Hi! I hope you enjoy my story but please read the warnings before you start reading so that you know if this is a story you would like to read.

Warnings: This story contains yaoi which means malexmale (KyoyaxTamaki) and there will be graphic sex in later chapters. There will also be some violence and drug using.

Kyoya Ootori is a 25 year old police sergeant. Kyoya wasn't the best with handling guns, he could do it but he was the best when it came to speaking and making the criminals confess. He was intelligent and he could read other people so he knew how to speak to them to get the truth out of them. Those abilities were soon noticed when he joined the police forces and soon he was promoted to a sergeant.

Of course there were many older officers who weren't pleased that someone younger and less experienced was lifted above them and they voiced their suspicions out loud. Other younger officers made their jealousy known by spreading rumours about Kyoya's sexuality. However Kyoya soon made all of them shut down by showing them that he wasn't someone who could be walked over. All the rumours stopped and instead of mocking the older officers told everyone how great and skilled Kyoya was. Kyoya had taken his place and again shown to his superiors that he was the right selection as his districts sergeant.

Kyoya was without a doubt a successful police and including that he was rich. He had inherited his father a few years ago when he passed away. After that Kyoya had made some investments which had profit him enough money to quit as a police but Kyoya had wanted to keep his job.

Kyoya was young, rich and extremely good looking young man with his dark short hair and mystical onyx eyes so he was one of the towns most wanted bachelors but the truth was that Kyoya wasn't happy. He just never showed it. Kyoya couldn't care less if he was rich or wanted because everybody lusted or sought his companion for his position, looks and money not because of Kyoya himself. What he really wanted and needed was somebody to love him, really love him. His own father either hadn't really loved him he was just a heir his father needed and his mother was some hooker girl he never met because she didn't want it. Kyoya had kept his job because it kept his mind away from all of that. When he worked he didn't have so much time to think about unpleasant thoughts and that's why he worked a lot.

Kyoya had tried to date but it had ended up catastrophically both males he had been seeing only wanted money and in the end both of them had tried to blackmail him. They told him that they would go to the press and tell about their relationship and make a scandal because Kyoya was gay and that wasn't allowed in police forces. Even though generally people were starting to be more approving and Japan had made a law that allowed same-sex marriages. That still didn't mean there weren't those who opposed that. In the end both men whom Kyoya had dated had been sent to jail because of numerous assaults and threats which Kyoya had found out when they tried to blackmail him. After that nobody believed their stories about Kyoya being a gay and Kyoya lost his hope of finding love.

At this moment Kyoya and his police group was standing outside a legal brothel. They were there to check that everything was in order and that nobody wasn't trying to sell drugs in there and that the workers where treated right and they got enough salary.

- Lets be quick but make sure that speak to everyone and everything suspicious will be reported to me. And Josh keep your hands to your self I don't want another scandal like last time.

Kyoya instructed his team with calmness. Kyoya wasn't really needed in these inspections but the leader of this brothel didn't really like cops so Kyoya's speaking abilities might become handy so here he was. The men walked into the brothel and Kyoya spoke to the scantily dressed woman in the lobby:

- We came to make the yearly inspection.

- Of course please help yourself I'll go tell lady Suoh that you have arrived.

- Thank you, I'll speak to her when we have finished our checking.

- Sure.

The woman giggled flirtatiously while showing of her body. Kyoya juts sighed at that as his men stared at the woman he could feel a headache coming and then he ordered his men to split up while they went to check on the prostitutes.

- Josh you and I will go check on and question the males and you three go visit the women.

- But…!

- I will have no objections!

Kyoya raised his voice as he turned to walk towards the doors on their left side a reluctant Josh following him as the three other officers silently laughed at his bad luck. Kyoya turned at Josh and emotionlessly ordered:

- You'll take the left side of this corridor and I'll take the right side.

Josh just nodded and they started their job. They knocked to every room and asked the men how they were and were everything in order. Everything seemed to be fine the male prostitutes were satisfied at heir working place and pay. Kyoya just wanted this to be over soon he couldn't stand at their flirting and he was very relieved when he got the final door and knocked.

- C-Come in!

Kyoya's heart jumped at the sound of that voice. It was beautiful. He had to take a steadying breathe until he opened and stepped through the door closing it behind him. If the voice had made Kyoya's heart jump the male sitting on the bed made him speechless and he was sure his heart would jump out of his chest. For a moment Kyoya just stood there and stared at he male before him; he had silky honey-coloured hair, the most exotic amethyst eyes and beautiful lean body with just the right amount of muscles. He was wearing a very small violet silk dress that complimented his eyes. Kyoya shook his head to get out of the trance when he noticed the boy in front of him starting widget uncomfortably and he got his voice back:

- I'm sorry. My name is Kyoya Ootori and I'm from the local police. We are doing the yearly inspections on legal brothels so would you mind me asking some questions?

Now it was the male prostitutes turn to felt his heart jump at hearing the smooth and soft voice of Kyoya's. His name was Tamaki Suoh and he had worked in the brothel for a year even thought he hated it. Still he had to do it because his grandmother owned the place and he didn't have any money now that his parents had died in a car crash a little over a year ago. While Kyoya had taken his time admiring him Tamaki had also been admiring Kyoya. Tamaki knew that he was gay but he hadn't ever really met anyone he could say he had liked but Kyoya was gorgeous to him. Tamaki couldn't help the blush that rose to his cheeks as he answered to Kyoya:

- Su-Sure. Ask anything you want.

Kyoya smiled softly at him. He already knew that he was quickly falling in love with a total stranger but he really couldn't help it he could see the man before him was honest and innocent even thought he worked at a brothel and he hadn't tried to flirt with him even though Kyoya was sure he knew who he was. So Kyoya asked:

- Watch your name and how long have you been working here?

- My name is Tamaki Suoh and I have been here for a year now.

Tamaki answered and smiled at Kyoya brightly. Tamaki felt he could relax and that he wouldn't have to be afraid that Kyoya would do anything to hurt him and with these thoughts Tamaki's mind started wandering: "His eyes are so beautiful and his presence is so calming… and he is so gorgeous to look at. He's so tall and I bet it would be wonderful to be in his strong arms…" Tamaki blushed furiously as Kyoya's next question stopped his thoughts:

- Do you feel that you are being treated right here and do you get enough money for living?

Tamaki was silent for a moment he didn't want to lie but he didn't think he had a choice. After all he was here because his grandmother ordered so. He wouldn't get anything if he said he wouldn't do it. So after a moment of silence Tamaki lied with a fake smile:

- Y-Yes everything is quite fine in here.

Kyoya watched Tamaki a moment with wonder. He could clearly see that he had lied but he didn't want to press the matter because Tamaki had said he was a Suoh so it was vey likely that he was a related to the owner so Kyoya just nodded and prepared to leave.

- Good. I must go now… I hope I'll see you again.

Kyoya looked at Tamaki with serious but soft eyes as he said that and he was rewarded with an adorable blush on Tamaki's cheeks. Tamaki gazed at him softly and nodded wishing the same and with that Kyoya left the room and went back to his men who where waiting for him with Lady Suoh the owner of the brothel.

- Ah, They told me that I would be seeing their sergeant but I never would have believed that he would be someone so young and handsome.

Madame Suoh said amused. Kyoya just nodded at her not really caring what she had said and went to straight into business:

- Everything seems to be in order. Your workers have told us that they are satisfied with their salary and working environment and there wasn't any traces of drugs or other illegal actions in your brothel so from the police you will get a permission to continue.

Kyoya said all this in a monotone voice. He couldn't stop thinking about Tamaki and he wanted to get away from the brothel as soon as possible. When he had been with Tamaki he had thought it would be okay to fall in love with him but know that Tamaki wasn't here to distract him he realised how stupid he had been: he couldn't fall in love. He had been hurt too many times and he wasn't willing to go trough that again. "I just need to get to work… Yes I'll work whole night, there are lots paperwork to be done that will get my mind of him…" Kyoya gestured his men that it was time to leave and they all nodded their farewells to the Lady Suoh. Kyoya shook hands with her and said:

- And the official license will be send to you during next week. Thank you and goodbye!

- Very well. I hope I see you and your men often in the future...

She replied with a wink. Kyoya just nodded timidly he of course knew that many of his men came to here very often on their free time and that was allowed but Kyoya swore to himself that he wouldn't do that mistake. He had never visited any brothels and he wouldn't come to here either even if in the room number 44 was a stunning beauty named Tamaki he wouldn't ever show his face here again. So Kyoya turned around and walked to his car and drove back to his office where he tried to concentrate on work. What Kyoya didn't know was that when he went to his car and drove away a pair of shy amethyst eyes were looking at him until he had driven away from sight.
Tamaki closed the curtains with a sigh, closed the lights and went to bed. He didn't have any guests this night and that was a relief. "I really, really hope that I would see… Kyoya again…he's someone I would want t-to have sex with… or better if he would…make love to me…" Even now when there was no one else in the room Tamaki blushed at his own thoughts but he couldn't help them and slowly with soft and tender thoughts about Kyoya he drifted so sleep. He dreamed about being a prince locked up by his evil grandmother until a handsome prince Kyoya drove to their yard with a black Mercedes Bentz slr and saved him…

Kyoya was trying his hardest to work and for a while it seemed that it would do the trick but at two'o clock am his mind started wandering back to the golden haired cutie. Kyoya cursed himself out loud as his mind started to from dirtier thoughts about him slowly undressing Tamaki. Kyoya sighed and got up rubbing his tired eyes. He needed to get his contact lenses off they were killing his eyes and that was just the small distraction his mind needed so that his pants wouldn't get anymore tighter. After removing the lenses Kyoya picked up his eyeglasses from his desk's top drawer. He couldn't use eyeglasses when he was out of the office because they might come in the way if he had take part in action like chasing criminals.
After that there wasn't anything to stop Kyoya from thinking Tamaki and he stopped even trying but he tried to keep his thoughts on safer courses. " I can't help but be a litle worried about him. It seemed that he didn't like working there and it was obvious that he was lying when I asked if he liked to work in there. If he is a relive to Lady Suoh then it might be that doesn't have a choice... I swore I wouldn't go to there but I must know that he is okay... but I won't let myself fall in love with him... I just can't go through another disappointment that he just wants money." Kyoya stared at his wooden desk with glassy eyes. Sometimes he really hated himself why it was that nobody couldn't love him, Kyoya Ootori not the rich Kyoya or the Sergeant Kyoya... "I guess that is just the way it goes nobydy can love the shadow king...but I will make sure everything is fine with Tamaki and I will do it smoothly on my own time so that he won't get into trouble with Lady Suoh. I'll visit him tomorrow." Kyoya couldn't help the small smile forming on his lips at the thought of seeing Tamaki again even when he had sworn he wouldn't fall in love with him but that wasn't a desicion he could make by himself...

Thank you for reading! I would love to hear your thoughts and all the feedback is welcome!

Love, Roo