-Disclaimer: hey peeps, I don't own the charas involved in the story, they belong to the author and the people who bring these characters to us. The only thing that's mine is the plot, ok? Magick: well guys, I'm back from a long hiatus, and back to writing, this is my first try at a Harry Potter (on ff.n at least) and I'd love some feedback... thankie! @-->---- The sun was warm; almost too warm, Draco Malfoy thought irritably as he walked down to the Quidditch pitch. There was a marked air to his step, and his eyes contained a spark of malice that was rare in it's purity. The entire day had gone badly from the start, he had woken up that morning feeling sick, his stomach still hadn't stopped rolling, and every so often he was sure he was going to throw up, but very valiantly kept an iron control on his digestive system. But that was the least of his troubles, as his boyfriend Harry refused to speak to him, for some unknown reason. This wasn't so uncommon, as the couple argued more often then not, all throughout their 2year courtship, but it still hurt Draco terribly to walk to the halls, and see the angered look in his beloved's jade green eyes. As Draco reached the field, he suddenly felt very tired, like someone was pressing against him with a giant weight. More and more this was becoming normal, as the sudden spells of fatigue began to make their way into his life. "Damnit..." the blonde Slytherin muttered as he braced his hands on his knees and swallowed hard to keep his stomach under control. All too often now, he felt tired, and just generally strange, like his body didn't belong to him anymore. "Malfoy! Draco! Wait up!" came a familiar voice from behind him. Malfoy turned on his heel, attempting to hold down his stomach from turning over violently, and easing the knots that formed when he saw the tousled hair and beautiful eyes of Harry Potter. "Draco please, I'm sorry, I screwed up, got jealous, I know you'd never leave me for Pansy, but I was so scared, I don't want to lose you, and in trying not to, I nearly did, forgive me, please?" Harry looked at him with pleading eyes as his words came out in a nervous jumble. "Always, love, of course I forgive you..." Draco said softly, uncharacteristically so, and Harry looked up in surprise. "That's it? No 'only if you kiss my feet'?, No, 'you owe me'?" Draco just shook his head and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, nuzzling his cheek gently. "None of the above, but, I think I should go to the infirmary...I don't feel very well...." And indeed, Draco was looking a bit pale, but in his worried state, Harry nodded quickly, near panic flooding his features, in worry for his lover. And it took all his persuading to convince him not to carry the blonde all the way to Madame Pomfrey. Harry paced outside the door to the infirmary, running a hand through his dark hair, and making it stand up on end, but he never seemed to notice, his stomach was tired up in anxious knots. "What could be taking so long?" he murmured under his breath, as Madame Pomfrey opened the door, a faint smirk echoing at the edges on her lips. "Well Mr. Potter, it looks like you've been busy," she said, eyeing his hair, and the glasses half-off his nose. "So? What's wrong with him?" Harry asked hurriedly, getting quickly annoyed with the doctor's glib attitude. "Calm down, Mr. Malfoy will be fine, he's just sitting inside, you can go in and talk to him if you'd---" but Harry was already passed her, kneeling beside Draco's chair. As for the Slytherin Seeker, he had a somewhat aghast, stunned, yet happy look on his face. "Draco, my love, are you alright?" he was asked quickly, to which he responded with a slight nod. "Harry...I'm..." he began nervously, wringing his hands. Harry reached over and took his hands gently in his. "Whatever it is, love, we'll get through it." he said firmly. Draco smiled nervously and said softly, "Harry, I'm pregnant..." Madame Pomfrey was just in time, as Harry hit the floor in a dead faint. @->--- ok ok ok, I know their both males. but it WILL be explained in later chapters... as it is, I figured that was a good place to leave it.. *grins* reviews with ideas please... Hopefully this will be about a chapter a month, maybe 2/month, through the stages of the pregnancy... which means, you got it, it'll be about 9 months to finish, but I might be nice and skip ahead.