot me?" "You spaced out. As a mafia boss you should always stay alert." "Hai. Hai." And with a huff Tsuna got up and went to open the window. As Tsuna stood in front of the still waiting owl he saw that there were two letters attached to one of its legs. The moment he took both letters off, the owl flapped its wings and flew away. Curious he examined the letters and gasped when he recognized the Vongola crest on one of them. With an uncomfortable feeling he opens that one first and began to read, but the more he read the more unsettling he gets.

Dear Tsunayoshi-kun,

It is time to tell you that besides the mafia there is another society entirely, protected by a law alike the mafia's Omérta. That secret society is the wizardry world. Now please Tsunayoshi have an open mind as I am completely serious. Magic is as much genuine as our Dying Will Flames. My point is, that I want you Tsunayoshi to learn and experience that world and find trustworthy friends to stand beside you for Your Vongola. Therefor I have arranged for you to study in one of the few magic schools for the time span of two years. However in your first year you will be accompanied by Reborn only. Your guardians will follow you not until the second year which is not negotiable. All of your needed school supplies are taken care of and will be sent to your school before the term begins and will be waiting for you in your dorm. The only exception is your school robe which will be send to you one week before the start of the year. I sincerely hope you have fun.

Yours Truly

Timoteo, Vongola Nono

Tsuna openly gaped, again. But before Reborn could start shooting, again, he got his act together and handed the letter on to Reborn. Then he stared at the second letter. Right on the front the School crest could be seen. It looked … cute. In the middle was an "H" which was surrounded by four animals seperataly. There was a golden Lion with a red background, a snake with a green background and the other two he couldn't name… Well no matter, Tsuna liked the part with the golden lion best because it reminded him of his partner Natsu. At that thought he couldn't help a small smile from surfacing. Uhh nevermind, he shouldn't let his thoughts wander when he still got to open the letter first. So the teen did exactly that.


Dear Mr. Sawada,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Riiight, so the school's name is Hogwarts. Tsuna didn't even look upon the list of books and equipment; he didn't want to know yet. So instead he turned his eyes to Reborn who had already finished reading. "Surprisingly I'm not that shocked. Considering what I've seen so far. Why aren't my guardians coming along for the first year, too?", Tsuna questioned. "While the Wizardry World isn't a secret to the mafia and vice versa, only bosses get to learn magic. Exceptions are those born into wizard-families." "But the second year…?" The brunet didn't finish the question upon seeing his lover smirk. Somehow I don't want to know anymore. As Reborn read his thoughts his smirk widened as he said: "You'll see." With that Tsuna decided to drop the topic. No point worrying over something that is still a long way off. He sighed and went to grab his orange cell phone, clasped it open and dialed Hayato's number. The brunet didn't have to wait long before his right-hand-man's enthusiastic voice answered. "Hai Juudaime! What can I do for you?" Tsuna smiled. "Ohayo Hayato-kun. Could you please notify all guardians to meet at my place in an hour's time?" "Gladly, right away Juudaime! I will see you in one hour!" Chuckling, Tsuna ended the call with an "I'll see you later."

With that done the brunet run his hand through his spiky yet soft hair and let out a sigh. He really dreaded telling his guardians of his one-year-absence. When a shudder ran through his body the teen decided it was time for a shower. Since his friends would arrive in one hour, Tsuna had to make it quick. Grabbing some clothes he shot a glance at Reborn and then walked towards the bathroom. The teen placed the garments down, turned on the shower and jumped under the running water. Another sigh escaped his mouth, this time though because of pleasure.

Ten minutes later Tsuna was fully clothed with his hair still slightly wet so that there were little water droplets running down his neck. With that done, the brunet sauntered into the kitchen, coming upon the sight of a very alluring hitman cooking pancakes. Coffee was already done and put onto the table. Humming in happiness Tsuna neared Reborn from behind. He put his arms around that firm torso and pecked the hitman on the cheek then on his neck before pulling away though not removing his arms.

"Smells wonderful. For what do I deserve the treat?", Tsuna was asking with curiosity. Reborn nearly never cooked, only on occasion and even then only for him. Every time he did, the teen felt pure bliss. Not to mention that his lover was an amazing cook. "The insane lot who'll go nuts once you told them the news." He replied and the brunet couldn't help but blanche just at the thought. Why me!? Taking a deep breath Tsuna calmed down and leaned into Reborn's ear. He could feel the shudder that went through the hitman's body as his warm breath hit the shell of his ear and he smiled happily. "Thank you Reborn. I love you." With that Tsuna let go and went to sit down. Taking the cup of coffee in front of him and took a sip.

"Tsuna." Looking up, Tsuna hadn't even time to blink before Reborns lips came crushing down on his and were pressing up passionately. Though surprised, he didn't hesitate in responding just as fiercely and enjoyed every moment of the contact. When Reborn started nibbling at his lower lip followed by a lick of his tongue the teen opened his mouth with a small moan.

Not wasting any time the hitman slipped his tongue into the hot cavern of his little lover and explored every corner of that sweet mouth of Tsuna's before attacking the others tongue. Rubbing und twirling with the appendage Reborn was able to elicit another delicious moan from the other.

Tsuna was feeling hot and could do nothing but melt at the kiss his lover was giving him. So good… more! Grasping Reborns raven hair, the tiny brunet pulled him closer while at the same time arching his body against that of Reborn so that no room existed between the two of them but it wasn't enough to satisfy them. Giving their lips more pressure the kiss became bruising.

As the both of them still needed air after a while they begrudgingly broke apart until only a trail of saliva connected the both of them but eventually that snaps also. Taking in large gulps of air, Tsuna more so than Reborn, they gazed at each other and Reborn smirks at the sight. Tsuna's messy hair was more messier than usual, his cheeks were flushed an adorable red, his plump pink lips were bruised with a trail of saliva trailing down his chin and his eyes were half-lidded in a daze while the normally honey-color was darkened and flickered between that tone of honey and orange. His little lover looked absolutely ravishing. But as tempting as the thought was he couldn't. Damn meeting! So the hitman ignored the strong desire to just fuck the brunet to unconsciousness and instead leaned in to whisper in a deep baritone. "I love you Tsuna." Reborn watched the teen flush a deeper red and his eyes light up as a small but undeniably happy smile stretched across those pink lips. The raven haired adult chuckled at the cute reaction and went to his seat across Tsuna and took a gulp of hot bitter espresso.

"Ne, Reborn?"

Said person hummed in reply as indication he was listening.

"Ti amo troppo."

And there it was the rare and small smile, no smirk but a real smile of happiness.

-Time Skip: the meeting-

They all were now sitting in the living room. Well, all except Kyoya who was leaning against the wall. Taking a deep breath Tsuna calmed himself as his aura around him changed to that of a boss.

"One hour ago I received a letter from the Ninth." The brunet paused gazing at his guardians reaction. As he had expected, they all tensed. Well, understandably. Then he continued without breaking eye contact with any of them to show that he was absolutely serious.

"The Ninth has informed me that besides the mafia there is another society entirely protected by something similar to the Omérta and that I am to study at one of their schools to learn and find friends as well. Altogether I have to spend two years there and you are forbidden to accompany me until the second year. Only Reborn will come with me." Tsuna paused again. He could see that they all exceptionally shared one opinion on this. They were angered at the fact that we were separatedand for a whole year no less. Hayato was scowling, while Chrome was frowning. Takeshi, Mukuro and Kyoya narrowed their eyes, and Ryohei clenched his fists. The first one to protest was unsurprisingly Hayato. "But Juudaime we-" Tsuna cut him off. "The Ninth' orders. Not negotiable. You all will have to wait a year." In response his Storm guardian pressed his mouth into a firm line. The brunet truned his gaze back to all of them and upon looking at them his eyes softened. "I'm sorry minna." They could hear the remorse, the sadness, the frustration, most importantly the pure and genuine affection and love in his voice as well as see it in his warm honey colored orbs.

All the guardians gave a defeated sigh. In return Tsuna gave a small smile in gratitude that they didn't start a fight. How could they? Though they wished it was different they knew their sky wasn't at fault. So getting on with the topic Mukuro asked:

"Kufufufufu, so Tsunayoshi, what is that secret society you're going to?" At that Mukuro's fellow guardian perked up. They too wanted to know what their sky would get involved in. They were curious as hell and the fact that their boss has started to fidget nervously made them all the more interested. "….." They stared blankly at Tsuna. They hadn't been able to understand that soft muttering of his. "I extremely didn't get what you said! Could you extremely speak louder Tsuna!" Ryohei called first.

So Tsuna opened his mouth again and the guardians were all attentively waiting for his response.

"TheWizardingWorld.", the brunet pressed out; but too quickly, much too quickly.

"Ahaha Tsuna, could you repeat that please?" This time it was Takeshi.

Tsuna knew he was being ridiculous but know that he had to explain it, it sounded absurd. Also he really didn't want to repeat this more than necessary so he took a deep breath and then spoke monotonously: "The Wizarding World."

At this they all stared blankly, again. But who wouldn't be baffled. This time Takeshi was first. "Ahahaha, so you mean like Merlin?" Tsuna blinked at the question and turned to Reborn as he hadn't even looked upon the list of books and equipment necessary for Hogwarts.

Reborn didn't say anything though. He just let that infamous smirk of his cross his face as he gave a curt nod. Then they all sat in silence. As Tsuna found he couldn't take this anymore he decided to end the meeting with a final word.

"I will be going to a school called 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' which is located in Scotland. I'll leave on August 31st, so we'll have until then. While being there I will write you all and hope to receive some letters form you as well. I'll look forward to the second year when you guys will be joining me. I will miss you all dearly." At the last part he gave them a soft smile. "Meeting adjourned." With the last word muttered the tense atmosphere disappeared.