Author's Note: Before I begin with this, I just wanna say that I know it's been a long time since I posted. That is gonna change. First order of business, working on a dream fight I've had for a long time with this story...Ryu vs Ragna! Who knows, if this story gets generally positive reviews, I may do a Ken Masters vs Jin Kisaragi and an Akuma vs Hazama fight. Only time will tell. But for now, enjoy and the second and final chapter will come ASAP! Believe it!

As the wheel of fate turns, two formidable warriors, a dragon and the rebel, collide in the clash of the century…

Under a crimson moon in Kobe, Japan, a man with immense power meditates in the tall grass swaying side to side. This man carried within him, the Satsui no Hadou (which means the "Killing Intent") and transforms him into an evil soul beyond imagination. This man's name is Ryu, which is a name that many came to respect. That night under bloody skies, another warrior approached Ryu. He was a rebel in his own right with white hair. His eyes were different colors: his right eye was as red as blood and his left eye as green as the leaves in spring. He carried a giant sword on his back and an artificial arm, hinting that his real one may have been cut off at some point in his life. That man, the same man that possesses a power known as the "Azure Grimoire", is Ragna the Bloodedge.

"So, you're the legendary Ryu," Ragna observed as he approached the world warrior. Ryu rose from his meditation. "Who are…you?" Ryu questioned.

"My name is Ragna…Ragna the Bloodedge. I am here because I seek…answers."

"Answers…" Ryu repeated. "Well it's like I always say Ragna: the answer lies in the heart of battle." And with that, Ryu tightened his headband and his sparring gloves and got into his signature fighting stance.

Ragna scratched his head, acknowledging the obvious challenge. He sighed and thought to himself, I know where this is going, and drew his sword. "Okay. Let's go!"

The wheel of fate has turned. The two fighters charge towards each other, determined to give it their all, even if they have to go all out by using the dangerous power locked away within. Ryu launched himself with a jump kick as Ragna did the same, and the two clashed. It had begun!

Ragna swung his sword with surety, reading to get a hit in. Ryu, having trained himself with true dedication, was able to dodge the attacks with little to no problem. As soon as he saw an opening, he formed a fist and elevated himself while sending a powerful dragon punch to Ragna's abdomen and with a fierce cry shouted "SHORYUKEN" as he ascended. Ragna knew he had to rapidly recover himself in the air before Ryu tried something else. As soon as he gained control of his altitude, Ryu attempted a quick aerial roundhouse, allowing Ragna to take advantage of the mistake. "INFERNO DIVIDER", Ragna shouted as he caught Ryu in the air with the darkness from his sword as if his own Shoryuken had caught him. Ragna then sent a fast uppercut to Ryu's chin and slammed him down with a kick.

"Damn," Ragna muttered. "That was too close. I-wait, where'd he go?"

The earth began to shake, along with the heavens. Red aura rose from the ground below and behold...among Ragna was EVIL RYU!

"MESSATSU!" cried out Evil Ryu.

"Oh hell..." Ragna breathed. "Looks like I have no choice...Restriction 666, Dimensional Interference Field Deployed! BlazBlue, ACTIVATE!"

A burst of energy came from Ragna's body as he transformed into...UNLIMITED RAGNA!



"Hell yeah! Let's go!"

This is not the end. This was only the beginning. Both fighters have just unleashed their greatest potential and are now about to fight it out to answer the ultimate question: Why do they fight? The answer will come in the second round! "Rebel 2: Sons of Warrior Spirit"