Okay, here's the next chapter!

Chapter 4

Outskirt Stand as quiet, as it was pretty early in the morning. The owner of the stand was unlocking the door as three people were walking up to the place. "Oh, sorry. I haven't set up shop yet. If you can wait for a few minutes, I can have everything set up."

One of the three that was walking up to them had Black hair, Red eyes, wearing a Trenchcoat over a Black shirt, and Purple sweatpants. On his belt was a batch of 6 Pokemon.

Next to him was a female with Bright purple eyes, Sandy blonde hair, and a slightly angled face. She wore a Purple shirt, Jean jacket, and a thigh length skirt in a bright pink color.

The third one was female, as well. She had Dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and wore a Camo pattern T-shirt, with a Black Leather jacket over it. She was also wearing a pair of shorts in Blue, while it had red markings all over them.

In order, they were Darkrai, or Micheal, Cresselia, and Delia, the Kyorge Hybrid.

Delia looked at Micheal. "Micheal, I think we should wait."

"I know, honey. I know. I'm glad my old friends wanted to come with." Micheal replied.

"Alright, we'll wait. Any idea on how long it'll take? We're kind of in a hurry to find someone." Cresselia pointed out.

"Well, it'll only take about 30 minutes, give or take. If you're trying to find someone, though, I can probably help out." the man said, as he let them in.

Delia sighed after ten minutes, and got up to help. Micheal was surprised, "Delia?"

"I ran the restaurant back in Pallet. I know how to fix up a Diner like this." She replied. She grabbed something that was falling, at the same time the man did. "Here, let me help you with this."

"Sorry, but I can't let a lady help out. It's a Chivalry thing, if you catch my drift." he replied.

"Nonsense. I'm capable enough. After all, Mom's are tough." Delia retorted. "Besides, I ran a restaurant back in Pallet Town. I can handle it."

"Uh... I guess, but..."

"Look, just consider it the payment for my meal." Delia told him. "Besides, it'll get done faster if we both work on it."

He sighed. "Alright, fine. Man, you've got the same look as a friend of mine whenever I can't change his mind."

"Maybe he's my son." Delia suggested.

"Maybe." He said as they worked together. Cresselia and Darkrai watched as the two worked, before she turned to him. "Shouldn't you be helping?"

"If I had any idea what to do in this situation, I would." Micheal replied.

They finished in a good 12 minutes instead of the next 20 that he thought. "Thanks for the help, I guess."

"Don't worry about it." Delia waved him off.

"So, what can I get ya? I kind of owe you for your help."

"Well, breakfast would be nice." Micheal pointed out.

The man nodded and worked on it, and brought out three plates with a pretty simple breakfast. "Sorry, but it's all I got this early."

He decided to sit at the table. "So, who are you three looking for?"

"My son, actually. I heard that he had overused an ability of his and it wiped his memory two years ago." Delia pointed out. "This is the first lead I've had on him, so you can see why I'm here."

"He's my son as well." Micheal pointed out. "My name is Micheal. That's Delia, and this is Cress." He pointed to the others.

"Huh. That's strange. A friend of mine is actually waiting for an opening towards the Kanto Region."

"Really?" Cress asked.

"Yeah. He's working to take care of an Organization that's pretty much destroying Pokemon everywhere they reach."

"Let me guess: Shadow Pokemon?" Micheal put out.

The man nodded. "Yeah, that's the threat. Apparently, he's confirmed two of the Legendary Dogs, Entei and Suicune."

Delia's eyes widened. "You're the friend that helped Ash call me, aren't you?"

He blinked. "You know him?"

"I'm his mother." Delia pointed out. "Of course I know him. But there's things about his father I didn't know until recently. It's how I'm here so quickly."

He sighed. "I figured something would be coming up soon. Listen, I only ask that you don't stop him. Cipher is a menace and has to be stopped. Out of everyone I know in Orre, and believe me, I know a lot, he's the only one that can do it."

"Can you get him to drop by here?" Delia asked. "I need to talk to him about something."

"Well, he's actually going to Mount Battle in the North. He sent me an email saying that he's doing so to train a team. That, and Purify the Suicune, assuming you know of that." He answered. "If you want to see him, that's where you want to go, assuming you can get there today. If not, I say head to Agate Village. It's in the Northwest, and would take a few days by foot. Hours with his Hoverbike, though. Also, since the Pokemon League effectively blockaded Orre from the rest of the regions because of Cipher, the sooner they're gone, the sooner he can get home."

"Well, he did say something about a traveling companion." Delia added. "Any idea who she is?"

He nodded. "Her name's Rui. She's got family in Agate Village, and was originally coming to Orre because of that. How she got in through the Blockade, not even I know, but I'm not complaining. The two have it bad for each other."

"You said her name was Rui, right?" Cress asked, earning a nod. "Red hair, Dark blue eyes, usually has two pig-tails in her hair?"

"I take it you know her too." It wasn't a question.

Cress nodded. "I know her, because she's getting to a certain age. She'll be gaining the same abilities I did when I was her age, as I am her mother. I've just been too busy that I haven't seen her in a few years."

"I'm the same way, though my situation with Ash is slightly different. I was running from my duties in the first place, and I couldn't be caught." Micheal admitted. "I had to leave. If I didn't, not only would they find out about my son and Delia, they wouldn't be left alone. I had to leave before they got to the area. If I didn't, they'd take the heat for my actions. I wasn't willing to let that happen. I don't get along with most of my coworkers. I'm actually one of the Lone Wolves in our Organization. Cress, here, is also apart of it. The others don't know we have children, though some suspect it in my case. We pay close attention to exceptional Trainers all over the globe, looking for others that can help us, in case we can't handle something. Believe it or not, my son, Ash, is one of those we had to watch over. I took the job of watching over him from the beginning, but it was for different reasons than everyone else would have used."

"Gotta protect the blood, eh?" The Barman clarified. "I can understand that. I can let him know you're in Orre, if you like?"

Micheal nodded. "Instead of our names, tell him Dark Dream, Moon Maiden, and his mother are here. He's met both me and Cress before, but he didn't realize it was us."

"And why wouldn't he?"

"Well, I met him on his journey with his friends Dawn and Brock." Cress stated.

"He's seen me twice. Once when she was in the area, the other was when Alamos Town was cut off from the rest of the world. The kid has died five times, and I've seen them all. Each time he came back within the hour. Usually, it's about 10 minutes, though. Honestly, the last time he supposedly died, no one was watching what happened until it did. When it happened, the one on duty had the waves guide his Pokemon to the nearest familiar area. The tides brought them to a place known as Altomare, which his Pikachu recognized. After which, he had gone under our Radar. None of us could find him. It wasn't until recently that we found out where he was, and I was assigned to find him and bring him home."

"I'm here because of the rumor of my daughter traveling alongside him." Cress admitted.

"He's my son, so I came, as well." Delia added. "Even so, I'm still worried about him."

"I wouldn't worry about him, ma'am. He's tougher than he looks. One time, I saw him take a Flamethrower to the face without flinching."

Micheal chuckled. "Yeah, his old Charizard used to do that to him a lot."

"You're kidding right?" Delia asked.

Micheal simply shook his head. "No, I'm not. The Orange Dino never really liked him, as he was still a newbie trainer, and he thought the guy would listen. No such luck. In fact, if not for Charizard, Ash could very well have ended up winning the Indigo League. He still apologizes for that, from what I heard. It was essentially Charizard's fault he lost that day."

"The way he acts now, you'd never guess." Delia admitted.

"That one loss hit him hard. Not just his pride, but his own trainer was largely affected by the loss for some time."

Delia sighed. "That must have been what he didn't want to talk about back then."

Micheal nodded. "Even so, he moved past it. Pretty quickly too."

"Although, I do wonder why you never told anyone else about him." Cress pointed out.

"You know as well as I do. I'm not well liked in our Organization, and tend to work alone because of it." Micheal pointed out. "Why would I tell them something I've been unable to keep from scowling at, when I scowl at Jigglypuff, one of the few Pokemon no one can be emo around? Why do you think I'm aligned with Dark Type Pokemon?"

Cress sighed. "Figures. So, how long would it take to get to Agate Village? I'm curious, as it seems that's where we want to go."

"Sure thing. I can call up a transport, and they can take you there, if you like?" The man offered.

"Thank you, sir."

"Don't mention it. I'm all for helping Ash's friends, but if I were you, I'd call him Wes here in Orre. The guy has a reputation here, and even though no one knows what he's really doing, they do know that he's the one that's been doing a lot of good, as one particular event was aired, and they confirmed it was him."

"Dare I ask what he did?"

"He blew up a base for Team Snagem. I gotta say that I'm glad he got his memories back. Seriously, I could tell from the time I met him that he wouldn't get along with them. When I found out what he did before his Amnesia, I simply nodded. I expected that to happen, had he known what was going on."

"He wasn't hurt, was he?"

"Delia, he's been hit with tougher things than Man-made bombs. By all accounts, he should be dead. He's just too stubborn to die, so he's still alive." Micheal pointed out. "You don't get hit by a Spacial Rend and Roar of Time Simultaneously and survive without either being lucky, or stubborn. He actually has both in him. I'm stubborn, his mother is lucky. We both passed our traits on to him, which I didn't like, but am still glad they did. Many have tried to kill Ash in the past, only to fail. He's had his fair share of that happening, already. Some of his friends would say that he has a Guardian Angel watching over him."

"And I guess they're right."

Micheal shook his head. "Not in the way they'd mean. We watch, yes, but we don't intervene... at least, we're not supposed to. I only intervened once, and that's because of an old friend of mine interfering as well. If two people I care for are in danger, to hell with rules. I'm getting involved anyway. I didn't care if Arceus would hit me with Judgment, which Ash has been hit with once. I was going to do what I did, no matter who tried to stop me. I don't regret that action, or what I did that day. Some wonder why I did anything, but few would understand. I know that one of them would understand, but the others wouldn't."

"What would be that reason?" the man asked.

Micheal sighed. "I don't have many friends. I treasure each one I have, so I may never lose them while they still live."

Cress nodded. "He's right, and I can understand your point. It's probably why you sought to protect Delia here from the Organization."

Micheal sighed. "And the fact that you have a daughter as well is why you understand what I'm doing with Ash. If Rui was in his position half the time he's been out in the world, you'd do the same thing I did."

Cress sighed and nodded. "I don't think I'd be able to hold myself back in her case."

Micheal sighed. "And that has come from years of practice."

"Although, I do wonder about why Ash and Delia have not had Nightmares, even with you around. That's what tend to happen to others around you." Cress pointed out.

"Again, that comes from years of practice. Years of honing the ability allows me to turn it off, either for certain people, or just a general area, if I so desire. It takes a long time to be able to turn it off, especially the way I do."

"Although, I guess there are times when it doesn't work the way you want it to." Delia pointed out.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" The man asked.

"It's really quite simple."

"Delia, I have full control over the ability." Micheal pointed out.

"Then how come every time we have sex, everyone has a Nightmare after the two of us passed out?"

After a few seconds, Micheal sighed. "Alright, but in my defense, even Psychic Trainers and Aura Users are rarely able to control their abilities during the "Afterglow" of Sex. Abilities like yours and mine are nearly impossible to control in that state. Given an hour, it'll be back to normal."

Delia giggled. "You're right, but I'm just pointing it out."

"So, you two use Aura as well?" the man asked.

Delia, Micheal and Cress nodded. "We all can, but we tend to stick to certain Pokemon Types. I stick to Psychic." Cress pointed out.

"I stick to Dark, mostly, but also have a few Psychic and Ghost types."

"I stick around Water, Electric, and Ice Types, but I can use almost any type with relative ease. Even so, the only Pokemon I like to keep with me is my Mr. Mime." Delia stated. "That reminds me, which Pokemon did you bring this time, Micheal?"

"I have Absol, Honchkrow, Weavile, Umbreon, Tyranitar and Darkrai." He then used Aura Telepathy to talk to Delia and Cress. "It's my daughter, so you know."

Delia and Cress nodded. "That's good to know."

"What about you, Cress? What Pokemon do you have?"

"As I said, I mainly use Psychic Pokemon. I tend to make better usage of Alakazam, Espeon and Gardevoir, but I also have a Gallade and Cresselia with me." "This Cresselia is my other daughter, as well."

Micheal and Delia nodded.

"I'm surprised the two of you have Legendary Pokemon." The man admitted. "Then again, if you have any connection to Ash, then I really shouldn't be. The kid is far more lucky than most that I've ever seen."

Micheal nodded. "That he is."

"Well, if you can wait for a bit, I'll have a transport ready for you and here in a couple of hours. Don't worry about a thing, and I'll also let Ash know his parents, and Rui's mother is here."

-Mount Battle-

Ash just beat the leader of Area 4. His team had consisted of Espeon, Umbreon, Pikachu, Riolu, Entei and Suicune. The sad thing about this?

He started 2 hours ago. "Dear Arceus. These guys aren't even a challenge." Ash sighed. "Rui, I think we could use a break. What do you think?"

She nodded. "I guess it's okay. Maybe we can see if Nett has turned something up." She suggested.

Ash pulled out his P*DA, but an Email came in as he did. "Huh? It's from Allen."


"My friend that runs the Outskirt Stand." Ash clarified.


Wes, I think you should know something.

You see, I've got thee people here that are looking for you. One is Delia Ketchum, who claims to be your mother. Another is named Micheal, but he says you'd know him as Dark Dream.

At that, Ash stilled. 'Darkrai is here?!'

The third calls herself Cress, but says you'd know her as Moon Maiden. Don't ask me why they're saying that, because I have no idea.

Ash nearly paled at that. 'You have GOT to be kidding me!'

"Wes? What's wrong?" She looked at the email. "Dark Dream and Moon Maiden?"

Ash nodded, slowly, before continuing.

Apparently, Cress claims Rui to be her daughter, and Micheal claims you to be his son.

Ash sighed. "Well... That's just a major Mind fuck." One of the others nearby looked at him in confusion, before seeing that he had a P*DA out, and figured it was just a surprising Email.

"What do you mean? You seem like you know them." Rui asked, confused.

Ash looked around, seeing that no one was listening in on them. "Rui, Moon Maiden is really the Legendary Pokemon Cresselia." Rui's eyes widened. "Dark Dream is really Darkrai. The two rarely, if ever, get along. Add to that fact that they're both traveling with my mother... I'd be scared."

Anyway, they're looking for you, and I already called in transportation for them to get to Agate Village. I figure that it's a good place for you to meet up with them. Micheal claims to have met you twice, and Cress claims to have done so once.

Also, your mother is actually a pretty sweet girl, as long as you don't get her angry.

Ash sighed. "Rui, this is definitely the biggest Mind fuck I've gotten since I was here."

"Finding out that your father is a..."

"Don't say his species out loud." He whispered to her. "But yeah, that is one of the biggest Mind Fucks I've ever gotten. Even Team Snagem was smaller than this."

"And my mother... that's a pretty big one, too." Rui added.

"What makes it worse is the three are on their way to Agate." Ash pointed out.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember, your father could tell that I was an Aura user. That Pikachu battle was more than just a test of skill." Ash pointed out. "Pikachu, I think we should go further ahead. By the time we reach the end, I figure Umbreon and Espeon will be ready for the new Colosseum. We already took out the Shadow Pokemon Lab last night, after all."

"Yeah, it was surprising. It's a good thing I'm not on the lookout for Shadow Pokemon." Rui added. "I'm still half asleep."

Ash nodded. "Get some rest, then. Meditation can help, and I'm a little tired, too." he pulled out a Pokeball, and tossed it up. "Riolu, come on out."

In a flash of White, Riolu appeared. "Ash? What's up?"

"You want in on the group Meditation?" He asked.

"Sure!" The two humans, Riolu and Pikachu sat in a point formation. Umbreon and Espeon popped out of their Pokeballs, and saw the four point formation, and sat down meditating themselves.

After a few hours of this, Ash opened his eyes first, somehow fully rested. At this point, a News report came up.

As you can see behind me, the factory has been destroyed by something extremely powerful. Authorities are still baffled as to how, when there are no traces of Explosives, and the crater there lead to a collapsed Cave system. No one knows what caused the crater, or the flash of light coming from this direction according to citizens in Pyrite.

Ash blinked at that. 'Did not expect it to make the news so quickly.'

In addition, there is also the rumors of a Kyogre in the area. Same with two Unknown Pokemon, all three of which flew in near Phenac last night. One was barely identifiable, looking black, with a bit of white. The other gave off Rainbow sparkles behind it, as it flew off towards the Moon, almost.

'Kyogre, Cresselia and Darkrai... I knew about Cresselia and Darkrai, but why is Kyogre here?' Rui opened her eyes as she heard this. "A Kyogre? What is a Kyogre doing here in Orre?"

"I don't know, Rui. I'm asking myself the same question." Ash admitted. "Then again, if it's here for me, I would not be surprised."

"Why not?"

"I got kicked by a Groudon, and lived to tell about it. I think that would impress any Kyogre. So, you get enough rest with Meditation?"

Rui nodded. "I'm a little hungry, though."

Ash nodded, and saw that the receptionist at one of the desks was handing out food. "Then I think we should get eating." He got up and held out a hand, which she grabbed, and he helped her up. Pikachu went to his shoulder while Riolu went onto her left shoulder. Espeon and Umbreon followed on their heels, as they got their lunch, and Ash took out a few Poffins he had made and gave them to the Pokemon, aside from Pikachu, who was perfectly fine with fries.

It was even better, in Pikachu's eyes, when a bottle of Ketchup was spotted.

However, that glee turned to a frown when not even Ash could open it. The receptionist was about to walk over and help, but Pikachu's tail glowed, before it hit the cap of the bottle, making everyone look at the group. Ash sighed. "Pikachu, what have I told you about using Iron Tail on a Stubborn Ketchup Bottle?"

Oh, drop it! You can't open it with Aura, so why not?

"Because it's rude and... You know what? I don't know why I even try anymore." Ash sighed. "But seriously, did you really have to do that?"

Yes. Pikachu replied, with a flat tone.

They heard someone clear their throat. Ash and Rui turned and saw the one they beat a few hours ago. "I'm not sure that's an efficient way to open a Ketchup bottle."

Ash sighed. "Just be glad he didn't use Volt Tackle on it, like he did your Lileep."

"Yeah, that would be overkill, wouldn't it?" Rui added.

"I guess. Anyway, I'm surprised as to how long you've been here. I wasn't expecting you to stick around here for so long." The man pointed out.

"Yeah, Rui and I were up all night last night. Had to take care of something quickly, and finally finished last night. It's why we started so early."

"I'm also slightly surprised. You have a legendary in your team, but you didn't even use it, not until right before the end. I mean, you still didn't use your Pikachu."

"Yeah... believe it or not, Pikachu is actually more powerful than Entei and Suicune. He's matched a Regice, too. Not to mention, he's also my second strongest Pokemon out of all of them."

"Well, if that's the case, I doubt you'd use Pikachu unless you needed to."

"That, or I'm pissed." Ash added. "Pikachu is simply too strong for me to use often. I mean, we took on the Pregym Leader Justy in Phenac. Pikachu here just wanted to show off, but it ended up 2-on-1 for the entire battle. All six of her Pokemon went down fast with Pikachu as her opponent. He just got bored. I think that speaks for his strength. Not to mention his track record."

The man nodded, as he sat down. "So, you decided to sleep for a while, huh?"

Ash and Rui nodded. "Yeah, we needed the rest, just as badly as our Pokemon."

"Well, I figure you should just make your way out, and continue later. I get the feeling you should head to Agate Village, for some reason."

Ash looked at Rui. "What do you think?"

"Might as well. Maybe we can see your mother there."

"If Allen asked for Transportation for them, they'd be there fast and safe." Ash stated. "It's likely that they're already there."

"Well then, let's go. I really want to meet your mother." Rui stated.

"After we finish eating." Ash stated, looking at his Pokemon. "They need the food, too."

Rui nodded. "Alright, but I want to meet the mother of such a wonderful man."

Ash chuckled. "We'll see."

After about ten more minutes, in which a few people looked at them in confusion, Ash recalled all of the Pokemon but Pikachu, who climbed up to his shoulder. "Come on, Rui. Let's get back to Agate. We can start over on this later." The two walked their way back, and got on Ash's bike, where Pikachu jumped into the sidecar, onto Rui's lap.

As he started the bike up, he glanced at Rui. "You've got a handle on the Aura Sight, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Use it, and see if you can find two, if not three, high powered Aura Signatures. It'll be good practice trying to home in on them." Ash stated.

"I can tell two of them are nearby. See if you can find them."

Rui nodded, and closed her eyes. "Alright. I'll take a look."

He then started driving the bike through the desert, his own eyes closed as he used Aura Sight to navigate. He did it before he regained his memories, but wasn't sure how he did it then.

He drove them both to a different area, straight towards three Aura Signatures. As they were in a truck, he began driving alongside the truck, his eyes closed, and turned his head with a smile, before giving them a two fingered salute. Using Aura Telepathy, he connected to one of the passengers. "Hey mom. What's up?"

That right, Delia, Cress and Micheal were in the truck. "Ash? Is that really you?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"And I take it the one in the sidecar is Rui?" A decidedly male voice spoke to him.

"I take it you're Micheal, AKA Darkrai?" Ash questioned.

"Yes, I am. I'm the same one you encountered in Alamos, as well."

Ash shook his head. "Impossible. I saw him disintegrate with my own eyes."

"I watched you get kicked by a Groudon, too. That... and I know about your first encounter with Mewtwo. He didn't wipe my memory of the event, not knowing I was watching. I'm coming clean, and telling you here and now, I ended up watching you from Mt. Moon." Micheal told him.

"Wait, you watched me for that long?" Ash asked, bewildered.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I have my reasons." Micheal stated. "Also, I needed to let you know a few things. You remember your trip through the Dark Tunnel? The one you could see through while your friends couldn't?"

"yeah, why?"

"It's because I'm your father." Micheal stated. "I wasn't there because I was running from my duty... The Paperwork is a hassle, and I can't use Psychic to do it, either."

Ash didn't comment. "Ash, there's more to this than he's saying." That was his mother, Delia. "This is going to come as a shock to you, but... 25 years ago, I was cursed to be a human because I went out of control. At that point, I was a Kyogre, but I haven't been able to go back to that form until recently."

"Okay then... Darkrai, if I'm supposed to be your son, what kind of abilities should I gain?"

"For one, the Dark Vision. It allows you to see in complete darkness, as if it were daylight. The next one is the ability to use the Pokemon Move Nightmare. It's unique to Darkrai. Same with Dark void."

"Alright, next?"

"Well, from me, that's all I know would pass down. From me at least. However,as the son of a Kyogre, you could call a Rainstorm, and use Water Pokemon attacks, same with a few Electric type moves, and even then, you could probably learn a few ice Type moves as well." Micheal admitted. "A thunderstorm at Night would be a place you could completely relax in, and not feel worried. I cannot confirm that last one, though. I have never seen it happen."

Ash sighed, before pulling away from the truck a bit. "It has happened once, and that's the exact feeling I had. What about Rui and Cresselia?"

"She's talking to her through her Aura right now. I couldn't get her attention without blowing up the truck." Micheal admitted.

"You know, that kind of makes sense... So, mom..."

"Ash, you have a LOT to explain. That... and you better have changed your you-know-what's everyday!" She finished off with a hidden smirk.

"MOM!" Ash now had a blush on his face.

He heard laughing from both parents, and barely heard a chuckle from Rui. "Rui and I will go on ahead. From what I can tell, it'll take about another hour to get to Agate from here at this speed, and I can double it. Besides, there's something I gotta pick up. My bike needs a tune-up soon, and better I get it out of the way now."

"Without an explanation?" Delia raised an eyebrow.

"The explanation will be in the Relic Forest in Agate. Ask Eagun to take the three of you there. That, and I know that you're trustworthy. He knows me, and trust me with his granddaughter's safety. I'll head back there after I get what I need. I will tell you, mom. I promised you that, and I don't go back on my word... The only exception is when I had Amnesia, and I still don't think I've paid enough for that." His bike pulled back a bit, before he branched off towards the south.

"Wes?" Rui asked.

"Don't worry, Rui. We'll be meeting up with them again, soon." Ash told her through their Aura.

She nodded, and he sped off.

It had taken them a good 90 minutes to get into Pyrite Town, and they went into the Under. "Why are we going back down here?"

"Found some data for Nett back at the lab. Already restored it, and I figured he'd want it. That, and I need some parts for my bike, which I'll be working on when we get back to Agate." Ash explained, as they walked up to the Elevator. The guard was about to say something but Ash simply sent a glare her way, which made her falter. "I beat Dakim, Venus, and Mirror B with ease. Same with Ein. You think you have a chance?"

She backed off and let the two through.

They went down, and made their way back into the shop.

"Ah, I see you're back. What can I get you?" The Shopkeeper asked.

"I'm looking for parts to a J-class AT-453 hoverbike. It's due for a tune up in about a week, and I figure it's best if I find the parts now." Ash explained.

"Ah, those are pretty high class. So, what you need for the upgrade?" He asked.

Ash thought for a moment. "I last checked it out about a week ago. I'll need a Spacial Converter, 2 sets of Tier 7 Hover brakes... I believe an Oil Format Container could help as well." He crossed his arms, his face scrunched up in thought. "Then there's the Repulsor lift Upgrade, if you have one."

The shopkeeper nodded, and went through everything. "The only one I don't have up here is the Spacial Converter." he looked towards the stairs. "Perr! Get up here!"

A small boy ran upstairs. "Sir?"

"Get a Spacial Converter from the basement. And make sure it's intact!"

"Yes sir!" He ran downstairs, and came back up about a minute later. "Here it is, sir."

He looked at Ash. "You're back?"

Ash nodded. "How's Nett?"

"He's doing good." Perr replied.

Ash nodded, before turning to the shopkeeper. "Heard about him from Nett. Paying him a visit next." Shopkeeper nodded in response.

"Alright, the total comes to 29,000 Poke'. You got that much?"

Ash nodded and gave out the necessary money. The shopkeeper nodded. "They're all yours. You need an installation manual?"

Ash shook his head as he put them in his trenchcoat. "I built the Hoverbike myself. Kind of had to, since my old employer wouldn't buy me one. I don't need a manual, because I built it myself, fixed it myself, and upgrade it myself."

The man nodded. "Good luck, sir."

Ash nodded. "Rui?"

"I know, it's time to see Nett." She replied, and they walked out, and made their way towards Nett's house, and went downstairs.

"Megg? Where's Nett?"

"He's in the computer room." She replied. "Why?"

"Got some data he might want to see." Ash stated.

"I'll talk with her. See what you can get from Nett." Rui suggested, earning a nod.

Ash went into the room with the computer. "Nett, I've got some data I'd like you to take a look at." He pulled out a disk. "I took it from Cipher's Shadow Pokemon Lab before I blew it up."

"That's great! Let me see." he put the disk into the slot, and the data came up. "Whoa! This is a lot of information." Nett observed.

"Anything you can do with it?"

"It'll take a while for me to go through it all, I'll let you know when I sort through it all. Oh, and it turns out that Misty Waterflower, Gary Oak, Dawn Berlitz, some girl named Bianca, Melody from Shamouti, and Paul Shinji are in Orre already. Gym Leader Sabrina from Kanto is currently in Phenac City, she told one of our members to see if we can get the information to you. Misty and Dawn landed in Gateon about an hour ago. Gary and Bianca, last I heard were moving for Agate Village. Supposedly, Bianca has a twin as well. Melody is also in Agate Village already, since she had left Gateon Port late last night."

Ash nodded. "You don't have to worry about Delia Ketchum. She's probably in Agate Village already."

"There was no word of her coming in."

"That rumor of two unknown Pokemon and Kyogre had her in it."

"She's a Pokemon?"

Ash shrugged. "Still need the full story, so I'm not sure. The two unknown Pokemon, however, are Darkrai and Cresselia. Both are Sinnoh Legendaries. I need their stories, too. In the case of Kyogre, it came in because my mother came in. Anything else is in the air."

Nett nodded. "Alright, I'll get to work on this. I'll let you know when I find something you could use."

Ash nodded. "Thanks Nett. Now, I have to upgrade my bike, and head over to Agate."

-2 hours later, above ground-

It was reaching Mid-afternoon, and Ash was testing out the Upgrades, to see if they fit in with the designs. After all the tests were done, he looked over at Rui, who was just watching him work on it, Pikachu next to her. "It's done, and ready. I won't be going Top Speed yet, though. We should be at Agate by Nightfall if we leave now."

Rui nodded. "Alright then. We should get going."

She got in the sidecar, Pikachu in her lap. Hey Ash?

"What's up?"

You sure you can tell your mother about our Adventures?

"If I don't, I'm pretty sure Darkrai will."

How would he know?

"He followed us since after Mt. Moon." Ash said, bringing his Goggles down. "Now Hold on. The ride may be a little bumpy, due to the new equipment settling in. It definitely was last time. I may have to re-tune it again, after a bit."

Rui was concerned. "Are you sure it'll work?"

"If I don't go Top Speed, it won't break apart, if that's what you're asking." Ash answered, earning a sigh. "Listen Rui, if something goes wrong, and my calculations were off, then I'll slow down and work on it. I have my tools. I'll be fine, and I'll make sure you're not hurt in the process."

She nodded. You do know that this'll probably hurt, right?

"Won't hurt as much as that Groudon." Ash pointed out.

Only you could say that, and I'd believe you.

"Yeah, and that's because you saw it happen." Ash retorted. "Hang on, Rui."

She did, and the bike took off. It had taken a good 2 hours to get to Agate Village, which Ash checked out the moment they stopped. "Why don't you take Pikachu and let your Grandfather know we're here? I'll need to do a bit of adjusting, but otherwise, it's fine."

"Alright, but only if Pikachu wants to."

He's got ketchup. I'm in. Pikachu answered.

"Then let's get going!" Rui smiled at the Pikachu, before they took off.

Ash continued to work on his bike for ten minutes before Rui came back with Delia, Cress, and Micheal. Pikachu was on Rui's left shoulder. Eagun walked behind them, but kept an eye on Ash. "Wes, they didn't want to wait." Rui said.

He sighed. "Well, the adjustments should be fine for a test, but I guess it'll have to wait." He looked at Eagun. "Sorry it took so long, but I had to upgrade my bike. It was around the time for a tune up, and I built it myself, after all."

Delia didn't say a word, before embracing Ash. "Ash... You're really okay..."

He returned her embrace, and felt tears trail down his back. He closed his own eyes a few trailed down hers. Rui noticed, and looked slightly depressed. "Mom... I'm sorry." He whispered.

"No... I'm sorry." She choked between shallow breaths. "I... I should've told you... I..."

"Mom..." She stopped talking and her tears doubled in number and force. They stayed that way for 5 minutes, before Delia pulled away.


"I guess we can start with why it happened, and go from there." Ash said, in a soft voice. "And I think Rui should be there for this."

Delia nodded, the fact that she was crying still showing. He led them to the Relic forest, Eagun simply following in silence.

Next to Celebi's Relic Stone, Delia gave her story. What caused her to go on a Rampage, and lose control of herself, and then the punishment. Then her life adjusting to being a Normal Human. Finally, it ended when she met Micheal, she avoided calling him Darkrai, and ended off when she found she was pregnant with Ash.

Ash, throughout the entire thing, was silent. He was trying to gauge each word, and figuring out if she lied on any point. What he found shocked him, though he didn't show it. He knew she didn't lie or embellish any point. Rui, however, knew that he was shocked, even if he didn't show it.

"Ash, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but would you have believed me if I did?" Delia asked.

Ash sighed. "If you told me that before my journey, no. After I went through the Johto League, on the other hand, I figure that I probably would have. My journey has been so hectic and Dangerous, so much so that I'm pretty sure my own Mother being a Kyogre would explain why."

"You can't really believe what she's saying so easily." Eagun pointed out.

"If you say I'm too trusting, Eagun, then I'm sorry to disappoint you. I used my own Aura to figure out if any points were even slight lies. Not one word was a single lie, exaggeration, or understatement. You can't lie to the Aura." Ash explained. "That is the reason I believe her... That and it would make a lot more sense in my life than a lot of things... it would also explain why that Groudon kicked me, too. Not even Dialga and Palkia were as aggressive towards me as Groudon."

"All Groudon have an ingrained hatred for Kyogre. It's in their Genetics. With time, they can get over it, but it takes decades to do so. Same with most Kyogre." Delia explained.

Ash looked at Micheal. "Your turn. I want to know the full story."

Micheal sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, before speaking. He knew he was being judged, but he had to tell the truth. No. He wanted to tell the truth. He spoke of how he met Delia, where he stayed, and how he managed to live in disguise. Then he told everyone present of how he had to leave, and why. He said he left a note before he had to leave, which Delia confirmed. "I'm sorry I had to leave, but I wasn't willing to face them, and let you and Delia take the fall with me. I left to protect you both. Even then, I kept an eye on you the moment I found out you started your own journey as a Pokemon Trainer. I had made it my personal mission to watch over you. I owed it to you, and Delia. I wasn't there before, but at least I could watch out for you from the shadows. I'm sure you remember the little detour between Cerulean and Vermillion, correct?"

Ash nodded. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say it was you guiding me that time."

Micheal nodded. "I was. I knew of the Charmander being mistreated. I also figured you'd give him a better home and family than that guy. And I was right. I was trying to guide you to him, before the rain came that day. The Krabby, the Dragonite, the Charmander, the Bulbasaur, I led you to them. I figured they could help you on your journey."

Ash sighed, and ran a hand through his silver hair. "Man, that explains a lot more. And, if you don't mind my asking, was it you that got May, Max, Brock and I to the Marina Group for Manaphy?"

Micheal nodded. "It was also my fault for a few other incidents, but those were the only two that were intentional. Besides, you got your Stubborn Determination from me. The time in Alamos Town may have been caused by me, but that wouldn't kill me. If you can survive a blast like that, so can I."

Ash chuckled. "Yeah... I guess that's true. Since you both told me the truth, I'll fill you in on my own journeys. Particularly, the points my mother doesn't know about."

He then went into his own journeys. His battles on New Island with Mewtwo, the truth of the Orange islands, when he met Entei, Latios and Latias in Altomare. "You can ask Bianca about that one." Was his comment there. He then continued on with the time he met Celebi and Suicune. "I have a feeling that Sammy was really Professor Oak, but that's never been proven... that and I didn't ask." Then he went into the time he met Jirachi, and what that Team Magma Scientist did, including the Groudon. "That was my first brush with a Groudon, and the thing kicked me over 100 feet. Still surprised I didn't die from that." Ash commented.

Delia sighed. "Fake or not, it's still a Groudon. The hatred is still there."

Ash chuckled. "Tell me about it."

"Why do you think I stay out of Hoenn?" Delia questioned.

"Point taken." Ash replied with a smile, before going into his encounter with Deoxys. "The guy was a pain, but also horribly misunderstood."

Micheal nodded. "Sounds like Deoxys to me."

Cress nodded as well. "I agree. That does sound like Deoxys."

Ash shrugged. "Only time I ever met him."

Rui just watched in silence, as did Eagun. Ash then went into his time in Rota, with the Lucario. "It's when I realized how much I could do, and that I could become an Aura Guardian. I'm more self taught than most, though, and I've been getting a few tips from Riolu. Recreating Nightmare was pretty easy, and I used that a few times. It's the only Pokemon move I can use, but that's because I've been using it for some time, even during my Amnesia."

Micheal shook his head. "It's instinctual. You know how to do it, because you're my son. You have the blood of a Darkrai in you."

Ash scratched his cheek. "Yeah, I got that much." Ash then went into his little adventure with the Marina Group, and the Manaphy. "Phantom was more of a robot, than a pirate. A lot of crazy things happened that time."

"I can only imagine. Manaphy is the Prince of the Sea, after all." Delia pointed out. "Perhaps I should tell May what I am, and that I can have Manaphy return to her."

Ash shook his head with a smile. "I don't think she'll need it, but she would like it... You just don't have to tell her you're a Kyogre. I doubt Arceus would like that."

"Ash, I'm still human, and I'll age like one. When I die, I die as a human. Not a Kyogre. I actually enjoyed my time as a Human, and I have a son I need to watch over. Why do you think I turned down taking back my old form Four Years ago? The reason was you."

"Mom..." Ash shook his head. "I guess I should've seen that coming."

"You're right. You should have." Delia pointed out. "I figure there's more to your adventure than this."

Ash nodded. "You're right. The next one happened in Alamos town."

"I already told her that one." Micheal pointed out. "I also had to explain how you survived a Roar of Time and a Spacial Rend hitting you at once. All I did was activate your Dark Type Abilities and made a shield around you. It's how I lived. It's how you lived."

"Well, I'll explain it anyway." And so he did. Rui's eyes widened.

"How could you just talk about this stuff as it was nothing?"

"Because, Rui, that's pretty much become the norm around me. I just got used to it." Ash shrugged. "Really, It doesn't really mean much that I meet Rare Pokemon on a frequent Basis. Crazy stuff happens around me so often, it's kind of expected. Anyway, there are two more major brushes with Legendaries I should probably mention. The next one is when I actually went through the Reverse World, or Distortion World, if you prefer that term."

He went into his adventure with Shaymin, and Giratina. That one was far more dangerous, but Delia shook her head. "Only one who has been to Giratina's realm would understand that."

"Yeah, I didn't even tell Professor Oak that one. He either wouldn't believe me, or would go on a rant that I'd tune out pretty quickly." Ash admitted. "Even talking about it now, I think it's crazy. Distortion World doesn't follow our world's Logic. That's the biggest reason I don't really talk about that one often."

"And the other one?" Rui asked. She was hooked on the stories. She also knew he wasn't kidding about them.

"The other one was when Arceus lost control of himself." He looked at Micheal and Cress. "I'm sure you two both know about that. Some guy took the jewel of Life, I had to get it back. I did, and stopped his rampage." He then went into the details for those that didn't know. "Yeah... I get into Weird situations more times that I really know what to do with." He sighed. "That's why I have to stop Cipher. Their Potential Threat is much larger than Team Rocket, Team Galactic, Team Aqua and Team Magma at their highest. I know what the Legendary Pokemon are capable of. I've seen and experienced it firsthand. They got their hands on Entei, Suicune and Raikou, so who's to say they can't do so to other Legendaries if they can catch and find them?"

Eagun, Rui, Delia, Micheal and Cress all nodded. They understood the implications of what Cipher was doing, and they also knew they had someone who knew what would happen if they expanded.

"But Ash, aren't you scared?" Eagun asked. "I mean, even if you do know what could happen..."

Ash nodded. "I know what could happen, and I'll be honest, it does scare me. But right now, they're not that strong. They could do it, but as it stands, they're not able to. Even if the Potential scares me, that won't stop me from stopping them in their tracks. I did the same with Team Aqua and Team Magma in Hoenn. I did the same with Team Galactic in Sinnoh. Sure, they scared me, but I pushed past that fear. I'm simply taking it like I would seeing a Legendary Pokemon. It's really nothing new to me. Even so, the Entei they had here was the same one I ran into before. The Suicune was the same one I ran into in the forest."

Delia sighed. "Talk about a messed up life."

Ash shrugged. "Eh, I'm used to it. In fact, I kind of expect it now." His face then turned serious. "But now you all know why I'm after Cipher. They can't be allowed to run any longer."

Rui nodded. "We've got you there. Maybe we can do something about it."

Ash nodded at her with a small smile, which soon turned into a small frown. "Rui, I know this is going to be a dangerous run. This is a major threat, and something that could eventually destroy the world. I'm not willing to let that happen, and I hate to ask this, but..." He sighed. "Do you still want to come with me on this journey?"

Eagun's eyes widened. Ash held a hand up before he can comment. "She's a strong girl, Eagun. I have to admit that, seeing it firsthand. She may not be much of a battler, but she's a good person to have around, and she's good company, but it could very well put her life in danger. I ask, because I know how stubborn she can be, and, even if you try to stop her, she'll try and sneak out anyway. The choice is hers, not mine. Not yours." He then looked at her in the eyes. "Rui, the choice is yours. Follow me with a Life Risk, or stay here where its safe. Which will you choose?"

Rui crossed her arms in thought. After 30 seconds, she nodded. "Count me in. I've come this far, I might as well go all the way."

Ash sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Saw that coming. I just had to ask."

"Wait, if you knew then..." Cress was cut off by a hand. Micheal's hand.

"Cress, the reason he asked is so that she knows she has the choice. He's not making her come along, and he wants to make sure she knows it. Even if he knows the answer, it's better that she chooses herself." He explained. "She made her choice."

Ash nodded at the explanation. "He's right. That's why I asked."

Rui shook her head. "Ash, you know that it doesn't really matter to me what you've done. You're a good person at heart. I trust you. I know that, should something happen to me, you'd already be down and out, and we all know that that isn't going to happen anytime soon."

Everyone, minus Eagun, chuckled at that. Ash rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah... I've had my fair share of death. If I had to be honest, it doesn't really scare me anymore. After coming close to death so many times, and even dying five times, it's lost its luster, in my opinion."

"This is all too crazy to believe." Eagun said.

"Well, I could say it gets worse, but really, I think that's a moot point." Ash admitted. "Here in Orre, I've been known as Wes Antilles. Before that, I was Ash Ketchum. The guy who doesn't have to look for trouble, because it'll find him."

Micheal nodded. "It comes with being the Chosen One, Ash. You just got used to it."

Ash hummed. "You guys want to know my initial reaction to Allen telling me that you," He pointed at Micheal. "Were both a Darkrai and my father, my mother," His finger shifted to Delia. "Was a Kyogre, and here in Orre, even with the Blockade, and that you," He shifted his finger again towards Cress. "Were really a Cresselia, and Rui's mother?"

Delia looked slightly worried, but nodded. "What was it?"

"Pardon the language, but it was a Major Mind fuck. It may not be the biggest curveball sent my way, but it's definitely up there." Ash stated.

Delia was about to use a frying pan but Ash dodged it. "I did warn you about my language, mom." He looked at her, only to get a rolling pin to the face.

"Don't think the Frying Pan is all I've got, either." She frown at him. "You really need to watch your language."

"Mom? There's no kids around here, and with what I've done in my life, do you really expect me to not use those words? Sometimes, there's nothing else that fits." Ash countered. "Although, there was another reason I wanted you guys to come here."

Delia and Eagun blinked. "Another reason?" Eagun questioned, confused.

Ash nodded. "Yeah, I figured if I'm gonna tell her, I might as well tell her now." He looked at Rui. "Rui, we have been through a lot. You know that, and you probably already know what I'm feeling too."

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"I open my heart to you. Take a look into it." Ash stated, confusing everyone but Cress, who's eyes widened.

Rui closed her eyes, and saw into his heart, and the message he wanted to convey. When she opened them, she hugged him and claimed his lips. Eagun didn't understand this, but knew something was up.

Delia and Micheal blinked, while Cress sighed. "I really should've seen that coming."

When they pulled apart, they looked into each other's eyes. "I feel the same way, Ash." This caused more confusion in Eagun, but realization in Delia's and Micheal's eyes.

He gave her a smile. "For that, I'm glad."

"Can anyone fill me in on this?" Eagun asked, thoroughly confused.

Delia nodded. "My son just asked her to be his girlfriend by having her look into his heart using her Aura."

"It happens to be a natural ability of mine." Rui added. "I didn't know where it came from at first but..." She looked at Cress. "I think I do now."

Cress nodded. "It was supposed to only be for when they're asleep, though."

Rui shook her head. "It started out that way, but I got it to the point I can do it at will. It's how I find a Shadow Pokemon, at least before I started to use Aura Sense it was. I can't feel the heart of a Shadow Pokemon. Any other Pokemon I can, but not Shadow Pokemon."

Ash nodded. "While in Orre, I'm still called Wes. I really don't mind, cause that's what I've been called since I got here two years ago." He then looked up. "It's getting late. We should get some rest."

Delia nodded. "We'll get a room at the Pokemon Center."

Micheal and Cress nodded. Ash looked at Eagun. "I don't suppose you could let them stay at your place?"

Eagun sighed. "If they really are your parents, then I know all I need to. You are a good person. A Trouble Magnet and a Legend Magnet, but you have a good heart. If they show any reason for distrust, they're out."

Delia shook her head. "I think me and Micheal will be fine elsewhere."

Ash shook his head. "Mom, you need an actual bed. Trust me, it'll be well worth it."

Delia sighed. "And what about you?"

"I'm used to the ground, trees, and even worse places." Ash pointed out. "I've slept in weird positions, in dangerous places, and never lost a wink of sleep. I'll be fine. But Rui, I think you should go up there, too."

"Why me?"

"Rui, you already said you'd come with, and I won't be leaving until Nett lets me know what's in that Data Packet we got from the lab we blew up." Ash explained. "We'll be here for a while, so you don't have to worry about me leaving you behind. I also have to finish recalibrating my Hoverbike. There's a multitude of things I have to do with it, just to make sure it won't break down on me."

Rui was hesitant, but nodded. "I see, but..." She was cut off.

"Do you trust me?" Ash questioned. She blinked in confusion. "Rui, Do you trust me?" His voice held a tinge of seriousness.


"Then trust that I know what I'm doing, and that I won't leave you behind." Ash replied, before having to hide a smirk. "Besides, Pikachu will be going with you. Insurance that I'll stick around, if that's what you want."

Rui and Pikachu blinked. You serious?

Ash nodded, while Rui just looked between. "Ash, why would you..."

"Rui, I left Pikachu alone for two years because of Amnesia. I'm not about to leave him to the wolves again. He's more than a friend to me. He's a brother, and I don't plan on abandoning him. Even if I do leave the village, I'm not leaving the general area. Not without Pikachu. Not this time." Ash told her, his voice all out serious.

Rui nodded, this time more resolutely. "Alright."

Ash looked at the Pikachu on his shoulder. "I'm trusting you with her Safety, Pikachu. You know that if we don't go looking for Trouble, it'll look for us."

Isn't that just you? Pikachu questioned.

"Remember that time when you were with Dawn, back before the Sinnoh League?" Ash questioned.

What about it? Pikachu asked. All others were confused.

"What happened?"

"Long story short, there are only a few times that Pikachu and I were ever separated, and neither was our fault. The first time was in Rota, which I already told you. The other was before I met Dawn. When I finally met up with Dawn, as it turned out, her bike was fried with a Thunderbolt. Until I met back up with Pikachu, I had no trouble, aside from not being around Pikachu. Found Brock, and I met Dawn alongside Pikachu. That was the beginning of the Sinnoh League for me." Ash explained.

And... What does that have to do with me?

"You weren't around, and I didn't get into any trouble. At all. I found you, Trouble found me..." Ash then grinned. "Or should I say, as they put it, 'Make it double'?"

Oh Arceus no! Do NOT quote those freaks! Pikachu groaned.

"Freaks?" Rui questioned.

"Jessie, James, and their Meowth. Three members of Team Rocket that's followed the two of us from the very beginning... Starting from when I rode Misty's bike into them as Pikachu used a Thundershock on top of it. That would also mark the beginning of "Classic Ash" as my friends would call it."

Micheal sighed. "I started watching near the end of Mount Moon, to be honest. I heard about your Journey, and got going as soon as I could. Those three are a nuisance, but you know that they've helped you when you needed it."

Ash nodded. "I question their motives sometimes, even now, really. Even so, that Motto of theirs was a pain."

"Motto?" Delia asked.

Ash shivered. "Yeah... I'm not going into it."

Micheal then grinned. "But I will!"

Ash looked alarmed, as did Pikachu. Rui noticed, and looked at Ash in confusion. She couldn't say anything, before Micheal started.

Even though Cress had the first line.

"To protect the world from devastation," She started in a strangely accurate 'Jessie" Impression.

"To unite all people within our Nation," Micheal continued impersonating James.

"To denounce the evils of Truth and love"

"To extend our reach to the stars above"



"Team Rocket, blasting off at the speed of..." Cress fell down, snoring. Ash's eye was twitching.

"It's bad enough that they revamped it too many times. I don't like the original. At all." He stated, thoroughly annoyed.

"Oh come on!" Micheal groaned. "It's funny to embarrass them like that!" He then passed out, for no apparent reason.

Ash sighed. "Yeah... Doesn't work when they're not here."

"Who's not here?" Ash stilled, before turning to the female voice.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Ash said in a barely pissed off tone.

"Over the wind," A female said.

"Past the stars," This one was male.

"Pikachu, White Burst Stream!" Ash interrupted them.

Finally! Pikachu jumped down, glowed Yellow, and fired a large Pale Blue beam with White Lightning surrounding it straight at the newcomers.

"Team Rocket's Blasting off again!" Everyone that was conscious heard. Ash was growling, but Riolu came out of his Pokeball, and smacked Ash with Aura.

"Riolu!" Ash scolded.

"What? You were about to lose it... Again." He retorted.

Ash sighed. "Yeah... thanks."

"Don't mention it!" Riolu gave an Impish grin.

"Guess we better hit the sack, huh?" Ash looked at all of those that were conscious.

Rui nodded. "I'm staying down here with you."

Ash looked at her, "Rui..."

"Not a word. I'm staying, and there's nothing you can say that will change my mind." Rui retorted, her voice still resolute.

Ash sighed. "I'm never gonna catch a break, am I buddy?" Pikachu nodded.

No luck for you here.

"Tell me something I don't know." Ash replied, before continuing. "And I don't mean that literally!"

Pikachu crossed his tiny arms. Fine...

Delia blinked. "What's so bad about that?"

"Last time revealed shocking information that I'd rather not repeat." Ash answered. "And trust me. If you heard it, you'd have the same reaction I did."

Eagun shook his head. "How bad can it be?"

Rui walked up to him and whispered in his ear, causing his eyes to widen. "You're kidding?"

Rui shook her head. "That's what he said. I almost didn't believe it myself."

Ash sighed. "Again, not something I like, nor do I want to think about."

Delia sighed. "Alright. I guess I'll have to bring these two up myself."

Ash blinked and looked at Micheal and Cress, before snapping. The two woke up, confused. "What happened?" Micheal asked.

"You passed out." Ash answered. "Before you ask how, I have no idea."

Micheal blinked. "Oh. Alright."

'Thank Arceus he doesn't remember!' Ash thought, while keeping his face neutral.


Chapter Complete.