AN: Long time no update...hehehe is just so busy lately but I am back! With a new chapter! woot woot! Alright, before anything else, I would like to thank all your amazing reviews, favs and follows! You guys make me so happy! Mahalo so much!

Disclaimer: Thank Uncle Rick for introducing these amazing characters to us. :D

Easter Eggs



That's what everyone was busy about for the past 48 hours.

Everybody was busy talking and planning about it all day. Alyssa suggested making wooden eggs and eggs from mud, Cleo suggested painting them with some book inscriptions and Felix wanted to paint them ice blue with baby penguins on the side. The others suggested other designs, even Sadie. The only one who had no suggestions was me.

To be honest, I have no idea about it.

I know what Easter is. I just don't exactly know how they celebrate it.

I traveled with dad almost all my life. Maybe when mom was still alive, we celebrated it. But I was so little back then and I can't really remember much of it.

Just the part about painted eggs.

So I just helped them all paint and do what they want. And in my spare time, I just go to the library and read whatever book caught my attention.

However, this morning, something else or someone rather caught my attention.


She was busy painting as small egg. From where I was standing, I could only make out some hieroglyphic writings.

Without thinking, I walked over to her and smiled sheepishly when she looked up, her amber eyes bright and locked with mine.

"Good morning Carter," she smiled at me.

"Easter eggs huh," I said, mentally beating myself for such lame comment. I sat down beside her.

She laughed a little and showed me her Easter egg. It was painted with the same color of a papyrus scroll with brown hieroglyphics.

"I don't really know how I should paint these," she sighed.

I smiled a little and looked at the basket full of eggs painted just like the one she was holding.

"I think they're great. Different and really Egyptian," I gave her a sheepish grin.

She laughed and placed it in the basket to dry. "Thank you Carter."

I smiled again and tuck a strand of her black hair.

"So, did you paint some eggs too?" she asked.

I rubbed the back of my neck and shook my head. "I don't know how I should paint them."

She nodded. "Carter, what's it like celebrating Easter?" she asked softly.

I thought about her question and I remembered that one Easter morning when mom woke us up and asked us to dress. She took us outside into our snowy yard where dad was waiting, smiling widely, holding a small basket.

"Happy Easter Carter, Sadie," he greeted us before raising the basket, "let's go egg hunting!"

"I never experienced celebrating it with my parents and back in the First Nome, they were all busy. I never had time for this," Zia said, eyeing the eggs longingly, thinking about her parents.

I took her hand and squeezed it. "My mom and dad would always take us outside every Easter morning to go egg hunting. Sadie and I would always race to find as many eggs as possible."

She smiled, her eyes twinkled. "It sounds fun."

"It is."

She nodded.

"I know you'll like it," I said to her.

She smiled. "New place, new experience."

I nodded and leaned in to kiss her when…

"Ziaa!" Felix came running into the library. He got to our table and grabbed Zia's hand.

"Let's go paint some eggs! I can't draw the penguins," he pouted making Zia laugh.

Zia turned to me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you Carter." And she let Felix drag her back to the living room.

I smiled to myself and when I looked around the library, I saw Cleo smiling knowingly at me. She tsk-tsked and continued arranging the shelves.

I shook my head and looked at the eggs Zia had painted.

'New place, new experience.' She had mentioned.

And that just gave me the idea of how I should paint my Easter eggs.

I may not be good at painting and drawing, but I hope that Zia would like what I am planning to do.

We are now her family and one thing I am certain about Easter is that it is best celebrated with the ones you love.

Maybe spring colored eggs containing letters for her written by each and every one of us would be good?

And I'll let her hunt for them in the house.

And I know just the perfect person for that hiding job.


So help me Horus!

AN: For those who are reading my other stories, Tratie's Kisses and Maybe My Heart Is Right, thank you for all your reviews and please stay tuned for my next updates! was this chapter guys?

Please tell me watcha think... :( I don't think this was a good update so please guys...your opinions are really important to me...hehehe

Anyway, thank you for reading!

Since I updated, marshmallows for everyone!

*throws marshmallows everywhere*

~Angelica :)