Marbles on Glass
1. Shoes for Orphans

Be a nice lady, now. Build us a pair of shoes for little Chell here."

GLaDOS stares at the creatures in disgust. There is him, the usual science face who survived – there is the bundle, white cloth, dark hair, and a pair of rosy bare feet.

Not even Morality can keep her few thoughts in line. The small piece of flesh wails too loud. Just like their faces – the sheer desperation of a man and a woman.

Murder, she thought back then. Murder she thinks.

She fades to black.

GLaDOS Emergency Shutdown 100% complete

Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit test


As the introduction says, this is going to be collection of 100-word drabbles. There is no plan behind the updates or the chapters. I hope you will enjoy your stay!