Code Mystery

Chapter 4: Winx

As many of you know, due to the Supercomputer being inactive for a while, the Ice and Forest Sectors had mysteriously disappeared. Well one morning at Kadic, everyone had just woken up and went to breakfast, Aelita, however, was in a very bad mood (something very out of character for her).

"This is Alex Dynamite and Colton Rainyday signing off," said Chase and Perry (now known as Colton Rainyday) on the radio. The Lyoko Warriors were eating at their usual table, bringing up the missing sectors, with Aelita just being cold throughout dinner.

"So, wait, you guys don't know what happened to the other two sectors," asked Laura.

"None whatsoever," said Aelita in a cold tone.

"Well, maybe we can bring them back like before," said Jeremie, the youngest of this group.

"Whatever," remarked Aelita coldly. The others just stared her, knowing that she wouldn't normally behave this way.

"Aelita, are you okay?"

"I'm just fine, Einstein, so just lay off!"

Jeremie was completely shocked that Aelita would say something like that to him and ran out of the cafeteria with tears in his eyes. The others, especially Laura and Ulrich, got extremely angry with her.

"What is wrong with you," Odd asked Aelita, angrily, "You hurt his feelings!"

"I'm sorry, okay," said Aelita, defensively, "I'm just in a bad mood today."

"That doesn't make it right to yell at him, Aelita," said Yumi, "Jeremie loves you and he's trying to help you, you should at least apologize."

"Please," said Aelita, "He'll get over it."

"Hello? Anyone in there?" asked William, "Did you already forget that Jeremie's the baby of this group, he's extremely vulnerable to hurtful comments like yours." Ulrich just got disgusted and walked out of the cafeteria to find Jeremie.

He found Jeremie sitting by a tree, crying, Aelita really hurt him this time. Ulrich sat next to his young friend and laid one arm around him. Jeremie was completely aware of Ulrich's presense and he leaned up closer to his chest and cried in his shirt. Ulrich manages to calm him slightly by stroking his hair.

"I don't understand, Ulrich," said Jeremie, still crying, "Why would she say that to me?"

"She's just in a bad mood, little buddy, don't cry," said Ulrich, wraping another arm around Jeremie rubbing his back, already sensing that the young blonde couldn't take the pinkette's mood swings any longer. "Why don't I take you downtown after lessons, we could get some ice cream. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Jeremie nodded. With that, the boys got up and headed for class.

For the rest of the day, Aelita refused to sit next to Jeremie, when he waved she just ignored him, giving him the hand. Apparently, Aelita doesn't want to speak with him at the moment, so during classes, he sat with Ulrich and after lessons the two boys went for ice cream. When they came back, it was recess, so they hung out with the others, they could tell Jeremie was crying because his eyes were still red. Aelita was late joining them because she ended up in detention for bad mouthing her teachers and cursing Herve and Nicholas out, while in detention she calmed down a little bit.

"Alright, Aelita, talk," William demanded, "What's up with you today that your in such a bad mood?"

Aelita sighed, "I had a nightmare last night and it's really starting to get to me. I think that something bad might happen to us. I fear that X.A.N.A. may try something."

"Not while we're around," said Jeremie, who had finally stopped crying thanks to Ulrich, who had his arm around him. Aelita calmed down completely and walked towards Jeremie.

"Listen, Jeremie," Aelita started, "I was a real witch. I'm sorry for yelling at you this morning, you know I'd never mean to."

"Apology accepted," replied Jeremie as he hugs Aelita.

(N/A: Since, this is supposed to be a Winx crossover, I think it's high time we caught up with them)

Meanwhile, at the Alfea College for Fairies, class was commenceing and the Winx were in Headmistress Faragonda's office with Eldora, Daphne, and Roxy.

"Winx," started Faragonda, "We have reason to believe that magic had awoken outside of France."

"You mean that kids there have discovered their powers," asked Bloom.

"That's what it seems like. Apparently they are earthling versions of the 6 of you."

"Say what," asked Musa, shocked and confused.

"It's true," said Daphne, "The scans show that a young man from Scotland has the same power as Aisha."

"Wait," said Aisha, "You mean there's someone outside of Andros has water magic?"

"Yes," said Faragonda, "And we have also discovered that a young woman from Japan has the same power as Flora."

"Wow," said Flora, "Someone outside of Linphea with nature magic, I never would have imagined."

"As for you, Stella, a German boy has your power."

"You mean, someone outside of Solaria has the power of the Sun and the Moon," asked Stella, "Freaky."

"Yes, and someone outside of Meldoy has your music power, Musa."

"Woah," said Musa, "Who?"

"It's a boy from America. And Tecna, there someone that has pink hair, like you, that has the power of technology."

"Outside of Zenith," asked Tecna, "Wow."

"And let me guess," said Bloom, "There's someone outside of Domino that has the Dragon's Flame, right?"

"Yes, Bloom," said Daphne, "It's a very young French boy. Ever since magic came back to Earth, everyone has seemed to discover their powers."

"What do they look like," Roxy asked as Eldora brought up every last one of their pictures - a black haired scottish man, a japanese woman, a brown-haired german man, a spiky haired boy, a pink haired girl, and a little blonde boy with black glasses - and Roxy recognized the nerdy blonde immediately.

"Jeremiah?" Faragonda, Eldora, Daphne, and the Winx look at her strangely.

"You know him, Roxy," asked the Nymph of Domino.

"Yes, that's my little cousin. He goes to a school called Kadic Academy which is in France."

"I'll bet the Trix would want something with him and his friends since they're so inexperienced," stated Aisha.

"You're right, Aisha," said Eldora, "Which is why you must find them and train them."

"It won't be easy," said Bloom, "First we have to earn their trust. Jeremiah might trust Roxy, but not the rest of us."

"Actually," said Roxy, "I haven't seen him in a few years, he barely visits Gardenia anymore."

"But, still," said Daphne, "He should trust you, especially with any secrets he, himself, may have."

"There's no time to waste, then," said Bloom.

"Bloom's right," agreed Aisha, "We have to get to the kids before the Trix do."

"Got it," said the others as they used their magic to teleport to France along with Daphne.


Meanwhile, back in France, the Lyoko Warriors went to the Factory to bring the Ice Sector back to life, to which they succeed.

"Okay," said Jeremie, "The Ice Sector is reborn, now to bring back to the Forest Sec-"

"No," said Aelita grabbing his wrist, "Not yet. Look." She pointed towards the screen and they saw a light blue Guardian in the Ice Sector.

"Ronnie," the group says in unison.

"Laura," said Jeremie, "Call Chase and Perry."

"On it," said Laura as the group race towards the scanner. Jeremie was about to step into one until Ulrich stopped him, wanting to be virtualized with him, so William, Yumi, and Odd went first.

"Transfer: William! Trasfer: Yumi! Transfer: Odd," called Laura as she started the process.

"Scanner: William! Scanner: Yumi! Scanner: Odd!...Virtualization! Okay, next."

Jeremie, Aelita, and Ulrich later stepped into their scanners.

"Transfer: Ulrich! Transfer: Aelita! Transfer: Jeremie! Scanner: Ulrich! Scanner: Aelita! Scanner: Jeremie! Virtualization!"

With a touch of a button, all of the warriors were on Lyoko and they discover that some things have changed since they last left it. For instance, their were auora lights shining over the sector and snow was falling from it for some strange reason.

"O-kay," said Odd, "Strange."

"I just called Chase and Perry," said Laura, "They're on their way." Then, the vehicles virtualized in front of them. Each of them got on their respective vehicle while William, Aelita, and Jeremie took to the sky (A/N: I decided for this chapter, I'd give William back his levitation ability) and the group took off to their destination.


Meanwhile, back at Kadic, in the Headmaster's office.

"It is a very wonderful pleasure to finally have you here, Winx," said Mr. Delmas.

"We are very honored to be here, Jean-Pierre," said Bloom, "We were wondering if we could speak to some students of yours, we've just got word that they might have powers as well."


"Yes, we're looking for 6 children named William Dunbar, Yumi Ishiyama, Ulrich Stern, Odd Della Robbia, Aelita Stones, and Jeremiah Belpois."

"Jeremiah? Oh, you mean Jeremie."

"Yes, he's Roxy's younger cousin."

"So, you say that they show signs of being fairies?"

"Or wizards."

"Please, Mr. Delmas," said Roxy, "I have to find him. He and his friends might not know how to control their powers yet."

"Okay, there's one more person with them. Laura Gauthier, she's the younger sister of Theo Gauthier," said Mr. Delmas, "I'll phone her immediately."


Back on Lyoko, Chase and Perry land in and Perry discovers his new outfit on Lyoko which happened to be a jumpsuit with parrot wings.

"Let's go," said Chase as he and Perry flew off to the other's direction...Meanwhile, back with the Lyoko Warriors.

"Guys," said Laura, "Chase and Perry are on their way. Also, Mr. Delmas called looking for Jeremie." That stopped the group in their tracks.

"Why is he looking for me," asked Jeremie.

"You're cousin wanted to see you. Someone named Roxy."

"Roxy? You mean Fairy of Animals Roxy?"

"Wait," said Odd, "You know one of the Winx?"

"Roxanne? Yeah, she's my older cousin. But, why would she be here?"

"She knows about your powers," said Laura.

"She does?"

"Yes, I'll bring you in a soon as Chase and Perry arrive," said Laura. And right after the boys arrive, Jeremie was materalized back to Earth and goes to meet his cousin, while on Lyoko, the rest the group was racing against time to get to the tower, though Yumi could sense Aelita's troubles.

"Is everything okay, Aelita," asked Yumi.

"I'm worried about Jeremie," said Aelita, "Do you think he might actually trust Roxy with our secret?"

"I don't know, but if he does it's okay, as long as Roxy promises not to tell anyone."

"I just don't understand why he keeps his mouth shut about his family," said William, "What gives?"

"Maybe he's taking up after Ulrich," joked Odd, which earned him a punch in the face from Ulrich.


Meanwhile, in the Princial's office, Jeremie meets the Winx for the first time. Roxy walks up to her short cousin and pulls him into a hug, as soon as she lets go, the Principal walks out so they could talk.

"How did you know," asked Jeremie.

"Ms. Faragonda sensed your powers," said Roxy, "We want you and your friends to come with us to the Magic Dimension. We could teach you to use your magic."

"I don't know, Roxanne, I'll have to speak to my friends about that."

"Okay, I understand."

"You can go speak to them now if you want," said Bloom, "We'll wait outside for you."

"Thanks," said Jeremie as he left the office and back to the factory.


Meanwhile, the others reach the Guardian and they do a convergence to free Ronnie, Chase and Perry fly her to the nearest inactive tower and she regains her life points as the others are devirtualized by Laura and the group meets back up with Jeremie.

Ulrich scoops the blonde nerd up in his arms and causing Jeremie to blush a little. The young boy, later, explains to the group that the Winx want to meet them and want them to go to the Magic Dimension, to which they all agreed to. That's when they walked up to the Winx.

"We all thought about it, Winx," said Jeremie, "And we definately want to go to the Magic Dimension."

"That's great news," exclaimed Bloom with extreme excitement as the Winx opened a portal. After that, the Lyoko Warriors follow them to the Magic Dimension.